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Date Posted: 22:19:42 04/03/03 Thu
Author: Donald W. Guilfoyle
Subject: 86th Commanche Patch

The patch that is shown is not the correct one for this squadron. This is the story behind the insignia as is written in The Falcon a Combat History of the 79th Fighter Group.
"The insignia was originated while the Squadron was stationed in Egypt. The idea of using an Indian to represent the first true American in the Desert was suggested by Lt. Borsodi, with helpful ideas from various other flying officers of the organization. After the ideas were submitted, Sgt. Farquhar and Sgt. Mc Grath got busy and designed the insignia as it now stands..
The cartoon character of a Comanche Indian is set in a half circle of Air Corps blue, bordered by a bright yellow, representing the sky. The Indian is of copper color with yellow savage bracelets, and a large bow slung across his right shoulder, adding to the fierceness of his character. He is shown climbing over a white cloud, these clouds completing the lower half of the circle. In his right hand he carries a tomahawk. This is to signify the type of weapon our Squadron was using (P-40). His left arm is outstretched over the clouds and with a beckoning finger he is challenging all comers to come within his reach. The grin on his face signifies the pleasure he has had disposing of his last victim as the blood can be seen dripping from his tomahawk and the red, white and blue battle-scarred feathers waving in the breeze.
The Comanche Indians real name was Naiini, which means “those that live”, or "we are alive". The name Comanche was first applied to the tribe by the Spaniards or Spanish Mexicans. The tribe is the southern offshoot of the important tribe of Shoshoni. They were singularly lacking in religious ceremonies. They obtained horses from the Spaniards and became expert horsemen and horse breeders. They were nomads and roved the plains of Colorado and Texas expanding over into. Oklahoma. They lived in wigwams made of skins and had no fixed villages. The tribe was constantly on the move, apropos of its namesake the 86th Fighter Squadron.”

Donald W. Guilfoyle
Col. USAF Retired

Here is a copy of the patch for your inspection.

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