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Subject: Machine won't make it through bodice/skirt seam

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Date Posted: 15:41:00 03/15/01 Thu
In reply to: 's message, "Attaching Skirt +" on 22:11:11 03/13/01 Tue

Do you think it would be easier to attach the bodice to the skirt of a solo dress using an industrial machine. I have a Kenmore and even with using the heaviest duty needle, the needle will not penetrate the thickest part of the skirt top. A friend just purchased a sewing machine (industrial?) that was used in high schools, has anyone ever purchased one of these machines?

-I haven't had any real problems with needle penetration when attaching the skirt and bodice, and I use a Kenmore computerized machine. I use a size 90 jeans needle, which has a sharp point to penetrate the layers. Use a short stitch length to avoid gaps if you skip a stitch occasionally. Loosen your tension slightly as you need more thread in each stitch because of the number of layers. You may need to hand wheel over the thickest front pleats, but it can be done. I've found the most difficult part to be holding and turning the seam under the presser foot. It is much easier to have someone help you with that part -- my 13 year old dancer has gotten very good at turning the bulk of the skirt
as I stitch.

-I prefer using my industrial machines on all of the dresses I make (including the class costumes), as I don't have to slow down at all. The only drawback is the cost of one of these machines, however, if you have a friend who has one, I would ask nicely, and be sure to wipe it down and clean it out prior to leaving.

-I make solo dresses (www.seamssewnice.com) and I use a Singer 20U33. I have 2, one as a back up. It does a 9MM zig zag for the embroidery and applique stitch, and is wonderful for sewing the dress together, I think it would sew through 3 layers of steel! Anyway, I also have acquired a brand new Brother industrial zigzag and the motor that I would love to sell. I don't need 3 machines. It is almost exactly the same as the 20U33. Let me know if you might be interested or pass the info on.
Mary Staffrey mstafrey@aol.com

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