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Date Posted: 09:42:43 03/08/14 Sat
Author: Dr. John Peterson
Subject: LEARN ABOUT SEXUALLY EXCITING HERBS - also herbal sex drugs, sex fun tools and hobby items


Please go here to find sex toys and products to enhance potency and pleasure for men and women


Tools and toys for pleasant erotic massage and to play with your genital organs and all other sensual body parts. Exciting things to put in through your seintimate openings to make good feelings. Also pills and creams for women to enhance pleasure, intensify orgasms and to make stronger female functions. Perfumes to arouse and attract women and men. Pills, topicals and devices for penis and breast enhancement. Pills and creams to make bigger and better erections, increase pleasure and intensify orgasms. Remedies to prevent premature ejaculations.


Please go here to learn about herbs with sexual effects - also herbal aphrodisiacs:


Many common spices and vegetables as well as meny more exotic herbs have strong boosting effects on the sexual lust and ability, or can help solve sexual problems, especially if used in combination.

This page contains a short lexicon of these herbs and some products based on combinations of such herbs are presented.

yohimbe, damiana, cuscuta, cordyceps, ginger, cayenne, cardamom, ginseng, roseroot, hawthorn, raspberry, chinnamon, fo-ti, garlic and many more.


Help for many problems in all organ systems

Hemorrhoids, edema, hypothyroidism, poor concentration and memory, heart problems, over-weight, urinary tract infection, yeast infection, endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, constipation, Somach problems like IBS - irritable nowel syndrome,acne, vitiligo, aging symptoms, AIDS, allergies, Alzheimers disease/dementia, angina,
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Advices and Products for good health, fitness and sex

A lot of good advices to cure common health problems and to give generally good fitness and health. You will also find advices for training, to keep yourself young, to get muscular strength and to get good condition. You can also read advices for excining sex activities, including rectal and genital masturbation.


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Hemorrhoids - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options

By Knut Holt

By hemorrhoids the veins in or around the anus, or in the lower rectum are swollen and often also inflamed. Hemorrhoids inside the rectum are called internal hemorrhoids, and those in the anal area external ones. Studies have shown that 1 out of 3 persons below the age of 50 will suffer from hemorrhoids. 1 out of 2 persons over the age of 50 is affected by this condition.


Hemorrhoids give these symptoms:

-Swollen veins in the anal area or inside the rectum.


-Tears in the swollen veins and bleeding from the tears.

-Coagulated blood in the veins making hard lumps.

-The hemorrhoids may lead to permanent lumps, scars or thickened area after the initial healing.


Before hemorrhoids form, there is usually an increased pressure in the veins of the anal area, for example due to over-filled intestines, due to constipation and thereby straining to get hard stool out during toilet visits, or due to frequent diarrhoea.

The veins have valves preventing the blood from flowing backwards. The increased pressure makes the segment of a vain right after a valve to swell up like a balloon.

The blood in the swollen vein segment then coagulates, making a hard lump that clogs the vein, and the clogged vein segment then gets infected and inflamed.

The inflamed hemorrhoids may then tear, so that the content empties and the vein bleeds. After emptying its content, the vein heals, but may develop a residing scar.

Other times the content of the hemorrhoids is dissolved and the vein heals without rupturing, but also now a permanent thickened or hardened vein segment may form.


Since hemorrhoids are caused by conditions making increased pressure in the anal veins, like lazy colon, constipation or diarrhoea, the ultimate cause of hemorrhoids are factors causing these conditions. Such factors are:

-Lack of fibre in the daily diet

-Drinking too less water.

-Consuming too less fat, or the opposite too much fat.

-Lack of daily physical exercise.

Cramping or prolonged tension in the anal sphincter and the muscles around the rectal opening seems to restrict the blood stream from the anal area back towards the heart, and thus also contribute to hemorrhoids. Nervous or psychological processes may cause tension in these muscles.

