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Potatoeman's forum!
YAY! YOU are here!!! ...*cough*...

Subject: Things to Come

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Date Posted: 17:37:21 06/21/04 Mon

OOC: hope this all works *crosses fingers*

The era would be around the medevil time. the Plot? ..i really don't know yet, but that's the fun part. lol. anyway, my Character's name is Damian Christian, he is 23 yrs of age, stands 6'2" Sandy Blonde hair. silky black shirt with tattered long sleeves, with dark brown pants tattered to the knees. Damian's face and skin covered in mud and dirt resulting from the fact he hasn't had a decent bathing in over 3 months. equipped with only but a mere dagger, currently stained with the blood of any enemies whom gotten in his way to where he's traveling. But even he doesn't quite know where that may be, ...yet.

BIC: Damian crawled up the small cliff just off the beach of the ocean which he was swept up on. still not knowing what might meet him at the top. Finally, reaching the top, he climbs over onto solid ground, and collapses onto his back. Looking up to the sky wearily, catching glimpses of voltures flying above around his fainty body. He then slowly closes his eyes, and passes out.

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Date Posted: 11:47:23 05/29/06 Mon

Are you suspicious ?
Is your Girlfriend/boyfriend/partner cheating on you ?
Know the truth before its too late . Read their Emails Secretly.
Track with whom he/she is chatting online .
Know their Email password and spy on them. Just go to:


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Subject: Banner by DramaQueenGlitz

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Date Posted: 20:44:11 06/11/06 Sun

Subject: ***Now is the Time!!! Here is the Opportunity!!!***

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Date Posted: 10:28:07 06/16/06 Fri



I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it. A little while back, I was browsing through newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00! So I thought, "Yeah right, this must be a scam", but like most of us, I was curious, so I kept reading. Anyway, it said that you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and address stated in the article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups. (There are thousands) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I figured "what have I got to lose except 6 stamps and $6.00, right?" Then I invested the measly $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!?... within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in. In my first week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week I had : made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and it's still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over $42,000.00 and it's still coming in rapidly. It's certainly worth $6.00, and 6 stamps, I have spent more than that on the lottery!! Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, WHY it works... Also, make sure you print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it. I promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more money than you thought possible by doing something so easy! Suggestion: Read this entire message carefully! (print it out or download it.) Follow the simple directions and watch the money come in! It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00 (Plus postage)

IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not illegal; and it is 99%no risk - it really works! If all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive extraordinary dividends.

PLEASE NOTE: Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50,000 or more can be yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions. You will now become part of the Mail Order business. In this business your product is not solid and tangible, it's a service. You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made from people like you and me asking to be included in that list.

Here are the 4 easy steps to success:

STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and write the following on : each piece of paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now : get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope (to prevent thievery). Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00 bill. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it! Like most of us I was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed legal.

Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses:






#6) R WILLIAMS 3803 BLOCK DR #136 IRVING TX 75038

STEP 2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name as number 6 on the list.

STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. (I think there are close to 24,000 groups) All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make! You won't get very much unless you post like crazy. This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to code 18 Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the Postal lottery laws. Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need money, you can use it again, and again. PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are of integrity, the program will continue and the money that so many others have received will come your way.

NOTE: You may want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might be a good idea to wrap the $1 bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft.) So, as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1 position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an opportunity for only $6.00 ($1.00 for each of the first six people listed above) Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business! : ---DIRECTIONS ----- FOR HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS------------

Step 1: You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this letter and drag your cursor to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the computer's memory.

Step 2:

Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name to the list.

Step 3:

Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file to go back to.

Step 4:

Use Netscape or Internet explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.)

Step 5:

Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first one! Congratulations...THAT'S IT! ***REMEMBER, if you don't ask for the service, USE OF THIS LETTER WILL BE ILLEGAL FOR YOU.

All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup! **REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL MAKE! BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200** That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O.Box due to the large amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT.**

Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make the MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name at #5 and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $625.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my name at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this message to 200 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625,00! With an original investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to names on the list, putting your name at number 6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is do you realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everyday?, JUST LIKE YOU are now!! So, can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so... People have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will really work.
Subject: Enter the world of arabian beauty

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Date Posted: 04:19:55 01/29/08 Tue

The world of beauty is a mad, funny, seductive world. Miss-guided in some ways, misleading in others, it's also a source of great pleasure to great many women. Good skin care-along with a healthy diet and exercise-is basic to beauty. So at least once, treat yourself to professional consolation and a facial, just to learn the ropes, along with some guidelines about best cosmetics and caring for your skin. We all have our own unique beauty that is natural to every woman. The way we feel about ourselves shines through to the outer image that we project. Explore the World of Beauty.
Subject: Online Home Earning Jobs OD33

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Date Posted: 11:33:14 02/04/08 Mon

You can earn from internet while chatting or surfing from the comfort of your Home. If you want to earn while sitting at home, work in your own schedule, give your family & friends more time and get even more advantages, then these offers might be the most important thing you'll ever have.
MSK Enterprises have a variety of Online Jobs for House Makers to Students. Everybody can earn from our offered jobs.
The Jobs we offered are as follows:
Post N Earn
simply you just have to post the 2to3 lines advertisements on the free classified websites. You can earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 60,000 a month
Surf N Earn
Surf our given websites in a month & earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 12,000 a month
Link N Earn
1 link could earn you hundreds of $$$$$$!!!!
Message N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 1.00 per message you send. As much you send as much you earn
Compile N Earn
you will earn Pak Rs 50.00 for every address you compile. Doesn't sound like much?
Hit N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 6.00 every time one of your links is clicked!
Seek N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 5.00 per website you find for us
Research N Earn
you just visit websites and record data for pay! Get paid for every research form you submit
Survey N Earn
Fill simple survey form & earn Rs. 25 per survey
Visit for details http://www.msk-enterprises.net/online.htm
Subject: Online Home Earning Jobs (D494)

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Date Posted: 20:39:30 02/04/08 Mon

You can earn from internet while chatting or surfing from the comfort of your Home. If you want to earn while sitting at home, work in your own schedule, give your family & friends more time and get even more advantages, then these offers might be the most important thing you'll ever have.
MSK Enterprises have a variety of Online Jobs for House Makers to Students. Everybody can earn from our offered jobs.
The Jobs we offered are as follows:

Post N Earn
Simply you just have to post the 2to3 lines advertisements on the free classified websites. You can earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 60,000 a month

Surf N Earn
Surf our given websites in a month & earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 12,000 a month

Link N Earn
1 link could earn you hundreds of $$$$$$ !!!!

Message N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 1.00 per message you send. As much you send as much you earn

Compile N Earn
You will earn Pak Rs 50.00 for every address you compile. Doesn't sound like much

Hit N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 6.00 every time one of your links is clicked!

Seek N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 5.00 per website you find for us

Research N Earn
You just visit websites and record data for pay! Get paid for every research form you submit

Survey N Earn
Fill simple survey form & earn Rs. 25 per survey

Visit for details http://www.msk-enterprises.net/online.htm
Subject: Healthy Tips for Healthy Minds (d257)

shama naz
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Date Posted: 05:20:38 02/08/08 Fri

Positivity rules
Try to stay open-minded and positive. Negative, rigid and inflexible attitudes decrease your ability to deal with the stresses of life and prevent you from enjoying yourself.

Get your zzz’s
Be sure to get an adequate amount of sleep each night. Fatigue can interfere with the information you have already stored and your ability to learn new things.

Beneficial B12
Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to serious and irreversible physiological and psychological problems. Get your intake from foods of animal origin like meat, fish, eggs and dairy products.

Stress-free solutions
To combat stress, go outside for a brisk walk instead of smoking a cigarette. Reach for your running shoes instead of the TV remote or a chocolate bar. Regular physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day for most days of the week) and a healthy, balanced, low-fat diet will not only make you feel better but help you to better manage your stress.

Morning energy
Need a boost in the mornings? Time your coffeemaker so that the aroma of coffee coincides with your alarm. Sing in the shower. Use lotions with stimulating scents such as mint. Plan at least one fun thing to do each day. Eat breakfast. Listen to a radio station that makes you laugh – laughter is one of the best energizers around!
visit: http://nikharearab.com/healthymindtips.html

Optional Link URL:


Link Title:

Health and Beauty


Place the below data on data files which have categories

Health and Beauty

© Copyright 2007-2008. All rights reserved.

Designed and Developed by AAA
Subject: Healthy Tips for Healthy Minds (OD33)

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Date Posted: 10:42:40 02/08/08 Fri

Positivity rules
Try to stay open-minded and positive. Negative, rigid and inflexible attitudes decrease your ability to deal with the stresses of life and prevent you from enjoying yourself.
Get your zzz’s
Be sure to get an adequate amount of sleep each night. Fatigue can interfere with the information you have already stored and your ability to learn new things.
Beneficial B12
Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to serious and irreversible physiological and psychological problems. Get your intake from foods of animal origin like meat, fish, eggs and dairy products.
Stress-free solutions
To combat stress, go outside for a brisk walk instead of smoking a cigarette. Reach for your running shoes instead of the TV remote or a chocolate bar. Regular physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day for most days of the week) and a healthy, balanced, low-fat diet will not only make you feel better but help you to better manage your stress.
Morning energy
Need a boost in the mornings? Time your coffeemaker so that the aroma of coffee coincides with your alarm. Sing in the shower. Use lotions with stimulating scents such as mint. Plan at least one fun thing to do each day. Eat breakfast. Listen to a radio station that makes you laugh – laughter is one of the best energizers around!
visit: http://nikharearab.com/healthymindtips.html
Subject: Online Home Earning Jobs (d257)

shama naz naz
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Date Posted: 23:52:40 02/08/08 Fri

Message Description:

You can earn from internet while chatting or surfing from the comfort of your Home. If you want to earn while sitting at home, work in your own schedule, give your family & friends more time and get even more advantages, then these offers might be the most important thing you'll ever have.
MSK Enterprises have a variety of Online Jobs for House Makers to Students. Everybody can earn from our offered jobs.
The Jobs we offered are as follows:

Post N Earn
Simply you just have to post the 2to3 lines advertisements on the free classified websites. You can earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 60,000 a month

Surf N Earn
Surf our given websites in a month & earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 12,000 a month

Link N Earn
1 link could earn you hundreds of $$$$$$ !!!!

Message N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 1.00 per message you send. As much you send as much you earn

Compile N Earn
You will earn Pak Rs 50.00 for every address you compile. Doesn't sound like much

Hit N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 6.00 every time one of your links is clicked!

Seek N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 5.00 per website you find for us

Research N Earn
You just visit websites and record data for pay! Get paid for every research form you submit

Survey N Earn
Fill simple survey form & earn Rs. 25 per survey

Visit for details http://www.msk-enterprises.net/online.htm

Optional Link URL:


Link Title:

Online Home Earning Jobs


Place the below data on data files which have categories

Home based opportunity

© Copyright 2007-2008. All rights reserved
Subject: Online Home Earning Jobs (OD567)

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Date Posted: 05:06:32 02/12/08 Tue

You can earn from internet while chatting or surfing from the comfort of your Home. If you want to earn while sitting at home, work in your own schedule, give your family & friends more time and get even more advantages, then these offers might be the most important thing you'll ever have.
MSK Enterprises have a variety of Online Jobs for House Makers to Students. Everybody can earn from our offered jobs.
The Jobs we offered are as follows:

Post N Earn
Simply you just have to post the 2to3 lines advertisements on the free classified websites. You can earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 60,000 a month

Surf N Earn
Surf our given websites in a month & earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 12,000 a month

Link N Earn
1 link could earn you hundreds of $$$$$$ !!!!

Message N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 1.00 per message you send. As much you send as much you earn

Compile N Earn
You will earn Pak Rs 50.00 for every address you compile. Doesn't sound like much

Hit N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 6.00 every time one of your links is clicked!

