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Date Posted: 05:53:01 09/30/06 Sat
In reply to: VMRO-MNM 's message, "MACEDONIAN BOOKS - MACEDONIA FOR THE MACEDONIANS!" on 07:26:17 05/25/06 Thu


Read about Communism and Democracy, Justice and Solidarity, War and Peace, Discriminations and Violations and so on.

Read and see the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian nation.

My name is Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet and I am a Macedonian, born in Macedonia.
For many years I have fought against the violations and discriminations of the Macedonian people executed by different countries in the world, especially the Western World and the Asian occupants of Macedonian territory.

I have written several protest letters to all the great organisations that claim to be democratic, loyal and fair. In these letters I have written and demanded from the anti-democratic organisations and governments in the West that they should not meddle in Macedonia or violate and discriminate the Macedonian people and falsify our history.

Macedonia is a nation that has suffered oppression during decades, genocide and ethnic cleansing. Macedonia is a nation that has been shattered and that the world has forgotten about.

Western authors, historians, experts, archaeologists teachers, professors and politicians have deprived the Macedonian nation of its history, traditions, culture, identity, literature, symbols and land, and falsified our Macedonian antiquity.

The media of the Western World has never revealed the truth about Macedonia, only presented fabricated, anti-Macedonian propaganda. During the 20th century we have heard and seen the Western World's propaganda, discrimination and violations against Macedonia and the Macedonian nation. Now it is time for us to make our voices heard and to inform the world about the truth. We want to show the world our struggle for justice and reveal to the world the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian nation.

I have put together all of the letters that I have written into a CD-book. However, the CD-book is not only about the Macedonian question and the Macedonian nation but also about how the Western World treats immigrants; the discriminations and violations against immigrants (A hell of a life for immigrants in the Western World). It is also about the Western World’s crime and the provocations and the promotion of war outside its borders.

The CD-book contains part 1 (430 pages) and part 2 (502) pages. This is a voluminous collection of material containing protest letters to different international organisations, institutes, governments and so on, answers and reactions from some of them, pictures and maps and much more. The main part of the material is written in English (95%) but there are also texts in Macedonian, German and Scandinavian.

My struggle for Macedonia has had many positive reactions. In this CD-book you will find the truth and not fabricated stories as you will find many journalists and authors to write. When reading this book, many of you will change your opinion regarding history and about the Western World’s democracy, justice and solidarity.

Many people have asked why the CD-book is named Macedonia for the Macedonians. The answer to this question will be revealed when you read the CD-book.

The price of the CD-book is 16 Euro including shipping. For distributors, the price is 10 Euro per CD-book including shipping, when ordering 20 CD-books or more.

To order the CD-book send an e-mail to: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet Ljupco_Mircevski_Trepet@hotmail.com, TREPET_1@hotmail.com

Please visit my web site: http://trepet.ds4a.com ; http://trepet.1colony.com

I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed when buying this book. I can promise you an interesting and exciting reading.

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet


Read about Communism and Democracy, Justice and Solidarity, War and Peace, Discriminations and Violations and so on.

Read and see the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian nation.

My name is Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet and I am a Macedonian, born in Macedonia.
For many years I have fought against the violations and discriminations of the Macedonian people executed by different countries in the world, especially the Western World and the Asian occupants.

This is a CD-book about the Macedonian question and the Macedonian nation. The CD-book contains part 1 (430 pages) and part 2 (502 pages).
This is a voluminous collection of material containing protest letters to different international organisations, institutes, governments and so on, answers and reactions from some them, pictures and maps and much more. The main part of the material is written in English (95%) but there are also texts in Macedonian, German and Scandinavian.

Macedonia is a nation that has suffered oppression during decades, genocide and ethnic cleansing. Macedonia is a nation the world has forgotten about.

Western authors, historians, experts, archaeologists teachers, professors and politicians have deprived the Macedonian nation of its history, traditions, culture, identity, literature, symbols and land, and falsified our Macedonian antiquity.

In schools, children are deceived and indoctrinated with "Greek" history, mythology, Gods and literature instead of being taught the truth.

