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Subject: Episode 2.5: Paper Dolls

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Date Posted: 01:13:30 05/16/03 Fri
Author Host/IP: inktomi2-gfd.server.ntl.com/

Episode 2.5: Paper Dolls

“I don’t really get it” Thalia snarls as she sits on a hill with Andrew, staring over the carnival and watching the fireworks.

“What’s that my little English Muffin?”

“English Muffin? No more for you” she smiles as she takes the bottle of schnapps from his hand.

“I mean, I don’t understand how fireworks represent your independence”

“Well, they don’t really, but they’re so wild and free and maybe it’s symbolic”

The two stare into the sky pondering the meaning of the fireworks above them.

Down at the carnival Dawn, Faith & Garrison are wondering around, none, but Dawn is enthusiastic.

“What a crock of –“

“Faith, children…everywhere” Garrison stops her

“Come on, how can you two not enjoy this”

“Because we’re not free, it’s all a big sham”

“It is so not” Dawn says defensively before crashing into a small girl, maybe six years old.

“Sorry” she says lifting the girl and brushing the mud from her knees

“You’re pretty” the girl smiles, a few teeth missing from her mouth

“aww, thank you. So are you” Dawn looks around “Where’s your Mommy?”

“She died” the girls says quietly

Dawn tries to back peddle “I’m sorry, My Mommy died too”

The little girl smiles at her as her Dad sweeps her from Dawn

“There you are! Don’t ever disappear like that again” he says holding her tightly

“It’s okay, she just got a little dirty from the floor” Dawn smiles tucking her hair behind her ears

“Dawn, can we go?” Faith says clearly uninterested in the child


“Bye Bye Dawn” the girls waves, Dawn smiles

“She likes you” her Father smiles

“She’s a nice kid, sweet”

“Listen, Dawn was it? I’ve really got a lot or work to do here, so, I mean it it’s not too much trouble. You wanna hang out with Casey for a while? I completely understand if you d-“

“How about you? Would you like that Casey?” Dawn smiles

Casey nods enthusiastically then reaches out to Dawn

“If it’s fine with Casey it’s fine with me” she smiles as she leads her off by the hand,

They walk straight past a gypsy tent, with a large cue of children outside.

Eliza Dushku
Michelle Trachtenberg
Tom Lenk
Lisa Roxanne
Ryder Strong

Special Guest Star: Amber Benson as Tara

Guest Starring:
Lindsey Sloane as Maria.

“I hate this part” Faith moans as Garrison and Dawn climb into the car

“You sure you don’t want us to come with?”

“No, I can do the after fayre drunk kids eaten by demons patrol myself” she sighs

“You’re very calm, It’s strange” Garrison smiles as he stamps his cigarette out

“I know” she says semi-disturbed

Faith is wondering around the fayre looking for any sings of trouble.

“Faith” comes a voice from nowhere

She turns to see a man leaning out of a burger van

“Tony?” She smiles as she runs over to him

“Still working the fayre huh?” She smiles

“Yes I am, missy, Yes I am. So, what’ve you been doing? I’ve not seen you round these parts since you were sixteen”

“Twenty three next week” she smiles

“Man, now I feel old” He smiles “You’re looking good kid”

“You two, you still with Joanna?”

“Nah, got my eye on the Gypsy girl” He looks over at a young gypsy woman, setting up a large purple tent

“Why’s she setting up now?” Faith asks suspiciously

“Hey Kid, I’m just here to serve ya, what’ll it be”

“Nothing if you’re not treating” she smiles

“Well, call it an early birthday gift” He smiles

Faith continues on round the fayre, it’s close to 2a.m, she reacts to a large rustling coming from behind one of the tents.

Crashing round the corner she has a fourteen-year-old boy by his throat.

“Crazy bitch get the hell off me!” He yells, dropping a half bottle of Jack Daniel’s

“Beat it kid, you still got seven years” Faith says seriously as she throws him down. He looks up and runs off.

“This sucks, I’m out” Faith says to herself as she begins to wonder back from the field.

As she steps up to the edge of the road she hears a large crunching, followed closely by screaming and tearing.

She runs along the field at top speed, not looking back or where she is going, just running at the noise skidding to a stop, slipping to the floor on the mud.

Vomit. The only reaction the seen-it-all girl could have to the sight ahead of her. The boy she’d just warned off was no longer a boy, more a mass of flesh scattered across the floor, Jack Daniel’s bottle still clutched in his skinless hand.

Garrison walks over, having been called by Faith.