Seek N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 5.00 per website you find for us

Research N Earn
You just visit websites and record data for pay! Get paid for every research form you submit

Survey N Earn
Fill simple survey form & earn Rs. 25 per survey

Visit for details http://www.msk-enterprises.net/online.htm
Subject: Get a gurantted check while visitig a web sites (OD494)

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Date Posted: 13:00:51 02/12/08 Tue

Turn Your I nternet B rowsing H obby into a Cash Machine

NO Ad placing

No Selling

No Recruiting

Earn As Much you Want

You will never be asked to email or call anyone .

Simply, just visit websites!

Yes that's simple & Easy

Get paid for every 15 websites you visit in a day

Earning start from Pak Rs. 500 per day or Pak Rs. 15,000 a month in US$10 a day 300$ in month/-

Step-by-step free training & tutorial

This Package is specially designed for House Makers, Students and Retired Valuable People

You can register yourself with this earnable program in Rs. 1500 / a Year in US$25/-

More Details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/surfnearn.htm
Subject: Healthy Tips for Healthy Minds (OD494)

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Date Posted: 13:07:41 02/12/08 Tue

Positivity rules
Try to stay open-minded and positive. Negative, rigid and inflexible attitudes decrease your ability to deal with the stresses of life and prevent you from enjoying yourself.

Get your zzz’s
Be sure to get an adequate amount of sleep each night. Fatigue can interfere with the information you have already stored and your ability to learn new things.

Beneficial B12
Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to serious and irreversible physiological and psychological problems. Get your intake from foods of animal origin like meat, fish, eggs and dairy products.

Stress-free solutions
To combat stress, go outside for a brisk walk instead of smoking a cigarette. Reach for your running shoes instead of the TV remote or a chocolate bar. Regular physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day for most days of the week) and a healthy, balanced, low-fat diet will not only make you feel better but help you to better manage your stress.

Morning energy
Need a boost in the mornings? Time your coffeemaker so that the aroma of coffee coincides with your alarm. Sing in the shower. Use lotions with stimulating scents such as mint. Plan at least one fun thing to do each day. Eat breakfast. Listen to a radio station that makes you laugh – laughter is one of the best energizers around!
Everything you need just Visit http://nikharearab.com/healthymindtips.html
Subject: Online Home Earning Jobs (OD494)

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Date Posted: 13:18:13 02/12/08 Tue

You can earn from internet while chatting or surfing from the comfort of your Home. If you want to earn while sitting at home, work in your own schedule, give your family & friends more time and get even more advantages, then these offers might be the most important thing you'll ever have.
MSK Enterprises have a variety of Online Jobs for House Makers to Students. Everybody can earn from our offered jobs.
The Jobs we offered are as follows:

Post N Earn
Simply you just have to post the 2to3 lines advertisements on the free classified websites. You can earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 60,000 a month

Surf N Earn
Surf our given websites in a month & earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 12,000 a month

Link N Earn
1 link could earn you hundreds of $$$$$$ !!!!

Message N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 1.00 per message you send. As much you send as much you earn

Compile N Earn
You will earn Pak Rs 50.00 for every address you compile. Doesn't sound like much

Hit N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 6.00 every time one of your links is clicked!

Seek N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 5.00 per website you find for us

Research N Earn
You just visit websites and record data for pay! Get paid for every research form you submit

Survey N Earn
Fill simple survey form & earn Rs. 25 per survey

Visit for details http://www.msk-enterprises.net/online.htm
Subject: Be a SEO & earn Rs. 1000 a day OD494)

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Date Posted: 13:26:34 02/12/08 Tue

The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .

and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .

Addmission is very limited .

Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .

For ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm
Subject: For brighter whiter teeth and beautiful smile OD494)

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Date Posted: 13:35:23 02/12/08 Tue

Beauty Care, Hair Care, Body Care,Hair Removal, Cosmatic Products, Beauty Tips, Hair Tips, Skin Tips, Face Beauty Tips, Makeup Tips, Remedies Puffy Eyes, Bridal Makeup Tips, Everything you need just Visit http://www.nikharearab.com/
Subject: Online Home Earning Jobs (D567)

Mohd Naeem Zeeshan
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Date Posted: 09:25:18 02/26/08 Tue

You can earn from internet while chatting or surfing from the comfort of your Home. If you want to earn while sitting at home, work in your own schedule, give your family & friends more time and get even more advantages, then these offers might be the most important thing you'll ever have.
MSK Enterprises have a variety of Online Jobs for House Makers to Students. Everybody can earn from our offered jobs.
The Jobs we offered are as follows:

Post N Earn
Simply you just have to post the 2to3 lines advertisements on the free classified websites. You can earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 60,000 a month

Surf N Earn
Surf our given websites in a month & earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 12,000 a month

Link N Earn
1 link could earn you hundreds of $$$$$$ !!!!

Message N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 1.00 per message you send. As much you send as much you earn

Compile N Earn
You will earn Pak Rs 50.00 for every address you compile. Doesn't sound like much

Hit N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 6.00 every time one of your links is clicked!

Seek N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 5.00 per website you find for us

Research N Earn
You just visit websites and record data for pay! Get paid for every research form you submit

Survey N Earn
Fill simple survey form & earn Rs. 25 per survey

Visit for details http://www.msk-enterprises.net/online.htm
Subject: Online Advertising Jobs Ready for you (OD494)

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Date Posted: 09:52:48 03/01/08 Sat

Simply you just have to post the 2to3 lines advertisements on the free classified websites.

There is no maximum limit to number of ad that you can post. Work a few hours will mean a really good income. You'll be able to give your family a luxurious life while spending a most of the time with them.

Earning start from Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 60,000 in US$ 100 to 1000 a month

Step-by-step free training & tutorial
We offered 10 home based employment opportunities for every living of people so they can make more money & build their living standards

The beautifulness of our Earning program is that all our earning programs are Life Time
To View a full job description for each our positions click on the links below

Orient Earner : Earn up to Pak Rs.6000 per month - Paid per typed assignment

Seek Earner: Research websites paid per completed assignment - No Advertising Required

Basic Earner: Earn up to Pak Rs.9000 per month - Paid per typed assignment

Info Earner: Earn Pak Rs.1 for every FREE Info pack You Give Away

Prime Earner: Earn up to Pak Rs.10,000 per month - Paid per typed assignment

Online Earner: Earn up to Pak Rs.20,000 per month - Paid per typed assignment

Compile Earner: Compile mailing lists from home

Hit Earner: Unlimited Earning.

Jumbo Earner: This position combines all of our positions for an unlimited income

Visit for ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/postnearn.htm
Subject: Online Home Earning Jobs(OD494)

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Date Posted: 10:09:35 03/01/08 Sat

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Date Posted: 02:15:25 03/01/08 Sat

You can earn from internet while chatting or surfing from the comfort of your Home. If you want to earn while sitting at home, work in your own schedule, give your family & friends more time and get even more advantages, then these offers might be the most important thing you'll ever have.
MSK Enterprises have a variety of Online Jobs for House Makers to Students. Everybody can earn from our offered jobs.
The Jobs we offered are as follows:

Post N Earn
Simply you just have to post the 2to3 lines advertisements on the free classified websites. You can earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 60,000 a month

Surf N Earn
Surf our given websites in a month & earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 12,000 a month

Link N Earn
1 link could earn you hundreds of $$$$$$ !!!!

Message N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 1.00 per message you send. As much you send as much you earn

Compile N Earn
You will earn Pak Rs 50.00 for every address you compile. Doesn't sound like much

Hit N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 6.00 every time one of your links is clicked!

Seek N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 5.00 per website you find for us

Research N Earn
You just visit websites and record data for pay! Get paid for every research form you submit

Survey N Earn
Fill simple survey form & earn Rs. 25 per survey

Visit for details http://www.msk-enterprises.net/online.htm
Subject: Getgurantted check while visitigwebsites(OD494)

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Date Posted: 10:32:39 03/01/08 Sat

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Subject: Be a SEO & earn Rs. 1000 a day (OD494)

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Date Posted: 10:46:25 03/01/08 Sat

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Subject: How you prevent your back ache (OD21)

Nadeem Anjum
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Date Posted: 04:10:33 03/04/08 Tue

Avoid any sudden strain. If you are going to have to bend in any way make sure that your back is not cold and stiff. Exercise regularly to loosen up the back and strengthen its supporting abdominal muscles. Stretching your back helps loosen it and prevent injury.
If you sit for long periods, make sure your back is properly supported. Place a small roll in the arch of your lower spine (at waist height) to maintain its normal S-curve. Simply a towel, or cushion rolled up will do.
When lifting, never bend down from the waist, lower and raise yourself at the knees. Keep your back straight and hold the object close to your body. If you are going to carry anything any distance that may be heavy, make sure that your way is clear. You do not want to be dodging around things when you are carrying.
Balance items you carry evenly on both sides of your body and hold them close or use a knapsack.
Sleep on your back if possible, with knees raised on a pillow. If you sleep on your side, a pillow between the knees is a big help.
If you need a firm bed, place a board between the mattress and the box spring.

Lower Back Pain
Eight out of ten Americans will experience a backache at some point. Back pain is the second most common reason for doctor visits in the U.S. The causes of lower back pain are numerous. Some of the more common causes of lower back pain are:
Sudden injury to the back such as may occur in an auto accident, fall, sports, or other manner.
Gynecological conditions such as endometriosis, menstrual cramps, fibroid tumors, and pregnancy are sometimes the cause of lower back pain in women.
Stress to the muscles, nerves, or ligaments in the lower back.
Certain jobs such as those that require repetitive movements, sitting in chairs that are not ergonomically proper for your back, or standing for long periods of time often increase back stress and cause lower back pain.
Arthritis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and other bone or joint diseases often cause lower back pain.
Not getting enough physical activity, being sedentary, or being overweight often stresses the lower back causing pain.
Slipped discs, pinched nerves, sciatica, aging, and infections are other common causes of lower back pain.
Smoking. More than 1300 physicians were followed from time of graduation (1948-1964) from John Hopkins University, some for over fifty years. The researchers found that smoking history, hypertension, and coronary artery disease (risk factors for atherosclerosis, occlusion of the arteries) are significantly associated with development of lower back pain.
Because there are so many causes of lower back pain, some serious such as spinal tumors, if you experience lower back pain see your health care provider for diagnosis. If your lower back pain is sudden and severe and it is not during your provider's office hours, go immediately to your local hospital emergency room.
Muscle Relaxants
Once the cause of your back pain has been been properly diagnosed, there are supplements to physical therapy and good posture that can help, such as skelatal muscle relaxants like Soma, Selaxin and Flexeril. Muscle relaxants such as Soma Selaxin and Flexeril are prescription medications that are used to treat pain caused by muscle spasms like muscle injuries, spasms, sprains, and strains. Skelaxin Soma Flexeril and other muscle relaxers are recommended as a supplement to physical therapy, rest, or other treatments your doctor may recommend, and will not replace these treatments. for more information visit: http://www.nikharearab.com/backacheprevention.html

Optional Link URL:


Link Title:

Health and Beauty


Place the below data on data files which have categories

Health and Beauty
Subject: How you prevent your back ache (OD567)

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Date Posted: 07:12:16 03/04/08 Tue

Avoid any sudden strain. If you are going to have to bend in any way make sure that your back is not cold and stiff. Exercise regularly to loosen up the back and strengthen its supporting abdominal muscles. Stretching your back helps loosen it and prevent injury.
If you sit for long periods, make sure your back is properly supported. Place a small roll in the arch of your lower spine (at waist height) to maintain its normal S-curve. Simply a towel, or cushion rolled up will do.
When lifting, never bend down from the waist, lower and raise yourself at the knees. Keep your back straight and hold the object close to your body. If you are going to carry anything any distance that may be heavy, make sure that your way is clear. You do not want to be dodging around things when you are carrying.
Balance items you carry evenly on both sides of your body and hold them close or use a knapsack.
Sleep on your back if possible, with knees raised on a pillow. If you sleep on your side, a pillow between the knees is a big help.
If you need a firm bed, place a board between the mattress and the box spring.

