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Subject: Amount in Skirt

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Date Posted: 16:08:46 03/11/01 Sun
In reply to: K 's message, "Vilene" on 17:43:53 03/10/01 Sat

I'm in the process of finishing my daughter's 2nd solo dress. I'm up to the part I dread...putting it together. My question is has anyone used the vilene from Irish Threads in Nova Scotia and how do you like it? Does it wear well in a dress? I have some of this, but I also have a much stiffer and thicker vilene as well and am not sure which to use. I used the thicker with the 1st dress and had an awful time sewing through it when I put all the pieces together. Also, on the first dress I did not put stiffener in the back of the dress, just the front panels, because I thought the back should be flowing. Am I supposed to put stiffener in the back of the dress?


-If you have two weights of vilene, why not use the lighter weight for the back and the heavier weight for the front panel, adding more layers as you see fit? I use the Irish threads stuff, and use one layer in the back, two in the sides and three of four even in the front. If you are using multiple layers, cut any more than two out of the seam allowance adding more as you see fit.

-I have also used the vilene from Irish Threads. Although there are other places you can get vilene, she carries the really wide stuff and she is SO nice and helpful if you have any questions re: how to use the vilene. I'd go with Irish Threads and ask questions when you order it.

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[> [> [> Subject: How many layers

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Date Posted: 16:32:34 10/10/01 Wed

I'm ready to put a dress together and would like to know how many layers of vilene to use for the front panel, sides, and back. I don't want to have any chance of accidental folding that might be permanent.

-I use 1 on the back, 2 on the sides and 3 or 4 in the front, depending on the size (bigger dresses usually get the most)

-We use 1 in the back and 2 on the sides and front with the irish threads boning in the front. Very light and flat

-We also used 2 in the front and side panels and 1 in the back... as for the boning... we placed it in the front, side panels, pleats (top and bottom) and put a small strip in the back because the panel kept caving in between my daughter's legs.. now its flat in the back, but still easy to dance in...looks great

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[> [> [> Subject: How Many Layers Survey 2004

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Date Posted: 13:58:13 01/12/05 Wed

Percent (Votes) Description:

15% (13) Three in front, 2 in sides, 1 in back plus boning
37% (32) Two in front & sides, 1 in back plus boning
12% (10) Two in front & sides, 1 in back NO boning
2% (2) One all the way around plus boning
20% (17) One all the way around NO boning
5% (4) Other, please explain in a post!

9% (8) I plan to use less stiffiner to make it lighter in the future

The results include 86 votes. The percentages are actually a little low since the last option could also be selected.

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