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Date Posted: - Tuesday - 01/20/15 - 3:48pm
Author: Lawrence Hall (Searching)
Subject: Mariner 31 Bow Roller/Anchorage Systems

Dear Mariner Folks ~

Roughly a year or so ago a part of vessel comprehensive restorations, I replaced my bow sprit on my M31 "Venture" (Los Angeles berth) due to massive termite infestation (new sprit is now a Teak lamination and handsome as can be). In the process of sprit replacement, my stainless steel anchor bow anchor roller device secured at the pulpit starboard side bloody vanished... Blast! I've recently designed a new stainless steel roller system, however, the price of fabrication of the proposed unit is literally in "outer space."

To my essential Question: Does anyone know where I can get my hands on a used/original stainless steel bow anchor roller assembly? Again, this is for pulpit/bridge install, starboard side...to conform with existing cutout/leave out in pulpit bridging. A port side device arrangement may be/is doable as well, all equal. I've been passively searching for one for now greater than a year...got'a be one out there in the universe somewhere. I'd sincerely appreciate some input/contact info if noted simple item is "known" and available for purchase.

Thanks very much for the assist!


D. Lawrence Hall
Steward - SV "Venture" M31.158
EM = d.lawrencehall@gmail.com
USA Cell = 310.980.7818

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[> help is on the way -- Ardi M31 # 98 Taygeta, - Wednesday - 01/21/15 - 8:45am

I live close to Annapolis ,Md and there is a consignment store "Bacons" where I think I have seen a bow anchor roller so I'll go there today and see if I can find it . If so I'll mail it to you.


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[> [> M.31 Anchoring -- Lawrence Hall, - Sunday - 03/22/15 - 7:53pm

Thanks. Just pulled up your kind message and offer. Hold please. Have designed a new stainless system...currently under fabrication. Thanks again.

Lawrence Hall
S/V "Venture" M31.158

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