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Subject: Queers in History

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Date Posted: 17/10/03 8:18pm

Kings, Queens, Political Leaders
King William II Rufus 1056?-1100
Robert, Duke of Normandy late 11th C
William Aethling (Son of Henry I) early 12th C

?King Henry II b.1133-r.1154-1189
and St. Thomas a Becket c.1118-1170 [Very doubtful - but basis of a play by Anouilh]

King Richard I the Lion-hearted b.1157-r.1189-1199
[and Philip II Augustus]
[and Saladin]
and Blondel
and Raife de Clermon

William Longchamp, Bishop of Ely [Justiciar of Richard I] early 13thC

King Edward II 1284-1327
and Piers Gaveston,
then Hugh Dispenser

?King Richard II b.1367-r.1377-1399
Sir Walter Raleigh 1554-1618

King James I & VI 1566--r.(Scotland)1567-r.(England)1603-1625
and Lord Hay
and Robert Carr
and George Villiers, Earl of Buckingham

The Earl of Castlehaven mid-17thC

Nicholas Udel 1505-1556
Christopher Marlowe 1564-1593 [first creator of lists of Queers!]
?William Shakespeare 1564-1616
Richard Barn(e)field 1574-1627
Lord Southampton 16C
Earl of Oxford 16C
Charles Arundel 16C
Francis Bacon 1561-1626 [scientist]
Anthony Bacon 1558-1601

Poets, Writers
*Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
and *Anne Wortley

*Anna Seward
and *Honora Sneyd

Thomas Gray] 1716-1771 [Poet
and Norton Nichols
and Bonstetten

Mark Akenside 1722-1770 [poet]
and Jeremiah Dyson 1722-1776

Horace Mann 1701-1786
John Chute 1701-1776

William Beckford 1759-1844
and William Courtney

William, Viscount Courtney 1773-1833 [same as above?]

*Mary Wollstonecraft 1759-1797
and *Fanny Blood

Lord (George Gordon) Byron 1788-1824
and Lord Clare
and John Eddleston
and Nicolo Giraud

Richard Heber 1773-1833 [book collector]
Horatio Brown 1856-1926 [writer on Venice]

Cardinal John Henry Newman 1801-1890[writer and Catholic convert]
and Fr. Alfred Lord Tennyson 1809-1892[poet]

Gerard Manley Hopkins 1844-1889 [poet and Jesuit]
Edward Carpenter 1844-1929 [social reformer]
John Addington Symonds 1840-1893
Walter Pater 1839-1894 [art critic]
Norman Douglas 1868-1952 [writer]
Algernon Swinbourne 1837-1909 [poet]
AC Benson [writer]
EF Benson [writer]
Robert Hugh Benson [writer]
James Barrie 1860-1937 [wrote "Peter Pan"]
Frederick Rolfe, Baron Corvo 1860-1913 [writer]
Lawrence Houseman 1865-1959 [social reformer]

Oscar Wilde 1894-1900 [writer and wit]
and Lord Alfred Douglas

Andre Raffalovich [dilletante]
and Canon John Gray [poet and priest]

*Vera Britten [writer]
and *Winnifred Holtby [writer]

Roden Noel 1834-1894 [minor poet]
Marquis of Lorne 1845-1914

James Elro Fletcher 1884-1915 [poet]
and J.D. Beazeley 1885-1970 [classical scholar - Greek vases]

James Agate 1879-1947
Hugh Walpole 1884-1941 [writer]
DH Lawrence 1885-1930 [writer]

T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia) 1888-1935 [writer and soldier]
and Salim Ahmed [Dahoum] [see dedication of "Seven Pillars"]
?Robert Graves [in early life at least!] [writer]

WH Auden 1907-1973 [poet]
Duncan Grant
E.M. Forster 1879-1970 [writer]
Denton Welch [writer]
Evelyn Waugh 1903-1966 [writer]
Saki (H.E. Munro) 1870-1916 [short story writer]
Wilfred Owen 1893-1918 [poet]
Siegfried Sassoon 1886-1967 [poet]
Harold Nicolson 1886-1982 [writer and politician]

Somerset Maugham 1874-1964 [writer]
and Gerald Haxton

*Radclyffe Hall [writer - The Well of Loneliness]
and *Una Troubridge

*Virginia Woolf 1882-1941 [writer and feminist]
and *Vita Sackville-West [gardener]

