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Date Posted: 02:20:17 08/16/02 Fri
Author: Raistlin
Author Host/IP: 12-245-23-51.client.attbi.com /
Subject: one of those conversation thigns

I just got done telling Karn about a stupid woman doing an idiotic thing at work that annoyed me, when he decided to be all retarded at me!

bloody stitchez: geez!
bloody stitchez: wow. that is crazy.
SomeGuy52: yeah
SomeGuy52: I'm a big fan of her getting fired
SomeGuy52: and set on fire
bloody stitchez: i hope she does!
bloody stitchez: ha!
bloody stitchez: i hope she chokes and has an unhappy christmas this year!
SomeGuy52: so do I!
bloody stitchez: additionally, i hope her thanksgiving dinner gets burnt!
SomeGuy52: so do I! That would make me VERY happy
SomeGuy52: take THAT
bloody stitchez: i think i WILL.
SomeGuy52: that's better
SomeGuy52: you're finally learning!
SomeGuy52: that and you suck
bloody stitchez: i do NOT suck.
SomeGuy52: I'm fairly sure you agreed with me that you sucked
bloody stitchez: i agreed to take your agreement with the fact that shannons thanksgiving dinner should burn!
SomeGuy52: no
bloody stitchez: i rock your socks off!
SomeGuy52: you agreed that you suck
SomeGuy52: I think you disagreed with the part about Shannon's dinner burning
SomeGuy52: I'm pretty certain about that
SomeGuy52: and you'd be a fool to disagree!
bloody stitchez: but it was my idea!
SomeGuy52: it was your idea that you suck?
SomeGuy52: I don't remember it like that, but if you say so...
bloody stitchez: no! it was my idea that shannons dinner should be ruined!
bloody stitchez: i didnt even say anything about me sucking!
SomeGuy52: no it wasn't!
SomeGuy52: and yes you did!
SomeGuy52: stop your lying!
bloody stitchez: YOU'RE just making stuff up as you go!
bloody stitchez: nobody even mentioned me sucking!
SomeGuy52: you just said you came up with the idea that you suck
bloody stitchez: no! i said i came up with the idea of the burnt food!
SomeGuy52: I'm very nearly positive that you're wrong
SomeGuy52: which means you are
bloody stitchez: just read the damn conversation!
SomeGuy52: I just did
SomeGuy52: you said you suck
bloody stitchez: no!
bloody stitchez: you illiterate bastard!
SomeGuy52: you DID say that
SomeGuy52: I read it and everything!
bloody stitchez: show me!
SomeGuy52: bloody stitchez: It was all my idea that I suck! I'm also retarded
bloody stitchez: that is NOT an actual quote!
bloody stitchez: thats a fabrication!
SomeGuy52: no, you said it
SomeGuy52: or you said something REALLY similar to it
bloody stitchez: i said nothing of the sort. and if you ACTUALLY pasted it, you wouldnt have needed to make the "or something similar" comment!
SomeGuy52: I have a phonographic memory!
SomeGuy52: I simply wrote what I remember you saying!
bloody stitchez: what the hell?!
bloody stitchez: that is NOT valid evidence!
SomeGuy52: It's the most valid evidence EVER
bloody stitchez: you typing out in my font what you wish i had said is NOT evidence.
SomeGuy52: did you miss the part about the phonographic memory or something?
bloody stitchez: phonographic memory?!
SomeGuy52: yes
SomeGuy52: I remember everything I hear word for word
bloody stitchez: but you didnt hear me say anything.
bloody stitchez: you saw me type stuff!
SomeGuy52: I read all of your stuff out loud
bloody stitchez: you did not!
SomeGuy52: yes I did!
SomeGuy52: you can't prove I didn't!
bloody stitchez: and you cant prove you did!
SomeGuy52: I'm a million percent sure you said you suck and that's all the evidence that normal people need!
bloody stitchez: but how can you be so sure?!
bloody stitchez: and you being certain does not count as evidence!
bloody stitchez: you have no credibility!
SomeGuy52: I have a phonographic memory! That's perfect evidence!
SomeGuy52: and I have a ton of credibility
bloody stitchez: who says you have a phonographic memory?! i'd like to see some official documentation. and even still, that does not prove that you read this entire converstaion out loud.