“That’s not nice” Garrison says holding his hand over his mouth.

“What could do that?” Faith asks

“Gnarl?” Garrison asks

“What’s a Gnarl?”
“Some skin eating demon, don’t think it’s strong enough to do this though”

“You sure? How long does it take it to eat?”

“Longer than it took you to get to here” Garrison remarks.

Faith notices the Gypsy girl looking over at them, she nods at Garrison and the two walk over as if they’re playing detective.

“Hey” She says grabbing her by the arm as she turns to walk away

“Leave” the girl says forcefully

“Excuse me, I don’t think so” says Faith aggressively

“You don’t know, You’re getting into what you can’t handle” she says

“Believe when it’s said she can hold her own” Garrison steps up

“Right, can you? You’re blind” she says to Garrison

“I can see pretty fine, thanks”

“You’re blind to knowledge. You don’t even notice” she says getting hysterical

“Notice what?” Faith says with more pressure in her voice

The girl’s shakes her head then runs into her tent laughing. Faith follows only to find the tent completely empty.

Dawn is still sitting at home with Casey as her Father is at the warehouse, locking his store away from the carnival.

Casey takes her cardigan off and hands it to Dawn.

“What’s that?” Dawn asks gently rubbing the edge of a large bruise on Casey’s arm

“Is it from when I bumped into you?”

Casey shakes her head as she looks out the window blankly

Her Dad is pulling up on the street, Casey spins round and snatches her top back from Dawn, wrapping it around her tightly.

Dawn looks on with the deepest look of concern blended with fear.

Sunny day birds singing, college is finished yet the grounds seem suprisingly full. Why? Because most students at the college live in this town and have nowhere to go during the summer. The likely hood of out-of-towners joining a college with such a High mortality rate is low.

Instead, during the summer period the college runs as normal, except, there’s no lessons. Instead, temp teachers are bought in to supervise the random students hanging on the college grounds, random students like Thalia Bennett.

“What’s up with your Siamese twin?” Bethany asks Thalia as the two of them are slung across the grass, surrounded by college boys.

“Expand” she replies pulling on her gum.

“You’re not so siamese”

“We’re still tight” she replies.

Dawn walks up the path way holding a stack of books, she rushes past frantically saying a quick “Hey” to Thalia as she passes.

“Yeah, tight as knot tied by a worm” Bethany laughs.

“Ladies” comes a mans’ voice “Whilst I appreciate summer rules are in order, drinking, whatever age you are, is still illegal in public areas”

“You mean like bars?” Bethany cackles as the boy’s laugh

“Sorry sir” Thalia smiles, she stands to her feet as he walks off. Following him carefully.

“Are you following me Miss Bennett?” he smiles to himself as he steps into his office.

“No, Sir what gave you that Idea” she grins as she slowly paces towards him, she pushes him down against the table and climbs onto him.

“Thalia we can’t” He’s cut off by a hard kiss

“Summer rules” She grins

He looks scared briefly before smiling and kissing her further, slowly removing her top as she slides her hand into his trousers.

Dawn dashes past the office, clearly picking up on the sounds inside.

She steps outside towards Bethany, she’s clearly in a hurry.

“Hey, where did Thalia go?”

Bethany breaks her kiss with one of the boys “Followed Professor No life”
Dawn pauses for a moment, the looks up as she sees Professor Nolan closing his blinds.

Night again, Dawn is babysitting Casey.

She is sat on the floor cross-legged.

“Casey, come here for a moment” Dawn calls gently

Casey runs over excited and jumps on her lap

“Does your Dad…does he ever get angry?”

Casey shakes her head, pouting

“Does anyone?”

Casey nods “The Music Man”

“Who’s the Music Man?”

“He sings, he’s got an ugly red face” Casey says near to tears.

The Carnival, despite the death, has continued on.

Garrison is wondering alone throughout all of the stools and tents, looking out for children.

“Why did you come back here?” The Gypsy girl steps out infront of Garrison.

“Why do you care?”

“I care because you won’t win. Someone’s gonna die if you don’t leave”

“You know that for a fact do you?”

“Someone close to you is in more trouble than you realise”

Flash Dawn is looking through Casey’s Father’s room
Flash Faith is searching the otherside of the carnival
Flash Thalia is in bed with the Professor

He looks at her, trying to work her out “I’m…”

“Garrison” she finishes “This crystal ball stuff is real you know”

“Hey, I’ll believe most things” He smiles “What’s doing this?”

