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Date Posted: 03:17:27 07/17/08 Thu
Author: Kassie DePaiva
Subject: Ok guys... some things are happening soon in Llanview that might set some Todd and Blair fans on their ears... or they may fall out of their chairs. But for the John and Blair hopefuls..... there is some action coming your way for awhile. I'm very curious about how every one feels about the events. Remember, it is just a soap and tomorrow it can all change... so let me hear what you think. Trevor, Susan, Michael, and I just want to tell good story and make you want to tune in tomorrow.

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[> As a John and Blair hopeful... I am glad you said "awhile". -- tonya, 04:14:20 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> I am with you Tonya, i am glad Kassie said "awile" I just want Blair to be in a good story and have some juicy material to sink her teeth into. -- Farrah, 10:25:42 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> I am with you Tonya and Farrah,we have been waiting for a while but as long as Kassie has a huge Storyline i am happy. -- shelia, 11:04:52 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> Re: As a John and Blair hopeful... I am glad you said "awhile". -- Lauren (CTKassieFan), 12:10:32 07/17/08 Thu


I would just like Blair to be front and center with a HUGE storyline! :) Marty's return should spark some interesting fireworks as well. It surely sounds like there will be a lot of action coming up and I can't WAIT! Especially now that I just got Soapnet, I can watch the best episodes (any you are in are the ones I consider the best) twice.


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[> [> As a Blair fan I am in hell!! Blair and John are boring. Blair needs to get the hell away from him before she is totally distroyed. I will scream if they start making papaer airplanes!!! -- Heather ((BLO suck)), 05:43:14 07/18/08 Fri

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[> As a devoted T&Ber, I am hanging in & will continue to do so. I am not thrilled by the idea of an upcoming quad--especially with McBain & Todd's one-time rape victim in the mix!!!--but the promise of T&B interactions and the famous (or infamous) T&B Mating Dance will keep me glued to my screen. As long as T&B come out the victors (as I know they will), I can survive pretty much anything. I've been with T&B all these years, so I have a pretty thick skin at this point!!! -- LH, 04:27:31 07/17/08 Thu

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[> Too late, I'm already out of my chair. LOL I don't like it now. -- DaJ, 04:42:23 07/17/08 Thu

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[> i think yur a brave woman just to ask people whqt they thnk, lol, i will go fo ranything tht put bliar on the screen more often. wanted t add i love th ephotos of you and trevor, and yo and jq, outside the studio, they were great. -- kathy, 05:03:56 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> Weren't those great pics, kathy? I liked them too. So pretty. Sooo much better than anything the show has to offer in terms of Todd and Blair. -- Cathy, 09:36:03 07/17/08 Thu

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[> Thank god, I am not a T&Ber, lol, seriously, I have no problem with the way Blair is being written by Ron Carlivati. I really think Carlivati gets Blair. Todd&Blair really never recovered from Dena Higley. If something does develop between John&Blair, then I would not be surprised knowing how close John&Blair have become over time. Kassie, under Carlivati's pen, I can not wait for tomorrow, but I just wish you were on more. Love Ya! -- sparklebarbie, 05:09:50 07/17/08 Thu

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[> What, Todd and Marty get it on? Believe me, it's not the T&B fan in me that would be grossed out by that. I mean, it's not like there's any actual hope for Todd/Blair right now, Kassie. Neither one of them wants to have much to do with the other and there is clearly no T&B tease going on to keep us hanging on either. What's the point? All I'm getting from this is: If you ever liked T&B - prepare to get screwed. Again. -- Dandesun, 05:46:33 07/17/08 Thu

Seems clear to me what's going on. Blair gets to be the heavy in the John/Marty reunion story while she twists herself into the role of 'acceptable citizen of Llanview.' Todd is the Bad Guy. John and Marty need to find their way back together.

Blah blah blah.

