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Subject: Re: Keyword update

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Date Posted: 08:48:49 06/02/06 Fri
In reply to: Tam 's message, "Re: Keyword update" on 07:38:38 06/02/06 Fri

>Thanks for answering.
>The dropdown works great. However, I could not see why
>it was not been entered into the record even though I
>had selected something on the list. I have found the
>solution myself - I have to click back into the record
>in the Keyword coloum for it to update the record.

When we change some of the InfoFields a little button, with a diskette image, appear in the left bottom of the InfoEdit tool. To update the record, if you want to continue in the same grid row (Table record), you only need to click that button or use the CRTL+S shortcut. if you change into another grid row (the normal way or with CTRL-Up or CTRL-Down) the update is done automatically.
You can change multiple fields and only when all are edited you make the update. If you want to cancel, before the update just hit the ESC key. The best way to edit the Infofields is using the QuickInfoEdit mode (Tools>QuickInfoEdit F4) and the QuickPaste assistant to rapidly copy and past from document into InfoFields.

>I am finding my way around your program now & like it
>very much.
>"Scatty" is like my brain - sometimes it works,
>sometimes it doesn't ! It means haphazard .... though
>it would have helped if I had spelt it correctly !!!


>By table, I meant the records (as in MS Access where
>the records are in a database called a table).

Yes but because in the PDFE User's guide we use Grid for Table and InfoFields for Records so just checking to what table you refer ;-)

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