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Forums in this Category:
- 21st Century Republicans Are Liars! by Abe Lincoln - Present day Republicans are NOT the party of Abe Lincoln.
- <b>The USAnvil</b> - <b>The USAnvil Is a Conservative Internet Actrivist group for a Decent un-perverted sovereign America!</b>
- Anfernio - A forum about world politics and events.
- Anti-Fascist Rebels Forum - This forum is for anti-fascist/anti-racist activists to discuss building and maintaining revolutionary anti-fascist organizations both nationally and internationally.
- Atheistic Solutions - This forum is designed for Atheist who want to work toward change.
- Australian Libertarian Forum - about Libertarian/Classical Liberal polical philosophy for Austalians.
- British History - For when you need information on the History of the British Politicla system and Monarchy
- Christian Political Action Forum - For the organization of Christian political action aimed at protecting Christian values, reversing the spread of evil, and establishing competent and caring governments.
- Christian Religion & Politics Forum - Discuss religion and politics.
- DAVID R.W. WADSWORTH FORUM INDEX ON VOYFORUMS - Index of David R.W. Wadsworth's Forums on VoyForum
- DEMAND A BETTER WORLD! - If you hate the way the world is 2day then demand and give us ideas on how to make the world a better place!
- Democrat Watch - An area for watching the denegration of the Democratic Party by the Clintonization of its members and leaders.
- Der Mittlere Osten und der Krieg - Zionismus, Judentum, Islam und die Folgen des Krieges des Westens gegen die Völker des Ostens und der 3. Welt
- Desperate for Deli Diaspora - So you left the Big Apple for the Southwest, eh?
- El Paso Politics - El Paso Politics - Voice your opinions here! Let them know how you feel!
- Families Against Mandatory Minimums - We want to educate people on the existing federal sentencing guidelines and lack of judicial discretion.
- Far Northeast Philadelphia Young Republicans - Political
- Federal Commonwealth Society Discussion Forum - Federal Commonwealth Society discussion on British Empire / Commonwealth History and democratic federation of Commonwealth: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom etc.
- Firearms Rights - Discussion of the 2nd Amendment protection of our right to keep and bear arms and the others reserved and protected by the Bill of Rights.
- Free Northern Ireland - Dedicated to ending British rule and having the North Ireland police be reformed and removing the British troops and watchtowers.
- GUN CONTROL / BILL C-68 - This forum is open to anyone who wishes to debate the pro's or cons of the Canadian Gun Control Firearms act/Bill C-68-as it pertains to actual crime control.
- Governmental Accounting - Business & Economy
- Ground Zero - A no-holds-barred political forum, a place where everyone is free to speak their mind.
- Haggle And Rejoice! - A place for Christians and skeptics to discuss God, The Bible, Politics, and anything else on your mind!
- House Representatives vote against Constitution - House Representatives vote against Constitution
- Hube's Cube Discussion Forum - Politics, Culture and Education discussion forum
- Hucre Tipi Yasam - Hucre Tipi Yasam ve Cezaevlerini Tartýsýyoruz.
- Initiatives and Referendums - petitions, referendums, state, national, local, state, county, voters, voting, voter registration, elections, direct democracy
- Irish Republican Action Centre - Ireland. Irish. Politics. Activism. Media Coverage. Peace Initiatives. Dialogue. Discussion.
- Jurnalul de Transilvania - News
- Kennedy Discussion Board - Kennedy family news and discussions
- Leefbaar Maasdonk - Politics
- Left To Right - Political discussion
- Liberty Nation - Political discussion forum for libertarians, conservatives, liberals and others who wish to engage in lively debate about political issues and current events.
- Liberty's Corner of the World Message Board - politics, libertarians, republicans, democrats, conservatives, liberals
- MCCOA PAC - Discussing political issues that affect Multnomah County Corrections Deputies
- Mike's forums - general disgussion
- Mutant Logic - Discussion of the mutant logic used by our various forms of government.
- Na Gael - A forum for people with Irish Republicans views
- New Politics - Here you can discuss new forms of politics, or opinions of one already in place.
- Nonsens - Nonsens-Forum
- Pobal na h-Eireann - Politics
- Politiek.be - Politiek in Belgium
- Remote U.S. Territories - This forum is for libertarians and others who are interested in the subject of relocating to remote U.S. territories to obtain greater individual freedom.
- Republican Bulletin Board of Ireland - ireland, northern ireland, politics, sinn fein, republican movement, ira, media, elections, radio, tv, loyalists, unionists, SDLP
- Retireesinc - Retirees of all types...welcome
- SPEAK UP - A public discussion board dedicated to politics and current events. All political ideologies are welcome. Respectfull discourse is expected and enforced.
- Saugus Massachusetts - Saugus, Ma. A great place for spirited debate and political intrigue. Let's have fun and share some thoughts to make this place better for all!
- Speak Out Buffalo! - The place for Buffalonians either current or transplanted to air their ideas, opinions, memories and musings about the City of No Illusions.
- Stop Fascism In America - America has taken a turn for the worse. Are we headed for dictatorship?
- Stop Voter Ballot Theft - Don't let anyone steal your votes, work to stop electronic machines, restore paper ballots.
- Stormont-Watch - An anti-imperialist network aimed at promoting a non-sectarian and working-class analysis of Anglo-Irish relations. Created by the Irish anti-Partition League.
