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Date Posted: Wednesday, November 13, 03:54:36am
Author: Ray Owen
Subject: Re: Are UFOs a sign of alien life? ... (BBC feedback)
In reply to: Jim 's message, "Are UFOs a sign of alien life? ... (BBC feedback)" on Wednesday, August 28, 06:55:36am

>This is a copy from "BBC Talking Point"
>Are UFOs a sign of alien life? Your reaction...
Having had three separate very real experiences of UFOs,
I am convinced that there must be a more advanced race
that operates these vehicles. Whether or not they come
from space is another thing. Some intelligence is operating them and it is not the Americans or Russians. who is it then?

Yes, there are wackos alright, we all know that, and similarly there are wacko government officials who will go
to any length to debunk UFO phenomena. The thing is, if you
have experienced one yourself, no amount of debunking will
change your view. Our scientific knowledge is expanding every day, who knows what might be discovered in future to
illustrate that anything seems to be possible?

I think intelligent people should have an open mind on the
subject, not blinkers!

Ray Owen, Switzerland

>Despite the sincere individuals who see things
>and believe that they're UFOs, the UFO
>"industry" is over-run by wackos and
>unscrupulous profiteers. I suspect that there
>may be extra-terrestrial life in the universe, and
>would welcome any evidence of its existence.
>Of course, it's extremely unlikely that that life
>would evolve into the big-eyed aliens we've
>heard about. My problem is the hue and cry
>from those who have a significant stake in
>fuelling the UFO craze with "Chariots of the
>Gods"-type pseudo-science. The recent
>scientific interest is appropriate - let's be sure
>to pay attention, but when there is laughably
>inadequate evidence, let's make sure we laugh.
>I think everyone should read Carl Sagan's "A
>Demon-Haunted World" and spend a little bit of
>time welcoming reality into their lives. There are
>no witches, no ghosts, and no little green men
>kidnapping people and subjecting them to
>sexual probes.
>Max Pruden, USA
>Tony Blair knows more than he admits about
>UFOs. Whilst talking about the World Cup and
>our bid to host it in 2006 he claimed the current
>competition was watched by 35 billion viewers
>and predicted the 2006 audience would exceed
>40 billion. With the current world population of
>about six billion there must be an awful lot of
>aliens buzzing about.
>Geoff Cooper, UK
>Perhaps the word "Unidentified" should be
>replaced by "Unidentifiable", since the former is
>prone to easier classification by the ignorant.
>W Randall, UK
>Why should we be the only intelligent life in the
>universe. I sometimes wonder if we are that
>bright anyway. I do think one day that we are all
>in for a hell of a shock. They are out there.
>Peter Berrry, Scotland
>I think most UFOs are optical illusions and
>explainable phenomena. However, there is a
>certain amount that can't be explained away
>that easily. I can't imagine why aliens would
>want to bother with us small fry, although their
>apparent failure to make any contact (unless
>you believe the abductees) is partly
>understandable as we are hardly a non-violent
>species. I certainly don't see any logic in a
>bunch of spacecraft hanging around our skies
>occasionally abducting people/dissecting
>However, I don't think we can conclude with
>confidence that we have all the answers and
>that the laws of physics as we currently
>understand them are inviolable, so it does
>seem at least possible that some aliens may
>come across Earth from time to time. Who
>knows what they would think of us if they were
>truly advanced? Our scientists don't hesitate to
>experiment on monkeys. An advanced alien
>race might not see us as people at all. In their
>eyes, we could be the equivalent of monkeys
>and not even worthy of contact.
>Jill, UK
>UFOs. A lot of tosh. A bunch of insecure people
>trying desperately to be heard and cling onto
>something that is not real.
>Darrell Cook, UK
>Some 500 years ago, Columbus was told he
>would fall off the face of the earth. The most
>educated then were unaware(naive even). We
>cannot dismiss UFO's as a figment of our
>imagination. Because we cannot comprehend
>"how an alien being" travels here does not
>mean that it cannot be done.
>Warren, England
>UFOs are signs of alien life, but not directly. If
>another life form is intelligent enough to figure
>out how to travel all the way to Earth it will be
>clever enough to conceal itself. UFOs,
>therefore, are merely decoys to confuse and
>mislead us. The aliens are probably having a
>laugh at how seriously we study their decoys.
