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Date Posted: 07:22:43 09/01/04 Wed
Author: Tony Lang
Subject: Bahrain has its good points

Recently I reportedg and everything goes. A place where each weekend thousands of visitors from other Gulf States come for an orgy of sex and drink. That is one side of freedom, the negative side. But I have found that there is also a positive side. Bahrain has a television station that has an English channel. This channel has a quite brilliant program that discusses prevalent social issues.
It is headed by a young dynamic attractive woman in Western dress. I think its name is In Focus or On Focus.
Last night the guests were two professional Bahrain women who had set up some time ago a help line for the victims of child abuse, physical, and sexual. A subject that is really taboo in this part of the world. Something definatly to be swept under the carpet.
They claimed that the abuse of children in their experience is very widespread in the Gulf States. Also because of the culture and traditions of this part of the world it raises a host of problems that are totally different to the child abuse that exists in other parts of the world.
Let me give you an example. We were given the case of a twenty five year old young woman who from the age of ten had been regularly sexually assaulted by her father. She will be unable to marry because her father has taken away her virginity, and secondly her father will not let her marry in order to protect the family secrets. Her mother and hers sisters are aware of what is going on.
So why not just report it to the police?.
Well the problem is this, in a region where women are restricted in the job market. and if the father was locked up those women would have no means of support. So the mother and the sisters have pressured this young woman into keeping quiet and to let her father do what he wants.
Her loving father is also aware of her dilema and taunts her about it. Dear readers what advice do you have for this young woman. From the beginning the christian church has presented the image of God as that of Father. If the gospel is ever presented to this unfortunate woman what sort of picture of our God will she have.
Which of the Gulf states did this happen in. Because of the rule of confidentiality we were not told. But these things are slowly coming to light because of the freedom (not all of it good) that exists in Bahrain.
I regret that I brought such a sordid subject to this web site. But this is life to many people and until it is publicised it will continue. One of the main problems is that the victims of abuse get the same condemnation as the perpetrators. Sadly this is not just a problem of lack of education, these views we were told can be held by people who have Phds.

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