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Subject: Whispered Identities - Chapter 175

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Date Posted: Thursday, March 10, 07:56:22pm
In reply to: Lynuslinus 's message, "Whispered Identities - Chapter 175 - 190 - Repost" on Thursday, March 10, 07:46:55pm

The following day, after breakfasting together in their suite, Nikita joined Michael in the main computer systems room. She sat at his side watching him input codes into the software he had created to infiltrate a search into intelligence agency mainframes.
“Is this a new program you’re trying Michael?”

“An alteration on my old one...I discovered a crocus amongst Dalton’s surveillance tools.”

“Okay....what’s a crocus, and what would he use it for?”

“He probably is not aware of it’s existence ....his former computer technician had it stored in those locked cabinets....now that I have the run of the place....well, I have the combinations to all the safekeeping files....oh, a crocus is a eavesdropping device...here...look.”

“It looks like an ordinary palm pilot....very clever. So what can this device do that your old protocol program couldn’t do?”

“Hopefully it has the capability to insert surveillance on the server providers of the agencies and monitor emails, cellular phones and digital pagers.”

“Wow! This little thing can do all that.”“

“I’m hoping Dalton’s technician built it with full capabilities....I worked briefly with one for Tracfin in France...you know....France’s financial intelligence unit.”

Nikita grinned. “Oh, of course I knew that Michael....like you mentioned it just the other day...more information about your life....you tell me something new every day!”

Michael stopped punching the computer keys and looked over at Nikita. “What? Oh, sorry...I’ll try to work on that disclosure issue.” A small smile appeared on his face.

The main door to the computer room swung open and one of Dalton’s security men ushered Rene Laval into the room. Michael glanced over his shoulder and quickly exited the program he was working on.

“Michel! Nikita! Apparently Dalton’s assistant, Alberto went with Dalton...he was suppose to give me a rundown on activities on Madeira.....ahhhh....so....well, and I am to work with you Michel....didn’t he tell you.”

“Yes he did...of course. He has left a number of files to follow-up....very routine matters....just checking on his business operations throughout Europe. Perhaps you could start with them.”

“Ahhhhhh.....well, what am I suppose to do....am I checking on work completion or....sorry Michel....to be honest, Dalton hired me an enforcer...you know...if people don’t....ahhh, complete jobs so to speak.”

Nikita smiled. “So you’re a hit man are you Rene?”

Rene frowned at Nikita. “We do what jobs are offered us....we don’t all have the opportunities that parentage and money present.”

“I apologize Rene....I was only teasing you....a bad habit I have.”

“Ahhh....well, no harm done. Anyway, Michel...I wouldn’t be able to run those follow-up files.”

“I can show you Rene. Perhaps you can use a computer in the media room as I will have this area tied up most of the day.”

Rene glanced over at an adjacent computer terminal from the main one Michael was seated at.
“Can’t I work on that unit?”

“Well....I require all the units to complete the hexadecimal stream codes or the data transfer operation runs too slowly. Come....let’s go to the media room and I’ll set you up for working there.”

Nikita turned her head away from Rene and Michael and smiled as they left the systems room.
Michael returned within ten minutes and sat in front of the main terminal, booted up his program and set the crocus online once again. Nikita placed the book she was reading on the console and smiled at Michael.

“Even I knew that was a load of techno- gabble Michael....hexadecimal data stream codes....I realize there is such a thing as stream codes...but...”

“Rene does not need to know about anything we are doing here. Those tedious files will keep him busy. Even though he is a friend Nikita....we must not allow anyone to discover our actions.”

“Okay....I understand....but before I die of boredom watching binary codes flashing on five screens, is there anything I can help with?”

“Yes if you wish....I have a disc of server memory from MI-6...I’ll show you how to perform a core dump and see if you can find any interesting directory intel. If you do...note which web sockets they are attached to.”

Nikita grinned. “Well, I did ask! Should I work on that terminal or am I banished to the media room also.”

“No...please work next to me here.” Michael picked up Nikita’s hand and kissed it. “I prefer to have you as close as possible.”

Nikita pulled her hand free and wrapped her arms around Michael neck and kissed him. “Ahhh....what time are we breaking for lunch....in our room of course.”

Michael smiled. “Another couple of hours....then we can take a break.” He rose and led Nikita to the other computer terminal; loaded his disc and booted up the information. Nikita sat and followed his instructions for performing the core dump and decoding possible directory intel. Michael stood behind her and leaned over her shoulder to instruct on procedure. Nikita leaned back, pressing her head into his chest; she could smell the musk soap from his morning shower; she inhaled and forced herself to concentrate on the task.

Michael’s cheek brushed against her hair; he inhaled her lavender shampoo, rubbed his chin on her neck but pulled away as he felt his groin tighten.

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Subject Author Date
Whispered Identities - Chapter 176LynuslinusThursday, March 10, 07:58:13pm

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