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Subject: GBMO...part fifteen

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Date Posted: Friday, January 07, 04:45:24pm
In reply to: Fairyt 's message, "News about GMBO..." on Thursday, October 21, 10:34:47am

When they both arrived home, she went to see her father but he was asleep so she went straight to her room. Michael and Adrian went to the living room to discus the events of the evening.

The following days were very busy ones for Michael and the staff, doing all they could to let the transition go smoothly.

On Chandler’s side the main tasks were done by his lawyer and solicitor and managers etc.
The boss himself was busy else where, trying whatever to win Nikita over. A job not as easy as he ever thought would be. He blamed Michael especially for it, even though Chandler knew her father’s condition was sloping.
He considered that Nikita may had permission to enjoy her life, that her father wouldn’t want her to be sad and reserved. Michael however, was a different matter. He didn’t know what power Michael held over Nikita, but one word from Michael and many decisions she’d made in behave of Chandler had turned out differently as planned. Although she muttered sometimes, still she seemed reluctant to go against Michael’s decisions. And Michael wasn’t someone to take for a fool.


Jurgen on the other side wasn’t at all satisfied with the developments lately. And the huge reward he had expected from Chandler, gradually seemed to fall into oblivion. It would be the second time that his devious plans were likely to crash on him again. And he hated it especially when he had to seek Roberta out ‘again’ for some attention or information. Maybe it’s time to bring some diversion in this seemingly growing relationship between Nikita and Chandler. If he had to go down, he would take everyone with him this time.


Phillip was deep in thought as well. He felt little contentment in how his daughter was showing of with Chandler, but he kept his distance and resigned in the fact that she probably didn’t like Michael that much. He could only hope that her life would be a happy one after he was gone. If it was Chandler she needed, than so be it.

Adrian entered the room to see to him and asked him how he felt the past ours. Phillip was hardly able to speak and breathe so at his answer that he didn’t feel to well and his being so very, very tired, made Adrian’s worries increase. She rang for a servant to call for the doctor immediately. Next she sent messages to Michael and hopefully to Nikita, because Adrian didn’t know where she was hanging out at the time.

So while the doctor and Michael were on their way to the house, Adrian was having a difficult talk with Phillip.
Phillip started with some memories of the past, that things could have been different if they had married. It wasn’t meant to be. And where was his daughter now? He wanted to have a few last words with her. Such a pity she didn’t like Michael. She’ll have many stumbling blocks to overcome. Phillip asked Adrian to keep an eye on her if possible.

Phillip’s breathing became uneasy, gargling from time to time while others were busy trying to find Nikita. She was on a date with Chandler, so Michael left the message with his assistant that her father needed her.
Adrian was holding his hands, urging him to hold on for his daughter, knowing how terribly hurt this would cause the girl. Not being able to say goodbye is the worst that could happen to these two people, who have come a long way to appreciate each other lately.

Adrian encouraged him to spare his strength, and set himself at ease. At first it looked like he was doing just that, but than she felt that his hold on her hand was failing slowly. “Oh, dear god, no!”
Than she cried for Michael.
He rushed in and he knew that nothing mattered anymore. Just a few seconds later Nikita stormed in and nearly crashed on the bed.
Carefully she took his hand in hers, tears streaming down her face. Softly trying to reach him one more time to assure him she was there. “Father? Please daddy, can you hear me?”
With one last squeeze he answered her and gave his last breath. At this point she was sobbing, and it was heart breaking. Adrian walked up behind her and held her tightly while she was rocking her gently. Michael walked quietly out of the room to see the doctor coming in and told him that it had happened. Phillip was gone.

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Subject Author Date
AwwwwwwwwwwJennifer SSaturday, January 08, 08:21:29am
Poor Nikita, now what will she do, Chandler or Michael? No contest.... (NT)signme1Saturday, January 08, 11:29:28am
I hope that N(r)MichelleBMonday, January 10, 08:45:58am

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