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Date Posted: 10:50:50 11/24/04 Wed
Author: Chris
Subject: Re: Kimland horror
In reply to: TL 's message, "Re: Kimland horror" on 06:14:04 11/24/04 Wed

Yes, pictures with Kim Jong Il are considered holy. If he is on the top page of a newspapers (i.e. always), you cannot simply fold the newspapers and throw it away, this would be blasphemy.

One report that Kim Jong Il is a champion golfer. It was reported that in a single round of golf he scored 17 holes in one. Beat that Tiger Woods. I have serious doubts about the authenticity of this report, and doubts about the reliability of the newspaper that printed it , but it is good for a laugh.

According to the North Korean media, he is a champion in everything. He is called a genius and they say he has written over 130 books which are published in all major languages in the world. Allegedly, he also has personally directed the production of 800 movies plus 400 films for children and 1000 documentary films. In the whole country there are tenthousands of statues, honor walls and pillars. In every village they have a 20m high pillar with a homage to him.

I have a book about North Korea written by the former ambassador of the GDR, who knew North Korea as an insider. That book is very revealing. Unfortunately it's only available in German. Northkore is a cult and it's insane.

The problem with all cults is, they cannot really change. They know they cannot open too much and allow people reality checks and communication with the outside world. These are always cosmetic changes. They know if they relax too much, they will lose control. A small crack in the dyke can result in the breakdown of the whole system. We have seen this in the former GDR in Germany.

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