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Subject: Chapter 14

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Date Posted: Wednesday, April 12, 02:09:46pm
In reply to: Jacqueline 's message, "An English Love" on Tuesday, April 04, 04:30:41pm

Michael strode into his house to seek out his parents. He knew his mother might be furious. He had already heard that his new bride had arrived. He had no inclination to meet or see her. He was in no rush. No one seemed to be around. He sought out his siblings. Angela just had her coming out so she was probably receiving many gentlemen callers. Seymour was usually in the drawing room working on some project.

He found Seymour drawing in his room “Seymour, where are Mother and Father?”

Seymour looked up at him with excited eyes. “They are in the green sitting room with the Wolfe’s. Mother has been searching for you all day, Michael.”

Michael replied, “I guessed as much. The horse man told me they are throwing a party this coming Saturday evening. What is it for?”

Seymour exclaimed, “Yes Michael. We are going to celebrate the engagement.” Seymour paused and the said, “ I saw her, you know.”

Michael raised his brow, “Saw who?” His brother liked to play games and entice people into conversation.

“Nikita! She is so beautiful Michael. I kissed her hand. I met her in the sitting room. If you will not marry her, then I will!” Seymour sounded so certain on the matter.

Michael smiled at his young brother. “Well then maybe they will make you marry her and leave me alone. I will leave now to meet Mother and Father.” Michael pondered for a moment of what his brother had just told him.

As he was about to walk out, he stopped to turn around to Seymour. “Is she really beautiful?”

Seymour looked at him and smiled at him. “She looks like an angel God sent from heaven.”

Michael nodded and smiled as he was leaving the room. His curiosity did sneak up on him a bit and was starting to wonder what she looked like.

“I think you daughter is enchanting and will calm down even more once she is married and has a child, “Lady Adrian was explaining her theory about Nikita.

“Paul,” George began. “You shall no longer have any fears about Lord Bauer. Michael has extensive combative skills and will protect Nikita and her estate. This I can promise you.”

Paul nodded but tried to warn him, “George, my cousin is a ruthless man who gets what he wants. I am afraid that once Michael and Nikita settle, he will be trouble for them. I fought one civil battle before Nikita was born and fortunately won. He made many threats after Nikita’s birth about slaughtering her or kidnapping her. It has been a nightmare in my mind for seventeen years.”

George said, “My old friend. Have no fear. She will be a Samuelle and also a relative to the crown through my wife. No harm will ever come to her. Tell me, does this Bauer have any offspring?”

“I believe he had a daughter with a Spanish wife. The wife died mysteriously and no one knows what he did with the child. Her name was Elena Rosalie. She was a most pretty little baby. No one saw her after her mother died,” Paul explained.

Lady Adrian joined the intriguing conversation. “He has no son then. How does he expect to keep his lands with no son?”

Paul answered, “I heard a vague rumor that he adopted a son or took in a young boy and raised him as his own. I do not know the boy’s name. The boy has to be about four and twenty years by now. They say he is more ruthless then Bauer.”

This conversation all bothered Lady Madeline. She firmly believed that Bauer took estates one by one so that he could someday conquer the crown of England. Paul thought she was wrong in this assumption, but Madeline believed he would not stop with their estate.

The doors opened suddenly and interrupted the conversation. Madeline looked behind her and saw the handsome young man walk towards them. He was like the archangel Michael and his eyes were as green as the grasses of Ireland. He had powerful eyes and a stern demeanor. She noticed a bit of softness in his countenance, but found he exuded strength and confidence. He was breathless to behold.

He kissed his mother and father. He then turned and bowed to Lady Madeline and Paul. “Lord and Lady Wolfe. I have heard so much about you. I am honored to meet you.”

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Subject Author Date
We're getting closer!!LauraWednesday, April 12, 03:41:06pm
Little twerp ; )JennaWednesday, April 12, 04:13:50pm
Oh won't Michael be surprised...(r)MaryThursday, April 13, 07:52:26am

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