*Violet Trefusis

*Mary Renault 1905-1983 [writer]
and *Julie Mullard
Joe Orton 1933-1967 [writer]
and Kenneth Halliwell d.1967

A.E. Housman 1859-1936 [poet]
and Moses Jackson

Forrest Read 1875-1947 [writer]
Stephen Tennant
Harold Acton ["Antoine" in Waugh's _Brideshead Revisited_]
Robin Maugham [writer]

Christopher Isherwood 1904-1986 [writer]
and Don Bachardy [still alive] [artist]

Noel Coward 1899-1973 [writer and actpr]
J.R. Ackerly [writer]
Lytton Strachey 1880-1932 [biographer]
James Kirkup [alive?] [poet]
Robert Croft-Cooke [writer]

Laurence Olivier 1907-198?[actor]
[and Danny Kaye - see N.America]

Dirk Bogarde [-] [actor and writer]

Musical Figures
Arthur Sullivan 1842-1900 [composer]
Benjamin Britten 1913-1976 [composer]
and Peter Pears 1910-1986 [tenor]
Ivor Novello 1893-1951 [composer]

Brian Epstein 1934-1967 [manager]
and John Lennon [singer]

[There were among a number of American peoples figures known in general by the French word "berdache", who were male, but dressed and lived as women. Names
are of course very rare.]
I-coo-coo-a - early 19thC Sioux [Lakota] berdache
Sahaykwisa - c.1850-1895 - Mohave

Political Leaders
?Edward Hyde, Lord Cornbury, 1661-1724 Governor of New York, 1702-1708

?President George Washington 1732-1799
and Alexander Hamilton [speculative!]

Alexander Hamilton 1755-1804
and John Laurens 1754-1782 [compared each other to Damon and Pythias]

?President James Buchanan 1791-1868
and Sen. William Rufus de Vane King 1786-1853

*Susan B. Anthony 1820-1906
Bayard Rustin 1910-1987 [organizer 1963 March on Washington]
Walter Jenkins 1918-1985

J. Edgar Hoover 1895-1972 [Head of FBI]
and Clyde Tolson 1900-1975

Terry Dolan 1950-1986
Roy Cohn 1927-1986 [McCarthyite lawyer]

*Eleanor Roosevelt 1884-1962 [First Lady and US ambassador to UN] and *Lorena Hickok [Journalist]

Henry James 1843-1916

Herman Melville 1819-1891
and Marnoo
and Nathenial Hawthorne 1804-1864

Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862 [see Katz on this]
and Edmund Sewall

*Emily Dickinson 1830-1886
and *Sue Gilbert

Raplh Waldo Emerson 1803-1882
and Martin Gay

Horatio Alger 1834-1899
*Jane Bowles 1917-1973
John Horne Burns [wrote _The Gallery_]
Thornton Wilder 1897-1975

*Sara Teasdale 1884-1933
and *Margaret Conklin

Tennesse Williams 1911-1983
*Jane Chambers 1937-1983
Angelina Weld Grimke 1880-1958
Paul Goodman 1911-1972
*Maraget Fuller 1823-1850
*Lorrain Hansberry 1930-1965

*Gertrude Stein 1864-1946
and *Alice. B. Toklas

*Amy Lowell 1874-1925 {poet]
and Ada Russell

*Charlotte Cushman
and *Emma Stebbins

*Mercedes de Acosta [American?]
*Ivy Compton-Burnett
*Elizabeth Bowen
*Alice James
*Sarah Orne Jewett
*Carson McCullers
*Liane de Pougy [American?]
*Margaret Anderson
*Dorothy Baker
Truman Capote 1924-1984
*May Sarton [alive?]
*Maureen Duffy
*Edith Hamilton
Walt Whitman 1819-1982
James Baldwin 1924-1987

*Willa Cather 1876-1947
and *Isabella McClung
and *Louise Pound
and *Edith Lewis

John Cheever 1912-1882
Hart Crane 1899-1932
Langston Hughes 1902-1967

Alain Locke 1886-1954
and Richard Bruce Nugent
and Countee Cullen
and Claude MCkee

*Audre Lorde 1934-199?
*Edna St. Vincent Millay 1892-1950
Colin Higgins 1941-1988
Robert Ferro
Howard Sturgis 1855-1920 [writer]