Maria looks to the ground before catching his eye again “The Beast”

“I’m going to need more that that…this is Boston”

“Trust me, you can’t do anything”

“Maybe he can’t” Faith calls across “But maybe you will”

“Hey, I got here as soon as I could” Dawn says out of breath

“Where’s the brat?” asks Faith

“She’s in bed, her Aunt took over from me”

“Dawn” Maria says bluntly

“You are?”


“That’s nice Maria, what’s going on?” Dawns says turning to Faith and Garrison, who in turn shrug

“You. I can read you”

“What?” Dawn asks clearly shaken

“You have to listen to what she says, it really is her” Maria smiles

“Who?” Garrison asks

“Tara” answers Dawn inwardly

“Check out those kids” Faith says distracted

They four of them look over and see a large group of rather drunk, very underage teenagers, standing patiently in line for one of the tents.

“It’s here” Maria says backing off in fear

Garrison chases after her anxiously “Wait! Wait up”

She pauses and turns to him, breathing heavily “I can’t. You don’t understand”

“Understand what? What does this thing do?”

“Paper Dolls” She cries as she runs off into the dark, leaving Garrison standing.

“What’s her deal?” asks Faith as Garrison returns

“Paper Dolls?”

“She’s scared of Paper Dolls?”

“No, that’s just what she said. She was running from whoever’s in that tent”

Faith grabs Dawn by the hands and pulls her along, as Dawn passes one of the stools she sees Casey sitting on a small chair as her Aunt argues with her Father.

He grabs her hard by the wrist. He’s wearing a Blue suit with red face paint.

The name of his stool if “The Musical Box”


“Not now Dawn, come on”

She pulls her along, they are now outside of the tent.

“What’s that noise?”

“You mean that tearing noise?”

They shuffle backwards as someone steps out of the tent, the same young girl that just entered.

“See, nothing’s going – “

Dawn stops speaking as the girl tears open, along with another dozen teenagers, to reveal very large demons.

“Great” Faith sighs as the three of them jump into it all.

People are charging around everywhere trying to escape the aggressive beasts.

“Casey!” Dawn calls out as the young girl is approached by two of the demons.

“We can’t hold them back!!!” Faith calls to Garrison as she struggles on with the battle.

From nowhere Maria appears, holding a book and chanting.

The tent disappears to reveal a disfigured man standing over a pile of Human skin, stitching it to a demon.

“Man, that is sick!” Faith says in disgust.

The man looks around at the commotion as if to say ‘Busted’
Maria continues to chant onwards as the beasts call “Get the girl”

They start charging at Maria who is stood inline of Dawn, who is stood inline of Casey, who is infront of her Aunt.
Which Girl? The Beasts are confused and so a blast of fire is shot along the line, Maria is saved by Garrison, Dawn runs and dives on Casey. Her Aunt is struck down. The demons seem satisfied.

Maria shuffles along the floor to hide under a table, she continues to chant as the demons, having served their purpose, begin to weaken and crumble.

The Master lifts the table and grabs Maria up by the hair.

“For centuries you’re people have sought to kill me and failed! When will you learn?”

He laughs ready to tighten grip on her neck he is struck to the floor.

Garrison and the others spin to see Thalia standing with flashes of electricity flicking around her hand.

The man is cinder.

“How did you do that?” asks Maria “We’ve used all the magic’s in the world”

“It’s not magic sweetie, it’s me” she smiles

“How did you know we were here?” Garrison asks

“I didn’t. Busy carnival, world of fun, demon all you can eat”

Dawn looks at her uncomfortably

“Besides, figured you lot would be in trouble, the earth’s still rotating”

The next day Dawn goes round to see Casey, only she is not welcomed.

“I don’t appreciate you asking my Daughter questions like you did”


“Making false accusations! You don’t know nothing, you and your little freak friends over at the carnival. You don’t understand what’s it’s like!”

“I understand that something is hurting your daughter”

“And that immediately points me out does it?”

“No, I’m just saying, you’ve got to explore every avenue”

Faith is sat across the street in Dolly’s as she notices Dawn stood at the man’s doorstep.

“Mr. Field, I can assure you I didn’t mean anything by it. I just –“
He grabs her by the arm

“You just think you’re important, little girls like you causing trouble like some disease” he says in his thick southern accent

“Mr. Field you’re hurting me”

“I’ll do a damn site more if you come near me and mine again. My sister is dead cause of you”

“Because of me?” Dawn can’t decide whether she’s telling herself or asking him

He grabs her violently by both arms and shakes her

“Because of you my family is falling apart”

“Hey!” Faith calls coming out of Dolly’s, storming “I think you should back of”

He looks at Faith in disgust and throws Dawn to the ground

“You stay away” he says slamming the door.

