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Subject: Chatper 17b (NC17)

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Date Posted: Friday, June 24, 12:52:20pm
In reply to: Juli 's message, "Angelita - new chapters (finally)" on Friday, February 18, 01:02:53pm

The cab pulled up to the 5th Avenue residence building and Michael got out, tossing another large bill at the cabbie. He raced into the building and anxiously pressed the button for the elevator. He wasn’t sure if they would come back there or not, but if they did, Michael wanted to be present. He only hoped that Nikita wouldn’t feel comfortable anywhere else, and there were bound to be more photographers anywhere they went. It left them few options. Besides, Nick’s residence had more than enough room for twenty people to have privacy, let alone four.

Letting himself into the residence, Michael stopped the butler and asked if Nikita had returned yet.

“No, sir, she has not,” the man replied, and then went about his duties.

Breathing a sigh of relative relief, Michael wandered about the apartment trying to figure out who was home. After some hunting, Michael discovered that both Nick and Walter were out. He was the only one there.

Irritated by the evening, Michael went to the kitchen and got a bottle of water. He had just taken a long swallow and gotten his anger in check when he heard the front door open.

He flipped off the kitchen light and stood in the darkness listening.

“It looks like no one is home,” Nikita said, setting her purse down and thanking Jurgen for helping her off with her coat.

“Wonderful,” Jurgen answered. “Then we can have some privacy from everyone.”

“Would you like a drink?” Nikita asked, heading for the parlor.

Jurgen followed, and Michael could see them now from his vantage point in the dark kitchen hallway.

“I can fix it,” he assured her, going to the bar and pulling out some scotch. “Would you like anything?”

Nikita shook her head. Michael thought she looked nervous.

Nikita sat on one of the leather couches. Jurgen fixed his drink and then joined her on the same couch.

“Is anything wrong, Nikita?” Jurgen asked, taking a sip of his drink.

Nikita fought to return her mind to the topic at hand. “I… uh, no. I’m just a little distracted, that’s all,” she told him.

All she could see in her mind’s eye was Elena – beautiful, exotic, dark, and previously engaged to Michael.

“Maybe I can help with that,” Jurgen told her, setting his glass down on the side table.

He leaned and kissed her lightly on the lips. He thought that if he had to sacrifice himself to get Nick’s company, this was hardly a sacrifice.

Nikita kissed him back for a moment and then pulled back slightly. As she started to speak, Jurgen put a hand through the back of her hair and began kissing her more forcefully. His tongue forced its way into her mouth as he groaned with passion.

Putting both hands against his chest, Nikita pushed back.

“Jurgen, wait,” she whimpered.

Jurgen released her head and moved that hand to cup her breast.

Nikita cried out and Michael was there in an instant.

“I believe the lady wishes you to leave,” he said, gripping a fistful of Jurgen’s jacket and marching him across the marble foyer.

Jurgen jerked his clothing free from Michael’s grasp and gave him a glare. He composed himself and then looked back to Nikita.

“I apologize, Nikita, if I was moving too quickly, but my soul is burning for you,” Jurgen told her eloquently.

Holding open the door, Michael snorted. Jurgen glared at him as he left.

When the door shut with a quiet click, Nikita rushed over and threw herself into Michael’s arms.

Michael held her as she started weeping, his anger rising with each ragged breath she took. Whether Jurgen’s intentions were pure or not, he should know that Nikita was completely naïve to modern romance.

“Shhhhh,” he whispered, running a hand down her silky blonde hair. He was trying to control his rage, and was glad that Jurgen was no longer in the apartment. Michael was sure he would have done something he would later regret.

“I’m… so …glad…you…are…here,” she stammered between ragged breaths as she tried to calm down.

Michael tilted her head up and dried the wetness on her cheek with his thumb. He held her face like that for a moment and said, “I am too.”

Michael stared into Nikita’s blue eyes, shining with tears and something inside of him snapped. The anger, and protectiveness, and jealousy, and desire all churned up inside of him, and he did what he had promised himself he would not do. He leaned forward and kissed her.

It was only the faintest kiss, their lips hardly touching, but it shook Nikita to the core. Her eyes opened wide as Michael pulled away slightly. His eyes still focused on her mouth.

Nikita was surprised how different the two kisses had been. Jurgen’s kisses had been passionate to say the least, but she felt like those kisses only created excitement and tension – like getting away with something you are not supposed to. In the small instant that Michael kissed her, gently, briefly, Nikita’s whole body felt heavy with longing. It instantly brought back the memories of the two times she had been held by him before.

Jurgen’s kisses seemed like only an experiment now. Like something she wanted to taste, but after a bite, she was satisfied. She realized now, that she would never get enough of Michael’s kisses.

Michael waited the scant seconds it took for Nikita to make this discovery. He held her close and gazed into her eyes, waiting. He almost held his breath, worrying that he had gone too far. Then she smiled. The radiant smile lit her tear streaked face. Her hands moved from where they were tucked between them, up his chest to twine around his neck. It was all the invitation Michael needed.

