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Date Posted: 16:07:55 10/31/03 Fri
Author: Save_Whose_Line
Subject: Save "Whose Line?" Relaunches Campaigns/Site

As you all know, "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" is not on ABC's 2003-2004 primetime schedule and is on the verge of being cancelled. Contrary to many reports, the show has not been officially cancelled, but at the same time doesn't have a bright future ahead. ABC has said that there are still about 22 unaired episodes left in the can that were filmed in November 2001, but there is no information on if these will ever air or if new episodes will ever be taped again. The funniest show to ever hit the tubes needs the help of its fans now more than ever.

Save "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" is a website I created in July 2003 for the sole purpose of rallying fans of the U.S. version of the popular improv show. Our goal is simple: Get "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" back on regular programming. For the past three months, SWL has made strong efforts to save the show with email & postcard campaigns that fans can easily participate in. Recently, ABC acknowledged SWL's efforts! This is a big step in our campaign, showing that our voices are finally being heard.

In response to ABC's acknowledgement and the rising popularity of our site, Save "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" has relaunched the entire package! The site has a completely different design and has a brand new Flash introduction movie with photo and sound effects. On the campaign front, the email campaign has been revised, the postcard campaign has been expanded, and an entire new campaign has been added. Now you can get tips and information on how to write letters to ABC, as well as the show's production company.

Some points to remember when participating in our campaigns include:
- The show has had a total of 12 time slots since its premiere in August 1998.
- Five of the 12 time slots changes have come during the 2002-2003 season (explaining its less than desirable results last year).
- The show will never be able to grow its audience if the time slots keep changing, because viewers don't know when it will be airing.
- The show got respectable ratings, often winning its time slot this past summer.
- ABC does no promotion for the show whatsoever.
- A few years ago, "Whose Line?" was on multiple times a week, being used as a filler for other shows in addition to its regular time, and along with "The Drew Carey Show," was one of ABC's most popular programs. Now it can't even get it's own stable time slot?
- Puts ABC in a good financial situation because of the cheap production costs needed to make the show.
- Wayne Brady's 2003 Primetime Emmy win for his work on WLiiA was ABC's only win of the year.
- The show has a large dedicated fanbase. This is evident because of sold out live performances by cast members.
- It's the most hilarious show that has ever been put on TV!

As far as the status of "Whose Line Is It Anyway?", we have gotten numerous updates since our site's creation. In mid-July, Drew Carey expressed his uncertainty of the show's future. "You got me," he said. "I have no idea. You're asking the wrong guy. I'm only the talent." Also in mid-July, ABC addressed the subject and one spokesperson said they have "enough (episodes) for the coming season." As for making new ones, they said, "We haven't discussed it yet." In late-July, Greg Proops even went as far as saying he believed "Whose Line?" has been cancelled, but that fans shouldn't take it lying down. He encourages us to let ABC know we want the show back on TV and said, "The future is in your hands." Jumping ahead to early October, ABC has reportedly been replying to selected emails and letters telling fans that "Whose Line?" is only on hiatus. However, this has been their excuse for the past six months and they have to show any proof that it will return.

No matter what any future reports say, Save "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" will continue its campaigns until the show has returned to regular programming and has been given a fair chance at regaining the success it enjoyed when it was on the air. If you have a WLiiA website, board, list, or friends/family who like the show, please let as many people as possible know about the show's uncertainty and our efforts to save it. There have been so many laughs over the last five years that it would be hard to lose "Whose Line?" forever. Like Greg Proops said, "The future is in your hands," so don't quit just before the miracle.

Visit the NEW Save "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" at http://www.geocities.com/save_whose_line

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