Before 1860, "Greece" ("Hellas") did not exist. Neither did any "Greek" ("Hellenism") nationality. Before 1913, no Serbian "Albanian" or "Bulgarian" nationality or country existed. Before the Second World War, no Montenegrin, Croatian, Bosnian or Slovenian nationality or country existed. All of this is old Macedonian territory. As evidence, there are ancient historian maps presented in book 1.

The media of the western world has never revealed the truth about Macedonia, only presented fabricated, anti-Macedonian propaganda.

During the 20th century we have heard and seen the Western world's propaganda, discrimination and violations against Macedonia and the Macedonian nation. Now it is time for us to make our voices heard and to inform the world about the truth. We want to show the world our struggle for justice and reveal to the world the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian nation.

I want to warn the readers about the shocking pictures in the book, of young Macedonians, some tortured, others massacred in the spring of 2001 by "Albanian" Nazi fascist extremists and terrorists and with the help of corrupt Macedonian traitors, who call themselves politicians and the Western World's Governments, and the Western World's organizations the NATO, the UN and the EU.

This is an echo of the Second World War when Hitler's nazis and Mussolini's fascists occupied Macedonia and gave the "Albanian" terrorists and fascists permission to massacre, murder and slaughter hundreds of thousands of Macedonians. Now the NATO, the UN and the EU are the barbarian, performing the same task as Hitler and Mussolini did. We Macedonians will never forget nor forgive this.

Many people have asked why the CD-book is named Macedonia for the Macedonians. The answer to this question will be revealed when you read the CD-book.

The price of the CD-book is 16 Euro including shipping. Would you like to be a distributor? The price is then 10 Euro per CD-book including shipping, if you order 20 CD-books or more.

To order the CD-book send an e-mail to: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet Ljupco_Mircevski_Trepet@hotmail.com, TREPET_1@hotmail.com

Please visit my web site: http://trepet.ds4a.com ; http://trepet.1colony.com

I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed when buying this book. I can promise you an interesting and exciting reading.

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

Från: Dame Gruev Velikanot Makedonski Vojvoda
Skickat: den 12 augusti 2006 13:49:55
Till: info@culture.in.mk, info@multimedia.org.mk, vsimjan@mutlimedia.org.mk, info@pollitecon.com, vbivell@pollitecon.com, info@macedonia.co.uk, redakcija@makedonskosonce.com, urednik@makedonskosonce.com, elizabetaa@makedonskosonce.com, silvana@makedonskosonce.com, kokan@makedonskosonce.com, zakim@makedonskosonce.com, mileva@makedonskosonce.com, renata@makedonskosonce.com, ruzica@makedonskosonce.com, sinisa@makedonskosonce.com, vlado@makedonskosonce.com, info@forum.com.mk, sordan@forum.com.mk, zbojar@forum.com.mk, pisarev@forum.com.mk, jankovic@forum.com.mk, galevski@forum.com.mk, moraitov@forum.com.mk, arsov@forum.com.mk, vjovan@forum.com.mk, ssinadinov@yahoo.com, feedback@historyofmacedonia.org, mac-faq@RMacedonia.org, contact@novamakedonija.com.mk, Ljupco_Mircevski_Trepet@hotmail.com
Kopia: TREPET_1@hotmail.com, info@makedonijaimasila.org.mk, info@radioravel.com.mk, makfax@makfax.com.mk, mrtveb@mrt.com.mk, radiomakedonija@mr.com.mk, macedoni@dw-world.de, contact@aber.net.mk, mia@mia.com.mk, webmaster@mia.com.mk, webmaster@a1.com.mk, bvesnik@mt.net.mk, vecer@mt.net.mk, vesnik@utrinski.com.mk, dnevnik@dnevnik.com.mk, omo_ilinden_pirin@hotmail.com, tvmig@unet.com.mk, agency@mpa.org.mk, denes@unet.com.mk
Ämne: Prasanje dali postojat makedonski mediumi ili ne? Ili se anti makedonski mediumi?