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[> [> I got screwed by T&B along time ago, and I didn't like it. I have been enjoying the show of late though, which is quite unusual. -- Lafaux, 06:18:42 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> I love the rest of the show, which is at least different from other times. Now, while I'm getting screwed for ever being a T&B fan, I do have the rest of the show to enjoy. Because the baby story and all of its participants are easily the weakest part of the show, in my opinion. -- Dandesun, 06:22:16 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> I totally agree, Dande. I'm glad other parts of the show are good, but disappointed that my favorite characters (Blair, Todd, and Starr) are in the weakest story - and one that I frankly, just can't watch. -- Cathy, 09:02:16 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> I have a feeling I won't be watching for the next couple of weeks now. That's very different for me--especially since T&B will be heavily featured--but the spoilers are making me SO ill. I will record it all & watch it at some later date when my gag reflex has returned to normal. Right now, I'm certain I would HURL!!! -- LH, 16:45:48 07/18/08 Fri

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Yeah, I've been ff'ding a lot, and I imagine I'll continue to do so. Just no interest in Blair/John scenes. No real interest in watching Todd call Blair the same predictable names either. FF'd. -- Cathy, 11:15:33 07/19/08 Sat

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Yep, I know what you mean. It royally sucks right now. Basically, it's record, rewind, FF these days. I NEED MY T&B/Mannings!!!! -- LH, 07:52:55 07/27/08 Sun

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[> [> Great point, Dande. Why would T&B fans be turned on their ears or fall out of their chairs or anything? T&B are divorced. They broke up (a minute after they made up) and give no hope of reconciling. What more could happen to T&B fans? We all expect eventual John/Blair sex - we could see that coming from a mile away. How much worse can it get? We're getting screwed for the millionth time? What's surprising or shocking about that? -- Cathy, 09:24:48 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> T&B will rise again & get back to lovin' on each other and expanding their charming brood sooner than expected. That's what keeps me tuned in. Because I know that is EXACTLY what will happen! And, I love T&B/Mannings, so I stay invested & stick it out. I'm bulletproof at this point!! -- LH, 20:32:31 07/17/08 Thu

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[> Re: Ok guys... some things are happening soon in Llanview that might set some Todd and Blair fans on their ears... or they may fall out of their chairs. But for the John and Blair hopefuls..... there is some action coming your way for awhile. I'm very curious about how every one feels about the events. Remember, it is just a soap and tomorrow it can all change... so let me hear what you think. Trevor, Susan, Michael, and I just want to tell good story and make you want to tune in tomorrow. -- R.U., 05:53:03 07/17/08 Thu

Sorry, I don't see any chemistry between John and Blair. Todd and Blair belong together and it's about time they had some happiness that lasted longer than 10 minutes. I also hate the "grandparents" story just in case you wondered.

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[> [> IA, RU. There is ZERO chemistry between Blair and John. Attempting to move the relationship from friendship to fling will be a HUGE mistake!!! They are DOOMED from the start. It's ALWAYS all about T&B and ALWAYS will be. T&B WILL conquer all!! -- LH, 19:58:04 07/17/08 Thu

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[> Re: Ok guys... some things are happening soon in Llanview that might set some Todd and Blair fans on their ears... or they may fall out of their chairs. But for the John and Blair hopefuls..... there is some action coming your way for awhile. I'm very curious about how every one feels about the events. Remember, it is just a soap and tomorrow it can all change... so let me hear what you think. Trevor, Susan, Michael, and I just want to tell good story and make you want to tune in tomorrow. -- Cammie, 06:06:51 07/17/08 Thu

Kassie, you don't even have to ask because you already know what I want.I want John and Blair.I love the inaction I've been seeing with them and the possibility of more makes me giddy with happiness.I think that you and Michael have great chemistry and I think John and Blair will be really really hot.Thanks for asking for our opinion.