Faith runs the rest of the way to Dawn and helps her up “You okay?”


“Did he hurt you?”

“No, but he’s gonna hurt her”

Both girls look at the house in concern.

“Well, it was interesting” Garrison says as he helps Maria pack her van

“Least I can sleep now, thanks” she smiles sincerely

“It’s what we do” He shakes her hand “Don’t be a stranger”

“I won’t” she smiles as she climbs into the van

“Listen, tell Dawn…just tell her to listen” she smiles as she drives away

The following day, Faith & Dawn are at the mall. The same mall that Casey and her Father happen to be in.

“Nineteen in two days kid, that’s crazy”

“I know”

“I remember you were like, twelve when I met you?”
“Who’d have thought seven years later we’d be living together”

“Not living together” Faith says calm but defensive

“You know what I mean” Dawn says excitedly until she hears ‘Dawn’ squealed out from across the complex

Casey comes running over happily jumping into Dawns arms

“Hey you, how’s ya been?”

“Okay, why don’t you come to visit anymore Dawnie don’t you like me?”

“Of course I do. It’s just…I have a lot of school work to do”

“But it’s summer”

“Summer School” Dawn laughs twisting her pigtails.

“ahem, Dawn” Faith nods in the direction of a fuming Father.

Dawn puts Casey down “Go back to your Daddy now” she smiles

“I don’t want to” Casey says holding Dawns leg tightly

“Casey, get away from those girls…what’ve I told you about coming near my daughter. You stay away”

Faith steps up “You know what mister, back off, the kid clearly doesn’t wanna go with you. But I will”

“Don’t get smart lady, you don’t know anything”

“I know that you’re not making her do anything she doesn’t want to”

“Who’s gonna stop me?”

Faiths nostrils are flaring, her fists are clenched but she doesn’t react. It’s as though she is desperately looking for the anger inside her.

“Well I didn’t think so” he Father smiled as he pushes Faith aside “Come on Cas-“ he stops as the entire mall begins to shake in it’s foundations.

“What the - ?”

Casey is holding Dawn tight and close, and vice versa. From nowhere a dimensional wall seems to appear as an image of Faith leaps out of it and into Faith’s back, merging with one.

“I’m gonna stop you” Faith smiles as the shaking stops.
“Was that more of your mojo, you’re magics?” Mr. Field says sarcastically “Am I gonna get hit by lightning now?”

“You wish” Faith snarls “Come on Dawn, Casey” Faith nods towards the exit

“Come back here” he follows, grabbing Faith and pinning her against a wall

“I really don’t think you should be doing that”

“Really?” he says almost foaming at the mouth “How about If I do this” he punches Faith down with one hit then pushes Dawn over and grabs Casey by the wrist.

She struggles, resisting, he raises his hand to ‘discipline’ her but is stopped as Faith grabs his arm.

“Back the hell away” she says before snapping his arm and punching him twice in the face.

“I told you to leave it”

“Wh- what are you?” he asks Faith

Dawn is holding Casey close covering her ears and eyes

“I am one pissed of bitch that doesn’t want to some kid turn out like she did because some prick has an emotional disbalance…and I’m the girl that’s gonna make you wish you’d died before you were born”

He looks at her in fear, holding his nose, covered with blood

“Dawn, we’re going”

“What about Casey?”

“Trust me. She won’t be getting hit again”


“How’s things with that kid?” Thalia asks Dawn as she finishes her make-up

“Social services are going to be making a weekly visit to their home” she says

“Right, well, I won’t be home tonight so, If I don’t see you tomorrow then Happy Birthday”

“Where are you going?”

“Just out”

“To Professor Nolans?”
“I don’t think that’s any of your business. Goodbye” Thalia says harshly as she leaves, slamming the door.

Dawn is in bed, fast asleep, waiting for her birthday.

“Dawn, you got it all wrong”


“You messed it up”

“Messed what up?”

“She’s broken now”

“Who is?”

“You fixed it and now she’s broken”

“Casey? Faith?”

“Broken Dawn”

Tara starts cry tears of blood before a demon tears through her image and scratches Dawn across the face.

Garrison is laying awake asleep in bed, the clock reads 5.30a.m Andrew slowly enters, wrapped up warm, scratches on his face.

He drops his bad and lifts his shirt to reveal heavy bruising and cuts, before heading to the shower.

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