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Subject: Athiests and Christians welcome... The REAL God!

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Date Posted: 08:08:31 08/27/04 Fri

I have just stumbled upon this forum a few days ago and I have seen a common trend. Many of you seem to not believe in the god that the Christians worship. Let me just say that I used to be a Christian since I was three and went through all of the rituals and mind numbing brain wash that is fed to everyone in the church. I escaped from them after I studied new beliefs and liberated myself. Now I write here not to convince you of anything, but perhaps give you a broader perspective on life.
There are a few core beliefs that Christians have about God. Mind you that although the Bible (especially the Old Testament) is largely unreliable, there is still some truth. The most convincing lies are hidden between two truths. Well like I was saying, Christians believe that there are a few basic facts about God that are undoubtedly the truth. What they do not want to recognize is that those same truths contradict most of the biblical teachings. The undisputed facts about God are as follows:
1) God is omnipotent.
2) God is omnipresent.
There are many more things that Christians think they know about who God really is, but this is truly the only two things that people need to know.
If Christians truly believed these two facts (that are even in the Bible!), then the whole religion would dissolve. Think about the two statements. Omnipresent means everywhere present, therefore, God is everywhere at all times. Now this is may be hardly revelation to all of you who actually study the Christian faith, but when you add that God is omnipotent (all powerful) then things get a lot more interesting. Since God is omnipotent; he cannot be bound within any constraint whether it be time, space, or the mind. Therefore, God is not only everywhere at once; he is everything at once. With this conclusion, God is not some sentient being floating in heaven. He is you, me, and even the coke can you just tossed in the trash. He is everything! He is also beyond all opposites. Now doesn't that change a lot? Since God is limitless you can't even think about God in all "His" totality. Because in order to think about God you must also think about your thoughts and then think about those thoughts, etc.
Due to God being everything that ever is and ever was, "he" is essentially the ultimate reality. Since you cannot think about reality in its totality, you have to separate it into subject and object in order to view it. The eye cannot ever see all of reality because the eye itself is a part of reality.
The fact of God being limitless also brings us to another important question. How can God be loving if "He" is beyond all opposites? Well, that's simple. God is not loving, but "He" is also not hateful. And since he is limitless, "He" must also be loving and hateful. Yes it doesn't seem to make any sense, but then again I already explained that God or Reality cannot be thought of or even spoken of for that matter. Once you open your mouth you have already lied.
The illusion of separation is the cause of all the strife in the world. People are essentially selfish, right? But if the rapist really thought that he way abusing himself instead of some hapless girl in an alleyway, if he felt her pain and trauma, would he do it? Of course not! This answers the question of "how could a loving God allow so much suffering?" Well it is because there is no such thing as a God that is ruling us from the heavens. We are a part of God, and we control our own fate.

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Re: Athiests and Christians welcome... The REAL God!Sarah18:42:45 10/01/04 Fri
Re: Athiests and Christians welcome... The REAL God!hediedfornowlifeforhim19:43:02 11/02/04 Tue

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