Lower Back Pain
Eight out of ten Americans will experience a backache at some point. Back pain is the second most common reason for doctor visits in the U.S. The causes of lower back pain are numerous. Some of the more common causes of lower back pain are:
Sudden injury to the back such as may occur in an auto accident, fall, sports, or other manner.
Gynecological conditions such as endometriosis, menstrual cramps, fibroid tumors, and pregnancy are sometimes the cause of lower back pain in women.
Stress to the muscles, nerves, or ligaments in the lower back.
Certain jobs such as those that require repetitive movements, sitting in chairs that are not ergonomically proper for your back, or standing for long periods of time often increase back stress and cause lower back pain.
Arthritis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and other bone or joint diseases often cause lower back pain.
Not getting enough physical activity, being sedentary, or being overweight often stresses the lower back causing pain.
Slipped discs, pinched nerves, sciatica, aging, and infections are other common causes of lower back pain.
Smoking. More than 1300 physicians were followed from time of graduation (1948-1964) from John Hopkins University, some for over fifty years. The researchers found that smoking history, hypertension, and coronary artery disease (risk factors for atherosclerosis, occlusion of the arteries) are significantly associated with development of lower back pain.
Because there are so many causes of lower back pain, some serious such as spinal tumors, if you experience lower back pain see your health care provider for diagnosis. If your lower back pain is sudden and severe and it is not during your provider's office hours, go immediately to your local hospital emergency room.
Muscle Relaxants
Once the cause of your back pain has been been properly diagnosed, there are supplements to physical therapy and good posture that can help, such as skelatal muscle relaxants like Soma, Selaxin and Flexeril. Muscle relaxants such as Soma Selaxin and Flexeril are prescription medications that are used to treat pain caused by muscle spasms like muscle injuries, spasms, sprains, and strains. Skelaxin Soma Flexeril and other muscle relaxers are recommended as a supplement to physical therapy, rest, or other treatments your doctor may recommend, and will not replace these treatments. for more information visit: http://www.nikharearab.com/backacheprevention.html
Subject: Healthy Tips which will become you more healthy(OD21)

Nadeem Anjum
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Date Posted: 12:49:30 03/04/08 Tue

Shake your Body!
Every day find new ways to move your body. Use the stairs rather than an escalator or elevator. Walk your dog (or a neighbours' dog if you don't have one!) , chase your kids, play ball with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute cardiovascular class or body pump or kickboxing. Move more and feel better!

Cut the Fat
Don't eat the obvious fat in your diet such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats. Eat dairy products like cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts and even then in their low fat verions. Most are available in lower fat versions.

Reduce Stress
Stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e., go back to number one above!, exercise is a great stress reducer, Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible.

Stop Smoking
All the experts agree on this one. Ever since 1960 when it was announced that smoking was harmful to your health, people have been reducing their use of tobacco products. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' image of smokers. Find ways to quit smoking hypnosis, support groups and even prescription medicine such as Zyban is available to help you..

Reduce your exposure to Pollution
Not everyone can live in a smog-free environment, but we can all avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning where air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution deterrent. If you ride a bicycle in traffic, where a small pollution mask over your mouth and nose.

Clunk Click every Trip
Statistics show that the wearing of seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes.

Don't Drink too Much Alcohol
Whilst it is true that a glass of wine or one drink a day (two for men) can help protect against heart disease, more alcohol than that, or binge drinking on a night out, can cause other serious health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer.

Floss Your Teeth
Harvard Medical School studied longevity and found one of the most important contributing factors was daily flossing! Flossing and brushing your teeth daily can make your RealAge as much as 6.4 years younger. These studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it's because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don't?

Maintain a Positive Mental Outlook
There's a definitive connection between living well and healthily and having a cheerful outlook on life. Yes, keep on smiling and laughing!

Pick Your Parents Well !
The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. You can't pick your parents, but just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you can't counteract the genetic pool handed you. So follow the first 9 tips above. for more details visit: http://www.nikharearab.com/toptentips.html

Optional Link URL:


Link Title:

Health and Beauty


Place the below data on data files which have categories

Health and Beauty
Subject: How you prevent your back ache OD09

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Date Posted: 14:13:36 03/04/08 Tue

Avoid any sudden strain. If you are going to have to bend in any way make sure that your back is not cold and stiff. Exercise regularly to loosen up the back and strengthen its supporting abdominal muscles. Stretching your back helps loosen it and prevent injury.
If you sit for long periods, make sure your back is properly supported. Place a small roll in the arch of your lower spine (at waist height) to maintain its normal S-curve. Simply a towel, or cushion rolled up will do.
When lifting, never bend down from the waist, lower and raise yourself at the knees. Keep your back straight and hold the object close to your body. If you are going to carry anything any distance that may be heavy, make sure that your way is clear. You do not want to be dodging around things when you are carrying.
Balance items you carry evenly on both sides of your body and hold them close or use a knapsack.
Sleep on your back if possible, with knees raised on a pillow. If you sleep on your side, a pillow between the knees is a big help.
If you need a firm bed, place a board between the mattress and the box spring.
Lower Back Pain
Eight out of ten Americans will experience a backache at some point. Back pain is the second most common reason for doctor visits in the U.S. The causes of lower back pain are numerous. Some of the more common causes of lower back pain are:
Sudden injury to the back such as may occur in an auto accident, fall, sports, or other manner.
Gynecological conditions such as endometriosis, menstrual cramps, fibroid tumors, and pregnancy are sometimes the cause of lower back pain in women.
Stress to the muscles, nerves, or ligaments in the lower back.
Certain jobs such as those that require repetitive movements, sitting in chairs that are not ergonomically proper for your back, or standing for long periods of time often increase back stress and cause lower back pain.
Arthritis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and other bone or joint diseases often cause lower back pain.
Not getting enough physical activity, being sedentary, or being overweight often stresses the lower back causing pain.
Slipped discs, pinched nerves, sciatica, aging, and infections are other common causes of lower back pain.
Smoking. More than 1300 physicians were followed from time of graduation (1948-1964) from John Hopkins University, some for over fifty years. The researchers found that smoking history, hypertension, and coronary artery disease (risk factors for atherosclerosis, occlusion of the arteries) are significantly associated with development of lower back pain.
Because there are so many causes of lower back pain, some serious such as spinal tumors, if you experience lower back pain see your health care provider for diagnosis. If your lower back pain is sudden and severe and it is not during your provider's office hours, go immediately to your local hospital emergency room.
Muscle Relaxants
Once the cause of your back pain has been been properly diagnosed, there are supplements to physical therapy and good posture that can help, such as skelatal muscle relaxants like Soma, Selaxin and Flexeril. Muscle relaxants such as Soma Selaxin and Flexeril are prescription medications that are used to treat pain caused by muscle spasms like muscle injuries, spasms, sprains, and strains. Skelaxin Soma Flexeril and other muscle relaxers are recommended as a supplement to physical therapy, rest, or other treatments your doctor may recommend, and will not replace these treatments. for more information visit: http://www.nikharearab.com/backacheprevention.html
Subject: Do you need confidence boost sometimes (OD21)

Nadeem Anjum
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Date Posted: 20:24:28 03/04/08 Tue

Do you need confidence boost sometimes (XXX)

Message Description:

Feel Good when you Want
When you need to boost your self confidence or self esteem, find 3 things that make you feel good. These could be memories of good times, a piece of music, a holiday souvenir, or a person's face - use photos if it helps. Practise thinking about them and bringing them to mind.
Developing self confidence that lasts - because of the way emotions 'attach' themselves to memories, you will quickly train yourself to feel good when you want - a great help.

Beat Self Consciousness
Self consciousness is the No.1 enemy of self confidence. Learn how to keep your attention off yourself. You can do this easily by following these steps...

If you notice you have become self-conscious, (you can usually tell because you start to feel anxious), choose something 'everyday' you can see and study it in detail. For example: examine a door, look at the different textures and shades of colour, wonder about who made it and how and so on. The important thing is that you're learning how to keep your attention off yourself.

If you feel self-conscious in a social situation, it's usually because you don't have enough to do! Focus on what your purpose in the situation is. Whether you're there to:

find out if you like the other people in the situation
make others feel comfortable
find out some information
make business contacts
and so on...
It's easy to feel self-conscious if you have nothing to do, and much more difficult if your attention is occupied by a task.

Think how comfortable you have been with others when you're all working toward a common goal. The common goal of socialising could be making friends, it could be the exchange of mutually beneficial information, it could be whatever you want it to be! for more information visit: http://www.nikharearab.com/selfesteem.html

Optional Link URL:


Link Title:

Be a SEO & earn Rs. 1000 a day


Place the below data on data files which have categories

Home based opportunity
Subject: Healthy Tips which will become you more healthy (OD567)

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Date Posted: 21:22:49 03/04/08 Tue

Shake your Body!
Every day find new ways to move your body. Use the stairs rather than an escalator or elevator. Walk your dog (or a neighbours' dog if you don't have one!) , chase your kids, play ball with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute cardiovascular class or body pump or kickboxing. Move more and feel better!

Cut the Fat
Don't eat the obvious fat in your diet such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats. Eat dairy products like cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts and even then in their low fat verions. Most are available in lower fat versions.

Reduce Stress
Stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e., go back to number one above!, exercise is a great stress reducer, Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible.

Stop Smoking
All the experts agree on this one. Ever since 1960 when it was announced that smoking was harmful to your health, people have been reducing their use of tobacco products. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' image of smokers. Find ways to quit smoking hypnosis, support groups and even prescription medicine such as Zyban is available to help you..

Reduce your exposure to Pollution
Not everyone can live in a smog-free environment, but we can all avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning where air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution deterrent. If you ride a bicycle in traffic, where a small pollution mask over your mouth and nose.

Clunk Click every Trip
Statistics show that the wearing of seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes.

Don't Drink too Much Alcohol
Whilst it is true that a glass of wine or one drink a day (two for men) can help protect against heart disease, more alcohol than that, or binge drinking on a night out, can cause other serious health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer.

Floss Your Teeth
Harvard Medical School studied longevity and found one of the most important contributing factors was daily flossing! Flossing and brushing your teeth daily can make your RealAge as much as 6.4 years younger. These studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it's because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don't?

Maintain a Positive Mental Outlook
There's a definitive connection between living well and healthily and having a cheerful outlook on life. Yes, keep on smiling and laughing!

Pick Your Parents Well !
The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. You can't pick your parents, but just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you can't counteract the genetic pool handed you. So follow the first 9 tips above. for more details visit: http://www.nikharearab.com/toptentips.html
Subject: Getting ready before you leave for Canada OD09

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Date Posted: 05:47:28 03/12/08 Wed

When you travel to Canada, you will need to have the following documents with you:
• a Canadian immigrant visa and Confirmation of Permanent Residence for each family member travelling with you;
• a valid passport or other travel document for each family member travelling with you;
two copies of a detailed list of all the personal or household items you are bringing with you; and
• two copies of a list of items that are arriving later.
The lists should state how much your personal and household items are worth.
• Make two copies of these lists - one for you to keep and one for the Canada
Customs officer. You can get the Canada Border Services Agency form for this purpose
from the Internet .
• You must also bring with you enough money to cover living expenses such as
rent, food, clothing and transportation for a six-month period. You may be asked to
show proof of your funds. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/chapter1.htm
Subject: Getting ready before you leave for Canada (008)

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Date Posted: 07:58:14 03/19/08 Wed

When you travel to Canada, you will need to have the following documents with you:

* a Canadian immigrant visa and Confirmation of Permanent Residence for each family member travelling with you;
* a valid passport or other travel document for each family member travelling with you;
two copies of a detailed list of all the personal or household items you are bringing with you; and
* two copies of a list of items that are arriving later.

The lists should state how much your personal and household items are worth.

