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Subject: I Remember Sarah - Chapter 6

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Date Posted: Monday, August 08, 08:18:25am
In reply to: Loveroy 's message, "I Remember Sarah" on Thursday, July 21, 11:18:00pm

Nikita and Michael’s first evening together ended with a lot of talk, food and a bit of trepidation from both young people, although the astute and weathered Dr. Walter soothed their uneasiness. Michael was still not feeling 100% and the physician suggested that instead of boarding a plane home, he remain at Nikita’s house for a few more days, until Walter could return to examine him. Walter reported to S1 that it was apparent that the staged car accident had really injured the handsome operative.

Michael, as was always the case, did most of the listening while Nikita did most of the talking recounting her life story while staying clear of any references to Sarah Dion. Nikita, independent of the Organization’s profile, made the choice to conduct the mission as she saw fit. And she saw fit to have Michael remain ignorant about his sister’s existence and the home that really belonged to the quiet man. Nikita opined that Michael would be better off not knowing his story before his truth was unveiled and it was then that he would have to digest the enormity of the facts that encompassed this mess. Nikita and TPTB should have known better that to think there could be anything about his personal background that the cunning Level 5 Operative wouldn’t have learned on his own.

Around 11:00 p.m., she lay her book down for she was tired and could no longer keep her eyes on the novel she held for more than an hour without even flipping a page or reading a word. Michael had gone to bed about an hour earlier because he was exhausted. Nikita’s mind kept returning to the phantasmal vision she witnessed as the man walked around the property and she tried to rationalize the surreal taste it left in her mouth.

Viewing Michael frolicking around the yard as a tike had scared Nikita to death for she had no verification that the vision was Michael until she heard the disembodied voice calling his name. After the apparition the blonde woman rummaged through Sarah’s belongings to find photos of the little boy, and when she did the inscription identified him as Michael. Now she stood, stretched and turned off the lamp next to the lounge, walking towards her bedroom and pausing momentarily by the guest room door.

Nikita knew that Michael Samuelle slept soundly because she could see darkness creeping from under the bedroom door. Straining she could hear his soft snoring inside a room she knew had been his childhood chamber. Nikita could not get the picture of Michael as a child out of her mind and as she slowly started moving away from the door she had another vision of the man as a child inside that same room.

Nikita who was very pregnant and very sure that the baby was in no hurry to come out and meet his mom and/or the world moved rapidly towards her own bedroom. Her back was killing her because the kid sat on her kidneys most of the time making her run to the bathroom at all hours of the day and night. The extra weight made her feel frumpy, although she was not, and the huge stomach forced her to waddle instead of moving sexily like she had before. But the need to hide under her covers and escape the visions of Michael as a little boy were greater than any stumbling blocks her pregnancy put in her quick deportment.

She removed her clothing, including her undergarments and put on a comfortable pajama made of cool satin in the prettiest of shades while she stood in her bathroom. She washed her face, brushed her blonde hair, flossed and brushed her teeth returning to her bed and then saying the prayers Sarah taught her, believing that they would keep her and the baby safe. Nikita proceeded to fall asleep as soon as her head hit the feather pillow on her luxurious king size bed.

Nikita took a deep gulp of cold oxygen and sat up in bed, her breath was not coming as easily as usual and she was about to panic. The temperature in the room was 25 degrees lower than when she went to bed and she could feel the hairs on her arms standing at attention. She was confused and fighting her lungs to take shallow breaths, while the eerie silence was deafening, she wanted to run but couldn’t leave her bed because of the terror of the palpable unknown that she felt.

At first Nikita thought she was dreaming and she fished for her alarm clock on her nightstand. Since she was not sure how long she had been asleep, she felt that knowing the time would surely help ease her discomfort. The light coming from the foot of her bed blinded her momentarily as discombobulated she searched for the source of the brightness finally able to see pass it.

She immediately realized there were at least a dozen men and women standing by the foot of her bed staring at her. She was not dreaming or was she? She wondered who these people were and why were they in her bedroom at this ungodly time of the night? She felt this was a very odd dream, to say the least and decided to go with the flow...

