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Date Posted: 06:22:03 01/06/14 Mon
Author: Karl
Subject: Easiest yet, $5 and you're on the way to moucho $$$$

$5.00 TO $15,000.00

One time $5.00 investment nets thousands in just 14 days. You just need a premier or business paypal account, 30 minutes to post in 50 message boards, forums, chat rooms, and newsgroups based upon her birthday. You send just $5.00 to one of the 2 addresses below using paypal based upon when your birthday falls and just wait on the money.
So 2 simple steps.
1.send $5 to one of the addresses below, based on your birthday, using paypal.
2.remove the persons address and replace with your paypal address then post this article in 50 message boards, forums, chat rooms, and newsgroups. Make sure that when you send your $5.00 that you type in the subject line "HERE IS A $5 GIFT FOR YOU" this is to comply with IRS regulations. Now here are the addresses that you send to based upon your birthday. This really works fast.

If your birthday is from Jan.1 to June 30
send $5 through paypal to


If your birthday is from July 1 to Dec.31
send $5 through paypal to



Use the internet and searching for various news groups, ad posting
websites, on-line forums, message
boards, chat sites, discussions.

Log on any search engine like yahoo.com, google.com,

excite.com, etc., then search with the subject "money making message
board" or "classified ads"

You will find thousands and thousands of message boards and
companies like Adblaster.com, InetGiant.
com, LiveDeal.com, Adsubmitter.com etc=85

Click on them one by one and you will find the option ''post a new
message''. Then Post this article
as a ''new message'' by highlighting the text of this letter and
selecting copy then paste from the edit

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