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Date Posted: 15:10:20 10/23/03 Thu
Author: J
Subject: Episode Summaries & Spoilers

Hey all got this from spoilerslayer.com awesome site!
Thanks for putting up this site just for Tru Calling and Eliza Dushku fans!!!!!

TC: Episode Nine Info

Good news, more info has surfaced for 'Tru Calling', giving a peek at what's in store for Episode Nine. Which includes a big surprise. It looks like my suspicion that the show was taking a short break was incorrect. There was simply no casting info released for Episode Eight.

Tru Calling: Murder In The Morgue

The Episode opens on the latest arrival to the morgue, a young bride (Nicole) who was shot in the back at the wedding chapel. Davis comments that she probably would have lived, but the ambulance didn't make it in time. While Tru is doing the paperwork, a man comes in from the rain, Justin. Justin says he's Nicole's fiancee. He asks if he can have a moment alone with her, which Tru allows. Davis comes back in from another room, and Tru explains who's in the room with Nicole's body. Which is against the rules, so Davis and Tru burst into the room and discover Justin is trying to remove the bullet from Nicole's body.

Davis is about to call security, when Justin pulls out a gun and points it at Tru and Davis. Davis makes a move towards the phone and Justin shoots him, then tells Tru that she's going to help him. When Tru says no, Justin fires at her. As the bullet speeds toward her, Nicole turns to Tru and says 'Help Me'.

The Day Resets

One of the story subplots is with Meredith. Tru has 'borrowed' her car to go see Justin. There will be a later seen where Meredith is being hit by someone (I would expect it's her dealer).

Tru arrives at Justin's house and discovers that he lives there with his girlfriend, Alyssa. Tru tries to get some info out of Alyssa, who alludes to the fact that Justin has been acting strange since his ex, Nicole, announced she was getting married. While Tru is there, Justin arrives in a police car. He's a cop and his partner is dropping him off. Tru leaves without him getting a good look at her. Justin asks Alyssa to come inside, he has something that he wants to talk with her about.

Tru seems to be 'jumping to the conclusion' that Justin killed Nicole.

She calls the police department and leaves a message for Justin that Nicole wants to meet him at a nearby diner. Justin shows up and finds Tru waiting. She tries to explain that Nicole was delayed, and she asked Tru to ask him to wait for her (Tru pretends to be a bridesmaid). Tru talks to him, trying to figure out why he might want to kill Nicole. With a bit of subterfuge, she slips some pills into Justin's water, but notices that he doesn't have his gun. She's actually surprised that he didn't do it, and hurries out of the diner to get to the church (knocking the water over in the process) but asks him to stay.

Tru gets to the chapel, and is discussing the events with Davis. Yes, at this point in the series, he not only knows about what is happening to her, but apparently believes her as well. All they can figure is that Justin was trying to cover up the crime by going to the morgue and getting the bullet, when suddenly Tru hears a gunshot.

A scene after this has Justin returning home to discover Alyssa there. He broke up with her earlier in the day (that's what they were talking about). She's got his gun, and she explains that she killed Nicole. She didn't give up two years of her life to have him dump her for his ex. So she's committed the perfect crime. She will play the distraught girlfriend, who a jury will certainly believe over a jealous ex-boyfriend. Especially when they trace the bullet back to his gun. Justin grabs his gun and heads out.

Next bit of info has Davis and Tru at the morgue, operating on Nicole. She's not actually dead at this point, and the two of them are working to save her life. Just like the previous day, Justin walks in with the gun. He doesn't care whether or not Nicole dies, all he wants is the bullet (one way or the other).
That's all I have for the moment, looks to be a pretty cut and dry. Davis is an interesting twist, having him in on Tru's secret, but it makes sense. Though I would have expected either her brother, or even Luc, to have been a better candidate (note: no sign of either in the info I've seen).

Sadly, the episodes themselves are falling into an extremely predictable pattern. Tru jumps to the obvious conclusion about who the killer is, or the reason the person has died, only to find herself completely and utterly wrong. In fact, every single episode seems to follow this pattern. Likewise, still very little in the way of back story on why this might be happening to Tru. At this point, I'm almost ready to believe that we're just going to see a run of stand-alone episodes. Though bringing another cast member in on the secret, will certainly help.