>Peter Fothergill, UK
>Utilising common sense and scientific logic it is
>obvious that UFOs are a figment of the
>Roy, Canada
>There is no reason for us not to believe in alien
>life. We all know that the universe is full of stars
>and solar systems like ours. It is very narrow to
>believe that ours could be the only one to have
>So the question is not whether there is alien life
>but how and when can we come in contact with
>these so called aliens? I think once we know
>more about other civilisations in our galaxy
>these aliens won't be aliens any more. We have
>to keep open and broad-minded so that when
>we do make contact with them we can easily
>accept them as just another race.
>Hemant Verma, India
>If we look at the UFOs that cannot be explained
>away by scientific methods, what remains must
>be true.
>I think the scientific establishment should
>approach the subject with an open objective
>mind that is not biased with pre-existing
>It is extremely naive to think that us humans
>know everything about the universe!
>Jon, UK
>The meaning of the term 'UFOs' has changed
>dramatically over the past couple of decades.
>The term 'UFO' now has an attached
>connotation that practically invokes "beings
>from outer space". This is a shame! Thousands
>of people worldwide every year see something
>unexplainable to them, flying around in the sky.
>And many of them photograph or videotape it,
>but countless others don't. There seems to be
>tremendous evidence of SOMETHING flying
>around up there, but what exactly that is, is
>completely open for debate. There is absolutely
>no evidence whatsoever that any of these flying
>objects are from elsewhere in the universe. Of
>course, that possibility does exist. The fact is,
>many of these flying objects could be weather
>phenomena (like sprites, jets, ball lightning,
>plasma vortices, etc), or they might be secret
>government projects - or they could be a
>combination of all of these things.
>The idea here is that we just don't know exactly
>what these things are because there hasn't
>been enough scientific scrutiny into this area.
>Most scientists are chased off, afraid of ridicule
>and threats to their careers. All of us, especially
>the media (which has been completely
>irresponsible in dealing with the subject matter),
>should be more open to any possibility of
>something we cannot explain, and judge each
>hypothesis on its own individual merits and
>Jeffrey M Wilson, USA
>Well we won't know till we get some verifiable
>proof and evidence. I think there is a huge
>possibility that some unexplained sightings
>could be intelligently controlled. If we do get the
>evidence and proof we are seeking, how will we
>handle it? What will we do with this knowledge?
>Why would an advanced race want to come
>here? They just have to watch TV or listen to the
>radio to realise we are an insane bunch! What if
>they don't look human? AAAARGH!
>Tracy Eggleton, Australia
>I am quite convinced that UFOs are simply a
>sign that the government is in fact testing new,
>highly secret aircraft that appear to others as
>UFO's simply because they are so different
>from the aircraft we expect to see in the skies,
>both in shape and performance.
>Matthew Hill, England
>Well we won't know till we get some verifiable
>proof and evidence. I think there is a huge
>possibility that some unexplained sightings
>could be intelligently controlled. If we do get the
>evidence and proof we are seeking, how will we
>handle it? What will we do with this knowledge?
>Why would an advanced race want to come
>here? They just have to watch TV or listen to the
>radio to realise we are an insane bunch! What if
>they don't look human? AAAARGH!
>Tracy Eggleton, Australia
>How can people just dismiss the thousands of
>sightings each year?
>Rick Davis, UK
>Speaking from personal experience, I know
>UFOs exist. The question is: What are they?
>We know the military doesn't mind hiding
>behind UFOs as a cover story for the testing of
>experimental aerospace technologies. At least
>some UFOs (if not most) are military in origin.
>We also already know how to build
>interferometers and telescopes which, placed
>in space, will be able to detect other living
>worlds, even other civilisations. It's safe to
>assume advanced ETI are aware of our
>Perhaps the attainment of quantum gravity at
>some point leads to the circumvention of the
>limit imposed by the speed of light. Who
>knows? The answer to UFO origins may be:
>Both military and ETI. The military, though, is the
>only one we're sure about.
>John de Nal, USA
>I personally have seen three UFOs.
>Glen Clark, Canada
>It would take far too long for "aliens" to come
>here, unless they have some kind of super
>propulsion for their spacecraft, the stuff of
>science fiction. For example, Pioneer 10,
>travelling at about 28000 mph, won't even come
>close to one of our solar system's nearest stars
>for 30,000 years.
