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Subject: Time bomb they STILL won't really examine

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Date Posted: 22:35:42 03/10/05 Thu

Once again, Channel 4 has shown a welcome willingness – albeit on still all too rare occasions – to air "Politically Incorrect" views. Tonight’s anti-immigration polemic by Rod Liddle wasn’t perfect by any means, but by the woeful standards of the self-censoring liberal-left prigs at the BBC it was very much, a breath of fresh air.

Nor was it a ‘one-off’; Channel 4 also broke the media black-out on the appalling wave of racist paedophile gang rapes being perpetrated by some Muslim men in Keighley. Again, the second programme on this subject wasn’t perfect, but it was hard-hitting enough for the highly politicised head of West Yorkshire police to press Channel 4 not to show it in the run-up to last year’s European Election lest public anger over the scandal should lead to people voting BNP.

But even Rod Liddle and Channel 4 clearly suffer some residual PC brain-washing, leading to self-censorship and a refusal to face all the facts about the full extent of the failure of the multi-racial ‘experiment.’

Both C4's ‘Immigration is a Time Bomb’ and Liddle’s article about it in today’s (Thursday 10th) Daily Express tried to ‘buy off’ left-liberal criticism by implicitly or explicitly making ritual condemnations of ‘real racists’ such as Enoch Powell and the BNP. Powell “was wrong,” claims Liddle. “More than a generation hence, the black man does not have the whip hand over the white man. And there have been no rivers of blood.”

“Yet!” might be the most common response to that last bit, but only among those who get their information about the state of multi-cultural Britain from the BBC and other mainstream media outlets. Richard Everett, Ross Parker, Gavin Hopley, Ashley Hedger, Chris Yates, Lee Martin, Sean Whyte, Scott Pritchard, Kriss Donald. All these, and many more besides, were brutally murdered in racist anti-white attacks – the final six of them last year alone.

We have to ask these ‘moderate’ critics of immigration, the ones who accuse Powell of scare-mongering to define their terms: How much blood do they have to see flow before they’ll admit that it is indeed “much blood” being spilt in pursuit of this doomed social engineering fantasy?

As for the business about who may or may not have the whip hand, the terminology was certainly rhetorical and somewhat lurid, but look a bit more closely at Britain 2005. Do certain ethnic groups get preferential treatment when it comes to jobs, promotions, housing and health queues? Yes, and it’s us indigenous Brits who are the second class citizens.

Do the police treat crimes by or against certain ethnic groups more seriously than identical crimes by or against others? Yes, and it’s us indigenous Brits who are hounded over groundless allegations by or on behalf of assorted ‘ethnics’, and who are ignored or even accused of ‘racism’ if we complain when our sons are beaten up with baseball bats or when our daughters are molested by anti-white racists and gangs of young Islamics.

In the event of almost any dispute, argument or clash between non-whites and whites, the authorities – from local councils to the police and the mass media – take the side of the non-whites virtually every single time. It may not look like a whipping when seen from middle-class media enclaves in posh parts of London, but it certainly feels like it in Barking, Dudley, Burnley, Keighley, Pollockshields and dozens of once-decent white working class communities the length and breadth of Britain.

Powell spoke of the unpleasantness suffered by the old lady who had excreta shoved through her door by immigrants. There are countless thousands of old ladies, parents and children trapped in living hells in our towns and cities today who would count themselves very lucky indeed if that was the worst form that anti-white racism took in 2005.

But it doesn’t – there are young men in graves, others trapped inside shattered bodies and damaged brains, smack whores who were once Dads’ little princesses, there are gang-raped shadows who scarcely dare step outside their homes, there are students at inner city colleges who live in daily terror of knife-wielding anti-white racists, there are families who run a gauntlet of hate, spittle, stones and racist abuse from anti-Western bigots every time they dash from their reinforced front doors to their vandalised cars and drive out of parts of Tower Hamlets, Luton, Oldham or Bradford.

Was Powell’s vision really so far off the mark? The people living through the nightmare he glimpsed don’t think so. And nor do we in the British National Party, which is why our leaders risk calumny and persecution to keep sounding the very justifiable alarm, and to speak out on behalf of the ignored victims of this epidemic of anti-white racism.

And it’s why we respond to Rod Liddle’s programme with a challenge to Channel 4: You’ve gone so far, so why not go the whole distance now? Produce a new mini-series, not about the problems which are being caused by current immigration policy, but about the even worse problems resulting today from the immigration against which Enoch Powell spoke out.

Let’s have a programme about how young men and boys are abused, kicked, beaten and stabbed – on a daily basis, in dozens of places – simply for the crime of being white, or black, in a Muslim area. Let’s have another about the clear links between Koranic teachings about the lowly status of women and Kufrs (Unbelievers) and the spreading cancer of male Muslim gangs preying on young teenage white and Sikh girls. Let’s have a third about the shocking level of support for al-Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists among British-born Muslims.

And let’s have a fourth comparing the level of hatred, violence and illegal gun possession in Northern Ireland in the mid-1960s and in certain immigrant communities on the British mainland today. Before claiming that Powell got it wrong, it is time for the liberal critics of immigration to take a cool, rational, open-minded look at current trends – trends which threaten to trigger waves of conflict that will make recent events in Holland, and Powell’s 1968 warning, seem very low-key indeed.

How about it Rod?

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