* Make two copies of these lists - one for you to keep and one for the Canada
Customs officer. You can get the Canada Border Services Agency form for this purpose
from the Internet .
* You must also bring with you enough money to cover living expenses such as
rent, food, clothing and transportation for a six-month period. You may be asked to
show proof of your funds. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/chapter1.htm
Subject: The day you arrive in Canada Customs and immigration D090

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Date Posted: 11:43:10 03/19/08 Wed

You will probably find the entry procedure fairly straightforward because you have a passport and other essential documents

You will be interviewed by a Canada Customs officer. You will need to give the officer a list of all the household and personal items that you will be bringing into Canada.

You should also show the immigrant visa to the customs officer, who will refer you to an immigration officer.

The immigration officer will check your visa and travel documents and ask you questions similar to those on the Immigrant Application Form, to verify that you are of good character and in good health.

At this time, you may also be asked to show proof of your funds. If there are no difficulties, the officer will authorize your entry to Canada as a permanent resident by signing your Record
of Landing or Confirmation of Permanent Residence.

If you arrive at one of the major Canadian airports, you will get a booklet called Welcome to Canada: What You Should Know.

It has information on most aspects of life in Canada. It also provides addresses and telephone numbers for:

immigrant-serving organizations acrossCanada;

language training assessment centres(which help eligible adult newcomers find free language classes);

useful federal and provincial government offices.
Visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/chapter2.htm
Subject: Involvement of Communities in Canada (008)

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Date Posted: 10:04:10 03/28/08 Fri

Most newcomers to Canada tend to settle in the three biggest cities - Toronto, Montréal
and Vancouver. But many newcomers and many Canadians choose to live in the medium-sized cities, which they feel have as much to offer as the larger cities with a better quality of life.

Among the medium-sized cities are St. John's, Halifax, Québec City, Ottawa, Hamilton, London, Kitchener, St. Catharines, Oshawa, Windsor, Sudbury, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton and Victoria.

All of the medium-sized cities have diverse, multi-ethnic populations ranging in size from approximately 150,000 to one million people, and all have the variety of public and private institutions and services found in the largest cities.

Some newcomers like the idea of living in smaller cities or towns like Moncton, Fredericton, Red Deer and Kelowna or prefer to live in a rural area. Depending on your skills or professional qualifications, some regions may have better job opportunities than others.

Each Web site has a list of government departments and agencies. In the bigger provinces, some government departments may have their own Web sites, with more detailed information. You may also find a directory of on-line services, a link to educational institutions, and a link to major cities and towns. Most of the Web sites also have a tourism section, where you can
discover the special attractions of each province and territory.

The Web site has links to information on the labour market and the housing market of communities across Canada. It also has useful s and information about moving within Canada.

Francophone communities: French is the mother tongue of 6.6 million Canadians. Most Francophones live in Quebec, but almost one million live in Canada's other provinces and territories.

: Research carefully the labour market trends or access to your profession in the province and city where you wish to live.

: To locate the medium-sized cities on a map of Canada, go to pages 26 and 27.

: Outside the larger cities, the costs of housing, higher education and services are often much lower.Visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/communities.htm
Subject: Brief Information about Education Institutes of Canada (D378)

tanveer khan
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Date Posted: 05:45:58 04/07/08 Mon

Try to stay open-minded and positive. Negative, rigid and inflexible attitudes decrease your ability to deal with the stresses of life and prevent you from enjoying yourself.

Get your zzz’s
Be sure to get an adequate amount of sleep each night. Fatigue can interfere with the information you have already stored and your ability to learn new things.

Beneficial B12
Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to serious and irreversible physiological and psychological problems. Get your intake from foods of animal origin like meat, fish, eggs and dairy products.

Stress-free solutions
To combat stress, go outside for a brisk walk instead of smoking a cigarette. Reach for your running shoes instead of the TV remote or a chocolate bar. Regular physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day for most days of the week) and a healthy, balanced, low-fat diet will not only make you feel better but help you to better manage your stress.

Morning energy
Need a boost in the mornings? Time your coffeemaker so that the aroma of coffee coincides with your alarm. Sing in the shower. Use lotions with stimulating scents such as mint. Plan at least one fun thing to do each day. Eat breakfast. Listen to a radio station that makes you laugh – laughter is one of the best energizers around!
visit: http://nikharearab.com/healthymindtips.html
Subject: Involvement of Communities in Canada (OD023)

muhammad ali
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Date Posted: 10:03:35 04/07/08 Mon

Most newcomers to Canada tend to settle in the three biggest cities - Toronto, Montréal
and Vancouver. But many newcomers and many Canadians choose to live in the medium-sized cities, which they feel have as much to offer as the larger cities with a better quality of life.

Among the medium-sized cities are St. John's, Halifax, Québec City, Ottawa, Hamilton, London, Kitchener, St. Catharines, Oshawa, Windsor, Sudbury, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton and Victoria.

All of the medium-sized cities have diverse, multi-ethnic populations ranging in size from approximately 150,000 to one million people, and all have the variety of public and private institutions and services found in the largest cities.

Some newcomers like the idea of living in smaller cities or towns like Moncton, Fredericton, Red Deer and Kelowna or prefer to live in a rural area. Depending on your skills or professional qualifications, some regions may have better job opportunities than others.

Each Web site has a list of government departments and agencies. In the bigger provinces, some government departments may have their own Web sites, with more detailed information. You may also find a directory of on-line services, a link to educational institutions, and a link to major cities and towns. Most of the Web sites also have a tourism section, where you can
discover the special attractions of each province and territory.

The Web site has links to information on the labour market and the housing market of communities across Canada. It also has useful s and information about moving within Canada.

Francophone communities: French is the mother tongue of 6.6 million Canadians. Most Francophones live in Quebec, but almost one million live in Canada's other provinces and territories.

: Research carefully the labour market trends or access to your profession in the province and city where you wish to live.

: To locate the medium-sized cities on a map of Canada, go to pages 26 and 27.

: Outside the larger cities, the costs of housing, higher education and services are often much lower.Visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/communities.htm
Subject: Getting ready before you leave for Canada (es18)

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Date Posted: 03:22:16 04/11/08 Fri

When you travel to Canada, you will need to have the following documents with you:

a Canadian immigrant visa and Confirmation of Permanent Residence for each family member travelling with you;

a valid passport or other travel document for each family member travelling with you;
two copies of a detailed list of all the personal or household items you are bringing with you; and

two copies of a list of items that are arriving later.

The lists should state how much your personal and household items are worth.

Make two copies of these lists - one for you to keep and one for the Canada
Customs officer. You can get the Canada Border Services Agency form for this purpose
from the Internet .

You must also bring with you enough money to cover living expenses such as
rent, food, clothing and transportation for a six-month period. You may be asked to
show proof of your funds. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/chapter1.htm
Subject: Prevent of back ache is necessaryOD4565)

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Date Posted: 01:34:24 04/27/08 Sun

Avoid any sudden strain. If you are going to have to bend in any way make sure that your back is not cold and stiff. Exercise regularly to loosen up the back and strengthen its supporting abdominal muscles. Stretching your back helps loosen it and prevent injury.
If you sit for long periods, make sure your back is properly supported. Place a small roll in the arch of your lower spine (at waist height) to maintain its normal S-curve. Simply a towel, or cushion rolled up will do.
When lifting, never bend down from the waist, lower and raise yourself at the knees. Keep your back straight and hold the object close to your body. If you are going to carry anything any distance that may be heavy, make sure that your way is clear. You do not want to be dodging around things when you are carrying.
Balance items you carry evenly on both sides of your body and hold them close or use a knapsack.
Sleep on your back if possible, with knees raised on a pillow. If you sleep on your side, a pillow between the knees is a big help.
If you need a firm bed, place a board between the mattress and the box spring.

Lower Back Pain
Eight out of ten Americans will experience a backache at some point. Back pain is the second most common reason for doctor visits in the U.S. The causes of lower back pain are numerous. Some of the more common causes of lower back pain are:
Sudden injury to the back such as may occur in an auto accident, fall, sports, or other manner.
Gynecological conditions such as endometriosis, menstrual cramps, fibroid tumors, and pregnancy are sometimes the cause of lower back pain in women.
Stress to the muscles, nerves, or ligaments in the lower back.
Certain jobs such as those that require repetitive movements, sitting in chairs that are not ergonomically proper for your back, or standing for long periods of time often increase back stress and cause lower back pain.
Arthritis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and other bone or joint diseases often cause lower back pain.
Not getting enough physical activity, being sedentary, or being overweight often stresses the lower back causing pain.
Slipped discs, pinched nerves, sciatica, aging, and infections are other common causes of lower back pain.
Smoking. More than 1300 physicians were followed from time of graduation (1948-1964) from John Hopkins University, some for over fifty years. The researchers found that smoking history, hypertension, and coronary artery disease (risk factors for atherosclerosis, occlusion of the arteries) are significantly associated with development of lower back pain.
Because there are so many causes of lower back pain, some serious such as spinal tumors, if you experience lower back pain see your health care provider for diagnosis. If your lower back pain is sudden and severe and it is not during your provider's office hours, go immediately to your local hospital emergency room.
Muscle Relaxants
Once the cause of your back pain has been been properly diagnosed, there are supplements to physical therapy and good posture that can help, such as skelatal muscle relaxants like Soma, Selaxin and Flexeril. Muscle relaxants such as Soma Selaxin and Flexeril are prescription medications that are used to treat pain caused by muscle spasms like muscle injuries, spasms, sprains, and strains. Skelaxin Soma Flexeril and other muscle relaxers are recommended as a supplement to physical therapy, rest, or other treatments your doctor may recommend, and will not replace these treatments. for more information visit: http://www.nikharearab.com/backacheprevention.html
Subject: Settlement in Canada as citizen. (OD2345)

faisal shehzad
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 03:45:36 05/10/08 Sat

This sitewill help you get ready to leave your home country and make a new life in Canada. It was written especially for newcomers. It tells you what documents you will need to bring, what to expect in the first few days and weeks, how to find a place to live, get a Social Insurance Number and a healthcare card, and find a job. It also explains what services you can expect to receive from the immigrant-serving organizations across Canada. You will also find useful information about Canada's geography, history, government and way of life, and how to become a Canadian citizen.

You can either read this site from cover to cover, or one section at a time, depending on what you need to know. If you have access to the Internet, you can do more research before you leave for Canada by visiting the Web sites listed.
visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/synopsis.htm
Subject: Home Based Jobs OD018

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 06:32:13 05/12/08 Mon

You can earn from internet while chatting or surfing from the comfort of your Home. If you want to earn while sitting at home, work in your own schedule, give your family & friends more time and get even more advantages, then these offers might be the most important thing you'll ever have.
MSK Enterprises have a variety of Online Jobs for House Makers to Students. Everybody can earn from our offered jobs.
The Jobs we offered are as follows:

Post N Earn
Simply you just have to post the 2to3 lines advertisements on the free classified websites. You can earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 60,000 a month

Surf N Earn
Surf our given websites in a month & earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 12,000 a month

Link N Earn
1 link could earn you hundreds of $$$$$$ !!!!

Message N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 1.00 per message you send. As much you send as much you earn

Compile N Earn
You will earn Pak Rs 50.00 for every address you compile. Doesn't sound like much

Hit N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 6.00 every time one of your links is clicked!

Seek N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 5.00 per website you find for us

Research N Earn
You just visit websites and record data for pay! Get paid for every research form you submit

Survey N Earn
Fill simple survey form & earn Rs. 25 per survey

Visit for details http://www.msk-enterprises.net/online.htm
Subject: Health care facility in Canada for immigrantsOD032

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 00:22:39 05/16/08 Fri

Message Subject:

Health care facility in Canada for immigrants(XXX)

Message Description:

Canada has a public health-care system known as "medicare." It provides insurance coverage for health-care services to all Canadian citizens and permanent residents.(You will be a "permanent resident.") The federal government sets health-care standards for the whole country, but the programs are run by the provincial ministries of health. More information on the healthcare system can be found in chapter 4.

: Apply for provincial health-care coverage as soon as possible after you arrive in the province where you plan to live.

Note: British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick have a three-month waiting
period before you become eligible for medicare coverage. If you are planning to settle in any of these provinces, you should buy private health insurance coverage for the first three months. Insurance companies are listed in the Yellow Pages of all Canadian telephone books, under "Insurance."