>William Easson, Canada
>Why shouldn't there be alien life? Think of the
>technological developments made over the last
>120 years. If a species is just 500-600 years
>further developed than us why shouldn't they be
>able to travel vast distances in little time. There
>are millions of galaxies out there, why shouldn't
>every one of them contain at least one planet
>with life ?
>David Webb, U.K.
>I'm very eager to believe in extraterrestrial
>intelligence that is able to reach us.
>Nevertheless, there are so many 'ifs, buts and
>whys'. For example, why are 'they' so secretive
>about their visits on our planet; if they are an
>advanced species (how would they reach us
>otherwise?!). Why have they not got a different
>approach to us humans, to our problems on
>earth like pollution and overpopulation and why
>on earth do they mostly land on US territory?
>Ulrike Watts-Urbanek, The Netherlands
>I find it too difficult to comprehend that ours is
>the only planet throughout all the galaxies that
>has produced life. Many planetary systems
>must have similar conditions and the other
>necessary building blocks of carbon based life.
>The one distinguishing point is that we would
>not all be at the same point of evolution and
>technological development. Therefore the ability
>to traverse large distances may not be the
>impossible dream that current science is trying
>so hard to convince us of.
>Robert G Tedford, Scotland
>I think UFOs are a variety of things, ranging
>from satellites through to optical illusions.
>However, I feel that a minority of sightings are
>truly unidentified and warrant more serious
>study. I do not believe governments know much
>more than we do, and all these conspiracy
>theories have undermined Ufology in recent
>years. No government would ever want to admit
>to atmospheric intrusions over which they have
>no control. Some cases seem to show the
>distortion of time and space, and I think we
>should consider the possibility of other
>dimensions, possibly inhabited by intelligent
>Matthew Wilde, Britain
>I think interpreting UFOs as alien spacecraft
>says more about our own psychology than it
>does about extraterrestrial visitations.
>Chris Mcharg, United Kingdom
>If not a sign of 'alien' life, then surely a sign of
>'alien', something
>stranger-than-fiction is going on. Far too many
>of us have seen/heard/sensed
>things-beyond-the norm for all this UFO related
>activity to be dismissed as merely fantasy,
>overactive imaginings, somehow related to
>'sleep paralysis' name it. This whole area
>needs hard, serious investigation, undertaken
>by those without nutty agendas or by so-called
>scientists (I prefer to call them scientismists)
>who can not see beyond their own oh-so-narrow
>fields of speciality.
>Mike Arnold, USA
>How can you say yes or no - the only answer is I
>don't know (unless you've had an encounter or
>you're part of some secret government group).
>Probability would suggest that in a universe of
>mind boggling dimensions that it's unlikely that
>life is confined to our planet, as pretty and vital
>as it is. Needless to say this idea upsets a lot of
>religious types - but so what. The real question
>is whether other life might have the capability to
>travel or send probes across the vastness of
>space to do this? If this is possible then
>anything is. As to a military cover up...if aliens
>are benign then they wouldn't be party to such a
>plot...if they are not benign chances are we're
>all screwed anyway. The caveat should be
>added that it could of course be little more than
>a combination of atmospheric phenomena
>meets end of the millenium paranoia.
>Gary Blackburn, UK
>nothing more and nothing less. The fact that so
>many are recorded each year begs a REAL
>(mainstream) investigation. If we could
>determine that even one of these UFOs are
>something other than natural phenomena, then
>we could address your question with something
>other than uninformed passionate opinion or
>wishful thinking. Oh! If only wanting it to be so
>could make things real! Wouldn't this be a
>better world?
>David S Miller, USA
>Is sunshine a sign of the existence of a sun
>god? This is just superstition filtered through a
>modern paradigm. You might as well believe in
>Ezekiel's Chariot, Father Christmas and the
>Intergalactic Ghoul.
>Steve Dempsey, UK
>There are so many people out there (to coin a
>phrase) keen to produce evidence that "aliens
>walk (or fly) among us" that the lack of any
>reasonable evidence whatsoever surely proves
>that they don't. Mind you, the lack of evidence
>for "God" hasn't dampened people's
>enthusiasm to believe in that either.
>Duncan Hurwood, England
>What I believe is the fact that we cannot be
>alone out there. The drake equation has shown
>us that. The subject of UFOs is one of great
>debate but my belief is that they are live, but as
>the programme says, "not as we know it".