Nikita met his lips halfway as he leaned back to her. Her eyes fluttered closed as he pulled her tight against his chest, his mouth pressing more fully against hers now. It was no longer a butterfly-light kiss against her lips. Now, with passion igniting in both of them, the kiss was insistent and scorching. Nikita inwardly gasped at the intensity of it.

She tentatively opened her mouth to Michael’s onslaught, remembering that Jurgen had tried to use his tongue when he kissed her. Michael’s strong mouth sealed over hers as his tongue moved gently inside to mate with hers. The feeling made her knees go weak.

Breathless, she pulled back slightly, bringing a fingertip to touch her lips.

Michael released her quickly, mentally cursing himself for doing exactly as that jackass, Jurgen, had done.

“Nikita, I’m sorry,” Michael began, but Nikita moved her fingertips to his lips.

“I only wanted to catch my breath, Michael,” she told him with a smile. “I don’t want you to stop.”

Michael closed his eyes momentarily, murmuring thanks to his Creator.

“We should probably not continue in the foyer,” he said, after opening his eyes and gazing down at her passion-filled expression.

Nikita giggled. “Imagine if my father or Walter would have walked in on us,” she said, pressing her body back against his.

Michael groaned – half at the feel of her soft curves pressed against him and half because of what she had said. He scooped her into his arms and stalked down the hall to his room, kicking the door shut with his foot.

Nikita slid down the length of Michael’s body as he set her down in the center of the room. Michael did not want to presume by putting her on the bed, but now that he was in this passionate and precarious situation, he realized how long it had been for him.

Nikita, however, had different feelings about the situation entirely. Her whole body felt like it was lit by fires, some places burning hotter than others. She threaded her fingers through Michael’s hair and leaned forward to continue where they had left off in the foyer.

Michael grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands from behind his neck.

At her whine of protest, he said, “I need to know that you understand what you are getting into. You grew up totally differently from everyone else. I don’t want to move to quickly for you.”

Nikita grinned. It was endearing what Michael was trying to do.

“Michael,” she told him, her hands going back around his neck, “I may not have grown up in Manhattan, but I am still a women and you are a man. Even in my village, men are men and women are women. It’s no big secret what occurs between men and women who are in love.”

Michael was stunned. He had underestimated her, expecting that she would have some prehistoric notion of intimacy and sex. He realized that she would have seen courtship, love and sexuality her entire life, granted not the modern “civilized” version, but none less true.

And she had said that they were in love. He had known that he loved her for a long time, but to hear her say it swelled his heart. The last barriers of his concern came crashing down and his lips covered hers in an instant.

This time it was Nikita who set the pace, and Michael struggled to keep up. Their tongues dueled and mated, and Nikita gasped for air as Michael’s kisses moved to the long column of her neck, while he pulled off his sport coat and tossed it aside.

Nikita let go of Michael as he undressed, turning her fingers to unbuttoning the buttons on her blouse, unconsciously leading Michael’s mouth further south. When she had them all undone, Michael smoothed the silk garment back from her shoulders and let it flutter down her arms to the floor. He groaned in the back of his throat as he stared at her pale skin clad only in a delicate lace bra.

Aware of his aching hardness, Michael took her hand and led her to the bed. Nikita smiled and unfastened the buttons on his shirt. He waited, almost painfully for her to finish, but he was glad the pace had turned leisurely. He didn’t want the moment to end.

As Michael shrugged out of his shirt, Nikita ran her hands over Michael’s shoulder and chest, feeling the hard planes of muscle. She had wanted to do this for a long time – every time she watched him exercise. She realized how much more she wanted. She had not lied to Michael; she knew what went on when a man and women mated. She had not realized how pleasurable it would be.

Timidly, she leaned forward and place a kiss on the side of Michael’s jaw and worked her way down his neck. The muscles flexed and jumped under her soft lips, enchanting her.

Michael’s hands which had rested on her elbows moved upward, slipping the lace strap off one shoulder and kissing the spot where it had been. Nikita’s head dropped back as his kissed her, and the movement allowed the top of her bra to slip down, exposing one rosy pink nipple, taut with excitement.

Michael could not resist such an enchanting invitation, and his tongue slid down her collarbone to capture the pink tip in his mouth. Nikita sucked in a breath at the sensation as her knees gave out on her.

Supporting her, without removing his suckling mouth, Michael lowered her to the bed. He reached behind and easily unclasped her bra and let it slip away. His mouth moved to capture the other nipple, now bare, as his hand moved to replace his mouth on the first. Nikita gasped at the pleasure and arched her back. Her hands splayed through Michael’s hair.

Leaving her breasts for a moment, Michael’s mouth traced a wet line of kisses toward her navel, and then he sat up. Nikita whimpered in frustration, but Michael just chuckled.

“Patience, ‘Kita,” he whispered, slipping off the bed to draw off her shoes, letting them drop on the floor.

Then he lifted her hips and unzipped her skirt, sliding it off. Her garters, stockings, and panties followed, until nothing obscured his vision of all of her. Michael breathed in slowly and closed his eyes, his erecting throbbing painfully.

“Michael?” Nikita asked, nervously. She was suddenly feeling very naked.

Michael opened his eyes.

“I’ve never…” she whispered, trailing off.

