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Subject: GBMO...part twelve

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Date Posted: Thursday, December 16, 04:59:59pm
In reply to: Fairyt 's message, "News about GMBO..." on Thursday, October 21, 10:34:47am

Adrian and Michael held their breaths, shocked about so much hatred that Roberta harbored against Phillip.
Adrian hurried to set Nikita’s mind at ease by saying: “Don’t feel too bad about it, dear. It’s not your fault.”

“I know. I thought that I could make a difference, but all she’s worried about is that he’ll leave her enough money to live in luxury. I can’t decide if I like her more when she’s under influence of the drugs or when she’s sober. There’s hardly any difference in her behavior.”

“Some people just don’t have what it takes to be or feel responsible for their actions. And it’s not always entirely their mistake. It’s just the imperfection of mankind we have to live with.”

A servant interrupts the conversation with the announcement that dinner is served, and the three of them walked to the dining room and took their seats. The topic of the conversation takes a turn to the progress of the business.

“How are things at the company, Michael?”

“We’ve almost finished the restructure of the storage and made good progress with the top floor today. Chandler and co seems to be interested in the building and is considering arranging for a visit.”

“He knows we’re busy with restructuring, so it will save him some time and money if he should take over. Everything seems to fall nicely in place, doesn’t it?” Adrian said.

“Isn’t it too much of a coincidence, Michael?” Nikita asked.

“It’s not such a secret that we’ve been restructuring, Nikita.” Michael looked at her, wondering if she knew more than he thought she knew. “We’ve started just in time to settle in the needs that has arisen under these current developments in business.”

“Well, I hope they’re desperate enough so we can make a good deal out of all this.”

“Would you like to be present at the company when they come for a round tour? You can represent your father.” Michael asked.

“Yes, I think it’s a good idea. Even if it’s for the experience itself. Have you made an appointment yet?”

“I’ve tried to, but he has a very busy agenda. He promised to notify us as soon as possible. And when he does, I’ll let you know.”


The next day, Michael went to the company as usual. Adrian and Nikita were taking care of Phillip in turns. But later that day, Adrian encouraged Nikita to visit some of her friends, to socialize with people of her own age and interests.

And so Nikita went to their usual thee-room establishment in town. Most of them were present. And the topic of their conversation was just entering. Nikita looked around, not seeing anything special, trying to compose herself. She went to the table where the girls were and was met with mild cheerfulness; an indication that the girls were fully aware of her father’s dire circumstances at home and with the problems of their company.

Terry: “Hello Nik, it’s been a while. We’ve missed you. How are you doing?”

Nikita: “Reasonable, considering the circumstances. I hope you didn’t mind my not being able to keep up with you.”

Carla: “We’re so sorry off all that is happening to you, Nikita. What are you and your father going to do with the company?”

Nikita: “At this point, we’ve decided to hire out the building, to see how things will develop.”

Terry: “Does this mean that you’ll have to watch your expenses in the future? Isn’t there anything we can do for you?”

Nikita: “Oh no, don’t worry. We can manage. We have some wonderful people supporting us, really.”

Karen: “You mean that devastating young male species of a guest you have home?”

Nikita: “Oh, you mean Michael? He was invited before I arrived home after the holidays. He’s helping my father with restructuring the company. He’s grandmother is an acquaintance of my father.”

Sage: “How come you’ve never told us about him, Nikita? Never thought you’d be that sneaky.”

Karen: “Why, she wants to keep him all for herself of course!”

Nikita: “I’m not keeping anyone to myself. I just didn’t think that he would fit in this particular company. He’s very modest, quiet and doesn’t talk too much.” Michael was surely not the kind of men these girls used to engage.

Terry: “Ooooh, the quiet and handsome man. I think it’s the most irresistible combination, don’t you think?”

Karen: “So tell me, Nikita. It must have been tempting to have a man like that around. Have you tried him out yet?”

Nikita: “I don’t know what you mean, Karen?” Turning pink.

Sage: “Oh don’t play St Mary with us, girl! You know exactly what we mean.”

Karen: “Don’t tell me you haven’t.”
Noticing the red cheeks, she laughed out loud saying: “Good heavens girl, you must be dense!”

Sage: “Why don’t you set an appointment to introduce us? He may need some different kind of socializing after all what’s happening.”

Nikita: “I could always ask him of course, but since he’s taken over from my father, he’s been very busy.” She wasn’t going to give them the idea that he was available at any time, not even at her command.
But Nikita didn’t realize she was being a little protective of the man she came to respect.

Karen: “But that’s no problem, Nikita. We can comply; we’ve all the time in the world.”

All Nikita could do was nodding and listening to their light-hearted conversation. Lucky they didn’t know the story behind Michael’s invitation to Europe but Terry alone and she played along smoothly. While Nikita listened and smiled when they were smiling, she started to feel a little out of place. Her circumstances were forcing her to mature further, see things in life differently, sometimes clearer. To recognize the empty and meaningless way of life some of her friends were satisfied with. How strange, that in a very short period of time, one can learns to get to know another one, come to respect him and even… care for him? Did she?


Jurgen Pruisen was unsure and sometimes angry. Nikita wasn’t paying attention to him lately, not especially. He was certain that their first encounters were of such nature that they really liked each other. Something had changed, but what?
Maybe it was time to do a little investigation with Roberta. His suspicions that she might have said something to the girl were driving him mad. So…

“So, you’ve decided I’m still worth a visit?” Roberta asked with sarcasm. “Did she turn you down already?”

“What do you mean?”

“The woman of course, what do you think?”

“Why are you saying that, you don’t even know her?”

“So what? If you’re still with her, what are you doing here than?”

“I was wondering if you could tell me more about Phillip. What is his condition?”

“He’s not going to make it much longer. It can happen any day.”

“Your daughter visited you lately?” Keeping a casual tone.

“Yes she did. And I can’t say I was too happy about it.”


“She had the nerves to tell me that I was not much of a wife or mother. Can you imagine? I wasn’t the one who sent her away all those years.”

“Did she mention anything about money at all?”

“Not really. Say, what is it about this American running the company? Why haven’t they put you in charge?”

“That’s another thing I need some information about. What do you know about that older woman, seems to be his grandmother? She said something about an old friend or so.”

“I don’t know much about my husband’s past. You know he was of age already when we married. He never mentioned her, at least I don’t recall.”
It didn’t occur to her that she never showed enough interest in his past life so he didn’t provide any information either.

“Why do you want to know?” She asked him.

“There’s no record of any partnership in the past. And the way this frenchy handles the business shows experience, not completely a fool as I first thought he was.”

“So you can’t put your hands on some of the companies’ funds, you mean?”

“You know me too well, my dear. But that is exactly what I mean.”

“Than what about your dealings with the other company? Didn’t they offer you some cash for helping them? Or did he put you on a side track as you did to me, huh?”

“Nobody put me on a side track. I’ll get my share when the time is right. Time for me to go now. I’ll see you around.”

“Are you still with this woman you told me about?”

“Forget it, Roberta. I’m not going to tell you anything. Just accept that what has been has been.”

And he went.
As far as he had found out, Roberta couldn’t have said anything to Nikita. She still didn’t know the identity of ‘the other woman’. Than maybe Nikita lost interest in him because of all the problems that worries her. But he could still try to regain her attention. Yes, he would try.

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I hope that Nik puts him in his place. (NT)MichelleBFriday, December 17, 07:42:41am

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