SomeGuy52: I can quote, from memory, the conversation I had with my doctor about my memory
SomeGuy52: that should do the trick
bloody stitchez: NO!
SomeGuy52: but I was right in the middle of typing it!
SomeGuy52: jerk
SomeGuy52: "Matt, you have a phonographic memory. You can remember everything you hear. And you read all of your AIM conversations out loud. And Karn is retarded"
SomeGuy52: take that
SomeGuy52: even really smart professionals don't like you
bloody stitchez: i dont think your doctor would know who i am!
SomeGuy52: well he does!
SomeGuy52: because your
SomeGuy52: because you're notorious for your dumbness
bloody stitchez: i am notorious for NO SUCH THING.
SomeGuy52: then why did my doctor know about you?!
SomeGuy52: HA! You can't answer THAT one
bloody stitchez: because he didnt!
bloody stitchez: you're inventing tall tales again!
SomeGuy52: I DID NOT
SomeGuy52: I wouldn't do such a horrible thing
bloody stitchez: you have and you would do it again!
SomeGuy52: that's completely and totally false
bloody stitchez: you make up lies all the time!
bloody stitchez: especially lies about me!
SomeGuy52: that is completely ridiculous!
SomeGuy52: I would never lie about you
bloody stitchez: yes you would! you always say that everyone hates me! or that everyone thinks i'm stupid! or that everyone throws stones at me!
SomeGuy52: I never said anyone hates you or throws stones at you! I'm just saying you're pretty well known for not being all that bright
bloody stitchez: you have said those other two statements before!
SomeGuy52: you're lying!
SomeGuy52: you also lie a lot
bloody stitchez: I do not lie!
SomeGuy52: except for all the time
bloody stitchez: except for nearly never! and anytime i HAVE lied, i admitted to it almost right away!
bloody stitchez: because i'm not a horrible lying monster.
bloody stitchez: like... like YOU.
SomeGuy52: you lied right there!
SomeGuy52: several times!
SomeGuy52: and you didn't admit to it
bloody stitchez: what did i lie about THERE?!
SomeGuy52: you said you nearly never lie, you said you admit to it shortly after the fact, you said you weren't a horrible lying monster, and you called ME a horrible lying monster!
bloody stitchez: everything i said was true, you terrible beast!
bloody stitchez: religious people have even called you the Father of Lies!
SomeGuy52: just because I was called the Father of Lies by a religious person or two doesn't make it so!
bloody stitchez: religious people dont lie!
bloody stitchez: and you're one of those athiests!
bloody stitchez: all you do is lie and swear!
SomeGuy52: well, according to that weird guy, atheism IS just a cover for swearing all the time, but I think that's not entirely correct, too
SomeGuy52: and I do stuff other than lying and swearing
bloody stitchez: that guy is NOT weird. he knows whats what!
SomeGuy52: I mean I never lie
SomeGuy52: he does NOT
SomeGuy52: just like you!
SomeGuy52: you don't know what's what, either!
bloody stitchez: hey! i'm the king of whats what around here, buddy!
SomeGuy52: not according to ME, you're not
SomeGuy52: and I'm the one with the photographic memory
bloody stitchez: i thought you said you have phonographic memory!
SomeGuy52: yeah, well, I have both
bloody stitchez: then why the fuck would you need to read the convorsations out loud, when you COULD just remember what was typed?!
SomeGuy52: I just do!
SomeGuy52: for mental exercise!
bloody stitchez: i think that your memory sucks.
bloody stitchez: you've even admitted it several times!
SomeGuy52: I don't know what you're talking about!
SomeGuy52: that means it didn't happen
SomeGuy52: and THAT means you're lying
bloody stitchez: no!
bloody stitchez: you seem to have this idea that if you say something that makes it automatically right.
SomeGuy52: that's because I only say what I already know is right
SomeGuy52: so it's true
bloody stitchez: that doesnt make any damn sense! just because it is your opinion doesnt make it right!
bloody stitchez: i'll be RIGHT back.
SomeGuy52: everything I say is 1000% fact
SomeGuy52: TRUE fact at that
bloody stitchez: who made THAT determination?!
SomeGuy52: me
bloody stitchez: and what qualifies you to do so?