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[> How does one choose between and obnoxious twerp hell bent on staying stuck on stupid and filthy whispering grease ball with no discernible prospects? I despise Todd on every level known and unknown to man.. John..uncouth...his cleanliness....highly suspect... if there is going to be any intimacy between Blair and that fella..I strongly suggest a hazmat suit of good quality be purchase and used as diligently as humanly possible ..that's what I think anyways.. -- S.Luva, 06:31:06 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> I picture a Silkwood type of shower needed to prevent contamination. -- Dandesun, 06:38:32 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> There hasn't been a ritual/device/program yet invented to prevent or apparently contain this sort of insidious Chernobyl like contamination. Wouldn't aTall be surprised if Blair grew a tail or a third eye or a mole that tells jokes just standing to close to that festering sack of cells. -- S.Luva, 06:51:26 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> Llanview has become the most polluted city in America. So we're putting this dome over you. Have a nice day! -- Dandesun, 06:53:33 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> Can we see through this dome? Cause that wouldn't slove my problem...Can't we just single out the worst offenders and use a blow torch on them..hmmm?..Push them in a vat of acid...something fun like that.. -- S.Luva, 07:04:00 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> [> I think Raid is needed to be honest. Soap & water could not even begin to wash his YUCK at this point. McDirtbag needs fumigated!!! -- LH, 19:16:55 07/20/08 Sun

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[> [> You are BAD! Just BAD! -- Lafaux, 07:56:29 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> Nuh uh...I was totally being congenial...if I say so myself.. -- S.Luva (Innocent..naturally), 08:07:02 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> Sometimes the truth hurts!! I know cops don't make a ton of money, but McDirtbag can't afford a bar of soap & running water?!!! Dude needs a de-contamination shower followed by a visit from the Queer Eye Guys!!! -- LH, 17:18:11 07/21/08 Mon

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[> [> Even hazmat suits wouldn't do the trick. I suggest petry dishes! Those are stench-proof & Blair won't have to disinfect afterward. -- LH, 20:24:39 07/17/08 Thu

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[> Re: Ok guys... some things are happening soon in Llanview that might set some Todd and Blair fans on their ears... or they may fall out of their chairs. But for the John and Blair hopefuls..... there is some action coming your way for awhile. I'm very curious about how every one feels about the events. Remember, it is just a soap and tomorrow it can all change... so let me hear what you think. Trevor, Susan, Michael, and I just want to tell good story and make you want to tune in tomorrow. -- Cammie, 07:08:46 07/17/08 Thu

You people are just bitter because it's not Todd.I mean come on it's just a soap.These are characters and not real people.But the actors do have real feelings and you saying things like that about John would hurt Michael and I'm sure Kassie and the rest of the people involved in the story.So grow up people,please.

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[> [> Who is "you people"? Cause I want to make sure before I respond you and I are on the same page.. -- S.Luva, 07:17:54 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> Just because someone doesn't like John or John/Blair doesn't mean they're automatically a bitter T&B fan. -- Dandesun, 07:41:05 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> She has as much right to her opinion as anyone. There are extremes on the board and it is an endless argument. There are other boards for that! -- San, 14:01:47 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> Word to everything you said, San, but double word on the endless argument part :) -- sparklebarbie, 15:25:31 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> Then, you are probably in the wrong medium, Lucy. That's the main reason these forums exist & what keeps them going! -- LH, 16:25:10 07/19/08 Sat

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[> [> Not all T&B fans are bitter, Cammie. Sure, I love T&B and I want them back together & happy ASAP!!! However, my dislike of the John/Blair stuff goes far beyond the fact that I am a T&Ber. John is a lost cause & not a suitable romantic prospect for anyone, much less Blair. And, my main gripe is how Blair is being written in this story. THIS IS NOT BLAIR!!! It's Pod Blair from the SpenSUCK fiasco days, only the cheap tart/Sandra Dee version. No Thanks!!! -- LH, 16:17:05 07/19/08 Sat

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[> Re: Ok guys... some things are happening soon in Llanview that might set some Todd and Blair fans on their ears... or they may fall out of their chairs. But for the John and Blair hopefuls..... there is some action coming your way for awhile. I'm very curious about how every one feels about the events. Remember, it is just a soap and tomorrow it can all change... so let me hear what you think. Trevor, Susan, Michael, and I just want to tell good story and make you want to tune in tomorrow. -- Shannon, 07:15:52 07/17/08 Thu

YAY! I love John and Blair. Thanks for keeping us updated.

