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Subject: LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) (ES18)

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Date Posted: 06:04:35 06/28/08 Sat

There are hundreds of immigrant-serving organizations in Canada. Many are staffed by former newcomers to Canada, who understand the challenges that immigrants may face. They usually have people available who speak your language and can accompany you as interpreters. Citizenship and Immigration Canada supports many of these organizations financially, helping
newcomers adapt to life in Canada.

Settling in will be much easier if you contact an immigrant-serving organization as soon as
you arrive. The people who work for these organizations can help you find a place to live and can answer your questions about shopping, education for your children, transportation, language training and other important matters.

Immigrant-serving organizations can help you:

find a place to live;

get your Social Insurance Number andhealth-care card;

enrol your children in school;

get language training;

find a family doctor;

find out about government and community services for newcomers;

look for a job;

develop a realistic budget; and

get emergency food aid, if it is needed.


In Quebec, the Ministère de l'Immigrationet des Communautés culturelles is organized into different regions. Each region has a local office, called a Carrefour d'intégration, which works with the immigrant-serving organizations to help newcomers adapt to life in Quebec.

Most immigrant-serving organizations offer, or can provide information on, the following
Government of Canada programs.

LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada)

LINC is a federal government program for all eligible adult immigrants.

It offers:

free language training for adult newcomers who want or need basic English or French;

language classes given by school boards, colleges and local organizations;

the choice of studying part-time, full-time, evenings or weekends, depending on your
needs and your schedule; and

transportation and child-minding, if necessary.
visit: <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/chapter3.htm">http://settlementincanada.50webs.com/chapter3.htm</a>

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