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Subject: Chapter 1 An English Love

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Date Posted: Tuesday, April 04, 04:31:44pm
In reply to: Jacqueline 's message, "An English Love" on Tuesday, April 04, 04:30:41pm

Early 1600’s England

It was a beautiful spring morning during the month of April in the magnificent Sussex County of England. The dew drops glistened on the blades of newly grown grass and the sun was rising up into the great blue sky. Butterflies were floating across the flower beds and the singing of birds filled the morning with pleasant harmony. The deer leaped across the fields and the sounds of a castle waking up to the happiness that this day had brought.

The staff of Rosemond Hall was excited for the joy on this wonderful morning. Their masters had finally had a child after many years of trial and failure. They worked for the richest family in Sussex County, but they were the most generous people in every way. Lord Paul Wolfe and Lady Madeline finally had their child and were going to be throwing a huge ball for the celebration. They had high social standing and titles, so their baby’s birth had been voiced throughout their county.

They had tried for many years. Lady Madeline was sick during all of her pregnancies. She would either miscarry or give birth to stillborn children. Paul was concerned because he needed a son in order to pass on his massive estate or it would end up in the hands of his ruthless cousin, Lord Bauer.

When Nikita Georgiana Wolfe was born and lived passed three months old, Paul was pleased beyond his wildest dreams. However, because she was a girl, she would never inherit his estate on her own. He was happy at the birth of his first child, but had to find some way to ensure that she inherited the estate. It had been in his family for years. He did not want to see it or his wealth passed on to Lord Bauer to be squandered and wasted on his gambling and civil wars among neighboring landowners. Bauer was a ruthless man who used violence at times to get what he wanted from people. Many feared him and his evil tactics of getting what he wanted. He knew that Bauer would want his lands someday. Paul would do anything to protect his estate and the people who lived there.

He would have to worry about this at a later time. For now, he celebrated the birth of a beautiful blond baby girl. Lady Madeline was elated to finally become a mother. She had been waiting her entire life and now had the opportunity. She was glad to have a daughter to teach and train to become a well-brought up lady.

Paul was an Earl and he had married Madeline, the Countess of Wick ham. Their marriage had been arranged, but over time the couple became best friends and fell madly in love with each other. This rarely ever happens in any arranged marriage. They were faithful and loyal to each other. Neither one of them ever took another lover. They now had a child together and it completed their family. Their daughter would be raised in high society and would be expected to be a lady presented in the royal court. However, for now, they would enjoy their young child and enjoy that God had granted them this wonderful gift.

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Subject Author Date
Chapter 2 An English LoveJacquelineTuesday, April 04, 07:45:25pm
    hey Jacqueline this is a nice storyelderTuesday, April 04, 09:12:28pm
    I like the way this is starting outDianeTuesday, April 04, 11:12:51pm

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