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Subject: Whispered Identities - Chapter 184

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Date Posted: Thursday, March 10, 08:17:07pm
In reply to: Lynuslinus 's message, "Whispered Identities - Chapter 175 - 190 - Repost" on Thursday, March 10, 07:46:55pm

Nikita sat on the sofa in their room, her bare feet resting on the teakwood table. She had returned from her run, jumped in the shower and then sat eating the sandwich she had made upon her return. Clad only in a terry robe, and sipping a bottle of mineral water, she needed time to formulate her thoughts. Dismissing the panic attack she had experienced on the beach, she felt clear headed now...no more paranoia about Michael. He did care for her...she could feel that...see it in his eyes. Finishing her sandwich, she wandered into the bedroom and began dressing in black cords and an oversized sweater. Glancing at the bedside clock, she returned to the livingroom and poured a glass of white wine, picked up her cell phone and punched the return number for Michael. The phone rang repeatedly until the answer service took the call.

“Michael...it’s me...please call...ahhh...when you get a chance...bye.”

She clicked the phone shut and strolled to the patio window, sipping her wine. “Where are you Michael? I don’t want to sit around another night, waiting for your call.”

Nikita walked to a side table and opening the drawer, pulled out their laptop computer. After setting up the computer, she returned from the bathroom with the discs. Sipping her wine, she connected her Sony cybershot camera to the computer and downloaded the pictures she had taken of the numbers on the main system screens.

She sat staring at the sequence of numbers. If I had some code breaking software, I might be able to break into the sequence...but what if each number was a letter in the alphabet...but whose alphabet?

Nikita jumped as her thoughts were interrupted with the ring on her cell phone. She reached over and clicked it open. “Hello?”

“Nikita...it’s me....Michael.”

Nikita laughed...I know...silly saying it’s me...given you and I are the only ones with each other’s numbers.

“No...I...oh sorry...I understand, and that’s correct. How are you?”

“I’m fine...but you sound...what’s wrong Michael...has Alberto had a turn for the worst?”

“No...well, he’s still in a coma but it’s Rene. He’s disappeared...not at our hotel or the hospital...last night he must have slipped out...left.”
“Maybe he’s visiting friends or....”

“Nikita...he wouldn’t just leave without telling me...something is wrong.”

“Possibly he’s worried about his position in Dalton’s business...maybe thinks he’s out of a job.”

“He was very quiet on the flight to Paris and while we were at the hospital....something is not right. I had told him as long as I was still running Dalton’s operation, he had a position.”

“Hummm....well, what can you do? I mean if he’s gone...maybe he wants nothing more to do with Dalton’s organization.”

“Possibly.” He paused. “Did you have a good day?”

“Meaning what Michael,” she teased.

“Well....ahhh...with the computer decoding I guess.”

“A little...I went for a run today too...a great run as a matter of fact.”

“That’s good....I would like to go for a run with you...when I return, we will go.”

“Yes...and on that subject...when are you returning?”

“I should wait one more day...also to see if Rene shows up.”

“I think you should return tonight Michael.”

“What? Why...is there something wrong?”

“I miss you...you know what I mean?”

“Well, I miss you too but I should really stay at least another day and.....”

“Alright...I can’t tease anymore...I’ve found something Michael....but not over the cell...it’s important...you need to see it...soon.”

“I...ahhh...very well....something you were working on?”


“You’re certain it can’t wait another day.”

“You’re being very mysterious and succinct Nikita.”

“Yes...very unlike me, right.”

“Well, yes...not like the usual lady know.”

“More like a fellow I know..a .strong, silent, mysterious, succinct type.....”

“Alright....I get your point. If you think it is important...I’ll see to a flight....but it will be very late so this better be significant Nikita...no teasing me, okay.”

“Tease...me....no way. I’ll keep the bed warm for you....and...ahhh, Michael...I really do miss you, but this is no tease...you really do need to see what I’ve found.”

“Fine. I’ll see you in the wee hours.”

“Michael...just slip under the duvet and wake me.....I miss you,” she whispered in a husky voice.

Michael’s groin tightened at the sound of her voice - his mind began to race at the thoughts of Nikita’s body next to his. “Yes....I ...I will see you later...bye.”

Nikita smiled and shut her cell phone.

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Subject Author Date
Whispered Identities - Chapter 185LynuslinusThursday, March 10, 08:20:25pm

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