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Subject: I'm procrastinating.

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Date Posted: Sun, Mar 14 2004, 9:43:10 am PST

I'm also taking the fine art of avoidance to a new level. Did you ever have one of those days when you just know that no matter what you do, it's going to turn out to be wrong?
So here's my list of Things I Plan On Doing Today To Avoid Doing What I Should REALLY Be Doing:

1. Go to the grocery store with my husband to pick out cheese. We need cheese, and clearly this is something he can't do by himself.

2. Go to the mall with my daughter to pick out jewelry to match her prom dress. However, since her last mention of prom included the statement "I'm not going this year", she won't know why we're looking at jewelry. She may change her mind, and then where would she be? Jewelryless - that's where.

3. Watch "Wonderfalls" with hubby and daughter. Obviously, I need to see them enjoying this show. It will promote family togetherness. That's very important.

4. Organize my sock drawer. Hey, I hide things in there. There could be money. Which would pay for the jewelry my daughter doesn't want for the dance she isn't going to.

I just know if I plan this right, these things will take all day, thus leaving me no time to do the thing I really should be doing that wild horses will not force me to do. So there.

Dogtrot: Thanks for the suggestion. *s*
5. Buy Maalox.

Mazzy: I've missed you. *s*
I can't call my WB affiliate because they're in Chicago. That would be long-distance. We don't do long-distance at our house. Ever. It's a thing. But thanks for the suggestion. *s*
How would you feel if Seth did a guest spot on "Angel" and * he hooked up with Nina? I can't really see her with Angel (she's too normal......other than the werewolf thing). I think they'd make a cute couple. Then we could have an episode where Willow visits the gang, finds out about Oz and Nina, and has a reaction to the news. What sort of reaction? I have no idea - I'm just sort of babbling here. *g* *

Jessica: Hi! Welcome!
Yes, "Buffy" rocks! So who's your favorite character? Season? Episode?

EmilyBoo: *waves back and helps herself to a piece of cheese*
Thanks! *s*

LotD: I'm having a great weekend! See my list. *eg* How's yours?

Almond looks down at her arm and sees a fork sticking out of it. Hmm...guess I'm done.

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