Hemorrhoids are a very common complication by pregnancy. The hormonal stimulation during pregnancy causes the vessels in the anal area to dilate. The weight of the foetus and the straining during childbirth will further cause a marked pressure increase in the already dilated vessels, with hemorrhoids as a consequence.

Heavy muscular work or heavy lifting can increase the pressure in the anal vessels and contribute to hemorrhoids. Conditions that weaken the tissue in the anal area may also contribute to development of hemorrhoids, for example inflammations, allergies or high age.


Sometimes hemorrhoids require surgical or other medical intervention. However, in many cases you can do much yourself to prevent, alleviate or cure the condition. Since cancer or other serious conditions sometimes resemble hemorrhoids or cause hemorrhoids, newly detected hemorrhoids should always be medically investigated.

1. Lifestyle adjustments

Lifestyle measures to prevent or cure an inactive colon, an overfilled colon and constipation, will also help to prevent or cure hemorrhoids. Such measures are:

* A diet with enough fibre, containing whole corn cereals, whole corn bread, vegetables and fruit.

* Using natural oils in the food that gives the intestinal content a soft consistency, like olive oil, sunflower oil, rape oil and soy oil.

* Some daily exercise.

* Drinking enough water.

2. Agents to regulate the digestive function

You can use certain natural products to regulate your digestive functions and this will also help against hemorrhoids:

* Bran added to your diet has high fibre content, and will stimulate the intestines to contract better and pass its content more rapidly.

* Linen seeds will make the stool softer so that it is passed better through the intestines.

3. Topical balms or ointments

You can find topical balms on the market to apply onto the affected area. The balms contain ingredients that penetrate through the skin into the swollen blood vessels and anal muscles, or are transported through the tissue fluids upwards in the intestinal wall. Other ingredients remain on the affected area as a protecting and lubricating sheet. The effects of these ingredients are.

* Alleviating inflammation and itching.

* Stimulating tissue healing.

* Alleviating cramping in the rectal sphincter.

* Dissolving coagulated blood.

* Killing bacteria that cause infection in the affected area.

* Lubricating the rectal opening or the end part of the rectum to make the stool pass more easily.

4. Oral products to treat hemorrhoids

You can also find oral pills or capsules to help against hemorrhoids with the following effects:

* Giving the stool a greater volume so that the intestines manage better to get hold of it and work it through.

* Giving the stool a smoother consistency so that it passes more easily through the intestinal system and rectal opening.

* Alleviating cramping and irregular contractions in intestinal system.

* Stimulating the regular and effective contraction of the intestines.

* Alleviating inflammation and itching.

* Stimulating tissue healing.

5. Enemas

If there is a hard constipation aggravating the hemorrhoids, a small enema can help to empty the colon and the rectum, and also help to cure the hemorrhoids. However, big enemas can increase the intestinal pressure and aggravate the condition.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. TO FIND anti-aging supplements and natural medicines against hypothyroidism, joint pain, heart disease, hemorrhoids, depression, acne, eczema, rosacea, scars, wrinkles, other skin problem and much more PLEASE VISIT his web-site:----


----Free to reprint with the author's name and link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

About Smoking Addiction

By Knut Holt

The addiction to smoking, which implies addiction to the substance nicotine has several components. The better one is aware of these components and understand them, the better is the chance for succeeding in stopping the smoking habit. Here is a survey of the components that addiction to smoke consist of.


To some extend the habit of smoking is a product of socialization. Socialization is simply the tendency to repeat patterns of behaviour one sees other persons in the society exhibit. Socialisation is one major way children and young people learn social skills. Children and teenagers learn skills necessary to live and work in the society by a socialisation process. Unfortunately also bad habits and bad ways of thinking are learned the same way.

If one lives or works together with other smoking individuals, one will more or less automatic adopt these individuals' smoking habits. If one then tries to break out of the social structure, one will feel anxiety for not being accepted any more by the social group one is a part of.

