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Subject: All That We Leave Behind - Act I

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Date Posted: 04:50:49 09/06/02 Fri
In reply to: Meruah 's message, "All That We Leave Behind - AU story, set during Season4..." on 04:43:02 09/06/02 Fri

Act 1:

Section1, interior:

Nikita walks past Munitions, Walter is inside bent over his magnifying glass. He notices her and walks after her.


Hey, Sugar.

Nikita turns around and gives him a small, preoccupied smile.




You OK, beautiful? You seem rather out of it lately.


(small, genuine smile)

Yeah, Walter, I’m fine.

Nikita walks away. Off Walter who looks concerned.


Operatives gather around the table. Among a few unknow, there are also Michael, Nikita, Birkoff, Davenport and Walter. Madeline and Operations arrive, shoulder to shoulder and perfectly composed, as usual. Madeline gracefully sits in her chair while Operation picks the remote control.


This is Austin Carroway (The hologram screen shows the picture and the profile of the man), former professor of behaviour science at the Harvard University from where he was fired for performing illegal experiments. As a result, he turned on training assassins for a job. Almost five years ago, he created an organization called The Fundation which recrutes troubled teen-agers and turns them into very skilled assassins who are later employed by terrorist organizations.


‘Looks like a terrorist version of Section1 to me.

Operations gives Nikita a very stern?strict look. Camera to Madeline who slightly frowns. A tense, silent moment follows, the Birkoff continues where Operations has left off.


Their latest target was a the peruvian ambassador to UN, well-known for his speeches against the anarchist groups in his country.


Unfortunately, so far, all attempts of infiltration in The Fundation have failed. So, our attention shifted to Carroway, himself. Recent intel suggests that he has a mistress in Mexico. (punches a button on the remote, the imagine shifts to show a woman.) Karicia Montesino, psychologist, currently residing in Veracruz. Carroway visits her twice a month or rarely, always without a notice. Our objective is to establish a connection with Ms. Montesino and get to Carroway during one of his dates with her, when he’ll be most vulnerable. Infiltration teem includes Nikita and Madeline. (pauses to give Nikita a warnig look) Michael’s handling tactical. The rest of you will get the profiles from Birkoff. Just so you all understand, this mission is top priority. That will be all.

Operatives raise to leave, Madeline and Operations stay behind. When everybody else have left, Madeline goes to Operations’s side.


George wants Carroway alive.



Yes. My source at the Oversight confirmed our suspisions, this morning. He wants to see if we can use him to write training programs for Section operatives.


I don’t like it. What do we know about this man’s methods?

They start off together.


Not much. Just that he uses fanatic indoctrination, complete isolation of all positive stimuli combined with extensive stimulation of violent instincts and sometimes, lobotomy.


And the results?


Extremely violent individuals, incapacitated of taking other decisions than their given order, incapable of emotions or of communicating themselves. Terrorists organizations usually use them for one mission, then their order to commit suicide.

They make it to the Perch where they stop by a far end, one in front of the other.


Do you think any of the Sections needs something like this?


(looks directly into his eyes, but doesnt’s give any reply)

The mission leaves in eight hours. I have to go and prepare Nikita.


(nods “of course”)

Just one more aspect. Your reports indicate Nikita a bit edgy lately. How do you think she’ll handle this?


(Monalisa smile)

I’ll be there to make sure she handles it just fine.

They smile at each other, then Madeline leaves. Camera to Operations: he looks troubled.

End Act 1

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All That We Leave Behind - Act IIMeruah04:54:22 09/06/02 Fri

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