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Subject: Chapter 16

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Date Posted: Thursday, April 13, 10:43:00am
In reply to: Jacqueline 's message, "An English Love" on Tuesday, April 04, 04:30:41pm

Lord Bauer was looking at a map of England on his desk when a young man entered his room and bowed to him.

Bauer let out a loud laugh and ran over to him to greet him. “Jurgen, my boy. Welcome home! What have you been up to?”

Jurgen hugged his adoptive father back and sat down in a chair. Bauer poured him a glass of brandy. “Oh the typical. Ladies, bars, chaos, my life is the greatest. Oh and I bedded Lord Beckhams daughter. His found out and challenged me to a duel.”

Bauer was on the edge of his seat. “What happened, my boy?”

“I killed him. Old fool did not stand a chance.” Jurgen laughed evily.

“We can take his lands and the people who work it. Excellent work. He has no son and it will be ours. I still want to get a hold of Rosemund though.” Bauer sat back and seemed frustrated.

“Are you talking about your cousin, Paul Wolfe?” Jurgen asked with curiosity.

“Unfortunately, yes. I have already tried to fight him and did not succeed. His people are one too many and too loyal to him. If I take Rosemund, the rest of the county will fall. The taking of it is the problem I face.”

Jurgen asked, “What can I do to help?”

Bauer answered, “I wish I knew. He has no son, so I would inherit. He had a daughter, but I was never able to discover the child.. People say she dressed like a commoner as a child to hide her identity as a child.”

Jurgen poured another glass of brandy. “Well, if he only has a daughter, she will only get the estate if she bears a son with an equal husband of her status.”

Bauer nodded and loudly exclaimed. “She is to marry Lord Michael Samuelle of Bath. How is that status for you? Her parents made her one of the most strongest alliances in the country.”

Jurgen spit out his drink. “Michael?? She is marrying Michael.”

Bauer came around to him and said, “You know him well?”

Jurgen reminded him of the story of Simone and Bauer smiled. “Jurgen, you may actually prove to be useful in this after all.”

Bauer paced around his study and thought aloud. “I will have to think of some way to sabotage their marriage. She is to move to his estate in the county of Kent and Michael will be too busy to tend her all of the time. He will be distracted elsewhere. If you got involved in some way with another one of his women, there is no telling what the man will do. ”

“Perry? Michael knows me too well. I cannot be involved,” Jurgen reminded him.

Bauer looked at him. “Michael knows you. She does not. Come and hear my plan, Jurgen. This will work perfectly. Rosemund will be mine in no time.”

They spoke all night. Jurgen would be happy to ruin yet another of Michael’s women.

Nikita was being primped and pampered the entire day. She felt so clean and smelled so good. It was excited to get dressed up. She was going to wear her favorite baby blue dress. It was so elegant and fit her bodice the best of any gown she owned.

“You look beautiful, my lady,” the servant girl replied. Nikita smiled at her praise.

Nikita blushed, “Thank you so much. I never thought I would actually enjoy dressing up. What is your name?”

The girl answered, “Sara, Mam. We all are excited here to meet you.”

Nikita’s curiousity caused her to ask a question. “What is the Lord Michael like? And please be honest with me.”

“Oh miss. I am not the one to answer these questions.” The girl did not wish to get into any sort of trouble with Lady Adrian.

Nikita turned round and looked at her, “Sara. Please call me Nikita. I would never repeat anything you say and I am not one for polite talk. I want to know everything about him. If you were marrying someone you never met, would you not wish to know?” Nikita smiled at her.

Sara instantly liked Nikita. She was not your typical stuck-up English noblewoman. “Well miss, he is a fair master. He is very serious about his position and always seems to be so calm. He is smart and an excellent athlete. He is very handsome though. When he looks at you, you melt like hot butter inside your stomach. Many say though that he lacks passion and has no emotion in his heart.”

Nikita was happy to hear this. “Well. Thank you Sara. See that was not so hard. Most English poppy-cocks lack any emotion because they only love themselves.”

She heard a horse running outside and went to the window. It was the same black horse that she had seen the day before. The man upon it was also the same individual she observed. She could now see a closer image of him. He was galloping his horse around the circle. This man was an excellent rider and a beautiful man. Nikita figured he must be a stable hand of some sort.

“Sara. Who is that man on the horse down there?” Nikita was curious about this man.

Sara came over to the window and laughed loudly. “What?” Nikita asked confusedly.

Sara answered, “That is Lord Michael.”

Nikita looked her in shock and thought for a moment that she might be kidding. When the girl did not change her answer, Nikita stared back at him and found her eyes glued to him.

He was indeed extremely handsome. She could not keep her eyes off of him. His hair reflected in the sun and his body was strong and muscular. She could see his thigh muscles flexing as he rode the horse. Nikita felt a little dizzy and closed her eyes.

Sara observed her lady and asked, “Are you alright?”

Nikita looked back out the window and nodded. “He is a beautiful man.” This was all she could say. She was shocked at how he looked and realized words did not do this man justice. She only hoped he had even a fraction of attention to her as she was giving him this moment. Nikita was enamored with his looks, but his personality might block out the attraction she was now feeling.

Sara stood back and saw that Nikita was having the reaction that every woman seemed to have with Michael.

He rode off back towards the stables and Nikita just stood there feeling dizzy. At least her husband would be handsome.

She walked back to her chair to continue preparing for the party. For some reason, she wanted him to like her. Normally, she would not care about that. But for some reason, she wanted him fancy her. Perhaps though, he would not care for how she looked if he already had so many women in his life.

She also prayed that he was not too expectant of obedience like his mother was. She only took orders from her parents and did not enjoy it most of the time.

“He is handsome Sara. I just hope he is not too demanding. I do not take orders well,” Nikita commented.

Sara replied, “I think you will find him a pleasant fellow Miss.”

Nikita spent the rest of the day actually looking forward to the party tonight. This was the first time she felt anything a bit exciting in this whole ordeal.

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Subject Author Date
Guess it would be too much.......MyrnaThursday, April 13, 01:06:49pm
Aw, she got to see him, now hurry back & let them meet. (NT)signme1Thursday, April 13, 01:11:36pm
Can hardly wait!!siaThursday, April 13, 01:38:11pm
an english lovealiahThursday, April 13, 02:29:46pm

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