- Talk Out - Politcal discussion and current events
- The British Politics Board - A place to discuss the politics of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
- The Bullshit Basement - The where you can come to talk smack and offload your afterthoughts about anything. No Spam allowed!!!
- The Cadaverous Odor of Our Decaying Gene Pool - And we saw a new age, a new hope destoryed by the morally dead who can only twist good ideas into marketing ploys.
- The Crash Factor - Politics? War? If its debatable, bring it here!
- The Macdonald-Cartier Project - Parti Conservateur Bleu The Macdonald-Cartier Project Vox Populi to elect 75 Conservatives in 2004 and beyond in Québec.
- The Nagoda Files - Discuss politics, music, philosophy, sports, Polish dominance of the world, or why Ray Runyon will never, ever be as cool as I am.
- The Online Journal Roundtable - A community for readers of and contributors to Online Journal <www.onlinejournal.com>.
- The Serpent's Lair - Bow to a flag, to a god, or bow at all? More than likely you probably bow down to your cars, drugs, and sex devices, right?
- The Treehouse - Pretty much a Cheese Board overflow run by Tree.
- The Wood Bar - Woodworking and tools of all types.
- Third Party Politics - Discussions on the two party system and viable third party options.
- Tionól Poblachtach - Irish political discussion forum on republican movement for Sinn Fein supporters and human rights activists. Topics included news media coverage, elections, voters.
- Turkish Life - Turkish life, food, politics, sports, tv, Tourism and religion
- United States Propaganda Ministry - Discussion of United States political issues in depth.
- Weltverschwörungsforum - Weltverschwörungsforum. Germanspeaking conspiracy related board for discussing social and political background-topics.
- Who rules the United States? - Who rules the United States of America?
- Your 2¢ Worth - Speak Your Mind
- kako da se spasi makedonija - predlozi za podobruvane na sostojbata vo makedonija
- voting participation in NYC - Please share your views on voter participation and please help me with an important reserach topic!
- weekly roundtable - local political issues of the merrimack valley
- Åâðîïåéñêàÿ èíòåãðàöèÿ - Ôîðóì î ïðîáëåìàõ åâðîïåéñêîé èíòåãðàöèè
- ×ÔÓÉÂÛ̳ - ÓÅÐãÌû×Ó¡¢×ÔÓÉÑÔÂÛ¡¢¹ú¼Ê¹Û²ì¡¢»ªÏÄÆÀÂÛ¡¢¾Ê·Âþ̸¡¢¶ÁÊéÈýζ¡¢ÎÄѧɢ²½¡¢Çé°®³¤ÀÈ
- Indiana Department of Corrections - For those who are interested in Corrections, at the Central OFfice level, in Indiana
- An Phoblacht Abú (The Republic Forever) - What does the future hold for Irish Republicans after the sell-out?
- Clinton Politics Forum - Politics discussion Clinton Massachusetts
- All Info About California Politics Forum - Discussion forum for California political issues.
- Enviromental discussion board - politics
- sao pedro do sul - Politica
- Duke Doggie's "THE POOP" - politics, current events
- Justice For Everett Hurst Now - Justice For Everett Hurst Now
- A Taoism Forum with english posts. - People can even leave messages for Taoism from other users.
- My thoughts about Politics. - Politics message boards for people to see and post.
- Personal Forum about Politics and other. - Here you can talk about anything relating Politics
- Geography Discussion - Geography House
- Features a wide range of Judaism information. - This forum is only for Judaism
- A forum for Politics. - A place to talk and ask questions about Politics
- Forum about Other - Other message boards for people to see and post.
- LIBERALS - CAN'T LIVE WITH 'EM, CAN'T LIVE WITH 'EM - Liberals are ruining America
- Art the King™ Score Artie Points® here! - Trash Art the King™
- Queen City Chatter - A forum for floating ideas, and to trim, redo, or otherwise improve them
- The PM Refugees' Forum - A lightly moderated forum of philosophy, religion, spirituality, and anything else the members care to post on.
- Pure Air - discussion of politics, science, arts
- LSU Student Government - Student Government
- A Discussion of U.S. & International Events - A Discussion Of U.S. & International Current & Historical Events & Perspectives ...
- Massachusetts MCOFU Union issues - union issues
- Citizens for Sugar Hill - Discussion Board for citizens to discuss issues in Sugar Hill, GA regarding development, leadership, and progress the city should take toward the future
- Community Forum - News, Views And Musings From The Northwest Oregon Coast And Lower Columbia River
- What's WRONG with MUENSTER, Texas? - This forum is for the citizens of Muenster, Texas to discuss local government shortcomings.
- Political Playground - political discussion
- Inside River Oaks - A forum to discuss issues in River Oaks, Texas 76114 (near Fort Worth).
- Floyd County Indiana - This forum is presented to discuss situations that effect our community as a whole.
- Messageboard, Politics, Sex, Hot topics, Adult - This Group is dedicated to those who wish to tell personal stories of Innocent nudity, Med Exams, Skinny Dipping, YMCA, Scouts, FCMN, and anything else... WITHOUT MODERATION.
- The Independent Political Forum - An open forum dedicated to free expression of thought and free speech to discuss political opinions and ideas.
- Chp-pkk-partisi-oldu - Atat�rk'�n partisi chp pkk partisi oldu
- Newburgh School District - Informative Discussion about anything related to the Newburgh School District
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