: Bring a supply of your medications with you to allow you time to find a family doctor in Canada from whom you will have to get new prescriptions.

visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/healthcare.htm
Subject: You can be a Search Engine Optimizer (es18)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 07:23:16 05/20/08 Tue

The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .

and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .

Addmission is very limited .

Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .

For ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm
Subject: 10 Healthy Tips.(WS3535)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 10:36:24 06/06/08 Fri

Stop Smoking
All the experts agree on this one. Ever since 1960 when it was announced that smoking was harmful to your health, people have been reducing their use of tobacco products. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' image of smokers. Find ways to quit smoking hypnosis, support groups and even prescription medicine such as Zyban is available to help you.
Reduce your exposure to Pollution
Not everyone can live in a smog-free environment, but we can all avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning where air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution deterrent. If you ride a bicycle in traffic, where a small pollution mask over your mouth and nose.
Clunk Click every Trip
Statistics show that the wearing of seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/toptentips.html
Subject: 10 Healthy Tips. (OD2121)

M Wasil
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 15:09:19 06/06/08 Fri

Stop Smoking
All the experts agree on this one. Ever since 1960 when it was announced that smoking was harmful to your health, people have been reducing their use of tobacco products. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' image of smokers. Find ways to quit smoking hypnosis, support groups and even prescription medicine such as Zyban is available to help you.
Reduce your exposure to Pollution
Not everyone can live in a smog-free environment, but we can all avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning where air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution deterrent. If you ride a bicycle in traffic, where a small pollution mask over your mouth and nose.
Clunk Click every Trip
Statistics show that the wearing of seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/toptentips.html
Subject: Be a Search Engine Marketers.(WS3535)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 10:53:20 06/07/08 Sat

The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .

and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .

Addmission is very limited .

Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .

For ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm
Subject: Rights of Canadian citizen.(WS3535)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 05:48:06 06/09/08 Mon

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms describes the basic principles and values by which Canadians live. The Charter is part of Canada's Constitution. The Charter protects you from the moment you arrive on Canadian soil. It gives everyone in Canada the following fundamental rights and freedoms:

* the right to life, liberty and personal security;
* freedom of conscience and religion;
* freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and
* ther media of communication;
* freedom to hold peaceful meetings;
* freedom to join groups;
* the right to live and work anywhere in Canada;
* protection from unreasonable search or seizure and arbitrary detainment and imprisonment;
* the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty;
* the right to have a lawyer;
* the right to a fair trial, through due process of law; and
* the right to equal protection and benefit under the law, without discrimination.
visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/rightsandoblc8.htm
Subject: Rights of Canadian citizen.(WS3535)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 05:58:50 06/09/08 Mon

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms describes the basic principles and values by which Canadians live. The Charter is part of Canada's Constitution. The Charter protects you from the moment you arrive on Canadian soil. It gives everyone in Canada the following fundamental rights and freedoms:

* the right to life, liberty and personal security;
* freedom of conscience and religion;
* freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and
* ther media of communication;
* freedom to hold peaceful meetings;
* freedom to join groups;
* the right to live and work anywhere in Canada;
* protection from unreasonable search or seizure and arbitrary detainment and imprisonment;
* the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty;
* the right to have a lawyer;
* the right to a fair trial, through due process of law; and
* the right to equal protection and benefit under the law, without discrimination.
visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/rightsandoblc8.htm
Subject: Home Based Jobs (XXX)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 07:59:10 06/10/08 Tue

You can earn from internet while chatting or surfing from the comfort of your Home. If you want to earn while sitting at home, work in your own schedule, give your family & friends more time and get even more advantages, then these offers might be the most important thing you'll ever have. MSK Enterprises have a variety of Online Jobs for House Makers to Students. Everybody can earn from our offered jobs. The Jobs we offered are as follows: Post N Earn Simply you just have to post the 2to3 lines advertisements on the free classified websites. You can earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 60,000 a month Surf N Earn Surf our given websites in a month & earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 12,000 a month Link N Earn 1 link could earn you hundreds of $$$$$$ !!!! Message N Earn Earn Pak Rs. 1.00 per message you send. As much you send as much you earn Compile N Earn You will earn Pak Rs 50.00 for every address you compile. Doesn't sound like much Hit N Earn Earn Pak Rs. 6.00 every time one of your links is clicked! Seek N Earn Earn Pak Rs. 5.00 per website you find for us Research N Earn You just visit websites and record data for pay! Get paid for every research form you submit Survey N Earn Fill simple survey form & earn Rs. 25 per survey
Subject: advertising(xxx)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 07:11:51 06/11/08 Wed

Simply you just have to post the 2to3 lines advertisements on the free classified websites.

There is no maximum limit to number of ad that you can post. Work a few hours will mean a really good income. You'll be able to give your family a luxurious life while spending a most of the time with them.

Earning start from Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 60,000 in US$ 100 to 1000 a month

Step-by-step free training & tutorial
We offered 10 home based employment opportunities for every living of people so they can make more money & build their living standards

The beautifulness of our Earning program is that all our earning programs are Life Time
To View a full job description for each our positions click on the links below

Orient Earner : Earn up to Pak Rs.6000 per month - Paid per typed assignment

Seek Earner: Research websites paid per completed assignment - No Advertising Required

Basic Earner: Earn up to Pak Rs.9000 per month - Paid per typed assignment

Info Earner: Earn Pak Rs.1 for every FREE Info pack You Give Away

Prime Earner: Earn up to Pak Rs.10,000 per month - Paid per typed assignment

Online Earner: Earn up to Pak Rs.20,000 per month - Paid per typed assignment

Compile Earner: Compile mailing lists from home

Hit Earner: Unlimited Earning.

Jumbo Earner: This position combines all of our positions for an unlimited income

Visit for ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/postnearn.htm

Optional Link URL:

Subject: What's right which avail new immigrants in Canada.(WS3535)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 13:43:12 06/11/08 Wed

Once you have been in Canada for at least three years, you may apply to become a Canadian citizen. Immigrants who become citizens have the same rights as citizens who were born in Canada.

As a citizen you can:
vote and be a candidate for political office in federal, provincial and territorial elections;
apply for a Canadian passport;
enter and leave Canada freely;
enjoy full economic rights, including the right to own any type of property; and
be eligible for some pension benefits. visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/canadiancitizen.htm
Subject: Surf N Earn(XXX)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 04:56:03 06/12/08 Thu

Turn Your I nternet B rowsing H obby into a Cash Machine
Subject: What you can bring into Canada (OD2102)

omer parvez
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 06:41:46 06/12/08 Thu

* Date Posted: 05:19:04 06/12/08 Thu
Author: omer parvez
Subject: What you can bring into Canada (OD2102)

ultural property, including antique and cultural objects considered to have There are strict laws about what you can historical significance in their country of bring into Canada. origin (you may, however, bring family heirlooms);
Cars must meet Canadian safety and pollution control standards. Many cars are not allowed into the country. Contact Transport Canada for more information

* more than 200 cigarettes (you must pay tax on the excess amount) per person over 18 years of age if you are immibefore you ship your car.
* more than 1.5 litres of wine or 1.14 litres of commercial alcohol (you must pay tax
on the excess amount) per person over 19 years of age.

The following items cannot be brought into Canada:

* firearms, explosives, fireworks and ammunition;
* narcotics, other than prescription drugs;
* meat, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables;
* plants, flowers and soil;
* endangered species of animals or products made from animal parts, such as the skin,
feathers, fur, bones and ivory;

visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/bringincanada.htm
Subject: Bilingualism in Canada (OD2102)

omer parvez
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 09:07:22 06/12/08 Thu

Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.

New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.

In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.

In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies. visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/biling.htm
Subject: What you can bring into Canada border(ES18)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 20:36:18 06/17/08 Tue

cultural property, including antique and cultural objects considered to have There are strict laws about what you can historical significance in their country of bring into Canada. origin (you may, however, bring family heirlooms);
Cars must meet Canadian safety and pollution control standards. Many cars are not allowed into the country. Contact Transport Canada for more information
more than 200 cigarettes (you must pay tax on the excess amount) per person over 18 years of age if you are immibefore you ship your car.
more than 1.5 litres of wine or 1.14 litres of commercial alcohol (you must pay tax
on the excess amount) per person over 19 years of age.

The following items cannot be brought into Canada:

firearms, explosives, fireworks and ammunition;

narcotics, other than prescription drugs;

meat, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables;

plants, flowers and soil;

endangered species of animals or products made from animal parts, such as the skin,
feathers, fur, bones and ivory;
visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/bringincanada.htm
Subject: surf n earn (xxx)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 22:57:31 06/17/08 Tue

Turn Your I nternet B rowsing H obby into a Cash Machine

NO Ad placing

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No Recruiting

Earn As Much you Want

You will never be asked to email or call anyone .

Simply, just visit websites!

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Get paid for every 15 websites you visit in a day

Earning start from Pak Rs. 500 per day or Pak Rs. 15,000 a month in US$10 a day 300$ in month/-

Step-by-step free training & tutorial

This Package is specially designed for House Makers, Students and Retired Valuable People

You can register yourself with this earnable program in Rs. 1500 / a Year in US$25/-

More Details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/surfnearn.htm

Optional Link URL:

Subject: advertising jobs(xxx)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 23:00:47 06/17/08 Tue

Simply you just have to post the 2to3 lines advertisements on the free classified websites.

There is no maximum limit to number of ad that you can post. Work a few hours will mean a really good income. You'll be able to give your family a luxurious life while spending a most of the time with them.

Earning start from Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 60,000 in US$ 100 to 1000 a month

Step-by-step free training & tutorial
We offered 10 home based employment opportunities for every living of people so they can make more money & build their living standards

The beautifulness of our Earning program is that all our earning programs are Life Time
To View a full job description for each our positions click on the links below

Orient Earner : Earn up to Pak Rs.6000 per month - Paid per typed assignment

Seek Earner: Research websites paid per completed assignment - No Advertising Required

Basic Earner: Earn up to Pak Rs.9000 per month - Paid per typed assignment

Info Earner: Earn Pak Rs.1 for every FREE Info pack You Give Away

Prime Earner: Earn up to Pak Rs.10,000 per month - Paid per typed assignment

Online Earner: Earn up to Pak Rs.20,000 per month - Paid per typed assignment

Compile Earner: Compile mailing lists from home

Hit Earner: Unlimited Earning.

Jumbo Earner: This position combines all of our positions for an unlimited income

Visit for ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/postnearn.htm

Optional Link URL:

Subject: General Information about Canada(es18)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 12:00:44 06/18/08 Wed

Canada is a land of many cultures and many peoples. Aboriginal peoples have occupied the territory now called Canada for several thousands of years. Everybody else, either by birth or by descent, has been an immigrant - we have all come from somewhere else. It has been said that Canada is a "nation of immigrants." There are three main groups of Aboriginal peoples in Canada: the First Nations, the Inuit and the Métis. There are more than 50 different languages spoken by Canada's Aboriginal peoples, most of which are spoken only in Canada. In fact, the name "Canada" may have come from the word "Kanata," which means a settlement in the language of the Huron-Iroquois First Nations peoples. As a country, Canada came into being on July 1, 1867. This event is known as "Confederation." Before 1867, the French arrived first, then the British. Each brought their own language, system of government, laws and culture. In 1763, after a long war between the British and the French, all of Canada came under British rule and was known as "British North America."

In the late 18th and into the 19th century, during and after the time of the American Revolution, many African-Americans and United Empire Loyalists fled the United States for Canada, where British ties remained and slavery had been abolished. During the mid- to late 19th and early 20th century, waves of immigrants arrived from Europe, attracted by the opportunity of a new and better life in Canada. Some settled in towns and cities; others worked in factories, mines and lumber camps. Many were farmers who turned the Prairie region into wheat fields. Asian immigrants from China, Japan and India settled mainly in the western provinces during this time. Many immigrants helped build Canada's national railways, which joined the east and west coasts and opened up the interior for settlement. After both world wars, thousands of Europeans came to Canada as immigrants and refugees and helped build Canada's post-war economy.

