If you think this post is yours, there are a few possible reasons for this message
to be displayed.
- Perhaps you are not logged in right now:
You are presently not logged in, so this is possible. You cannot edit any messages unless you are logged into a VoyForums/VoyUsers account.
- The original post was not your's:
You are not logged in presently so we cannot tell if it is your message or not.
- You were not logged in when you made the post:
This is possible, because our records show this post was not made by a logged-in user. This post cannot be edited by anyone.
Lastly, the fourth possible problem is not your doing--there may be a bug in our site.
Now, while such a bug is probably under our control to fix, we are sorry you are dealing
with it at the moment--so, please do let us know about this problem from our
VoyForums Exchange -> Contacts -> Bug reports form
so we may have an opportunity to investigate and hopefully fix the problem.