If the other individuals also make moves to threaten or freeze out an individual trying to brake this bad social standard, the difficulty of breaking out of the habit will be even greater. The threatening actions may not even be very serious to frighten a person from braking out of such a socially standardized habit, and may not even be meant as a threat.


Every person have a need for sucking and chewing. This need is necessary in early infanthood, but it also persists into adult life to some degree. Some persons use cigarettes or other smoking devices and the smoke as a means to satisfy this need. There is a hypothesis that this need is greater by some adults then by others because this need, or some other similar basic need, has not been fully satisfied in early infanthood.

If you want to stop smoking, you can try to satisfy this need by other means, for example by always keeping something in your pocket that you can put in your mouth to chew at when the need for smoke appears.


When a person have done something many times and frequently enough, there will be created a pattern of automatic repetition of that particular behaviour. This is especially true if the particular action is done in a distinct recognizable situation.

The pattern of automatic repetition also have the effect of making a person feel safer in the daily life and routines.

Such a pattern of automatic repetition is always a component in the smoking habit. It you want to quit smoking, you should make an investigation to find out in which situations and which environments you usually take a cigarette.

Then try to avoid these situations or environments where you use to smoke, or to deliberately alter these situations.


Nicotine has a tranquilizing effect upon nervous feelings. At the same time it has some anti-depressive effect, at least in the short run, and it makes a person feel more awake. A person suffering from nervousness or from depressive symptoms may feel that the smoking helps him against his mental symptoms.

However, gradually there will be a need for steadily higher doses of nicotine to give these good effects, and if there is a lack of nicotine in the body, the nervous or depressive feelings will be greater than before.

This gratification, but with the need for steadily higher doses to get the good effects is a major incentive for the smoking habit. You should consider if this anti-depressive or tranquilizing effect is a reason for your smoking. Then you should try to find other ways to achieve the same effect. Engaging in some sport or outdoor life will often make you feel less depressed. If the depressive feelings are more serious, some appropriate treatment can be necessary.


There is to some degree a plain and direct pleasure connected with smoking. This pleasure is in itself a good effect. This good effect is probably in most cases too small compared to the painful effects of smoking, but will gives a temptation for an individual to continue the habit. However, also this pleasure effect will gradually be difficult to obtain without increasing the doses.

If the plain pleasure of smoking is a main reason for your habit, then you should try to find other sources of pleasure instead, for example some good food, some good music or some erotic action.


Not all people get equally easy dependent of nicotine. There are factors yet not fully understood that make some people more easily addicted than others. Perhaps some persons have receptors on their nerve cells that more easily get trigged by nicotine than others, or perhaps some people have more receptors with the ability to get trigged by nicotine, and this is inherited in the genetic code.


The normal brain has signal substances with a tranquilizing effect, and substances with a stimulating effect upon nerve cells. Like most narcotic substances, nicotine act like a signal substance by fitting into receptors on some brain cells.

Nicotine attaches itself to some receptors and thus give the nerve cell having these receptors a signal. The cells getting such a signal from nicotine, will react by secreting another signal substance, dopamine that influence still other cells. Dopamine will tranquilize some brain cells and stimulate others, and the total effect of this is the pleasurable effects of smoking.

However, when nicotine steadily induces dopamine release, the brain will gradually decrease the production of dopamine when nicotine is not present, and the brain will feel a steadily greater need for nicotine to work normally and feel well.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. TO FIND anti-aging supplements and natural medicines against hypothyroidism, joint pain, heart disease, hemorrhoids, depression, acne, eczema, rosacea, scars, wrinkles, other skin problem and much more PLEASE VISIT his web-site:


Free to reprint with the author's name and link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

About Stinging Nettle and its Use as Food and Medicine

Most people regard stinging nettle, Urtica dioica, as a bothersome weed and generally try to tidy it away from the environment. You can however make tasty dishes of this plant and you can use it to improve your health.