>David Bradley, United Kingdom
>The people who say they're waiting for a radio
>signal: Rubbish - because an advanced ET
>civilisation will have moved WAY beyond the
>slow and primitive standard of radio waves a
>long time ago. The people who say they
>"always contact farmers in the US": Again,
>rubbish. This is a truly worldwide phenomenon.
>It happens in Africa, China, Russia, Spain,
>Brazil... Everywhere in fact. When you run into
>highly convincing examples with people who
>don't have access to a TV or know what the
>term 'UFO' stands for - let alone know about
>aliens and science-fiction, then the
>'psychological argument falls flat on its face!
>The people who say that people who see these
>things must be mentally unbalanced: Sorry,
>doesn't wash. They're seen by astronomers,
>high-ranking military personnel, PhDs,
>professors, physicists, US presidents, doctors,
>judges, business people, bankers... In fact just
>about EVERY spectrum of society there is. In
>fact these people have been tested for mental
>problems - needless to say, with negative
>results. Therefore they are NOT 'stupid' or
>'mentally ill'. It amazes me that the erroneous
>concept of mental delusion is still believed by
>people, even today.
>Those that say there's no evidence - go and do
>some research. Realise, please, that simple
>'lights in the sky' won't convince anybody. The
>thing's moved WAY beyond this a long time
>ago. The professional investigators spend most
>of their time investigating far more important
>things than PURELY that! UFOs are tracked on
>multiple radars (both air- and ground-based),
>confirmed on infra red, seismograph, video
>(which has been analysed and proven to be
>genuine) and electro-magnetic sensing
>equipment; in fact just about ever recording
>device you can think of. I'm not bothered about
>lights in the sky. However, I am bothered about
>clearly physically structured craft, which have
>been regularly proven to fly over our military
>bases. This is a real problem. Deal with it. Don't
>take the word of people at face value, but if it's
>subsequently proven to be true, then it's true.
>E Adams, UK
>No investigation of UFO sightings is ever likely
>to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life,
>simply because anyone with the technology for
>interstellar travel will be able to avoid revealing
>concrete proof that he exists, ie getting
>John Ryan, Russia
>When I was 10 I remember my father telling me
>about how he and my mother had seen a UFO
>in 1947. It had been a spinning silver egg that
>had been floating in the sky above Blackheath
>Common, south London. It had been a sunny
>day with clouds, it was early afternoon, and the
>object could be seen by the naked eye. My
>father got out his binoculars and took a look
>and what he saw confirmed the shape and
>spinning nature of the object. Now at the time I
>remembered the story but didn't really think
>about it. A few years later he recounted the
>story. I was 13 or 14 and this time I was very
>interested. But I thought he was joking. However
>what leads credence to the story is the fact that
>my mother was there as well and when I asked
>her she said that was exactly what had
>happened and that my father had given her the
>binoculars to see for herself. My mother wasn't
>deadly serious about it but rather matter of fact.
>What is particularly interesting about this story,
>in addition to the partial corroboration (my
>mother would not be considered an
>independent witness I imagine) was that the
>egg, or whatever it was, hung in the air until it
>was occluded by a cloud (not a big one in my
>father's memory) but a minute or so later when
>the cloud had passed it had gone. My father
>was an RAF trained navigator. He had just
>been demobbed and would have recognised it
>as such if it had been a meteorological or
>barrage balloon etc. I assume that my father
>practically knew the shape and characteristics
>of practically everything flying at that time as he
>had been on Dacota7s right up to that year. The
>egg's spinning nature? My father's later
>assertion was that it must have been a UFO in
>the pure definition of the sense. Actually I don't
>know if UFO mania had hit England in summer
>1947. I suspect if it had, my father might have
>been in some way caught up in the hysteria.
>That's something I will never know as he died
>over a decade ago.
>I never paid this that much attention however
>and had not been particularly interested in UFO
>phenomena until May 1998 when I saw
>something I can only describe as a UFO myself;
>a purple glowing triangle moving very rapidly
>across the lower third of the sky one early
>evening, again in south London. I am not going
>to go into this story as I probably saw a stealth
>bomber or something, but all I can say was that
>it looked to be about 10 or 15 kilometers away,
>was huge, silent, with bright glowing lights at
>each of the points and then suddenly stopped,
>hovered and disappeared. I got the feeling that
>its real behaviour was such that it couldn't have
>been a standard aircraft. I was completely fazed
>by the whole experience and, well, I cannot help
>but think that what I saw and what my father and
>mother apparently saw need rational
>What finally unsettles me is that neither what I
>saw or my parents saw fits into the loony
>saucer, cigar, or whatever sightings which are
>supposed to be what you see when you see a
>UFO. But as far as my eyes and first and
>second hand experiences guide me I cannot
>but help think that visitors come to Earth to
>check us out.
