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Subject: Re: Jericho II:01

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Date Posted: 23:18:39 01/28/02 Mon
In reply to: Anon 's message, "Jericho II" on 23:17:33 01/28/02 Mon

The Road to Jericho: Part II

“Darling, come to bed.”

Michael glanced up from his desk to see Elena standing in the doorway to his office. She was leaning against the frame, arms folded, and watching him with a look of longing in her dark eyes. She had changed into a long silk nightgown with a matching robe that hung invitingly open. Standing there with the hallway light behind her, Michael could see the outline of her body. He allowed his gaze to soften as his fingers glided quietly over the keyboard and he closed the file he’d been looking at. “I’ll be there in a minute,” he said, eyes still on her.

He’d been home for a month now by order of Operations, via Madeline, following the Van Vactor mission. Elena and Adam were ecstatic; a whole month with no interruptions from Michael’s work was a rare treat. Michael lavished them both with the attention they craved. And once a day he made a notation in his personal journal of the progress he made with Elena.

She still refused to discuss her father openly. Every subtle suggestion he made that Adam should learn more of his extended family was met with firm resistance on her part. Salla, as she called her father, never cared enough to get to know her when she was growing up, why would he be interested in knowing her son? Which was fine by her, Elena pointed out, because she didn’t want her son growing up knowing he had a grandfather.

It made Michael’s goal of bringing Salla Vachek out into the open decidedly more difficult, but not impossible. On another level he didn’t mind the slow progress he was making with Elena because it meant he could enjoy Adam longer. The little boy was almost three years old and grew to look more and more like his mother every day. He had Elena’s dark eyes and black hair, her shy smile and gentle demeanor. There was nothing in him that Michael could see which resembled himself, and for that, he was grateful.

Elena gave a sigh and unfolded her arms. She stepped into the room, footsteps quiet as she walked up to Michael’s desk and placed her hands on the edge. Her dark eyes looked longingly into his eyes. “Come on, Michael. Leave that and come to bed. Please?”

Michael took his time in responding. He let his gaze drift to her lips, then down to where the curve of her breasts peaked out from behind the lace of her nightgown. He could hear the shift in her breathing and knew that his timed delay was heightening her need. “All right,” he said slowly, and began to shut down his laptop. He stood up, turned off the lamp on his desk and walked around to where Elena stood waiting. She smiled and reached out to him, tilting her face up to kiss him. Her mouth was warm and eager, her body hungry for his touch. Michael took her hand and led her out of his office and to the stairs leading to their bedroom.


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Subject Author Date
Goody! Looking forward to more! :-) (NT)TrudyG09:06:58 01/31/02 Thu
And where can I find Part I? (NT)Max12:01:00 02/01/02 Fri

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