Nikita could not speak, at least in the usual fashion; her thoughts were obviously being communicated with those present in a silent way. They were all talking at the same time and her mind whirled trying to concentrate on only one visitor who responded to her questions, to no avail. She looked around at the group, their faces surprisingly illuminated and showing a bit of exasperation at not being able to get the attention of the pregnant blonde.

Her sparkly blue eyes were full of questions and she repeated from inside her mind, “Who are you people?”

Finally, as if a higher power decided to take the reigns of this conversation Sarah Samuelle stepped to the forefront of the blonde’s view, “Nik, concentrate on me and you’ll hear only what I have to say.”

Nikita was now sure she was dreaming, although she felt that the communication was different, “Sarah, oh my God, I miss you so much.”

“You are not dreaming Nikita.” Although the blonde had not verbalized her rationalization of the sequence, Sarah was slowly introducing her to her new truths. “To make it easier for you to digest, they decided to send me to guide you…”

Nikita interrupted, “Who, who are ‘They’ and what are you trying to say?”

“Remember the movie with Bruce Willis that we saw at Movico on my last birthday?” Sarah joked as Nikita nodded, “Well… you see dead people also and you need to trust my brother.”

At that precise moment, probably because of the strange apparition that terrified her, Nikita felt a warm wet feeling escaping from her, as her water broke. She immediately rushed off the bed stopping the communication with Sarah and shaking off the inexplicable paranormal impression she experienced. Calmly she changed her clothing, starting the incomparable occurrences of a woman in premature labor. She moved quietly to Michael’s room and knocked softly at his door, and when she got no answer she banged on the door.

“Michael, Michael, I think the baby is coming.” Nikita yelled as she bent over in pain.

Michael moved quickly to the door, unlashed it and saw Nikita clutching her stomach, “Breathe, pant, relax.” He ordered.

Nikita sat on the floor and took a deep cleansing breath letting it out in one long breath. He picked her up and lay her on his bed, he had done this once before when Adam was born, but his son had not come early in the pregnancy. Michael moved quickly to the bathroom as he instructed Nikita in his soothing tone to breathe, pant and relax. He wet a couple of hand towels, picked up cream and dry bath towels, plus a robe and brought them to the woman’s side. It was then that Michael called Dr. Walter on the phone; the man ordered Michael not to move Nikita, and explained that he would be there as soon as possible.

Michael told Nikita as he fussed over her, cooling her forehead and changing her into the robe, “I am going to get some crushed ice from the refrigerator, I know the ice chips will help relax you. Please Nikita keep breathing as I told you and loosen up.”

“Okay,” she said a little overwhelmed as she enjoyed the time between contractions. “Is Walter coming?”

Before Michael moved at breakneck speed to the kitchen he said, “Yes, he is on his way, but I have plenty of experience with this Nikita, so don’t worry.”

Nikita smiled, “I know Michael, you helped Elena with Adam.”

Michael left the room rushing to the kitchen and returned within seconds asking her, “You know who I am?”

A contraction overtake her and he soothed her back with his strong hands and whispered instructions as the woman panted and took a cleansing breath at the end of the contraction. Her reluctant labor coach had amazingly calmed her down, although he was praying that Walter and his Medlab team hurried because Nikita was pre-term and he was worried for her health and that of the baby. She gladly withstood the ice he so considerately rubbed against her lips and thanked him.

Nikita then said, “Yes Michael, I am in a deep blood cover mission that started with your sister.”

Michael smiled, “I know Nikita, thank you for being her friend.” He paused and dabbed the wet cloth on her forehead again as he heard Walter’s car drive up, and then continued quickly, “Don’t speak of this to anyone, they’ll try to end the blood cover and maybe even take the baby.”

“I understand… I decided to tell you because I had the weirdest dream and I want this to be a perfect happy day.” Nikita said as her face contorted with another coming contraction, “Michael, I need to push.” Thankfully Walter and the Med Lab team entered the room.

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Subject Author Date
wowelderMonday, August 08, 06:51:34pm
Ah, AhDarleneMonday, August 08, 07:19:41pm
Oh now this is just interesting...(r)MaryMonday, August 08, 07:39:09pm
just popping...stephMonday, August 08, 08:27:38pm
Very good. (NT)MichelleBTuesday, August 09, 08:10:08am

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