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Subject: Whispered Identities - Chapter 163

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Date Posted: Monday, November 22, 07:25:44pm
In reply to: Lynuslinus 's message, "Whispered Identities - Chapter 151 & forward" on Wednesday, October 20, 08:23:26pm

Nikita paced back and forth like a caged animal in their suite at Dalton’s villa. Two days had past, and still Michael had not been able to break the codes to access Dalton’s software. Nikita had gone for repeated runs on the villa access road and even had one of Dalton’s men drive her to the beach she and Michael had enjoyed their picnic the first day. She had instructed the driver to return in three hours; he had insisted his instructions were to wait for her, but the man had acquiesced when Nikita lost her temper, shouting at him to get lost.

As she jogged through the sand along the beach, the wind began to increase. She paused to pull out a light hat from her small pack; pulled it over her ears and bent into the wind. She increased her pace, then stopped suddenly, breathing heavily. She wandered down to the water’s edge and stared out into the slate coloured sea.

(('I hate being here now....this waiting is driving me crazy. I can’t believe Michael hasn’t broke the encryption codes on that software. It just doesn’t seem possible....he’s the best....there is something more happening....something he’s not telling me.'))

She dropped cross-legged onto the sand and pulled off her hat; the wind whipping her hair wildly as a flock of gulls soared overhead in the wind.

(('How can I be with a man who is not honest with me? Won’t confide his true feelings....and what his real agenda is working with Dalton. And Dalton....what a pig...the way he treats women.....I feel like a kept whore....I’m sure that’s all he thinks I am. Oh gawd Nik! What have you gotten yourself into!'))

Michael logged off the decryption software he had created and sat back in the leather chair with his hands behind his head. He had actually broken the firewall and encryption codes yesterday and was just adding a combative code, to force the new software owner to de-bug the software continually before using, thus permitting it to be easily traced. He had also wanted private access to Dalton’s system to work on his own task - that of dropping the logic bomb into MI-6 and Interpol’s mainframe; the same logic system he had accessed the CIA in Langley. Although he had been able to float through every intelligence level of both organizations, he had found no intel on the hunt for himself or Nikita. The only information shown was that they were agents on downtown.

Michael shut off the whole computer system and pounded his hand onto the console; the main keyboard jumped and fell to the floor. He picked it up and returned it to the console.

(('Why! Why was there no intel....no footprints to lead him to the Medusa society....Quinn at MI-6 was one of the main players in that organization! Well at least there seemed to be no-one tracing them to Dalton’s villa. Their tracks had obviously been well covered in Spain. But....if I could just spend unlimited time working here....with this system....I know I can find my way to their secret society....locate the true reason for its existence.'))

Michael wandered around the computer room, touching the equipment lightly with his fingers. He stroked his chin and inhaled. (('He would confide in Dalton...ask him to allow for the use of the computer system to locate Medusa.....even if he had to create a scenario about the money Dalton could make. After dinner this evening, he would make his approach. The timing was good as they would be making the presentation to the middle east buyer in the morning.'))

Michael opened the door to the computer control center and pulled the door closed after him. Dalton had arranged for Michael to have security access, using the iris and hand print devices. Michael walked upstairs to their suite and opened the door; Nikita had left a note stating she was going for a run on the beach. He wandered out onto the balcony and squinted into the direction of the beach they had walked together a few days before.

(('What can I tell Nikita? And how can I keep her safe.....she will be very upset that we are not leaving here. I should not have allowed her into this game....to be with me.'))

Michael walked back into the suite and dropped onto the sofa. (('You fool Samuelle....you have allowed another woman to touch your heart....and after Anna....I should have learned! You let women control your brain by controlling your dick!'))

The door to the suite swung open and Nikita wandered in, dropping her small pack and jacket on a chair; she smiled upon seeing Michael and darted over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck; she kissed his cheeks and lips.

“How did the work go today? Did you break the codes?”


“Excellent! So when does Dalton’s buyer get the presentation?”

“I’ve left a message for Dalton, we can present the software in the morning.”

“Wonderful Michael!” She grinned. “You know, I was beginning to wonder if you’d lost your edge.”


“Computer skills edge....I would have thought you could break firewall and encryption codes in a few hours.”

“These were more complicated.”

“So what happens after you do the presentation....can we leave here....maybe go stay in a hotel, then look for a place of our own.”

“I....ahh....I would like to stay here awhile longer....use Dalton’s computer system.”

“What for?”

“Try to access MI-6 and Interpol’s mainframe...find out if they have given up tracking us.”

“Michael.....what....what for? Surely we lost them in Spain....maybe spend sometime tomorrow working on false identities for us....do some research on a house....Madeira maybe.”

“No Nikita! I must do this.”

“Do what Michael! Just what the hell are you doing! Tell me the damn truth...for once!”

Michael flopped onto the sofa and sat looking at his hands clasped on his lap; he remained silent.

“Oh here we go....the silent Michael treatment! Talk to me Michael! Are we together....a couple or what!”

Michael remained silent.

“Talk to me Michael!”

He rose, walked to a closet and pulled out his jacket, opened the door to the suite and left. Nikita stood, her mouth open in amazement.

“Just what the hell was that about Michael!”

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Subject Author Date
Hummm....?LynuslinusMonday, November 22, 07:28:12pm
Now what? (NT)MichelleBWednesday, November 24, 08:04:33am

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