But again, this is based only on what I've seen, which is not everything. So it's entirely possible that backstory is being filled in between the major plot scenes. It could also be the major premise of Episode Eight (with no major roles cast, but the action/story involving only the cast itself - which would fit the trend that I saw with Buffy episodes).

But the good news, Tru is still busily casting/filming, so there will obviously be enough episodes in the can to reach mid-season.

Posted by Tensai at 09:17 PM | Tru Calling - Spoilers

September 21, 2003
TC: Episode Seven Info

Spoiled Rotten has posted information on episode seven of 'Tru Calling' - "Closure", I have not yet gotten the full details on this episode. I'm going to include highlights below, but please visit Spoiled Rotten for a detailed summary of the information.

Tru Calling - Closure

- Tru has to save a soldier, Jake, who is dying in an army hospital.
- Tru finds a picture of a young woman in his personal effects, and goes to the hospital to find out more.
- Jake escapes from the hospital without telling Tru about the woman, but she tracks him down.
- Jake tells her that he just wants to see Bridget, the young woman, one more time.
- He got a telegram from her, telling him that it was over while he was overseas.
- Jake goes back to the hospital, while Tru tracks down Bridget.
- She discovers that Bridget has a 1 year-old son, it's Jake's child.
- Bridget thought Jake didn't want to see her, as he never wrote.
- Turns out that Bridget's dad sent the telegram.
- Bridget and her son go to see Jake, but he dies shortly after seeing them.

Posted by Tensai at 12:11 PM | Tru Calling - Spoilers

September 08, 2003
TC: Episode Six Spoilage

Information has come out for the sixth Episode of 'Tru Calling, titled 'Star Crossed'. Spoiled Rotten has a full summary. A short summary of my own will follow, but be sure to check out Spoiled Rotten for the detailed scoop.

Tru Calling: Star Crossed

It's 'Tru Calling' meets 'The Fast and the Furious' this episode, as Tru has to save the lives to two young high school students who die in an auto accident. To be honest, maybe it's a bit more of a modern day 'West Side Story'.

Two students, Adam and Jen, die in an accident and Tru has to pick up the bodies. On the second pass through the day, Tru visits the private high school that the students attend. She's surprised to discover that Adam wasn't dating Jen, he's seeing another student, Amy. She does notice some strange tension between Adam and Jen however. Leading her to conclude that there must be something going on between the two of them (you think she would have learned by now...).

There is an interlude where Tru and Luc have a drink, but she can't stick around long because she has to save the two students. She finds them at a local hangout where the all the students go to drag race. Here, Tru discovers that she's jumped to the wrong conclusion once again, as it's actually Amy and Jen that are in a secret relationship. A fact which Adam discovers himself.

Amy and Jen decide to run off together, making plans for Amy to pick up Jen at her house later. While packing, Jen's brother Derek is trying to figure out what's going on. Then, instead of Amy, Adam shows up wanting to talk. After Jen and Adam drive off, Tru arrives at Jen's house and runs into Derek, who thinks that Jen has run off with Adam. Derek and Tru go after them, with the last bit of info we have showing Derek driving into Adam's parked car.
Looks like the writing and filming are still going well for the show, though again I'm concerned about a lack of ongoing story arcs. There are a few storylines that pop up from time to time, like Lindsay's date in 'Haunted', and there is a Lindsay/Harrison bit in this episode. But I'm hoping there is more going on in the scenes and tidbits that we aren't seeing/hearing about.

Posted by Tensai at 07:38 PM | Tru Calling - Spoilers

August 26, 2003
TC: Episode Five Spoilers

As if in order to dispute rumors of it's impending doom, information has come out for 'Tru Calling' episode five, titled 'Haunted'.

Before I get into the spoilage, I think this should be perhaps the final nail in the coffin for any idea that 'Tru Calling' won't hit the airwaves during November Sweeps. It's still busily shooting (as there has been location shoot information floating around - though no spoilers) and are obviously working on future episodes.

Though in terms of originality...

Tru Calling: Haunted

The premise of the episode is pretty simple, especially if you've ever seen the movie 'Flatliners'. A young college student arrives in the morgue, her death at first seems to be drug-related (due to the trackmarks on her arm). In the first pass through the day, it also seems that Tru goes out on a date with a guy named Jeremy, but I think he takes more of a liking to Lindsay (this will be important later). As well as the fact that Tru's about to take her MCAT's

(Day Resets)

Tru heads off to the college and watches Paige and her two friends, Dan and Steven. After a class, she approaches them (and notices track marks on Dan's arm). Dan brushes her off, through Steven and Paige are a bit kinder. Tru tells them that she's a transfer student from Harvard, wants to get the skinny on some of the extra-curricular activities in the area. Dan's definitely not interested, and keeps Steven quiet. Tru manages to wrangle Paige into a lunch date.