The plant is composed of a central root system, horizontal and generally hided stalks growing out from the root and vertical stalks growing up from those horizontal ones with leaves and flowers. The leaves sit around the stalks all the way to the top in young sprouts. Eventually there develops a top with a lot of green flowers sitting around. The root and the horizontal stalks live for many years, and the vertical ones grow up each spring.

You should harvest this plant and cook it as a dish and use it as a health remedy in the form of teas or extracts.


Young stalks that are in the process of growing up in the springtime are the best material to use from this plant. You can however also use the soft tops of older stalks and you can harvest only the leaves by gripping around the stalks and pulling the leaves off with an upward movement. When harvesting this plant you must of course use glows on your hands.

You then must flush the material with water to remove sand and soil and cut it up in smaller pieces. Then you can boil it as a vegetable. You must not spill the water from the boiling process since that contains a lot of good nutrients. Use it in your dishes or drink it as a tea. When boiled for some time, the plant do not sting any more.

You can also dry the plant and then store it for later use either as a tea or as a vegetable. You can press the juice out of it or you can make extracts of stinging nettle.

Stinging nettle can also be used as a very well tasting ingredient in soups. To use it as a remedy for diseases, it is often best to make teas and extracts from it. By making teas and extracts, you can use much more plant material than you manage to consume as a dish and thereby increase the dose of the effective substances. For this type of use you can also process the vertical stalks.


There are much calcium and much iron in stinging nettle and the plant contains more protein than most other vegetables. When fresh it contains a high amount of vitamin K, but that content goes down by drying.

There are much trace minerals in stinging nettle because the plant grows in nutritious soils that are not over-exploited. Many of these trace minerals are necessary for a good health. The good effect from the plant upon the health is partly due to the high content of trace minerals.

Stinging Nettle - How to Use It As Food and As a Health Remedy
By Knut Holt

Dishes, teas and extracts made from this plant help to strengthen the health generally and to keep the body young. It has an especially good rejuvenating effect upon the brain functions and for the skin. The rejuvenating effect upon the skin can often be seen after a few days if you consume a good portion of stinging nettle each day.

Stinging nettle promotes a good kidney function and enhances urine production. It is a good remedy for prostate hyperplasia. The improvement of urin production can alleviate water retention and help by heart and circulatory problems. The plant may also give better milk production for nursing mothers.

Stinging nettle counteracts inflammation and pain, and can therefore be used against inflammatory diseases like rheumatic conditions and allergies. It is a good remedy for respiratory conditions like sinusitis, rhinitis, hey fever and asthma. It is good to sooth irritated skin with, and is a good remedy for eczema, and for these purposes teas and watery extracts of the herb can be both drunk and applied onto the skin.

The plant may help to cure anemia and other blood deficiencies partly due to the iron content. Juices, teas and extracts of newly harvested plants are good against bleeding because of the high content of vitamin K. Remedies made from the dried plant has lost the blood stilling effect. Drugs made from the dried plant are instead good for thinning of the blood.


No serious effects of stinging nettle have been reported. The stinging sensation by touch from the plant at the bare skin is of course the most obvious side effect of stinging nettle. Coming in contact with the fresh plant can also cause eczema that lasts for some days.

Sometimes stinging nettle mildly irritates the digestive tract, and materials from the flowering herb or from plants having flowered may irritate the urinary organs. You should therefore be cautious about the amount you use of the plant after it has begun flowering.

You should be cautious when using the plant as a medicine if you use blood thinners, use medication for high blood pressure or during pregnancy.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. ----TO FIND natural supplements to help slimming and to help for diseases like: Cold, flu, allergies, acne, eczema, hypothyroidism, fatigue, depression, hemorrhoids, joint pain, hypertension, high cholesterol, circulatory problems, digestive ailments, rheumatism and more, PLEASE VISIT:---


----Free to reprint with the author's name and link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

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