Over the last 50 years, people from all over the globe have sought a better life or have sought refuge in Canada, fleeing civil wars, political unrest and natural disasters. Canada still needs the skills, talents and enthusiasm of newcomers to build our country, together with those who have come before them. All of this has been reflected in Canada's immigration and refugee policies. Today, Canada is home to immigrants from
more than 240 countries. Most newcomers decide to become citizens of Canada, after
they are settled and have met the requirements of Canadian citizenship. visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/history.htm
Subject: Employment in regulated professions and trades (ES18)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 04:07:10 06/19/08 Thu

In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.

For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.

People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.

If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.

The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province.

visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/employment.htm
Subject: explore beauty (xxx)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 04:36:25 06/19/08 Thu

The world of beauty is a mad, funny, seductive world. Miss-guided in some ways, misleading in others, it's also a source of great pleasure to great many women. Good skin care-along with a healthy diet and exercise-is basic to beauty. So at least once, treat yourself to professional consolation and a facial, just to learn the ropes, along with some guidelines about best cosmetics and caring for your skin. We all have our own unique beauty that is natural to every woman. The way we feel about ourselves shines through to the outer image that we project. Explore the World of Beauty.

Explore the world of Beauty :http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/

Optional Link URL:

Subject: you can can be a search engine optimizer(xxx)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 21:44:09 06/19/08 Thu

The Complete 90 days Crash Course of
S erch E ngine O ppptimizer .

and get the job of 30,000 to 60,000 a month in
M.S.K Enterprises .

Addmission is very limited .

Addission Fees is 5000 Rs/- .

For ore details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/SEO.htm

Optional Link URL:

Subject: home base job (xxx)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 08:27:55 06/20/08 Fri

You can earn from internet while chatting or surfing from the comfort of your Home. If you want to earn while sitting at home, work in your own schedule, give your family & friends more time and get even more advantages, then these offers might be the most important thing you'll ever have.
MSK Enterprises have a variety of Online Jobs for House Makers to Students. Everybody can earn from our offered jobs.
The Jobs we offered are as follows:

Post N Earn
Simply you just have to post the 2to3 lines advertisements on the free classified websites. You can earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 60,000 a month

Surf N Earn
Surf our given websites in a month & earn Pak Rs. 6000 to Pak Rs. 12,000 a month

Link N Earn
1 link could earn you hundreds of $$$$$$ !!!!

Message N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 1.00 per message you send. As much you send as much you earn

Compile N Earn
You will earn Pak Rs 50.00 for every address you compile. Doesn't sound like much

Hit N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 6.00 every time one of your links is clicked!

Seek N Earn
Earn Pak Rs. 5.00 per website you find for us

Research N Earn
You just visit websites and record data for pay! Get paid for every research form you submit

Survey N Earn
Fill simple survey form & earn Rs. 25 per survey

Visit for details http://www.msk-enterprises.net/online.htm

Optional Link URL:

Subject: General information of Canada(OD030)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 12:04:00 06/20/08 Fri

Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/chapter6.htm
Subject: General information of Canada(OD2121)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 16:40:25 06/20/08 Fri

Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/chapter6.htm
Subject: Reception services at the time you arrive in Canada (es18)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 00:55:09 06/21/08 Sat

If you arrive in Toronto, Montréal or Vancouver, you will find immigrant reception services in the airport.

These services are run by immigrant-serving organizations.

They help newcomers get the information and services they need, and this help is often available in several languages.

In Montréal, the Ministčre de l'Immigration et des Communautés culturelles runs this service.

Visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/reception.htm
Subject: schools and university of canada (xxx)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 04:03:31 06/21/08 Sat

There is no national school system in Canada. Schools and universities are run by the provinces; therefore, education varies somewhat from province to province. Most elementary and secondary schooling is public, meaning it is free and open to everyone. Depending on the individual province, primary eduation starts at pre-kindergarten and continues to the end of grade 6 or 8.

This is followed by secondary education or high school. In some provinces this may be divided into junior high (grades 7 to 9) and senior high (grades 10 to 12). Normally, students must complete the required academic courses in high school in order to be admitted to university or college.

The regular school year runs from late August or early September until mid- to late June.
New students can usually be registered throughout the school year. Most schools are
closed on national holidays. Also, all schools are closed between Christmas Eve and New
Year's Day, and most are closed for a week in March for spring break. The longest school
holiday occurs over the summer months of July and August.
Universities and community colleges hold their regular classes from late August or early
September until April, although some courses are offered from January to April and a smaller number are available over the summer months. University and community college courses are not free and the costs vary among the provinces.

When you register your children at the local school or school board office, you must take with you:

Canadian immigrant visa (permanent resident card);

birth certificate or baptismal certificate;

vaccination certificate;

any previous school records.

Your children's language and mathematical skills will be assessed, if necessary, and they will be placed in the program the school thinks is best for them.

Education in Canada is available in English and French. Many Canadian parents, even if they do not speak French themselves, believe it is good for their children to be able to speak both English and French. Some put their children in a French immersion program, where children learn most of the regular subjects in French.

Visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/school.htm

Optional Link URL:

Subject: Communities across Canada (es18)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 10:58:27 06/21/08 Sat

Most newcomers to Canada tend to settle in the three biggest cities - Toronto, Montréal
and Vancouver. But many newcomers and many Canadians choose to live in the medium-sized cities, which they feel have as much to offer as the larger cities with a better quality of life.

Among the medium-sized cities are St. John's, Halifax, Québec City, Ottawa, Hamilton, London, Kitchener, St. Catharines, Oshawa, Windsor, Sudbury, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton and Victoria.

All of the medium-sized cities have diverse, multi-ethnic populations ranging in size from approximately 150,000 to one million people, and all have the variety of public and private institutions and services found in the largest cities.

Some newcomers like the idea of living in smaller cities or towns like Moncton, Fredericton, Red Deer and Kelowna or prefer to live in a rural area. Depending on your skills or professional qualifications, some regions may have better job opportunities than others.

Each Web site has a list of government departments and agencies. In the bigger provinces, some government departments may have their own Web sites, with more detailed information. You may also find a directory of on-line services, a link to educational institutions, and a link to major cities and towns. Most of the Web sites also have a tourism section, where you can
discover the special attractions of each province and territory.

The Web site has links to information on the labour market and the housing market of communities across Canada. It also has useful s and information about moving within Canada.

Francophone communities: French is the mother tongue of 6.6 million Canadians. Most Francophones live in Quebec, but almost one million live in Canada's other provinces and territories.

: Research carefully the labour market trends or access to your profession in the province and city where you wish to live.

: To locate the medium-sized cities on a map of Canada, go to pages 26 and 27.

: Outside the larger cities, the costs of housing, higher education and services are often much lower.Visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/communities.htm
Subject: Surf N Earn(es18)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 09:55:56 06/23/08 Mon

Turn Your I nternet B rowsing H obby into a Cash Machine

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You can register yourself with this earnable program in Rs. 1500 / a Year in US$25/-

More Details: http://www.msk-enterprises.net/surfnearn.htm
Subject: General information of Canada.(OD031)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 22:21:20 06/23/08 Mon

Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/chapter6.htm
Subject: Generating Free Website Traffic From YouTube (991)

Omer ahmed
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 05:39:35 06/24/08 Tue

Discover The Little Known Secrets Of Generating Free Website Traffic From YouTube! Here's How To Get Unlimited New Visitors To Your Websites Without Paying A Penny (Other Than Video Production Costs) Using Free Online Video Sites Like YouTube

Subject: General information of Canada.(OD031)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 11:50:51 06/24/08 Tue

Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions: the Atlantic
region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North. The culture and
population are different in each region. The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources. In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin. The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America. On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests. Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy. Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.The North consists of Canada's three territories: Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Together, they make up over one-third of Canada's land mass. Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/chapter6.htm
Subject: Important documents for enterance in Canada for immigrants(es18)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 04:38:01 06/25/08 Wed

Depending on your personal situation, you should bring the following important documents with you to Canada:

birth certificates or baptismal certificates;

marriage certificates;

adoption, separation or divorce papers;

school records, diplomas or degrees for each family member travelling with you;

trade or professional certificates and licences;

letters of reference from former employers;

a list of your educational and professional qualifications and job experience (this is
also called a résumé);

immunization, vaccination, dental and

other health records for each family member;

driver's licence, including an International

Driver's Permit;

photocopies of all essential and important documents, in case the originals get lost
(be sure to keep the photocopies in a separate place from the originals); and

car registration documents (if you are importing a motor vehicle into Canada).
vsisit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/importantdocuments.htm
Subject: Bilingualism in Canada (ES18)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 12:08:49 06/25/08 Wed

Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.

New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.

In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.

In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies. visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/biling.htm
Subject: How you get the SIN after immigration to Canada: (es18)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 21:16:31 06/26/08 Thu

To work in Canada, you must have a Social Insurance Number. This is a nine-digit number that you will need to look for a job and to receive government benefits.

Sometimes, you will hear people call it the SIN number. You can get a SIN application form through the Human Resources Centre near you. These centres are run by the federal government.

You can also get a form through your local immigrant-serving organization or from the post office, or on the Internet

The SIN card will be sent to you in the mail. There is a small fee for processing the application.

visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/sin.htm
Subject: Reduce Varicose Veins. (OD010)

Bilal Inam
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 01:31:32 06/27/08 Fri

Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily

attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these

ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick

Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things

you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict

blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them

before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged

standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises

daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking

Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins

shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of

Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after

a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel

disorders. visit: http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/varicoseveins.html
Subject: Reduce Varicose Veins.(OD031)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 02:48:52 06/27/08 Fri

Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling
Subject: Reduce Varicose Veins. (OD5012)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 05:52:36 06/27/08 Fri

Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit: http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/varicoseveins.html
Subject: Reduce Varicose Veins. (OD5011)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 06:21:44 06/27/08 Fri

Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit: http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/varicoseveins.html
Subject: Reduce Varicose Veins. (ws2107)

taniya muhammad
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 07:11:51 06/27/08 Fri

Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit: http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/varicoseveins.html
Subject: Finding a Place to Live in Canada (es18)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 14:51:00 06/27/08 Fri

To buy or to rent

When you first arrive in Canada, you will probably be living in a temporary home. You will soon be looking for a more permanent place to live. Canada has many different types of housing and a wide range of prices.

Finding the right place will take some time and effort. Your first decision will be whether to rent a house or an apartment, or to buy a house.

Whether you rent or buy will depend on your personal finances and whether you already have a job in Canada. Most newcomers decide they should first rent a house or apartment. This gives them more time to save money to buy a house and to decide where they want to live.

If you want to buy a house, unless you can pay the full price, you will need to get a longterm loan called a mortgage. Mortgage loans are provided by banks and other financial institutions.

They decide whether the borrower has enough income, more assets than debts, and a good credit rating.

Most will ask you to pay at least five percent of the cost of the house from your own money

visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/chapter4.htm
Subject: What you can bring into Canada (ES18)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 00:05:35 06/29/08 Sun

cultural property, including antique and cultural objects considered to have There are strict laws about what you can historical significance in their country of bring into Canada. origin (you may, however, bring family heirlooms);
Cars must meet Canadian safety and pollution control standards. Many cars are not allowed into the country. Contact Transport Canada for more information
more than 200 cigarettes (you must pay tax on the excess amount) per person over 18 years of age if you are immibefore you ship your car.
more than 1.5 litres of wine or 1.14 litres of commercial alcohol (you must pay tax
on the excess amount) per person over 19 years of age.