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[> I hate whiney abusive Toddler more than John's stench. As long as Blair is happy and stays unchained from master Podd, I'll be happy. -- Ex-TnB fan, 07:16:50 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> L.O.L.!! Do you *really* think Blair is going to stay "unchained" from "Master Podd" just cause she gets it on with John? I assume you're familiar with this story since it has aired numerous times before, so you must know that the answer to that question is a big NO. After all, Blair has to be around Todd so he can call her bitchslutwhore in every scene. FF'd. -- Cathy, 09:08:37 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> L.O.L.!! Do you *really* think Podd will be a fixture forever? I've only watched since 1976 and I've seen plenty of OL's best and worst couples come and go. -- Ex-TnB fan, 10:23:22 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> FOREVER? That's a very very long time. You mean like, until the show gets cancelled? LOL! I'm just talking about the story that's coming up now. And yes indeedy, Todd will be a fixture in it. You can count on it. ;) -- Cathy, 17:04:34 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> You can bank on it. Todd will always be a constant in Blair's life and vice versa. They are inextractably linked together via true love, soul-deep connection, children, marriage, and a love story that cannot be denied or destroyed. T&B are KISMET....And, you can't fight FATE!!! Todd&Blair are truly meant-to-be now & always!!! -- LH, 20:03:03 07/17/08 Thu

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[> I just threw up a little!!! Blair and John will sink faster than the titanic. I won't watch that crap. Wake up when the she-devil of Llanview comes back!!! -- Heather, 07:37:51 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> This quad is going to go down in flames. Hooking up Blair/John and Todd/Marty even temporarily will create a sh*tstorm & NOT in a good way. Maybe that's the point.....By the end, we will all be begging for T&B and Jarty and never the tween shall meet again. If TPTB wanted to rally the fans, I think they will succeed w/ this stunt!! A more sickening quad could not be imagined for OLTL!!! -- LH, 20:09:39 07/17/08 Thu

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[> Well...Since you asked. If they had done JoB last year, maybe. Now? I'm just not feeling Job as a couple. OLTL suckered me back in to T&B and, as is tradition, I am about to get screwed because I fell for it AGAIN. Not like I wasn't expecting it, just thought it would take a little longer since I waited two years for a quasi-payoff. Now Tarty (if they go there) is a whole other thing. I will NOT watch any kind of a romance between them. It's disgusting IMO. So if that's part of what will cause this T&Ber to fall off her chair, I'll be moving the chair. -- Fish, 07:40:36 07/17/08 Thu

To be frank, it's T&B that keeps me watching OLTL. It's ALWAYS been T&B. Or the promise of T&B, that keeps me tuned in. When I've lost interest and tuned out it has always been when there was no T&B. But that's just me.

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[> [> That's the thing. Two years plus of waiting for T&B to reunite for what -- 4 or 5 episodes? And now we're back to the same old breakup story for them where Blair sleeps with the man in front of her? No thanks. I've simply seen it all before. A MILLION times! When there's absolutely ZERO payoff or the payoff is so quick that you miss it if you blink, then I'm no longer compelled to invest in the story or those particular characters. That's my honest opinion. -- Cathy, 09:00:34 07/17/08 Thu

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[> So what else is new? Blair screws John? That wasn't predictable. Todd has a fit when he finds out? WOW -- something NEW! I've no interest either in watching Marty fall for her gang rapist. My thoughts, honestly? FF'd on all of it. Some of the rest of the show is improving, but not the story for Blair. That's just on RE-RUN. -- Cathy, 08:57:38 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> Can we say Partick/Marty/Blair!!! Just substitute John for Patrick. Blair is going to get bumped and dumped!! -- Heather (p*ssed off Blair fan!), 09:25:11 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> That's how I see it. I see all of John's so called respect for Blair disappearing like cotton candy in the rain the second he knows about Marty. -- Dandesun, 09:46:39 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> Respect, what respect. John only hangs around Blair, because she is anti Todd. I do not see any repect for her from John. -- Heather, 09:55:52 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> Even hazmat suits wouldn't do the trick. I suggest petry dishes! -- LH, 20:20:26 07/17/08 Thu