“Ssshhhhhh, I know ‘Kita,” he assured her. “If you don’t want to, we won’t.”

“No, its not that,” she told him quickly. “I just don’t know exactly what to do,” she confessed.

Michael smiled and knelt on the bed next to her. “Don’t worry, my love. I’ll show you,” he said, kissing her lightly on the lips.

Her smile banished any thoughts of stopping, and Michael’s mouth returned to where it had left off, circling her navel with his tongue. And then the moved lower still, placing a light kiss on first one thigh and then the other. As Nikita instinctively moved her legs apart, he placed a trail of kisses down to the back of her knee and then back up.

The scent of her was intoxicating, and he forced himself to go slow. He wanted her dripping and ready for him so that he didn’t cause her pain. He noticed her hands clenching wads of the sheets and chuckled.

“Relax, ‘Kita,” he told her.

Nikita forced herself to release the sheets and tried to relax. She didn’t know how Michael could be so relaxed. Her body felt like a coiled spring, each kiss turning it tighter and tighter. When she felt his tongue touch the core of her, she nearly came off the bed. She had thought that the “spring” was as tight as it could get, but she was wrong.

She felt Michael’s tongue sliding lazily back and forth across an extremely sensitive bit of flesh and the feeling was indescribable. Her hands fisted in the sheets again. His mouth moved lower, kissing and tasting all around her. Her belly felt like molten lead, swirling around. She felt him slide his tongue back up to tease that spot again, and then her back arched involuntarily as his finger slid inside of her slick channel.

She moaned. She thought she might die. If something did not release the tension soon, she was sure she would snap.

Michael was relieved to feel how slick and ready she was. He wanted to give her an orgasm first, but was realistic enough to realize that he may not make it that long. Instead, he added another finger gently and curved them upward to stroke her g spot. Her whimpers of pleasure were almost his undoing. With his other hand, Michael somehow removed his trousers and boxers, his painful erection springing free.

He wiped a hand across his mouth and leaned on an elbow, kissing Nikita’s very hard nipples for a moment while his fingers continued to stroke her.

“Michael, please,” Nikita gasped. She didn’t know what she needed, but knew that she couldn’t withstand anymore of Michael’s talented torture.

Raising himself above her, Michael withdrew his fingers and replaced them with the head of his member, his muscles tense with the desire to drive immediately into her heat. He lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her passionately, as he slowly sheathed himself inside of her. He felt her tense as he pushed through her virginity, but she never ceased to kiss him back.

The feeling once he was fully inside of her was indescribable. Michael thought he could easily die happy at that moment. Straining, he tried to remain still to give her body time to adjust, but happily, Nikita would have none of it, squirming beneath him impatiently.

“Please,” she begged in a hoarse whisper.

Michael was only too eager to oblige her, and he slowly withdrew and then stroked back in. They sighed together at the blissful union, but Nikita would not allow a leisurely pace. She wrapped her long legs around his waist and urged him on with her moans and cries of pleasure.

Michael’s body had begun listening to Nikita’s body instead of his own brain, and his pace picked up as he neared his release.

Nikita could not believe the pleasure that she was receiving. She could hardly form a coherent thought, other than “Please don’t stop,” and all she could do was whimper and moan in ecstasy.

When Michael paused inside of her, she made a noise of protest, but it died in her throat as he reached down to stroke her above where they were joined. The spring coiled tightly again and soon she was panting, trying to get Michael to move, trying to make something happen.

Michael listened to her cries increasing in pitch and knew she was nearly ready. He circled her nub with a finger as he began stroking in and out quickly this time. He was close, but he would hold out until she came.

Nikita gasped a choked cry as the “spring” within her finally uncoiled like glass shattering. She felt like liquid fire had shot out of her from the inside in every direction. She clung to Michael’s neck as he moved within her; he cried out once and then shuddered to a stop.

Nikita panted for air as Michael lowered his body onto hers, keeping most of his weight on his elbows. Her eyes were closed and she felt completely and totally spent. Her bones felt liquid as she lay there, catching her breath. She felt Michael stroking her face with a finger – her cheekbone, her eyebrow, her ear.

“I love you,” Nikita whispered, without opening her eyes. “I think I always have.”

Michael’s eyes closed in relief at her pronouncement, and he kissed her lips softly.

“I love you too,” he breathed against her ear.

He rolled to the side and pulled her against him, noticing the small smile on her lips. He pulled the covers over them both and watched Nikita as she fell asleep in his arms. Michael did not sleep for a long time. He had to plan what to do next.

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Subject Author Date
ok so...stephFriday, June 24, 01:16:51pm
all I have to say.....burnedFriday, June 24, 03:58:44pm
As always.........EXCEPTIONAL!!!! (NT)MyrnaFriday, June 24, 06:26:28pm
Oh my..TNFriday, June 24, 07:16:35pm
Always the planner. LOL!(r)MichelleBSaturday, June 25, 11:09:45am
Great chapters! Now, what will Jurgen do? (NT)signme1Saturday, June 25, 11:28:06am
Loved it! Thank you, Julie...k8lynSaturday, June 25, 12:01:01pm

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