Bifogad fil: Picture_of_the_President_of_the_Macedonian_Organization_VMRO-MNM_Mr_Ljupco_Mircevski-Trepet.JPG (0.03 MB), Mr_Ljupco_Mircevski-Trepet.jpg (0.03 MB), Picture_of_the_CD-book_Macedonian_Book_2006_Macedonia_for_the_Macedonians.jpg (0.05 MB)

Dali postojat makedonski mediumi ili ne?????? Za da objavuvat za vistinskite, realnite, hrabrite i golemite makedonski REVOLUCIONERI I VOJVODI, naprimer kako MAKEDONSKIOT GOLEM SIN I REVOLUCIONER G-DIN. TREPET VOJVODATA.....
Se prashuvam zoshto makedonskite mediumi go ignoriraa MAKEODNSKIOT VOJVODA G-DIN. TREPET. Makeodnskite mediumi objavuvat i kazhuvat i gi podrzhuvaat samo makeodnskite koruptirani politichari koj shto se golemi izrodi-predavnici i se razbira za neprijatelite na makeodnskiot narod.....
Chitajte i videte kako pishuvaat zaåadniot svet za makedonija i za VOJVODATA TREPET, zapadnata (skandinavskata) laga, provokacija i anti makeodnska propaganda.....

Chekam odgovor so objasnuvanje.....






Från: Goce Delcev velikanot Makedonski Vojvoda
Skickat: den 2 augusti 2006 14:27:15
Till: Ljupco_Mircevski_Trepet@hotmail.com, TREPET_1@hotmail.com
Kopia: goce_delcev_velikanot_makedonski_vojvoda@hotmail.com
Ämne: Ledare för gruppen uppges vara Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet, bosatt i Sverige.


Januari 2003

ISSN 1650-1942


901 82 Umeå



Januari 2003

ISSN 1650-1942




901 82 Umeå


Januari 2003
ISSN 1650-1942
901 82 Umeå


Bilaga 5. Terrorism och kriminalitet i Kosovo och Makedonien


Antialbanska organisationer

The Macedonian Revolutionary Organisation ’Todor Aleksandrov’, (MRO)
MRO Todor Alexandrov är en högerextrem grupp i Makedonien som har tagit namnet efter den mest betydelsefulla ledaren i den makedonska revolutionära organisationen under Balkankrigen.
Han mördades 1924. MRO Todor Aleksandrov påstår att Makedonien leds av en ”anti-makedonsk maffiaregering bestående av terrorister, banditer, spioner och agenter”.

Makedonier uppmanas bojkotta albanska butiker och att sluta prata med albaner.

Gruppen ser som sin främsta uppgift att bekämpa dem som stöder och finansierar proalbanska terroristorganisationer och vill ha ett internationellt erkännande (via FN) av det historiska namnet Makedonien.

Ledare för gruppen uppges vara Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet, bosatt i Sverige. Gruppen sägs vara aktiv i ”nästan alla städer i västra Makedonien” och påstås ha ca 1200 beväpnade medlemmar. 32

Gruppen har terroriserat albaner och bränt ner hus tillhörande albaner 33. Gruppen har tagit på sig ansvaret för en attack mot albansk egendom i Bitola och mordet på en albansk affärsman i Skopje 34. De påstår sig också ha attackerat finansiärer till makedonska UCK.

The Lions
(Gruppen förekommer under många namn i pressen, t ex Macedonia 2000, Macedonian Paramilitary 2000, Lions of Macedonia). 35

Paramilitär grupp i Makedonien som gjorde sig bemärkt under den sex månader långa konflikten mellan makedonska regeringstrupper och etniskt albanska rebeller under 2001.
Gruppen var känd för sin brutalitet mot de albanska rebellerna. Inrikesminister Boskovski befordrade den till ett reguljärt specialförband inom polisen i augusti 2001 när konflikten med UCK/Makedonien hade upphört 36.

Gruppen förmodas vara sammansatt av nyligt frigivna fångar, reservpoliser, personal i militära specialstyrkor, legosoldater samt banditer från gatan (fotbollshuliganer). Gruppen uppges ha 2000 medlemmar inklusive soldater från armens specialförband The Tigers, The Wolves och The Scorpions 37.