At the diner, Tru starts trying to figure out what might have caused Paige to die. She figures that it's drugs, and tries to pursue the angle that Paige is doing what she needs to do to get by, with all the stress and pressure of med school. But surprise, when Tru confronts her and grabs her arm to reveal the track marks, there are none.

Paige tells a mystified Tru to stay away from her (which Tru must be getting used to hearing from people by now), and takes off. Tru quiety follows her to an abandoned building and discovers her and the others secret.

In the building, Paige and Dan are experimenting on Steven. They essentially kill him, wait a few minutes, then revive him. They've done this before, but it's a bit trickier this time. However, they manage to bring him back. When they do, Tru walks into the room and wants to know what's up.

The trio confess why they are doing this. Dan has come up with a unique theory. Apparently, when you die, various hormones and chemicals are released that causes repressed memories to resurface. This is the entire 'life flashes before you' concept. By killing someone and reviving them, they can remember things they have forgotten. For Steven, it's the memory of his father. Paige is after the same thing, but her memories of Daddy aren't so pleasant.

In the midst of all of this, Tru misses her MCAT's, learning that she won't have another chance to take them until the following year. Also, Tru manages to get Lindsay to meet Jeremy at a restaurant (the date I mentioned earlier). She asks Lindsay to go there to tell him that she won't make it, but all along she's been playing matchmaker. She knows that Lindsay and Jeremy are going to hit it off.

Tru tries to stop Dan and Steven from putting Paige through the procedure. But not before she talks briefly with Luc (he exists!), getting some info and apologizing for acting so strange lately. She hangs up with him as Steven is coming out of class. She thinks she's reached Steven in time (because of Paige's time of death), but it's no surprise when it turns out she's mis-timed things yet again. Paige is actually going through the procedure hours earlier than she expected, and Steven informs her that it's happening as they speak.

Tru heads off and finds Dan. Paige already went through it, recovered her memories and left. Apparently, Paige was abused as a child and wanted to remember what had happened. Which she did, but she realized that her molester was not whom she thought it was. I get the feeling she thinks it was her father, but it's actually the neighbor across the street.

Paige confronts the neighbor, who not only admits it, but is on the verge of pushing her down a flight of stairs when Tru shows up to save the day. Mystery solved, and Tru and Paige part friends.
On a good note, we at least finally have a sighting of the mysterious 'Luc', and judging from the info he'll have appeared at some point earlier in the series. When, I don't know.

As for the episode, it's again standard fare for the series. Lots of misdirections, incorrect assumptions, and bad timing. While all the series seem to have a good heart, I still think the concept is going to get old pretty quick. Still no sign of a continuing story arc, nor any development of any of the characters. I would love to have an episode where Tru tries to figure out what is going on, and why this is happening to her.

Posted by Tensai at 05:25 PM | Tru Calling - Spoilers

August 17, 2003
TC: 'Past Tense' Summary

Spoiled Rotten has put up a full summary for the 'Tru Calling' episode, 'Past Tense'. All based on the casting sides, it goes into considerable more detail than my brief summary.

Check it out.

Posted by Tensai at 11:46 AM | Tru Calling - Spoilers

August 14, 2003
TC: New Spoilers

Received some information on Episode Three today from my TC source. While I know that we're expecting Episode Three to be "Brother's Keeper", this one is called "Past Tense". Two considerations. Either the Pilot will air as the episode one, and the numbering of the episodes after that will start with number 1. The other possibility is that the episodes are being filmed out of order or swapped around by the network planners (ala 'Firefly') to give the show the best bang for it's buck during Sweeps.

The episode is pretty straightforward and it does appear that the show is going to trend more towards being a 'Mystery' series versus a 'Drama'.

Tru Calling: Past Tense

The show opens with young woman being killed by a faceless man. However, she's the not the one Tru needs to save. In this episode, Tru has to save not one, but five lives. Five men in their mid-20's come in one evening, having been poisoned by a drug/chemical. It appears that they died of alcohol poisoning, but one of them had no alcohol in his system. That's how they detected the chemical. Her job is to figure out who killed them as the day resets.