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[> I am willing to watch the show and see how it plays out. So far Blair has NOT jumped into the sack with John or anyone else. They are building a relationship and if and when it happens, I am willing to see how it plays. Maybe John will be drawn to Marty, but things can change. Blair and John did not bond over Marty's death. I do see John treating her with respect and always has. And I was a die heart T&Ber for years, but I have put down my torch. I hate the way Todd treats Blair 75% of the time and I could care less about Marty. -- tonya, 10:19:41 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> John and Blair will get it on the last week of July. Thank god I am on vacation and won't have to watch that crap. All I can say is Blair RIP- this is going to be bad!!! -- Heather, 10:24:14 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> I've put down the torch, too, Tonya. I still don't like John/Blair. Nor do I like being told I should because it's not Todd. So what?! -- Dandesun, 11:03:50 07/17/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> Hi Kassie! Diehard TNBer here who has fallen out of may chair many a time LOL. Could I make a suggestion just by chance it gets to RC. It would be great for Blair to at least tear in John concerning his lack of emotion. Something for us to see this guy is not just always outside looking in. Let Blair give him some fire! You and TSJ have so much chemistry that ME has to step up to the plate! LOL. NT -- leo, 12:58:07 07/17/08 Thu


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[> [> [> [> [> IA--Another Diehard TNBer here " who has fallen out of my chair many a time. You and TSJ have so much chemistry that ME has to step up to the plate!" I just expect it at this point. They can do very little to shock me anymore re: T&B. I've seen it all & TnB are STILL the BEST of the BEST and as good as it gets!!! Nothing holds a candle to that T&B/Manning Magic!! -- LH, 20:17:53 07/17/08 Thu

ME/John doesn't stand a chance!! And, the Todd/Marty thing--PLEEEEASE!!! PETA will be on that thing like white on rice!!! I've already begun the countdown to our next T&B reunion...Make it special, OLTL!!

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[> [> [> [> I don't think anyone has told you that you should no more than you have told them they shouldn't. It is just different views. No biggie, it is just a TV show. -- tonya, 16:44:51 07/17/08 Thu

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[> Re: Ok guys... some things are happening soon in Llanview that might set some Todd and Blair fans on their ears... or they may fall out of their chairs. But for the John and Blair hopefuls..... there is some action coming your way for awhile. I'm very curious about how every one feels about the events. Remember, it is just a soap and tomorrow it can all change... so let me hear what you think. Trevor, Susan, Michael, and I just want to tell good story and make you want to tune in tomorrow. -- Pam, 15:29:13 07/17/08 Thu

I can't wait to see you and John together. I love the scenes between you and ME. I was really hoping they put Blair and John together. I'm glad you said a while. Hopefully I get it. They took John and Evangeline off me and i'm still ticked about that. I used to be a T&B fan when RH was Todd. But I can't stand Todd cause I just don't buy TSJ as Todd Period.

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[> Re: Ok guys... some things are happening soon in Llanview that might set some Todd and Blair fans on their ears... or they may fall out of their chairs. But for the John and Blair hopefuls..... there is some action coming your way for awhile. I'm very curious about how every one feels about the events. Remember, it is just a soap and tomorrow it can all change... so let me hear what you think. Trevor, Susan, Michael, and I just want to tell good story and make you want to tune in tomorrow. -- Jo (I don't want Blair anywhere near John.), 05:00:52 07/18/08 Fri

Blair has been on screen too long to change for John. I for one will not watch again until she is away from John. And becomes that strong tough character that we love.

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[> [> I hear ya, Jo. This twist will just make Blair look pathetic, needy, & cheap. Care to wager on how many times Blair calls out Todd's name during her romp w/John???!! It is so predictable & makes Blair look SO BAD!!! -- LH, 16:00:50 07/18/08 Fri

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[> [> [> Sure, I care to wager $20.00, and Blair does not look bad. She is not cheating nor she is the another woman. she does not know marty is alive. in my opinion, blair does not look bad. most importantly, blair does not look stupid. -- sparklebarbie, 16:57:58 07/18/08 Fri

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[> [> [> [> That's your opinion & you're entitled to it. I do NOT share it. I think Blair looks AWFUL in this story & this twist is not going to do her any favors at all. If I were Kassie, I would watch out for RC. I think he's going to destroy Blair at this rate!!! It's a shame because I had such high hopes for him as HW until recently. Now, I'm really unsettled. I've never viewed Blair as a cheap tart before, but I'm really displeased with this upcoming twist. I've defended Blair & her colorful past for years--especially since KDP has been in the role -- LH, 18:10:36 07/18/08 Fri

I could always rationalize & defend her behavior/actions/dalliances, even if I hated them. However, I really cannot defend this twist---Blair looks cheap, weak, needy, & pathetic!!!

