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Whispering Woods
You enter the gorgeous meadow and gasp at its beauty. You had been wandering for days through an equally beautiful wood that the creatures there had told you was called Whispering Woods, and finally you had reached this huge clearing surrounded by oak, elm, ash and cedar as well as fragrent evergreens. Around the base of a huge beech tree in the center of the clearing are patches of bright green moss. Sparkling amongst the moss are bluebells, lily-of-the-valley, snowdrops and scilla. You slowly walk further into the meadow, and sense the strong Deep Magic all around you. It almost seems to shimmer in the air. A cool wind caresses your flanks as the warm sun heats your back pleasently. You take another step and notice an enormously deep, perfectly round pond that reflects the deep blue sky and sparkles white on the wavelets when the sun hits them right. Planted around the pond are three large, old weeping willows that drape their delicate tendrils gracefully on the water's surface. You shake your head in wonderment at the exotic, magical beauty of this place and then start when you notice something. At first you think you are imagining it, so you shake your head and blink. But no, he's still there. A beautiful horse. He steps forward and you can see right away that he's an Arabian, a Straight Egyptian one for sure. His gleaming black mane ripples over his graceful arched neck and his flowing ebony tail falls in a dark fountain to his hocks. His coat is an incredibly glossy dappled mahogany bay. He prances gracefully towards you and you notice his extremely elegant, artistic and delicate head, so finely sculpted that a few small bones and veins are visible through his smooth skin. He halts smoothly in front of you and you realize that he towers over you--being near eighteen hands--and that springing from the middle of his dished forehead is a twisted silver horn sharpened to a deadly point. His deep, dark, kind and very wise eyes sparkle and he says quietly in a deep, resonant and somehow commanding tone, "Excuse me, this isn't my normal state..." And with that, in a shimmer of silver light, he's around fifteen hands and without the horn. "Greetings," he says as he flicks his sparkling tail. You nod, amazed, and bow, realizing who this is. "I am Tucker, the King of all the Land of Pure Spirits," he tells you, even though you already know. "I would like it," he continues, "if you would stay here and help my own herd grow, but of course you may go where you wish. If you ever need anything or have any problems, come to me and I will be glad to help you." You nod, still unable to say anything. Wow, this is amazing! I'm actually meeting the king! But wait, where is his mate? you think. "I have no mate." Tucker says, as if reading your mind. You look around, still amazed by the site of this land. As you turn to say thank you,you see that th stallion is gone. The wind lifts your forelock as you try to decide what to do next.

King: Tucker
Queen: None
Alpha Stallion: None
Alpha Mare: None
Beta Stallion: None
Beta Mare: None
Delta Stallion: None
Delta Mare: None
Sigma Stallion: None
Sigma Mare: None
Herd Stallions: None
Herd Mares: None
Colts: None
Fillies: None
(I know everyone is wondering, who the heck! Magic Dream gave the site to me, and I desided that it would be the same if I was Magic Dream, so I made another character. Fairly, if you would like to be Alpha mare, you may.)

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