The five men were all at a bachelor party for their friend John. John is about to marry Robin, and Tru first thinks that they may have accidentally been poisoned. Tru finagles her way into the hotel suite where the men are partying, somewhat convincing them that she's the bartender the hotel provided. Tru's trying to figure out what in the room killed them, until Blake (the Best Man) arrives. So now with five bodies and six people, Tru has to figure out which one is the killer.

Lots of false leads abound, as Tru first suspects one guy who's acting suspicious, but it turns out he's in AA, so it's more the fact that he doesn't want his friends to know he's sober. Tru also realizes that he's the one that didn't have any alcohol in his system, so she crosses him off the list. However, it turns out that all of them are hiding a secret. One of them killed the girl we saw in the teaser, back when they were in college.

Tru narrows it down to either Blake or John who's the culprit, but then discovers another secret thanks to some sleuthing from Harrison. There really isn't going to be a wedding, as John and Robin broke up weeks before. It's all a ruse that John concocted, because one of the other five sent him a letter, stating that they were going to speak with the police.

It turns out that John killed the girl in college. The letter was sent by Blake, but not signed, so John didn't know which one of them sent it. He decided to take out all five, by putting the chemical into the ice used for the party. John naturallly avoided using any ice, but Tru uses a little subterfuge to convince John that she put ice in his drinks. He goes for the antidote, only to discover that Tru has already explained to the other five what John was up to. The day ends as John is being led away in handcuffs.

One other thing to note, and it's the only bit of continuity from a previous episode. Tru warns Meredith that her company is about to conduct a random drug test, which comes to pass.

Strangely enough, of the four episodes that we've gotten detailed summaries on, none of them feature the mysterious 'Luc'. It would seem that we're not going to see him before Sweeps is over.

Posted by Tensai at 06:57 PM | Tru Calling - Spoilers

August 09, 2003
TC: Brother's Keeper Summary

TruHeroine.com has a summary of the 'Tru Calling' episode entitled "Brother's Keeper". As usual it provides a good recap of the episode, and matches what we've already heard.

Follow the above link for the full summary, look below for some of the highlights.

As expected, the episode revolves around both Andrew and Sarah's marriage and Harrison's relationship with Sarah. The gun that Harrison talked about getting does come into play, but not entirely as I suspected. Harrison does get the gun, but he ends up killing Andrew. So the first day is mainly spent with establishing the Sarah/Harrison relationship and Tru getting to meet her. That evening, Andrew's body arrives in the morgue, and Tru is stunned to learn that Harrison has been arrested for his murder.

Also, as played out in the earlier spoilers, Tru and Harrison are getting two different stories from the couple. Tru is told that Sarah is after Andrew's money, Sarah tells Harrison that she's being abused by Andrew. Andrew's story is the correct one, but even Tru can't stop Harrison from trying to save Sarah on the second run through the day.

Harrison goes to Sarah's apartment, where she has lured Andrew. There is a scuffle and a gunshot. But it wasn't Harrison who shot him, it was Sarah who grabs the gun from Harrison when he hesistates. She's all ready to frame Harrison, when Andrew stands up. Thanks to a timely call from Tru, Andrew was wearing a bulletproof vest.

All fits with what we know, but interestingly there is still no sign of 'Luc'. I can only expect that the episode where he arrives will be the next one, I would surprise if it gets pushed back farther than this. It also looks like they have written Mark Evans out, as he is not in the episode.

Posted by Tensai at 12:54 PM | Tru Calling - Spoilers

July 29, 2003
Two Tru

In addition to the 'Angel' spoilers mentioned elsewhere, I also was able to get some updated info on 'Tru Calling'. I was going to add some information on the episode entitled, 'Putting Out Fires', but it appears that a complete synopsis of the episode has been posted at TruHeroine.com, so I'll point you to that site to read the summary. Suffice it to say, looks like I was right about Nick.