>Paul Kallender, Ex-UK now in Japan
>Why would an alien species make all the effort
>to travel light-years across space and then
>spend its time abducting trailer trash and
>putting on pretty light shows? Alien minds may
>mean alien motivations, but come on! How
>likely is this scenario really? I'm quite prepared
>to believe aliens exist somewhere (the odds
>favour it), but any civilisation clever enough to
>cross interstellar distances is frankly not going
>to waste its time on us. We orbit a very
>insignificant star, and we've only just started
>making enough noise to be heard in the last 80
>years (so unless these aliens can travel
>faster-than-light they probably wouldn't BE here
>yet!). Sorry, but any way you look at it, aliens
>are probably the LEAST likely explanation for
>David Evans, UK
>Perhaps the scientists could take a look at
>some of the nose camera footage from US
>planes trying to close in and ID the craft. Also
>science says that there could not be life
>anywhere else as so many parameters are
>needed that they felt it will not happen anywhere
>else. Just look at the variety of life on our planet
>alone. Life survives in the harshest
>environments on earth, so why not in the vast
>space of the universe.
>Robert Snow, England
>Why should an unidentified flying object be a
>sign of alien life? The majority of people just
>seem to assume any unidentified flying object
>must be a spaceship. If you were unable to
>identify a car type on a motor way would you
>assume it was a space buggy?
>UFOs ARE NOT proof of anything other than
>the fact we cannot explain or identify all objects
>spotted in our skies.
>Roy Matthews, England
>The reports of alien spacecraft only show Man's
>need to explain the unknown or a man's need to
>explain where he was last night.
>Brian Hedley, England
>It's back to the age-old process of blaming
>something that isn't fully understood on a
>mysterious god-like power, in this case aliens. It
>is highly likely (in my mind) that there is
>intelligent life out there somewhere, but I think it
>is very unlikely that it is of the humanoid variety.
>Some other thoughts: If such a civilisation
>wished to investigate Earth, one would think
>that they could gain all the data they needed by
>intercepting our communications - why go to all
>the expense of visiting? If they were to kidnap
>people and experiment on them, why put them
>back to tell all about it? Why don't they contact
>the mainstream media? I'm sure all the major
>TV news stations would be falling over
>themselves to tell all if they had exclusive rights.
>Peter Gordon, Australia
>I identify 46 alien forms and regularly sight 11
>Rodney Neumann Thomas, Pretoria, RSA
>There is no difference between UFOs and other
>items, eg ghosts and ESP; just a way for
>someone to make a fast buck. Any real ETs
>would be obvious, and would most probably be
>discovered in space by scientists.
>Greaeme Legg, Bahrain
>UFOs are more likely a sign of alienation from
>reality by some people desperate to escape
>from our mundane everyday life. I think the fact
>that we evolved from nothing and have
>consciousness is a far more exciting area worth
>investigating than the UFO phenomenon.
>Tom Bowshall, Australia
>I first realised that UFOs were not the result of
>"crazy Yank hysteria" when I was approximately
>9 years old. I developed an avid interest in the
>subject, and although I have no doubt of the
>existence of UFOs, I agree with Arthur C Clark,
>they just can't be alien spacecraft. Finally, the
>scientific community seems to have removed
>its head from the sand, stopped giggling, and
>battling for funding at any cost, and finally
>realised that we have a phenomena that has
>cried out for over 50 years to be investigated.
>Keith Davies, US previously UK
>The existence of aliens - that is, life on other
>planets, and I suppose, in this context, life forms
>capable of interplanetary travel - does not seem
>to me improbable. But that such life forms
>would content themselves with appearing
>irregularly as glowing blobs or trails in the skies
>of the Midwest does beggar belief.
>Crispin Owen, Australia
>In our increasingly pagan society maybe UFOs
>are a replacement for God. Both are
>unbelievable but so many believe.