SomeGuy52: I'm always right
bloody stitchez: but who says?!
SomeGuy52: me
bloody stitchez: someone else besides you has to be the judge of that.
SomeGuy52: and I'm always right
SomeGuy52: it works out perfect like that
SomeGuy52: NO
bloody stitchez: someone who's an expert, or the general population.
SomeGuy52: other people are NOT always right
SomeGuy52: only I am
bloody stitchez: i disagree!
SomeGuy52: that's because you're NOT always right
SomeGuy52: only I am
bloody stitchez: YOU ARE NOT, GODDAMMIT!
SomeGuy52: and, frankly, I've had ENOUGH of it
bloody stitchez: bah! YOU'RE the one dishing out all the crap here!
bloody stitchez: its ME who is sick of YOU.
SomeGuy52: now you're just trying to make yourself seem better by emulating me
bloody stitchez: the further i am from being like you the better!
bloody stitchez: i have no desire to be like you!
SomeGuy52: then why did you start saying you were sick of ME, just after I said the same damn thing about you?!
bloody stitchez: if i were like you i'd be a fat freak!
SomeGuy52: you ARE a fat freak, UNlike me
SomeGuy52: now you're projecting your own image onto me
bloody stitchez: BAH.
bloody stitchez: i am NOT.
bloody stitchez: and i'm not fat!
bloody stitchez: or a freak!
SomeGuy52: I'm fairly sure you just told me that you were both
bloody stitchez: i said YOU were both, dough-boy!
SomeGuy52: I'm very nearly positive that you're lying
bloody stitchez: well you're wrong.
SomeGuy52: I am NOT wrong
SomeGuy52: I just said I'm never wrong
bloody stitchez: and i said i dont agree with that.
bloody stitchez: because you've been wrong many times.
bloody stitchez: and you've EVEN admitted you were wrong once or twice.
SomeGuy52: I did no such thing! YOU are LYING!
bloody stitchez: its true! geez! i wish i would have saved it!
SomeGuy52: you didn't save it because it never happened!
bloody stitchez: i didnt save it because i'm forgetful of things like that.
SomeGuy52: no, I JUST TOLD YOU. You didn't save it because IT DIDN'T HAPPEN
bloody stitchez: like the other day when i said i was going to save your death threat, i forgot to do that too.
SomeGuy52: I never threatened to kill you!
SomeGuy52: what the hell are you TALKING about?!
bloody stitchez: I'LL KILL YOU!
bloody stitchez: GODDAMMIT!
bloody stitchez: I HATE YOU!
SomeGuy52: that is WAY out of line!
bloody stitchez: YOU'RE way out of line here, bubby!
SomeGuy52: I'm not the one throwing around death threats!
SomeGuy52: you're a loose cannon!
SomeGuy52: you can't be trusted!
bloody stitchez: oh yes i can!
SomeGuy52: that is completely wrong!
bloody stitchez: it is not!
bloody stitchez: people all over the world trust me!
SomeGuy52: why must you be such a hateful person who lies all the time?
bloody stitchez: i'm not hateful at all!
bloody stitchez: and i nearly never lie. we already covered that.
SomeGuy52: but you were lying when you said that!
bloody stitchez: i was not!
bloody stitchez: and you have no damn proof!
SomeGuy52: I have all the proof in the world
SomeGuy52: I know for a fact that you are constantly lying!
SomeGuy52: THAT is proof
bloody stitchez: but how do you 'know' this?
SomeGuy52: I'm always right and THAT'S WHAT I SAY
SomeGuy52: since everything I say is right, it logically follows that when I say you're lying, you're lying
bloody stitchez: you're arguing in circles!
SomeGuy52: that's the opposite of the truth
bloody stitchez: no! its exactly the truth. just look!
SomeGuy52: I DID just look
bloody stitchez: and you saw that you've been arguing in circles!
SomeGuy52: I proved several times that I was right. You showed that you didn't know what you're talking about. You also admitted to being retarded
SomeGuy52: that's NOT what I saw
bloody stitchez: that is NOT what you saw!
SomeGuy52: it is, too!
SomeGuy52: stop your lying
bloody stitchez: you stop YOUR lying!
SomeGuy52: I would never lie

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