*Syliva Beach 1887-1962
and *Andrienne Monnier

Henry Beecher Ward 1813-1887
James Barr [pseud.] [wrote "Quatrefoil"]
Merle Miller 1919-1986
Alan Barnett
George Stambolian
Alan Bray
*Natalie Barney 1876-1972

*Romaine Brooks 1874-1970
and *Djuna Barnes 1892-1982

Hollywood and Broadway
*Tallulah Bankhead
James Dean 1931-1955
*Greta Garbo 1905-198?
Errol Flynn 1909-1959
Cary Grant
James Whale 1896-1957
Rock Hudson 1925-1985
Charles Laughton 1889-1962
Sal Mineo
George Cukor 1899-1983
Charles Ludlam
Danny Kaye
Bill Sherwood [directed "Parting Glances"]
Luchino Visconti 1906-1976
Kenneth Anger
Montgomery Clift 1920-1966
Rudolph Valentino 1895-1926
Richard Burton
Parker Tyler
*Alla Nazimova [Nancy Reagan's Godmother!]
Raymond Burr d.1993

Divine [drag diva]
Ma Rainey 1886-1939 [singer]
Bessie Smith 1898?-1937 [singer]
Liberace d.1987 [pianist]
Alberta Hunter 1895-1984
Leonard Bernstein 1918-199? [composer]
Aaron Copeland 1900-199? [composer]
Stephen Foster 1826-1864

Samuel Barber 1910-1981 [composer]
and Gian Carlo Menotti [alive]

*Janis Joplin [pop singer]
Cole Porter 1892?-1964 [song writer]
Sylvester [disco diva]

Other Arts
Charles Demuth 1883-1935 [painter]
Paul Cadmus [alive?]
Andy Warhol 1927-1987 [artist]
David Wojnoricz [artist]
Alvin Ailey [dancer]
Keith Haring [artist]
Robert Maplethorpe [photographer]

Lesbian and Gay Activists
Earl Lind [aka Ralph Wether/Jennie June] c.1895
Henry Gerber [founder of Chicago Society for Human Rights, 1924]
Rev, JohnT Graves
Al Meininger
Ellsworth Booher
Fred Panngburn
John Sather
Henry Teacuter
[all the above were openly on the board of the SHR in 1924]
Harvey Milk 1930-1978
Leonard Matlovich
Vito Russo d.199?
Bob Rafsky d.1993 [ACT UP/NY]
Dan Bradley 1940-1988

Richard Cornish, d.1624 [executed for "sodomy"]
Willaim Plaine, executed 1646

Jan Creoli, executed 1646 [Both Black]
and Manuel Congo

*Deborah Sampson c.1782-97
Lieut. Frederick Gotthold Enslin, courtmartialled 1778

*Sarah Edgerton c. 1839-1846
and *Luella Case

Edward McCosker, 1846 [Gay NY city policeman]

James Snow, charged 1873
and Willard Smith

*Alice Mitchell
and Freda *Ward [Murdered by Mitchell 1892]

*Anne Bonny

*Dr. Mary Walker 1832-1919 [Doctor, lesbian and transvestite, known as "the most distinguished sexual invert in the United States]
and *Belva Lockwood

*Nicholas de Raylan, c. 1906 [lesbian transvestite]
*Mary Read

Jeffery Withers [writer of gay love letters, 1826, to]
and Jim Hammond

George Santayana 1863-1952 ["philosopher"]
Morton Fullerton 1865-1952 {journalist]
Edward Perry Warren 1860-1936 [conniseur]

*Helen Carey Thomas [President of Btyn Mawr]
and *Mary Gwinn

*Mary Wolley [President Mout Holyoke]
and *Jeanette Marks

Stark Young, c.1915 [Professor at Amherst, persecuted by Robert Frost]
*Margaret Mead 1901-1978
Cardinal Francis Spellmann 1889-1967 [Archbishop of New York]
Cardinal Terance Cooke [Archbishop of New Yorl] [see various biogs. of Roy Cohn]
*Dorothy Thompson 1893-1961
William Tilden 1893-1953 [athlete]
Thomas Waddel 1938-1987 [founder Gay Games]
Randy Shilts 195?-1994 [journalist]
Lexander Woolcott 1887-1943 [Journalist]
Sal Licata [historian]
*Pat Bond
*Amelia Earhart 1898-1937?

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