RC is making Blair into a SLUT for this story--plain & simple!! I DESPISE IT....It sickens me!!!

Kassie asked for our honest feelings & interpretation of these events and that's mine.

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[> [> [> [> [> Blair definitely looks weak, needy, and pathetic. -- Rose, 02:30:21 07/19/08 Sat

I don't think she looks cheap though nor do I believe she is acting like a slut.

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[> [> [> [> [> I think that the Spencer storyline made her look bad. I like John and Blair has friends and didn't want romance but it will never come close to the Spencer/Blair storyline. (Don't get me wrong, I don't like the idea of her sleeping with another man so soon after her divorce). But if the storyline will lead to a feud between Marty/Blair then I'm all for it since it would make Blair act more like her old self. I haven't been too thrilled with RC's work in general post strike but I think we will get some good scenes with Marty/Blair (RC is all about history and Marty/Blair is part of it). -- Janice, 06:27:16 07/19/08 Sat

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Definitely echoing your sentiments on the SpenSUCK fiasco, Janice. That mess was stomach churning & utterly repulsive!!! But, even in that sl, Blair waited awhile before sleeping with the enemy & I could rationalize her behavior. The grief over losing Todd, watching her husband & father of her children sent to death row, Todd refusing his appeal, dealing with the upset over more of Todd's lies, etc. This time, I cannot defend Blair's actions. They make NO sense!!! Blair obviously still loves Todd & never wanted the divorce..... -- LH, 14:53:14 07/19/08 Sat

Instead of fighting for her marriage & family, Blair allows Todd to goad her with another one of his ruses & doesn't even find out why?!!!

That's NOT Blair....

And, this John/Blair stuff is coma-inducing and turning this into quad will be the kiss of death!!!

I really see RC turning Blair into a SLUT for this sl to sell the T&B/Marty/John quad and remove some of the stigma from a Todd/Marty hook-up on the way back to T&B and John/Marty.

I HATE how this makes Blair look...IT'S CHEAP & TAWDRY!!!

RC should just write Blair as the modern day Karen Wolek selling it on every street corner w/McDingy as her Marco Dane pimp and Todd as Blair's far from clueless yet unsuspecting & adoring hubby. And, just be done with it.


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[> [> [> [> I agree with you Lucy,I am so sure of it that i would wager 50.00 on it,Blair has never look bad a day of her live. and she sure in the hell ain;t stupid. -- shelia, 11:10:16 07/19/08 Sat

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[> Re: Ok guys... some things are happening soon in Llanview that might set some Todd and Blair fans on their ears... or they may fall out of their chairs. But for the John and Blair hopefuls..... there is some action coming your way for awhile. I'm very curious about how every one feels about the events. Remember, it is just a soap and tomorrow it can all change... so let me hear what you think. Trevor, Susan, Michael, and I just want to tell good story and make you want to tune in tomorrow. -- Mystic (Disgusted), 03:39:16 07/19/08 Sat

I wish TPTB would finally have Blair grow up instead of acting like some walking adolescent hormone whom has to sleep with EVERY available male on the show to prove her worthy. GMAB! She is a mother and soon to be grandmother!

I would like to see the strong, vibrant, independent hellcat we all know and love make an appearance, not the one whom we are currently being shown, playing the role of victim (damsel in distress syndrome) just to seduce a man, John, with a hero complex on the show. Where is Blair's self-worth?

I want to see romance in the afternoon rather than just "lust" as it would be between these two.

If Blair can't be with Todd, then I think they should bring Max back for her.

I am just not into a "granny tri" (Blair,John,Marty) so another longtime viewer will be tuning out.

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[> [> No Worries. My guess is this farce of a quad will crash & burn relatively quickly and it will be back to T&B/Mannings again in no time--as it should/needs to be. I can't wait!!! -- LH, 20:28:02 07/26/08 Sat

The show sucks right now & this twist is UNWATCHABLE!! It's repulsive.

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