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Subject: Whispered Identities - Chapter 151 - rated 18+

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Date Posted: Wednesday, October 20, 08:25:26pm
In reply to: Lynuslinus 's message, "Whispered Identities - Chapter 151 & forward" on Wednesday, October 20, 08:23:26pm

Michael and Nikita returned from dinner to their room in the brothel. Michael inserted a special device into the door to insure no person could enter their room. Nikita kicked off her shoes and fell onto the bed; the springs sagged under her weight. She giggled and held her hand out to Michael.

“Hope this bed will hold the two of us...without a spring piercing critical body parts.”

Michael walked to the bed and sat down gently on the edge; he clutched Nikita’s hand, drawing it to his lips. “Hummmmmm.....no jumping around on this bed Nikita....you are correct....we could be stabbed by a spring.”

“Come here mister,” she pulled him roughly on top of her body. The bed springs sagged even more, touching the bed frame. She started laughing. “This bed has seen far too much ‘doing the dirty’”


“Never mind....I just hope we’re not here too long...our backs will start giving out.”

Michael remained silent but began stroking her hair back onto the pillow and gently ran a finger across her eyebrows and down her nose to her lips; he inserted a finger into her mouth; Nikita reached up and grasped his hand, sucking on the finger. Michael leaned forward and kissed her eyes then slid down to her neck where he licked and drew her skin into his lips, leaving a slight mark on her neck. Nikita grinned.

“Are you marking me monsieur? Making me yours?”


“I am yours Michael....you’re stuck with me....such as things are for the next week...but I can give you pleasure...now....let me Michael....we are surely safe now....here in Portugal....”

“You have become my weakness Nikita....I was careless with the border crossing....careless with the computer....MI-6 is tracking us.....please understand....”

“No....I cannot.....we are locked in this room for the night....one night....I want to love you....please let me.”

Michael pulled away and rose from the bed. He stood staring at Nikita; she lay seductively across the bed then slowly began pulling off her blouse, and skirt. Her eyes bored into Michael’s; he started lifting his sweater over his head, kicked off his shoes and began removing his trousers. Nikita slipped off her bra and panties while pulling back the blankets on the bed. She mischievously patted the empty spot beside her on the bed. Michael tried desperately to suppress his smile but gave in and shook his head; joining her on the sagging bed. Nikita pulled the blankets over their bodies and began nibbling his ear while reaching down to the front of his jockey tights. She inserted her hand into his shorts and gently took hold of Michael’s growing arousal. He moaned and closed his eyes. Nikita felt Michael’s manhood grow larger in her hand; marveling at how quickly the length and width expanded with her ministrations.

(('Damn....what a time to be ‘under the weather’....rotten timing Nik!'))

Nikita lowered her head down Michael’s body and started to pull his jockey shorts down as he raised his hips to aid her.

(('My God....is he actually going to let me take him!'))

Michael clutched her shoulders as she gently stroked his erection and caressed the sacs between his legs. Michael’s breathing became shallow and labored and he moaned loudly. He could already feel himself approaching an orgasm; he grabbed for Nikita’s hands and pulled them away.


“Why? Let yourself go Michael....I haven’t really done.....”

“You make me loose control....I can’t go there...not yet!”

Nikita pulled away to lay on her back staring up at the ceiling; Michael turned his body to hers and wrapped his arms around her waist; his manhood still erect.

“Please Nee-kee-ta...I know you don’t understand this... I’ve tried to explain....about who and what I am.”

Nikita pulled away, jumped up from the bed and slipped Michael’s sweater over her head; she grabbed her panties and slid into them. She glared at him as he lay in the bed.

“You’re right Michael! I’ll never understand you....one fucking night I try to give you pleasure and you withdraw! You are a total control freak that’s what you are! Only traditional sex with the man making all the moves....okay...maybe this whole thing between us is wrong. I am also who I am Michael....what I feel...what I want...my needs....this whole thing with power and control and not letting a woman have you. I’ve been with lots of men...who have begged me to have oral sex with them....cause you know what....I’m good at it....but you’re too much of a control freak!”

Nikita strode over to a chair and plopped down, drawing her legs up to her chest and clutching them tightly.

(('In fact she hadn’t been with lots of men....only a few....but she had enjoyed oral sex...and they apparently had enjoyed it also.'))

Michael rose slowly from the bed and walked into the bathroom. Nikita could hear the toilet flushing and as she sat on the chair, began to shiver. She returned to the bed and pulled the blankets up to her face. Michael walked back to the bed and slid under the covers.. He whispered.

“I apologize....Nikita...you must understand....I’ve never felt like this with a woman....when you take me....I feel like I’m being washed away....my thoughts are taken....my being is removed....I will learn....to trust....I will learn to trust how I feel....and give myself....”

Nikita turned to Michael and touched his face.

(('Could it be possible...this beautiful, sexy man really has never trusted a woman to take him......is that what he is feeling? Surely...he’s been with many women....has not one totally captured his heart?'))

Michael and Nikita lay clutching each other; listening to the beat of each other’s heart. The only other sounds; traffic in the street below and the low moans of a couple in the room next door.

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Subject Author Date
Poor poor Mikey. Just give in for once! (NT)MichellebWednesday, October 20, 09:10:04pm
I feel bad for both of them ....(r)Lady EWednesday, October 20, 11:24:57pm
Michael, Michael, Michael (NT)LoveroyThursday, October 21, 12:35:29am

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