32 Macedonian revolutionary organization said to have 1,200 armed members, BBC, 2001-05-03
33 Albanian party officials say NATO must also disarm Macedonian, Fakti e-mail service, Skopje/BBC Monitoring Europe, 2001-08-17
34 Roundup: bomb blows up Albanian shop in Skopje, army resumes attack, Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 2001-05-04 och Macedonian organization claims responsibility for Bitola riots, BBC, 2001-05-03
35 Ripley T., Macedonia short of civil war, Jane’s Defence Weekly, 2001-06-27
36 Konstantin Testorides, Macedonian Official Wounds Four, Associated Press Online, 2002-05-15.
37 Elena Becatoros, Paramilitary groups could threaten fragile Macedonian peace process, Associated Press Worldstream, 2001-09-07.


The Lions har opererat framförallt i Tetovo-området. I Prilep har gruppen under beteckningen Macedonia 2000 terroriserat albaner och bränt ner hus tillhörande albaner 38. Aktioner har även riktats mot etniskt albansk polis 39. Gruppen har satt upp flygblad på albanska butiker i Skopjes förorter, med hot att bränna ner dem om inte ägarna upphörde med verksamheten. En handfull butiker i Skopje har beskjutits och plundrats.

Gruppen fick av misstag tillgång till vapen vid mobiliseringen av Makedonien. Inofficiellt fanns 14000 vapen i händerna på olika makedonska paramilitära grupper under 2001 40.

Andra antialbanska grupper
I Makedonien har det dykt upp andra paramilitära grupper med antialbansk inriktning, men vars verksamhet varit av ringa omfattning. I början av september 2001 rapporterade makedonska media om en grupp som kallade sig Viper (The Vipers). Gruppen hade skickat en kommuniké till affärsföretag i staden Prilep med begäran om pengar för att finansiera ”skyddet av Makedonien”. En annan grupp som inte ansvarat för några attacker är The National Front of Macedonia 41.


BBC News, Presevo valley tension, 2001-02-02 Western Policy Center, Yugoslavia, March/April 2000, Volume 5, Issue 3,
Serbia Info News, Albanian terrorism in Kosovo and Metohia, June 1998, www.serbiainfo.com
Serbia Info News, Albanian terrorism in Kosovo and Metohia in figures and pictures, June 1998, www.serbia-info.com
Serbia Info News, Foreign media on Albanian terrorism, June 1998, www.serbia-info.com
Alta Vista News, Chronology-Post-war Kosovo’s catalogue of unsolved killings, 2001-02-19, www.altavista.com
FAS, Federation of American Scientists, Summary report on Serbian offensive, 2001-08-21, www.fas.org
Open Source Information Report, diverse artiklar om konflikten Bodansky Y., bin Laden. The man who declared war on America, FORUM, 1999, ISBN 0-7615-1968-8
Julie Kim, CRS Report for Congress, Macedonia: country background and recent conflict, Updated November 7, 2001

38 Albanian party officials say NATO must also disarm Macedonian, Fakti e-mail service, Skopje/BBC Monitoring Europe, 2001-08-17
39 Macedonian gangs threaten peace, etnic Albanian says, The Deseret News Publishing Co., 2001-09-09.
40 Albanian party officials say NATO must also disarm Macedonian, Fakti e-mail service, Skopje/BBC Monitoring Europe, 2001-08-17
41 Elena Becatoros, Paramilitary groups could threaten fragile Macedonian peace process, Associated Press Worldstream, AP Worldstream, 2001-09-07.

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Read about Communism and Democracy, Justice and Solidarity, War and Peace, Discriminations and Violations.

Read and see the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian nation.

My name is Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet and I am a Macedonian, born in Macedonia.
For many years I have fought against the violations and discriminations of the Macedonian people executed by different countries in the world, especially the Western World and the Asian occupants.

I have written several protest letters to all the great organisations that claim to be democratic, loyal and fair. In these letters I have written and demanded from the anti-democratic organisations and governments in the West that they should not meddle in Macedonia or violate and discriminate the Macedonian people and falsify our history.

Macedonia is a nation that has suffered oppression during decades, genocide and ethnic cleansing. Macedonia is a nation that has been shattered and that the world has forgotten about.

Western authors, historians, experts, archaeologists teachers, professors and politicians have deprived the Macedonian nation of its history, traditions, culture, identity, literature, symbols and land, and falsified our Macedonian antiquity.

