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Subject: Re: Your Program NEEDS an explanation!

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Date Posted: 09:51:25 11/19/05 Sat
In reply to: Steve 's message, "Your Program NEEDS an explanation!" on 08:42:54 11/19/05 Sat

I'm sure that if you begin to try it without pre-conceived ideas you can figure out, like many other people has done already, the basics of the program. Nevertheless you can try to read the already available user’s guide in Portuguese, Italian, German and Japanese, present, if installed, in the Help subfolder (directly accessible in Menu Help>Contents or F1 key if respective interface idiom in use). If you do not understand these idioms try to use translation software. Many web sites provide this functionality.
Because my English is not so good the English version of the manual is delayed, but some developments in this subject go to be released soon.
Also try to read some messages in this forum, some are outdate but you can get the idea.
Like the one

In respect to the columns with only one letter, put something in the grid and click on them. If you do that the functionality is obvious. A for select all, I for invert selection, D to sort by file system date, without the need to make the system date column visible in the grid, and S for sort by file size.

If some doubts persist please insist ;-)

>I just installed your program, and I don't understand
>what it is supposed to do. Obviously it will allow a
>database of PDF files (or anything else that is
>entered into the grid). BUT I think that there are
>some tools in the system that ease the collection of
>file information -- but I don't understand what they
>are to do. Also the most obvious visual clues are
>unexplained. For example on the main grid, what do the
>columns A, I D, and S mean? What are Disktree,
>DBDiskTree, DBTree, and DBSearch do? Is the "DB" only
>created by manual entries of PDF file names? Why
>can't I open a PDF file? Why can I only import a CSV
>file? I am sure there are logical answers for my
>questions if only there were a better explanation of
>your program function other than the very short
>paragraph in the "readme" file. Thanks you.

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