Read on to get a few more details about that episode, as well as some info on another episode, titled "Brother's Keeper"

First on 'Putting Out Fires'. The information that had come out earlier is dead on the mark, and the full summary shows how all the pieces fit. Tru is faced with two bodies at the morgue, one is Nick the fireman, the other is a resident of the building, Samantha. Nick calls out to Tru to help them. Which is what restarts the previous day where Tru tries to stop the fire and save both Nick and Samantha

As things turn out, the source of the fire is not what Tru or I expected (ie: it's not the superintendent), and when she realizes this she goes back to save the kids and tries to keep Nick out of it. Which doesn't happen, and in the end Nick dies saving Samantha.

A couple of things about this episode. Once again we have several things not go for Tru during the first run through the day, that's she's able to change the second time through. In addition, she discovers that Mark Evans is dating someone else besides her, and she dumps him in this episode.

The other info that I received is for another early episode, no idea which one. It's titled "Brother's Keeper" and Harrison has a good deal to do with the lives that are hanging in the balance this time around. From what little info I was able to get, I can provide the following plot outline.

The episode deals with Harrison and a woman he is seeing, Sarah. Sarah is married a man named Andrew, but doesn't mention this to Harrison in the beginning. Tru learns about this connection when Andrew turns up in the morgue. The story hinges on two sides of the same story. Sarah says that she hid the fact that she was married, because she was divorcing Andrew for abusing her. Andrew tells Tru that he never touched her, and he doesn't want to divorce Sarah because she's after his money. Tru and Harrison are caught in the middle, and things might not go well when Harrison offers to get Sarah a gun for her own protection.
Hopefully I'll have more later this week.

Posted by Tensai at 09:21 PM | Tru Calling - Spoilers

July 23, 2003
Tru Calling On Fire

Spoiled Rotten has posted some information about 'Tru Calling', apparently info from either episode 2 or 3. Although I have not gotten confirmation, I believe that this is what my source may have been referring to earlier this weekend. However, if it is, they're information might be a bit off.

The episode is called 'Putting Out Fires' and that seems to be the theme of this episode. The death in the episode is a young fireman named 'Nick', who dies while rescuing a family. There is a lot of chemistry between Tru and Nick, and it's played for full effect.

Tru and Nick track down what they think is the source of the fire (a gas leak). However, much like the first episode, Tru only thinks she has saved the day. She realizes, almost too late, that the fire is still going to happen because the super of the building is going to set it. As the time counts down and things heat up between Tru and Nick, she confesses that she can't get close to him because he's going to die.

Contrary to what my source thinks, I have a bad feeling that Nick is going to be one of those that she can't save. Because if she saves him, then the family will die.

Regardless, we now have three different guys that Tru is going to have 'chemistry' with in the first three episodes. However, with all the changes to the show thus far, who knows what the final outcome will be.

Posted by Tensai at 07:27 PM | Tru Calling - Spoilers

June 27, 2003
New Tru Love?

Spoiled Rotten has posted some information on the second episode of 'Tru Calling', based on a casting side that has become available.

Before I get to the spoilers, I'm going to take a little bit of room to explain why you have to hit the 'read more' to get to the real spoilers. The goal is to allow fans to try an be spoiled for only one show if they wish. So I'm trying to figure out the best way to implement this. But for the moment, I'm trying to keep the main page as 'spoiler-free' as possible.

According to Spoiled Rotten, the side is for Episode Two and features a new love interest for Tru, who is a crime scene photographer named Luc. The first scene deals with the 'Meet Dead' (as opposed to 'Meet Cute'), where Tru and Luc bump into each other at a bridge, where a young couple committed suicide by hanging themselves. The second scene is Tru and Luc having dinner in the morgue and talking about her father (who is coming to visit).

Now while I have heard relatively the same information, I'm not hearing it entirely the same way.

It was explained to me that these scenes are from two different episodes, which would back up that this will be a recurring, or even a regular character. Which begs the question, what happened to Dr. Evans?

If you've seen the pilot summary, you will remember that Dr. Evans was Tru's former psych professor and current boyfriend. If both he and Harrison have been written out of the show, it could indicate a major change in the show's direction when it comes to love interests. Instead of opening with Tru in an already stable relationship, we'll see this one develop from the beginning.

Which definitely could work much better for the series in the long run.

Of course, this still doesn't guarantee that Dr. Evans has been pulled from the pilot or the series, but it does make one wonder how this will all sort out. My gut tells me that it's getting more and more likely that the final show will not resemble the pilot very much by the time it makes it to air.

Posted by Tensai at 08:54 PM | Tru Calling - Spoilers
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