The media of the Western World has never revealed the truth about Macedonia, only presented fabricated, anti-Macedonian propaganda. During the 20th century we have heard and seen the Western World's propaganda, discrimination and violations against Macedonia and the Macedonian nation. Now it is time for us to make our voices heard and to inform the world about the truth. We want to show the world our struggle for justice and reveal to the world the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian nation.

I have put together all of the letters that I have written into a CD-book. However, the CD-book is not only about the Macedonian question and the Macedonian nation but also about how the Western World treats immigrants; the discriminations and violations against immigrants (A hell of a life for immigrants in the Western World). It is also about the Western World’s crime and the provocations and the promotion of war outside its borders.

The CD-book contains part 1 (430 pages) and part 2 (502) pages. This is a voluminous collection of material containing protest letters to different international organisations, institutes, governments and so on, answers and reactions from some of them, pictures and maps and much more.

My struggle for Macedonia has had many positive reactions. In this CD-book you will find the truth and not fabricated stories as you will find many journalists and authors to write. When reading this book, many of you will change your opinion regarding history and about the Western World’s democracy, justice and solidarity.

Many people have asked why the CD-book is named Macedonia for the Macedonians. The answer to this question will be revealed when you read the CD-book.

The price of the CD-book is 16 Euro including shipping. For distributors, the price is 10 Euro per CD-book including shipping, when ordering 20 CD-books or more.

To order the CD-book send an e-mail to: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet
Ljupco_Mircevski_Trepet@hotmail.com, TREPET_1@hotmail.com

I can promise you an interesting and exciting reading.

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet


Read about Communism and Democracy, Justice and Solidarity, War and Peace, Discriminations and Violations.

Read and see the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian nation.

This is a CD-book about the Macedonian question and the Macedonian nation. The CD-book contains part 1 (430 pages) and part 2 (502 pages).
This is a voluminous collection of material containing protest letters to different international organisations, institutes, governments and so on, answers and reactions from some them, pictures and maps and much more.

Macedonia is a nation that has suffered oppression during decades, genocide and ethnic cleansing. Macedonia is a nation the world has forgotten about.

Western authors, historians, experts, archaeologists teachers, professors and politicians have deprived the Macedonian nation of its history, traditions, culture, identity, literature, symbols and land, and falsified our Macedonian antiquity.

In schools, children are deceived and indoctrinated with "Greek" history, mythology, Gods and literature instead of being taught the truth.

Before 1860, "Greece" did not exist. Neither did any "Greek" nationality. Before 1913, no Serbian "Albanian" or "Bulgarian" nationality or country existed. Before the Second World War, no Montenegrin, Croatian, Bosnian or Slovenian nationality or country existed. All of this is old Macedonian territory. As evidence, there are ancient historian maps presented in book 1.

The media of the western world has never revealed the truth about Macedonia, only presented fabricated, anti-Macedonian propaganda.

During the 20th century we have heard and seen the Western world's propaganda, discrimination and violations against Macedonia and the Macedonian nation. Now it is time for us to make our voices heard and to inform the world about the truth. We want to show the world our struggle for justice and reveal to the world the truth about Macedonia and the Macedonian nation.

I want to warn the readers about the shocking pictures in the book, of young Macedonians, some tortured, others massacred in the spring of 2001 by "Albanian" Nazi fascist extremists and terrorists and with the help of corrupt Macedonian traitors, who call themselves politicians and the Western World's Governments, and the Western World's organizations the NATO, the UN and the EU.

This is an echo of the Second World War when Hitler's nazis and Mussolini's fascists occupied Macedonia and gave the "Albanian" terrorists and fascists permission to massacre, murder and slaughter hundreds of thousands of Macedonians. Now the NATO, the UN and the EU are the barbarian, performing the same task as Hitler and Mussolini did. We Macedonians will never forget nor forgive this.

The price of the CD-book is 16 Euro including shipping. Would you like to be a distributor? The price is then 10 Euro per CD-book including shipping, if you order 20 CD-books or more.

To order the CD-book send an e-mail to: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet Ljupco_Mircevski_Trepet@hotmail.com, TREPET_1@hotmail.com

I can promise you an interesting and exciting reading.