The following items cannot be brought into Canada:

firearms, explosives, fireworks and ammunition;

narcotics, other than prescription drugs;

meat, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables;

plants, flowers and soil;

endangered species of animals or products made from animal parts, such as the skin,
feathers, fur, bones and ivory;
visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/bringincanada.htm
Subject: Reduce Varicose Veins. (OD010)

Bilal Inam
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 23:33:54 07/02/08 Wed

Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily

attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these

ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick

Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things

you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict

blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them

before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged

standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises

daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking

Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins

shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of

Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after

a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel

disorders. visit: http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/varicoseveins.html
Subject: Reduce Varicose Veins. (OD2135)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 10:11:57 07/03/08 Thu

Message Description:

Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit: http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/varicoseveins.html
Subject: Reduce Varicose Veins. (d257)

shama naz
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 23:56:05 07/03/08 Thu

Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit: http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/varicoseveins.html
Subject: Reduce Varicose Veins. (OD010)

Bilal Inam
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 23:59:24 07/03/08 Thu

Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily

attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these

ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick

Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things

you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict

blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them

before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged

standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises

daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking

Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins

shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of

Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after

a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel

disorders. visit: http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/varicoseveins.html
Subject: Reduce Varicose Veins. (OD2135)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 05:10:41 07/04/08 Fri

Message Description:

Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit: http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/varicoseveins.html
Subject: Meanings of beauty. (d257)

shama naz
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 08:23:29 07/05/08 Sat

The world of beauty is a mad, funny, seductive world. Miss-guided in some ways, misleading in others, it's also a source of great pleasure to great many women. Good skin care-along with a healthy diet and exercise-is basic to beauty. So at least once, treat yourself to professional consolation and a facial, just to learn the ropes, along with some guidelines about best cosmetics and caring for your skin. We all have our own unique beauty that is natural to every woman. The way we feel about ourselves shines through to the outer image that we project. Explore the World of Beauty.

Explore the world of Beauty :http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/
Subject: Meanings of beauty. (OD010)

Bilal Inam
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 13:36:15 07/05/08 Sat

The world of beauty is a mad, funny, seductive world. Miss-guided in some ways, misleading in others, it's also a source of great pleasure to great many women. Good skin care-along with a healthy diet and exercise-is basic to beauty. So at least once, treat yourself to professional consolation and a facial, just to learn the ropes, along with some guidelines about best cosmetics and caring for your skin. We all have our own unique beauty that is natural to every woman. The way we feel about ourselves shines through to the outer image that we project. Explore the World of Beauty.

Explore the world of Beauty :http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/
Subject: Meanings of beauty. (OD2135)

[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 13:44:26 07/05/08 Sat

Message Description:

The world of beauty is a mad, funny, seductive world. Miss-guided in some ways, misleading in others, it's also a source of great pleasure to great many women. Good skin care-along with a healthy diet and exercise-is basic to beauty. So at least once, treat yourself to professional consolation and a facial, just to learn the ropes, along with some guidelines about best cosmetics and caring for your skin. We all have our own unique beauty that is natural to every woman. The way we feel about ourselves shines through to the outer image that we project. Explore the World of Beauty.

Explore the world of Beauty :http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/
Subject: Meanings of beauty. (d257)

shama naz
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 08:21:54 07/07/08 Mon

The world of beauty is a mad, funny, seductive world. Miss-guided in some ways, misleading in others, it's also a source of great pleasure to great many women. Good skin care-along with a healthy diet and exercise-is basic to beauty. So at least once, treat yourself to professional consolation and a facial, just to learn the ropes, along with some guidelines about best cosmetics and caring for your skin. We all have our own unique beauty that is natural to every woman. The way we feel about ourselves shines through to the outer image that we project. Explore the World of Beauty.

Explore the world of Beauty :http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/
Subject: Meanings of beauty. (OD010)

Bilal Inam
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 10:06:11 07/07/08 Mon

The world of beauty is a mad, funny, seductive world. Miss-guided in some ways, misleading in others, it's also a source of great pleasure to great many women. Good skin care-along with a healthy diet and exercise-is basic to beauty. So at least once, treat yourself to professional consolation and a facial, just to learn the ropes, along with some guidelines about best cosmetics and caring for your skin. We all have our own unique beauty that is natural to every woman. The way we feel about ourselves shines through to the outer image that we project. Explore the World of Beauty.

Explore the world of Beauty :http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/
Subject: Different languages d090

mohammad imran tariq
[ Edit | View ]

Date Posted: 02:45:27 07/08/08 Tue

Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.

New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.

In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.

In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.

At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly.

Subject: Reduce Varicose Veins. (OD5012)

Naveed Akhtar
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Date Posted: 12:30:17 07/14/08 Mon

Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit: http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/varicoseveins.html
Subject: Different languages(WS2124)

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Date Posted: 13:03:49 07/14/08 Mon

Under the Official Languages Act, Canada is an officially bilingual country. This means that Canadians have the right to get federal government services in English or French, no matter what part of Canada they are living in. New Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual.
New Brunswick residents receive services in both official languages from all of their provincial government departments and agencies.
In Quebec, French is the official language and in most cases, provincial and municipal services are provided in French.
In the other provinces and territories, English is the official language, and the availability of provincial services in both official languages varies.
At the municipal level, the availability of services in both official languages varies greatly.
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (OD010)

Bilal Inam
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Date Posted: 01:05:38 07/15/08 Tue

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Explore Beauty (es18)

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Date Posted: 11:34:31 07/15/08 Tue

The world of beauty is a mad, funny, seductive world. Miss-guided in some ways, misleading in others, it's also a source of great pleasure to great many women. Good skin care-along with a healthy diet and exercise-is basic to beauty. So at least once, treat yourself to professional consolation and a facial, just to learn the ropes, along with some guidelines about best cosmetics and caring for your skin. We all have our own unique beauty that is natural to every woman. The way we feel about ourselves shines through to the outer image that we project. Explore the World of Beauty.

Explore the world of Beauty :http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/
Subject: Track For You (WS2124)

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Date Posted: 01:21:23 07/16/08 Wed

Reward yourself regularly, (don't use food as a reward) buy a new outfit, get a new hair style, even if it's just a grin of approval in the mirror. Don't weigh yourself every day. Instead, get on the weight scales once a week to avoid discouragement.
Instead of obsessing over your weight, keep track of your waist measurement, body fat percentage or clothing size. Have 2 pieces of clothing to help you track your progress. ! that's way too tight and one that fits perfectly at the start of your diet. Try them on every 4 weeks. Create a small graph like the one below with one line that shows your weekly target progress and the other that shows your actual progress. Make your target progress very realistic, say 1lb a week so that you can easily exceed it and keep highly motivated.. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/trackforyou.html
Subject: What you can bring into Canada border(ES18)

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Date Posted: 05:31:55 07/16/08 Wed

cultural property, including antique and cultural objects considered to have There are strict laws about what you can historical significance in their country of bring into Canada. origin (you may, however, bring family heirlooms);
Cars must meet Canadian safety and pollution control standards. Many cars are not allowed into the country. Contact Transport Canada for more information
more than 200 cigarettes (you must pay tax on the excess amount) per person over 18 years of age if you are immibefore you ship your car.
more than 1.5 litres of wine or 1.14 litres of commercial alcohol (you must pay tax
on the excess amount) per person over 19 years of age.

The following items cannot be brought into Canada:

firearms, explosives, fireworks and ammunition;

narcotics, other than prescription drugs;

meat, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables;

plants, flowers and soil;

endangered species of animals or products made from animal parts, such as the skin,
feathers, fur, bones and ivory;
visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/bringincanada.htm
Subject: Settlement in Canada(WS2124)

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Date Posted: 10:52:45 07/16/08 Wed

This sitewill help you get ready to leave your home country and make a new life in Canada. It was written especially for newcomers. It tells you what documents you will need to bring, what to expect in the first few days and weeks, how to find a place to live, get a Social Insurance Number and a healthcare card, and find a job. It also explains what services you can expect to receive from the immigrant-serving organizations across Canada. You will also find useful information about Canada's geography, history, government and way of life, and how to become a Canadian citizen. You can either read this site from cover to cover, or one section at a time, depending on what you need to know. If you have access to the Internet, you can do more research before you leave for Canada by visiting the Web sites listed. A Newcomer's Introduction to Canada was written to give you helpful information for planning ahead, but it is not a detailed guide. When you arrive in Canada, you will be recieved a book called Welcome to Canada: What You Should Know, from the Government of Canada It contains specific information on all the practical aspects of living in Canada. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/synopsis.htm
Subject: General Information about Canada(es18)

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Date Posted: 04:43:25 07/17/08 Thu

Canada is a land of many cultures and many peoples. Aboriginal peoples have occupied the territory now called Canada for several thousands of years. Everybody else, either by birth or by descent, has been an immigrant - we have all come from somewhere else. It has been said that Canada is a "nation of immigrants." There are three main groups of Aboriginal peoples in Canada: the First Nations, the Inuit and the Métis. There are more than 50 different languages spoken by Canada's Aboriginal peoples, most of which are spoken only in Canada. In fact, the name "Canada" may have come from the word "Kanata," which means a settlement in the language of the Huron-Iroquois First Nations peoples. As a country, Canada came into being on July 1, 1867. This event is known as "Confederation." Before 1867, the French arrived first, then the British. Each brought their own language, system of government, laws and culture. In 1763, after a long war between the British and the French, all of Canada came under British rule and was known as "British North America."

In the late 18th and into the 19th century, during and after the time of the American Revolution, many African-Americans and United Empire Loyalists fled the United States for Canada, where British ties remained and slavery had been abolished. During the mid- to late 19th and early 20th century, waves of immigrants arrived from Europe, attracted by the opportunity of a new and better life in Canada. Some settled in towns and cities; others worked in factories, mines and lumber camps. Many were farmers who turned the Prairie region into wheat fields. Asian immigrants from China, Japan and India settled mainly in the western provinces during this time. Many immigrants helped build Canada's national railways, which joined the east and west coasts and opened up the interior for settlement. After both world wars, thousands of Europeans came to Canada as immigrants and refugees and helped build Canada's post-war economy.

Over the last 50 years, people from all over the globe have sought a better life or have sought refuge in Canada, fleeing civil wars, political unrest and natural disasters. Canada still needs the skills, talents and enthusiasm of newcomers to build our country, together with those who have come before them. All of this has been reflected in Canada's immigration and refugee policies. Today, Canada is home to immigrants from
more than 240 countries. Most newcomers decide to become citizens of Canada, after
they are settled and have met the requirements of Canadian citizenship. visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/history.htm
Subject: Employment in regulated professions and trades (ES18)

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Date Posted: 13:26:20 07/17/08 Thu

In Canada, about 20 percent of jobs are regulated by the government to protect public health and safety.

For example, nurses, doctors, engineers, teachers and electricians all work in regulated professions.

People who want to work in regulated jobs need to get a licence from the regulatory body in the province in which they live.

If you want to know more about how to enter a particular profession or trade in a particular province, you should contact the provincial regulatory body for that job.

The professions are selfregulating and they administer the provincial laws that apply to their profession. Rules for entering professions also differ from province to province.

visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/employment.htm
Subject: Track For You (OD010)

Bilal Inam
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Date Posted: 23:35:21 07/17/08 Thu

Reward yourself regularly, (don't use food as a reward) buy a new outfit, get a new hair style, even if it's just a grin of approval in the mirror. Don't weigh yourself every day. Instead, get on the weight scales once a week to avoid discouragement.
Instead of obsessing over your weight, keep track of your waist measurement, body fat percentage or clothing size. Have 2 pieces of clothing to help you track your progress. ! that's way too tight and one that fits perfectly at the start of your diet. Try them on every 4 weeks. Create a small graph like the one below with one line that shows your weekly target progress and the other that shows your actual progress. Make your target progress very realistic, say 1lb a week so that you can easily exceed it and keep highly motivated.. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/trackforyou.html
Subject: Settlement in Canada(OD010)

Bilal Inam
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Date Posted: 01:08:09 07/18/08 Fri

This sitewill help you get ready to leave your home country and make a new life in Canada. It was written especially for newcomers. It tells you what documents you will need to bring, what to expect in the first few days and weeks, how to find a place to live, get a Social Insurance Number and a healthcare card, and find a job. It also explains what services you can expect to receive from the immigrant-serving organizations across Canada. You will also find useful information about Canada's geography, history, government and way of life, and how to become a Canadian citizen. You can either read this site from cover to cover, or one section at a time, depending on what you need to know. If you have access to the Internet, you can do more research before you leave for Canada by visiting the Web sites listed. A Newcomer's Introduction to Canada was written to give you helpful information for planning ahead, but it is not a detailed guide. When you arrive in Canada, you will be recieved a book called Welcome to Canada: What You Should Know, from the Government of Canada It contains specific information on all the practical aspects of living in Canada. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/synopsis.htm
Subject: Reception services at the time you arrive in Canada (es18)

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Date Posted: 13:50:43 07/19/08 Sat

If you arrive in Toronto, Montréal or Vancouver, you will find immigrant reception services in the airport.

