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Subject: Advanced ambulating teams coming home to kids to perform intrusive exams and treatments

Knut Holt
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Date Posted: Sunday, December 02, 2018, 04:36: am

Advanced teams ambulating to exam and treat children at home

By Knut Holt

In many areas in the world there exist medical services with teams that ambulate in great cars or vans to the homes of kids to perform avanced exams or treatments. They come when a child gets sick or have problems, and they come to performe mandatory health checks and development checks. Sometimes they do the procedure inside the house ewhere the kid dwells, and sometimes they bring the kid into the van witch has an interios like a fully equipped surgery.

These services has existed some times, but they get steadily more common and steadily more advanced.

Here are stories from one of my research poll about such teams coming to perform examination in the urethra, bladder and genitals.

Even though these teams come in advanced vans, they tend to do things as simple as possible and thus avoid using the room in the van itself when possible, as these two stories illustrate.

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Boy, 10yo, Cystoscopy performed at home

I had cystoscopy - I am male. The exam took place in North America when I was 10 years old in year 2008.

A doctor and nurse team performed the cystoscopy in a home visit.


Got no explanation. The exam was a total surprize. They just said: spread your legs and relax. It was at home.

Taken vitals like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. God lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole. It was almost like peeing in reverse.


They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside. It was so wierd, i can't really explain how it felt but having that rod in me was so strange. It was the strangest feeling thing ever.

They only had an adult sized cope so they had to use those instead of the kiddie version.They went all the way to make a house call and brought the wrong sized scope.


Had to have catheter in the bladder during night.


The reason was problems with urination. It was useful. It was not any big dealm, but still it felt somwhat humiliating and unconfortable.


It looks like certain places in America have special teams that visit homes of children and teens in order to perform intimate procedures when a child gets problems with intimate functions, or just as a mandatory health check with focus on the intimate zones. It is not told if the urination problem was accute or or was something recognized some time.

But because the exam was a big surprize, I guess that this was a mandatory check to see if the boy had problems in the genitals, urethra and bladder, and that they just said he had problems with urination, and that the same happened to other boys in the area too, and possibly also girls.

It looks like those that prepared the equipment for the team thought that an older teenager was the patient and therefore packed a wrong sized cystoscope.

Knut Holt


Girl, California, 11-16yo, cystosopy and urethral treatments at home

I had cystoscopy - I am female. The exam took place in North America. Menlo Park CA, 11 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 years old. 16 years old. First time year 2011. A doctor and nurse team performed the cystoscopy in a home visit. Got no explanation. The exam was a total surprize. It was at my home. My dad was there.


Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy. Given enema during preparations. My dad told me i needed the enema. I had never had one. He told me I had to strip naked. I was so embarrassed my dad seeing me naked since I was now developing. He had me stand in the shower. He put his hand on the front of my pelvis to keep me from moving and his finger was actually touching my clit. He put the nozzle in my anus and pushed it in really deep.

Was totally naked during exam. I lay on the dining table and the nurse held one leg up and my dad held the other.


They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside. The stick looked huge. The doctor put lube on the urethra opening, but that meant his finger was also rubbing my clit. The doctor put the stick in slowly and it hurt like hell. The doctor told my dad to rub my inner thigh to help with the pain.

Doctor also inspected my vagina Had to stay in bed more that a day after the exam.


The reason was problems with urination. It was painful. It was humiliating or awful.


Diagnosis - valves or constrictions in the urethra. Diagnosis - low bladder capasity. The doctor said i had to frequently have my urethra dilated to prevent problems. He gave my dad a set of metal rods to use. at least once a week I had to strip for my dad and he would push a metal rod in and out of my urethra. My dad would rub my clit to help with the pain. after he would finger my vulva.


The preparations before the exam, the exam itself and the treatments thereafter seem to be correct and something needed by the girl. The comforting by rubbing intimate places also seems right to do if that took away pain. If she had mot got the exam and the treatments it could have developed into something more serious.

Still it looks like both the father and the team twisted their behavior in a way that gratified own sexual lust and lust to dominate. It had also been posible to take away pain better with painkilling salve into her openings and more gentle handling.

It looks like this community has a special team that ambulated and visited a lot of kids and posibly schools to do pelvic-type examinations on kids, and that the ordeal was done at home and hastily because they had so many kids to visit. Possibly the parents or her school got a formula to fill out and all kids where one indicated some type of problem with urination or puberty development got visited, or perhaps even all kids in the community as something mandatory.

Knut Holt

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