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

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Från: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Skickat: den 26 maj 2006 06:36:14
Till: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

zdravo vojvodo pozdravi od xxxxx, kako si kako e organizacijata.

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Från: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Skickat: den 26 maj 2006 07:13:57
Till: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

Pocituvan vojvodo Trepet. Prvo ti pustiv edna email da vidam dali e sve ok. Dobro sega sakam da ti pisam. Vamu na edno sto e mk muzika bev i moras da postavuvas forumi za muzika. I jas zedov postaviv 2 topics. Vo ednava rekov, vo sekoj vistinski Makedonec vo srceto mu lezi 16 zracno sonce. I slabo nekako nisto bas taka patriotski nema od nikogo nisto da rece. Izgleda najubavo mu e ventilatorot. Nemozom jas da go podnesam toa vo opste. Drugo mi bese topic za armijata. Oti da se vika ARM. Patriotski Makedonski ke zvuci kako na primer da se vika VM vojska Makedonija. So 16 zracno zname sonce i so vojnicki cinovi Aleksandar Makedonski. Pak ovoj pat mnogu slabo. Na nikogo ne mu se svigja i ova. Kakvi patrioti se mislam ima tamu. Poke uste ednas nisto ne stavuvam. So mislis ti za ova sakav da te prasam, nie isto mislime za nasata mila i sakana Makedonija. Lupco ke se gordees jas segde kaj sto odam samo zname 16 zracno sonce imam, primer vo video igrive sto se. Imaat da si napravis na uniformata sliki znaminja. Neznam i jas samiot kolku custom armpatches si napraviv so 16 zracno zname sonce, i pod drugi hardcore (sto se veli) pozadini. Prekrasni site se. Zname 16 zracno sonce doma imam nadvor go veev ot sekakvi pozici go islikav. Koga ke imas ti tvoja website od vistinskoto VMRO-MNM sakav da te prasam. Pa za slobodno patriotski, komitski, misli da si diskutirame.

Primi pozdravi od eden cesen Makedonski patriot, i komita xxxxx.


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Från: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Skickat: den 10 augusti 2006 12:59:18
Till: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet
Ämne: Do Gospodinot Trepet velikanot Makedonski, od eden Makedonski patriot i komita


Bifogad fil: Wall10_1.bmp (3.88 MB)

Gospodine Trepet jas go dobiv vasiot email ama samo toa so bese napisano na Engleski go razbrav. Ovie zapadnive drzavi mnogu gi protektirat siptarive. I so se desava so zapadnite midiumi i nivnata Anti Makedonska politika i siptarite, da mu ebam sve. I segde to e duri i vamu in the states. Ama jas sum siguren nemase ti nikakvi paravoeni formacii vo zapadna Makedonija za vreme na konfliktot. I da si imal ne e ovaa nivna rabota. Od so gledam vaka kako se raboti svativ deka mnogu nas ovie ovde ne nekat zaradi ona sto sme pravoslavni Hristijani. Ovde to mnogu mue kako rival. I duri so muslimani ke napravat tim zaedno samo da se protivnas. I zatoa mu se na strana na siptarite. Nija nekat religijata. Edinsven spas za Makedonija si ti. Predsednik da bidis, nova vojska, nova milicija, nov ustav, Makedonija da se znae samo kako Makedonija, so 16 zracno zname sonce zvezdata na Kutles. Evo napisav edna stihotvorba za Makedonija vidi kako ti se bendisva. A sojma novo kako ke ima nova internet stranica VMRO-MNM pa mozda i forum? Koge ke bide?

Primi pozdravi vojvodo i znaj oti nie ke pobedime.

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE! http://messenger.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/

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Från: Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet
Skickat: den 24 augusti 2006 11:48:11
Till: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Kopia: Ljupco_Mircevski_Trepet@hotmail.com, TREPET_1@hotmail.com
Ämne: Komitski i patriotski pozdravi do Makedonskiot komita i patriot Xxxxxx.