>Tim Pearce, UK
>The trouble lies in the fact that 80 to 90% of
>"UFOs" are explicable through the likes of
>weather balloons, unusually shaped aircraft and
>various weather effects. This means that the
>remaining 10 to 20% are of unknown origin.
>This might suggest extraterrestrial activity in this
>planet's vicinity or some covert testing of
>military aircraft. This is not exactly something
>that governments are going to reveal to the
>general public and are probably quite happy to
>use extraterrestrial activity as a front for their
>Like many people, I do believe that there is
>extraterrestrial life, but the simple fact is that the
>universe is too large to make any proof of their
>existence easy.
>PJ Hughes, UK
>I don't believe that UFOs are proof of alien
>visitation. It is hard to believe that no regime in
>any country in the world would not have
>admitted it otherwise. I don't believe that an
>international conspiracy of silence could have
>held for so long. Whilst I happily admit that life is
>probably quite abundant in the universe why are
>we so arrogant to assume that other races are
>all rushing to visit the earth? I would readily
>admit that some governments probably abduct
>and experiment on their own people though.
>Barry Tregear, England
>No. Aliens with the advanced technology
>(propulsion, lifespan extension and protection
>from radiation) needed to undertake interstellar
>travel approach Earth. They can (most of the
>time) avoid detection by radar and (most of the
>time) cannot be seen. They can (some of the
>time) perform time distortions. Do they attack or
>invade? Do they communicate friendly
>intentions? Not these aliens, they worry people
>in remote areas by imitating early sci-fi films!
>Ian B, Britain
>How can we be conceited enough to believe
>that we are the only life in the galaxy? Maybe
>Earth is just a small mote not yet worth looking
>at from a galactic point of view. I've not seen a
>UFO as such so I cannot really answer the
>question above, but I do believe in other life on
>other planets.
>Steve Hughes, UK
>One important step in any study on UFOs would
>be the US government's release of the data
>they have collected domestically and via their
>global military presence. Such a widespread
>force cannot help but notice and study these
>Robert Adams, USA
>They're out there,just think about it.
>Levi McClain, USA
>UFOs are nothing more than a sign of Man's
>ignorance, as the acronym states 'unidentified
>flying objects". If they were a sign of alien life
>then we would have to call then IFO or
>"identified flying objects". I do feel that proper
>investigation is needed to discover the truth of
>these matters, but I do object to the way that
>rational debate seems to disappear whenever
>the paranormal is mentioned. It seems that
>scientists are terrified of something that
>questions their dearly held theories and
>otherwise rational people become totally
>irrational in their desparation to attribute
>everything to ET. If this is the future of mankind
>then I'm glad that I have faith in God.
>Tim Clark, UK
>It's hard to say that UFOs are the direct
>evidence of alien life. While there is a great
>deal of anecdotal evidence, and certainly a
>large body of provacative film and video, we
>cannot say with certainty that these craft come
>from another planet. Although I personally
>believe that intelligent life exists somewhere out
>in the great expanses of the universe, I cannot
>automatically assume that UFOs are direct
>evidence of its presence. The issue needs to
>be studied systematically and critically before
>any final pronouncement about UFOs and their
>"operators" can be made.
>Kamil Skawinski, USA
>To accept the reality of aliens from UFOs one
>must also accept that there is governmental
>cover-up of them. This would require the
>co-operative secrecy of various people and that
>is just too outlandish to reasonably accept.
>John Bodenstab, USA
>UFOs exist physically, but there are no proofs
>they are aliens.
>Windey, Belgium
>As a physicist I am skeptical about UFOs. We
>need physical evidence that shows the landing
>of extra terrestrial aircrafts or beings.
>Mesgun Sebhatu, USA
>I certainly think that UFOs demontrate a
>possibility of life out in deeper space. It's just a
>great pity that governments tend to cover up so
>much. So what if human kind reacts in strange
>ways to the truth, at least we'll know what's out
>there. Would you like to wake up one morning
>to find war waging on your planet
>human-to-alien style and realise the
>governments had not kept you up-to-date. Bit
>late then though. We have a right to full
>disclosure. We need to be prepared, informed
>and aware!
>Gys de Beer, South Africa
>UFOs are a phenomenon of the imagination.
>People often see what they want to see. Little
>useful knowledge may be gained by following
>random lights in the sky, and even less by
>speculating about what they may mean.
>David Mathews, U.S.A.

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