These services are run by immigrant-serving organizations.

They help newcomers get the information and services they need, and this help is often available in several languages.

In Montréal, the Ministčre de l'Immigration et des Communautés culturelles runs this service.

Visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/reception.htm
Subject: Communities across Canada (es18)

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Date Posted: 03:51:55 07/20/08 Sun

Most newcomers to Canada tend to settle in the three biggest cities - Toronto, Montréal
and Vancouver. But many newcomers and many Canadians choose to live in the medium-sized cities, which they feel have as much to offer as the larger cities with a better quality of life.

Among the medium-sized cities are St. John's, Halifax, Québec City, Ottawa, Hamilton, London, Kitchener, St. Catharines, Oshawa, Windsor, Sudbury, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton and Victoria.

All of the medium-sized cities have diverse, multi-ethnic populations ranging in size from approximately 150,000 to one million people, and all have the variety of public and private institutions and services found in the largest cities.

Some newcomers like the idea of living in smaller cities or towns like Moncton, Fredericton, Red Deer and Kelowna or prefer to live in a rural area. Depending on your skills or professional qualifications, some regions may have better job opportunities than others.

Each Web site has a list of government departments and agencies. In the bigger provinces, some government departments may have their own Web sites, with more detailed information. You may also find a directory of on-line services, a link to educational institutions, and a link to major cities and towns. Most of the Web sites also have a tourism section, where you can
discover the special attractions of each province and territory.

The Web site has links to information on the labour market and the housing market of communities across Canada. It also has useful s and information about moving within Canada.

Francophone communities: French is the mother tongue of 6.6 million Canadians. Most Francophones live in Quebec, but almost one million live in Canada's other provinces and territories.

: Research carefully the labour market trends or access to your profession in the province and city where you wish to live.

: To locate the medium-sized cities on a map of Canada, go to pages 26 and 27.

: Outside the larger cities, the costs of housing, higher education and services are often much lower.Visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/communities.htm
Subject: Explore Beauty (es18)

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Date Posted: 03:16:51 07/22/08 Tue

The world of beauty is a mad, funny, seductive world. Miss-guided in some ways, misleading in others, it's also a source of great pleasure to great many women. Good skin care-along with a healthy diet and exercise-is basic to beauty. So at least once, treat yourself to professional consolation and a facial, just to learn the ropes, along with some guidelines about best cosmetics and caring for your skin. We all have our own unique beauty that is natural to every woman. The way we feel about ourselves shines through to the outer image that we project. Explore the World of Beauty.

Explore the world of Beauty :http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/
Subject: What you can bring into Canada border(ES18)

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Date Posted: 20:09:22 07/22/08 Tue

cultural property, including antique and cultural objects considered to have There are strict laws about what you can historical significance in their country of bring into Canada. origin (you may, however, bring family heirlooms);
Cars must meet Canadian safety and pollution control standards. Many cars are not allowed into the country. Contact Transport Canada for more information
more than 200 cigarettes (you must pay tax on the excess amount) per person over 18 years of age if you are immibefore you ship your car.
more than 1.5 litres of wine or 1.14 litres of commercial alcohol (you must pay tax
on the excess amount) per person over 19 years of age.

The following items cannot be brought into Canada:

firearms, explosives, fireworks and ammunition;

narcotics, other than prescription drugs;

meat, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables;

plants, flowers and soil;

endangered species of animals or products made from animal parts, such as the skin,
feathers, fur, bones and ivory;
visit: http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/bringincanada.htm
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (WS2136)

owais hadi
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Date Posted: 23:55:40 07/22/08 Tue

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails.ws2142

Sabeen Mehak
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Date Posted: 00:08:19 07/23/08 Wed

Date Posted: 23:43:05 07/22/08 Tue
Author: Sabeen Mehak
Author Host/IP:
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails.sabeen

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (WS2124)

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Date Posted: 00:09:36 07/23/08 Wed

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (AP5828)

Khurram Younus
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Date Posted: 08:11:50 07/23/08 Wed

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (OD010)

Bilal Inam
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Date Posted: 02:49:41 07/24/08 Thu

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails.ws2123

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Date Posted: 03:47:35 07/24/08 Thu

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (OD010)

Bilal Inam
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Date Posted: 23:45:52 07/25/08 Fri

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (WS2136)

owais hadi
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Date Posted: 01:27:37 07/26/08 Sat

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (OD2121)

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Date Posted: 02:17:55 07/26/08 Sat

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (SW 2123)

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Date Posted: 09:19:46 07/26/08 Sat

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (OD2139)

M.Arsalan Khan Ahmed
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Date Posted: 10:18:51 07/26/08 Sat

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (OD2139)

M.Arsalan Ahmed Khan
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Date Posted: 14:34:29 07/26/08 Sat

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (PM2959)

Muhammad Sarim Ul Haq
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Date Posted: 00:34:39 08/04/08 Mon

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (OD5012)

Naveed Akhtar
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Date Posted: 03:44:59 08/04/08 Mon

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (OD010)

Bilal Inam
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Date Posted: 01:06:58 08/05/08 Tue

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (PM2959)

Muhammad Sarim Ul Haq
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Date Posted: 02:16:20 08/05/08 Tue

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (XXX)

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Date Posted: 04:11:49 08/05/08 Tue

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (OD5012)

Naveed Akhtar
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Date Posted: 04:44:12 08/05/08 Tue

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (ZSKOD26708)

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Date Posted: 09:01:26 08/05/08 Tue

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (OD010)

Bilal Inam
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Date Posted: 01:19:37 08/07/08 Thu

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (OD5012)

Naveed Akhtar
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Date Posted: 04:50:34 08/07/08 Thu

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (OD010)

Bilal Inam
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Date Posted: 01:12:50 08/08/08 Fri

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (AA5808)

Muhammad Kashif
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Date Posted: 03:27:05 08/08/08 Fri

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing. Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes. Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat. Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
Sanitize all of your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to prevent this from happening. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/nailcare.html
Subject: How to speed up metabolism (ws2436) `

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Date Posted: 04:57:50 08/10/08 Sun

Don't skip breakfast. You will lose weight more quickly if you have a bite to eat in the morning. Drink hot water with lemon Eat hot meals rather than cold. Your metabolism speeds up very slightly when you eat and again if the food is hot. Do at least thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise, five days a week. This will condition you to burn fat more efficiently. Don't deprive your body of carbohydrates, no matter what they say.
You need carbs for energy and will feel terrible without them. Wear a pedometer and see that you take 1,000 steps every day. If you have a sit-down job, get up every hour and walk around for five minutes or so. Dedicate two hours a week to weight training, concentrating on the larger muscles. Every other day is optimal. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/spendupmetabolism.html
Subject: How to speed up metabolism (OD5012)

Naveed akhter
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Date Posted: 11:27:56 08/10/08 Sun

Don't skip breakfast. You will lose weight more quickly if you have a bite to eat in the morning. Drink hot water with lemon Eat hot meals rather than cold. Your metabolism speeds up very slightly when you eat and again if the food is hot. Do at least thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise, five days a week. This will condition you to burn fat more efficiently. Don't deprive your body of carbohydrates, no matter what they say.
You need carbs for energy and will feel terrible without them. Wear a pedometer and see that you take 1,000 steps every day. If you have a sit-down job, get up every hour and walk around for five minutes or so. Dedicate two hours a week to weight training, concentrating on the larger muscles. Every other day is optimal. visit: http://nikhar-e-arab.com/spendupmetabolism.html
Subject: Reduce Varicose Veins. (OD010)

Bilal Inam
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Date Posted: 01:37:15 08/13/08 Wed

Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit: http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/varicoseveins.html
Subject: Reduce Varicose Veins. (ZSKOD26708)

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Date Posted: 02:29:42 08/13/08 Wed

Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit: http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/varicoseveins.html
Subject: Reduce Varicose Veins. (ODA2159)

Sameen Pervez
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Date Posted: 04:19:21 08/13/08 Wed

Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit: http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/varicoseveins.html
Subject: Reduce Varicose Veins.(OD2134)

Rashid Mehmood
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Date Posted: 07:06:30 08/13/08 Wed

Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit: http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/varicoseveins.html
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Subject: Reduce Varicose Veins. (ws2436)

Rizwan Rafiq
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Date Posted: 21:00:25 08/13/08 Wed

Although varicose veins certainly lack popularity -- they are right down there with cellulite for the least desirable bodily attribute -- they are actually quite "popular" in that a great many people have them.Up to 30 million Americans have these ropey, bulging veins, usually on the legs. Women age 30 and older are most commonly affected, but no one is immune. Even Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones "can't get no satisfaction" -- he reportedly has calves crisscrossed by them.There are things you can do to reduce them:
Do regular exercise. Walking, running, cycling & swimming keep blood vessels healthy.
Stick to a high-fibre & low-salt diet. Kick off the high heels. Avoid tight-fitting clothings or undergarments that restrict blood flow at the waist, groin & legs (e.g. girdles, stockings & socks). If elastic stockings are recommended, wear them before getting out of bed in the morning. Don't leave legs crossed or bent for a long period. If work requires prolonged standing or sitting, move & stretch those legs, rotate ankles & wiggle the toes once in a while. Do leg stretching exercises daily. Raise legs above the level of the heart whenever possible. Rest those legs on pillows while sleeping. Stop smoking Although varicose veins aren't usually considered a significant health problem, they can make life miserable. "Varicose veins shouldn't be viewed as only a cosmetic concern," said Dr. Alan Hirsch, a specialist in vascular medicine at the University of Minnesota. Often, the discomfort over the veins' appearance is equalled by the aching pain they can cause, particularly after a long day of sitting or standing. In addition, the veins may signal a higher risk for other more serious blood vessel disorders. visit: http://www.nikhar-e-arab.com/varicoseveins.html
Subject: Canadian life (ODA11808)

Syed Saad Uddin
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Date Posted: 06:07:50 08/19/08 Tue

Lining up or queuing: People normally line up or queue according to the principle of "first-come, first-served." They will be angry if you push ahead in a lineup instead of waiting your turn. Not smoking in private homes: Most Canadians do not smoke. When you are in people's homes, you should always ask their permission to smoke. If they do not smoke themselves, they may ask you to go outside to smoke. Being on time: You should always arrive on time - at school, at work and for any meeting. People who are often late may be fired from their jobs or suspended from school. Many Canadians will not wait more than 10 or 15 minutes for someone who has a business meeting. For social events, people expect that you will arrive within half an hour of the stated time. Respect for the environment: Canadians respect the natural environment and expect people to avoid littering (dropping waste paper and other garbage on the street or throwing it out of your car). They expect you to hold on to your garbage until you can find a proper garbage can. Bargaining: Bargaining for a better price is not common in Canada, but there are some exceptions. For example, almost everyone bargains for a better price when buying a car or a house, or other expensive items such as furniture. People who sell things privately may also bargain. Smart shopping: Stores compete with one another to attract customers, so it is wise to check and compare prices at different stores before you buy. Note: The price marked on goods in stores does not usually include the federal and provincial sales taxes, which add from 7 percent to 15 percent to the cost of an item, depending on the province in which you buy it. visit: http://settlement_in_canada.sitesled.com/impsocial.htm
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