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Subject: Whispered Identities - Chapter 156

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Date Posted: Wednesday, November 03, 07:54:10pm
In reply to: Lynuslinus 's message, "Whispered Identities - Chapter 151 & forward" on Wednesday, October 20, 08:23:26pm

The next morning, Nikita rose early; she wandered out onto the bedroom patio, stretched and peered out to the sea. The winter sun was just peaking over the horizon. Clad only in her nightie and dressing gown, she began to shiver and returned to the warmth of the king size bed. She snuggled next to Michael who slept soundly. She stared into his face and planted a little kiss on his nose; she could feel the rhythm of his breathing.

You are such a beautiful man Michael Samuelle....it takes all my control to not just ravish your body. Only a couple more days....then....you can have your way with me....anywhere...anytime.

She grinned to herself and kissed Michael’s closed eyelids. He stirred, inhaled and turned onto his back, opening his eyes. Nikita propped herself onto an elbow and smiled.

“Good morning Mr. Samuelle....did you sleep well?”

“Yes, thank you....and you?”

“Wonderful...except this bed is too big....I kept losing you last night.”

“We’ll buy a smaller bed....one that fits our bodies.”

“Ummmmmmmmmmm.....yes....please....”, she grinned.

“So, what would you like to do today....I have a little more work to do on the computer, then maybe we can go for a hike.”

“Yes....I spotted some beaches...if we can somehow reach them by car...we can explore the shoreline and rocks.”

“Excellent.” he glanced at his watch. “Let’s say around eleven am....does that sound okay?”

“Fine...shall I call the kitchen and have breakfast brought here?”

“If you wish.”

True to his word, Michael returned to their suite a few minutes after eleven and found Nikita dressed in cords, a sweater and fleece jacket. She sat pulling on light weight hiking boots.
Michael slipped off his shoes and laced up some boots; he searched through his bag for a fleece jacket until Nikita walked over, handed him the jacket and a small pack.

“I had the kitchen make us a lunch. Shall we try walking from here or take the car?”

“I enquired about an access road, so we can drive to the first beach...unless you want to walk from here.”

“Yes, lets....give us an overall feeling for the surroundings....scout the landscape,” she grinned. “You never know....we might have to make a run for it in the middle of the night.”

Michael looked at Nikita, startled. “What? Why...why do you feel we would have to do that?”

“I don’t know....guess I was recalling the last happy time we spent a few days in one place...the cabin....until the Russians found us.” She looked wistful, “Do you think we will ever go back to that wonderful cabin, Michael?”

“Perhaps....someday. Come on...let’s go.”

Nikita grabbed her pack and they left the suite and strolled out the front door of the villa. Making their way through the courtyard and down a side road, Michael paused and looked back at the sprawling villa. A light wind blew his chestnut curls over his face; Nikita reached up and brushed some curls from Michael’s face.

“Anything wrong?” she smiled.

“Nothing....just...ah...getting the lay of the landscape like you say. Come....we can walk through that grove of cork trees and apparently there is a trail leading down to the first beach.”

After almost an hour, Michael and Nikita reached the sandy beach. Towering sandstone rocks surrounded the sheltered beach. The sea crashed giant waves onto the shore; and rolled out to expose glistening sand and sea life in its wake. Nikita ran up to the water’s edge and when a giant wave threatened to soak her, she laughed and dashed back to Michael. She threw her pack in the sand, grasped Michael’s hand and began pulling him to the water’s edge. He squirmed out of his pack and followed her.

“Oh my God Michael...this is soooo beautiful....please, when we look for a place...let’s find one near the beach...overlooking the sea!”

Michael smiled. “Where ever you want Nikita....your choice.”

Nikita threw her arms around Michael’s neck and hugged him. The waves crashed to shore, running up to where they stood. Nikita drew her lips to Michael’s ear.

“I love you so much Michael Samuelle....I ache loving you....and it scares the hell outta me!”

Michael kissed Nikita’s lips gently, then more passionately; their tongues seeking each other; their lips drawing the other’s to theirs. Nikita’s body was tingling and began to shake as she felt Michael draw her bottom into his growing arousal. He stroked her back and buttocks; all the while devouring her mouth with his. Suddenly a gigantic wave crashed into their legs, almost throwing them off balance. Michael grabbed hold of Nikita as she struggled to regain her balance. She started laughing as she looked down at their wet boots and lower legs.

“Well, I guess that’s a sign...or a form of cold shower....to cool our blood.”

Michael stood, his hooded eyes penetrating Nikita. He was breathing deeply attempting to recover his composure. “Come...let’s climb back up and see if we can find another beach....or maybe scout out more rocks.”

Nikita fought to tear her eyes away from the front of Michael’s jeans. You are a man of amazing control Michael....

Making their way up the cliffs from the beach, they stopped to catch their breath. Nikita pointed to another beach in the distance.

“If we follow the trail we should reach that long stretch of sand...we can walk that one for ages...or until we want lunch.”


After hiking the long beach for many kilometers, they stopped and sat on the sand; Michael pulled out the lunch from his pack and Nikita extricated a bottle of white wine from hers. They sat eating and drinking in silence, looking out at the pounding surf. Michael glanced over at Nikita as she sat, eyes closed, face up to the sun.

I love you too Nee-kee-ta....and I wish I could be free as you to express this....maybe....when we are safe....for no person shall ever harm you....or change what you are.

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Subject Author Date
Awwww...DianeWednesday, November 03, 08:55:49pm
: ) : ) : ) : ) ....(r)Lady EWednesday, November 03, 11:09:40pm
Nice imagery, Lynus, but....lesharaWednesday, November 03, 11:38:01pm
Loving this! (NT)MichellebThursday, November 04, 10:10:43am

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