Zdravo zivo mlad Makedonski komita i patriot Xxxxxx,

Xxxxxx blagodaram na tvoite patriotski i komitski E-mail poraki, jas gi procitav i deluvat dosta so seriozni i iskreni Makeodnski idei i predlozi.
Jas veruvam deka ti si mlado momce i mislam deka zivees nadvor od nasata ni mila i sakana Majka Makedonija. Naj iskreno da ti kazam deka jas so takvi Makeodnci kako sto si ti mnogo se gordeam i veruvam deka vo idnina ke ima mnogo povise takvi dobri Makeodnci kako sto si ti. Dobrata idnina na nasata ni mila i sakana Majka Makeodnija i na Makedonskiot narod se gradi samo so dobri, realni, cesni, hrabri i gordi Makeodnci a dobrata idnina ne se gradi so velepredavnici i koruptirani Makedonci i so Makedonci koj sto se golemi matrealisti-egoisti-sebicnaci koj sto mislat i rabotat samo za nivni licni interesi.
Makeodnskiot narod ima golemi dusmanski neprijateli od azija so azijatskite divi i kraptiski pleminja koj sto mnogo dobro sorabotuvat i imat golemi podrski od zapdniot svet koj sto aktivno rabotat za da ja unistat Makeodnskata nacija i Makeodnskata drzava, kako so anti makeodnska propaganda, kako si falcifikovanje i kradenje na Makeodnskata bogata istorija, kultura, tradicii, simbli, kralovi, bogovi, antikata na staro drevna Makedonja i na staro drevniot Makeodnski narod.

Xxxxxx prasuvas za Web stranica na Makedonskata organizacija VMRO-MNM (Makedonija Na Makedoncite). Eve na kratko da ti kazam deka jas i site nie od VMRO-MNM ne mozeme da otvorime Web stranica na Makedonskata organizacija VMRO-MNM (Makedonija Na Makedoncite). Se razbira za da ne ja kazuvame vistinata za nacistite, fasistite, diktatorite, fanaticite, varvarite, teroristite, banditite, ubicite, mafijasite, pedofilite, psihopatite, sizofrenicarite i biokratite zapdnite zemji, pa i za vistinata za nacistite, fasistite, diktatorite, fanaticite, varvarite, teroristite, banditite, ubicite, mafijasite, pedofilite, psihopatite, sizofrenicarite od azijatskite zemji koj sto se okupatori na staro drevna Makeodnska zemja i za prokletite Makeodnskite koruptirani predavnici za orgromno golemite pljackanja na ogromnoto bogatsvo od Makedonskata drzava i od Makeodnskiot narod i za golemite katastrofi sto i se pravelo i sto seuste i se pravi na Makedonskata drzava i na Makeodnskiot narod. Nasite nadvoresni i vnatresni dusmanski i zverski neprijateli ne dozvoluvat da otvorime Makedonska komitska i patriotska Web stranica za da ne gi kritikuvame javno i javno da ne ja kazuvame vistinata za nivnite dusmanski i zverski anti makeodnski propagandi, lagi, provokacii i unistuvanija na nasata ni mila i sakana Majka Makeodnija i izvrsene i pravenje etncko cistenje na Makedonski narod, genocid (masakriranje i macenje) nad Makeodnskiot narod i se razbira so totalno unistuvanjeto na dobriot, cesniot, realniot, porobeniot i zagrozeniot Makedonski narod.

Jas i site dobri, versni, cesni, hrabri i gordi Makeodnski komiti i patrioti kako i so site dobri, cesni i realni brakja i sestri Makedonki i Makedonci koj sto me podrazavat i se moi sipatizeri i koj sto ja podrzavat i se sipatizeri na Makedonskata organizacija VMRO-MNM (Makedonija Na Makedoncite), ke se organizirame i obedinime za teski aktivnosti, akcii i borbi za osloboduvanje na porobenata ni Majka Makeodnija i za osloboduvanje i spasuvanje na porobeniot, nastradaniot i zagrozeniot Makeodnskiot narod. I ke nastavime so nasite golemi aktivnosti i borbi za Makedonskata kauza, za da ja kazuvame vistinata za stradanjeto na Makeodnskiot narod, za da gi zastituvame Makeodnskite nacionalni i drzavni interesi i da gradime dobra i stabilan idnina na oslobodenata Makedonska zemja i na oslobodeniot Makeodnski narod.






Pretsedatel na Makedonskata organizacija VMRO-MNM (Makedonija Na Makedoncite)

Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet

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