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Date Posted: 16:02:46 08/30/14 Sat
Author: Misanthrope (Disgusted)
Subject: Re: Tana Hoy is an Amazing fraud ?? Laura is a CRAZY BITCH
In reply to: Christine 's message, "Re: Tana Hoy is an Amazing fraud ?? Laura is a CRAZY BITCH" on 17:13:23 02/26/12 Sun

*I know this is a necro thread, but for the next person who stumbles across this: Here, have some bloody sanity, because only two people have shown that here. What a disgusting attempt to hurt someone without having even a foot to stand on! These people are disturbing, and I am a misanthrope -_- People need to start standing up for other people, even for those who don't realize they are acting like monsters with down syndrome.*

Wow, everyone who disagreed with Laura did so in a way that openly admitted that their opinions are based on nothing and the only way they could dispute Laura's post was by making shit up that had nothing to do with what she wrote.

You don't even need to read it carefully to see that they're blatantly disregarding what she wrote so they can attack her for having the good sense that even a child would have, which these creeps don't.
I've had more reasons than the vast majority of people to be the misanthrope I am. Even I'm disturbed by the blatant ignorance of not just the post they attacked, but even of their own stance on the subject. The first creep called Laura a whore while saying this Tana creep's prediction of Laura getting pregnant in 6 months rather than the actual 10+ was correct. 1+1=2, even psychopath fan boys should be able to put that together.

Everything else that first commenter said was equally wrong. He took Laura's account and told her she was wrong for having some fraud throw erroneous predictions in her general direction. This is why so few people believe in psychics, because the only ones who do are those too stupid to think for themselves or too cowardly to face reality and their own ignorance.

Google Cold Reading and go from there if you want to learn how these people run their cons, which have been run for millienia! Human Beings are not perfect and we rely on things like Pattern Recognition to do a lot of the heavy processing. Manipulating people by simply observing, leading, and deducing is not very difficult to pick up, though mastering it requires talent.

People are desperate to fill in the gaping holes of those patterns in order to validate their own opinions, or aren't competent enough to look beyond their ignorance of the process, or can't face the reality of their lives being as mundane as they are.

" I guess there are always those people like you that if you don't tell them what they want to hear they will lash out!"

This is from the next commenter. Hypocritically lashing out at Laura for 'lashing out' at a fraud giving her a false reading. The assumption that Laura is wrong, because SHE didn't catch this Tana freak out on his con is why these people are so successful at preying on people. The weak, the cowardly, the uneducated, and the witless are all very susceptible to people who know how to obfuscate matters and manipulate exactly these people, their target audience.

For every ten satisfied customers there's always one person who didn't get the wool pulled all the way over there eyes. When people glimpse behind the charade there's ALWAYS this kind of deranged explosion that centers around them. The 'psychic' tends to turn nasty and kind of insane with the insults and accusations, they make accounts to stalk these victims of sanity and to harass them and belittle them in order to weaken their stance.

I've seen a few of these elaborate tantrums spiral out of control over the last ten years. They generally end when no one is certain who is telling the truth, or even who is who. These psychics turn to their managers or their lawyers or friends and make pariahs of these poor people under the guise of disturbingly malicious and deranged fans who completely eschew logic of any variety in lieu of viciously attacking anyone with a story that disagrees with these show boating mind readers who almost always weave Christian mythology into their bullshit to appease the general masses regarding that whole God Hates Witches / Magicians bit or the Psychics Are Satan's Spawn, which is more likely than the lie they try to feed the world. What's most disturbing is how many people willingly swallow this tripe instead of educating themselves on the subject.

This isn't new. People have known about Cold Reading and the use of generalizations as illusions of specificity. There was a famous study done on a university class where they were each given an 'individually tailored' astrology reading. Everyone's written responses regarding the accuracy of the readings indicated that the vast majority thought they were dead on and the rest felt that much of the reading reflected what they think of themselves fairly well.

Every single reading was exactly the same. There were no formulas at play. It was a lie and an entire class of university students fell for it with hardly a second thought. Most of the lackwits who believe in nut jobs, like Tana Hoy, aren't mentally competent enough to get accepted into higher education. This ego driven form of manipulation is called The Forer Effect. Here's the wiki for it:


Those true believers that don't fall into the dumbfuck or coward categories tend to be spiritualists of one sort or another. I see the faith those pseudo-spiritualists or sympathetic sorts put in these obvious frauds and it looks to me like a form of self-delusion. Rather than study the subject of psychics and seers, they wrap themselves in the fantasy and the romance of their escape from the mundane.

It's a terrible error to make when pursuing the esoteric mysteries of the universe to choose willful ignorance instead of the pursuit of truth that any genuine spiritual path, even one you forge on your own, demands. Everything else is just jerking off your inner-fantasist or that part of your ego that tells you the world is mundane and you are special.

>I have to say I had a reading with Tana Hoy and he was
>great. It was about
>10 years ago and he hit on so many things. Sorry
>Laura but I have to agree you sound kind of bitter. I
>guess there are always those people like you that if
>you don't tell them what they want to hear they will
>lash out!
>>>I had a very brief reading with him as part of a
>>>charity thing for Radys/Star 94.1. His prediction
>>>proved to be very very wrong.
>>>He told me I would be pregnant in 6 months. It was a
>>>good guess considering I am young and in good
>>>Any person would assume a young woman in her twenties
>>>trying to get pregnant would within half a year.
>>>In actuality it took me closer to 10 months and IVF.
>>>He told me my first pregnancy would be a singleton,
>>>again wrong, I am pregnant with twins. Psychics are
>>>just con artists that prey on people desparately
>>>needing answers.
>>>I know this thread is long dead, but I wanted to post
>>>it incase anyone googled, while considering buying a

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  • Re: Tana Hoy is an Amazing fraud ?? Laura is a CRAZY BITCH -- Susan (He's a fantastic psychic!), 10:31:55 09/11/15 Fri
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