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What's In The Cards
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Subject Author Date Msgs
Joe Biden gets booed at Congressional Baseball Game (NT)Nothing to see here, folksSun October 03, 2021 17:32:286
Biden' s doing so badly, it wouldn't surprise me if he faces a primary challenger in 2024 (NT)Assuming he runs again ( he'll be 81)Sat September 25, 2021 19:35:1211
Tucker Carlson and Trump should get together and put on a 'replacement theory' pity party and whine about how whites are being treated 'poorly'. They forget that the US IS a country of Immigrants. (NT)Trumpers say they love Tucker because he tells the 'truth'??Sun September 26, 2021 18:27:411
Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley, 88, announces he'll run for re-election in 2022Need more proof that US Sen. is the easiest job ever?Fri September 24, 2021 13:49:552
Arizona 'Cyber Ninjas' results are in. President Biden received more votes and Trump lost votes, so Biden WINS Arizona. A BIG waste of time and money because we already knew the results. (NT)Now, to stop the voter suppression laws in red states!Fri September 24, 2021 17:15:281
Internal memo reveals that Trump campaign knew the election fraud claims were false all along (NT)This is the smoking gun, folksTue September 21, 2021 18:58:203
"Justice for J6" rally is a bust (NT)Draws more reporters than protestersSat September 18, 2021 15:14:1111
I'm GLAD President Biden is making sure ALL Americans are vaccinated because the 35% who whine and cry about their 'freedom' and refuse are the ones who are making sure COVID19 won't end. (NT)They are also the reason we have to keep wearing masksMon September 13, 2021 18:30:0013
Elizabeth Warren recently traveled across the country for the express purpose of keeping a black man from being elected Gov. Of Calif. (NT)What a massive racist she must beWed September 08, 2021 01:59:017
GW Bush and VP Harris spoke in Pennsylvania. Biden, Obama and Clinton were at Ground Zero AND at a memorial service for 9/11 victims. Biden will also go to PA and the Pentagon today. (NT)Trump went to a NYC police station. then FL for boxing eventSat September 11, 2021 20:00:262
Biden caught on camera checking his watch during transfer of soldiers killed in action. (NT)Disgraceful.Mon August 30, 2021 18:13:3612
Ann Coulter tweet- "Joe Biden had the balls to do what Trump didn't - end the war in Afghanistan". (NT)Wow!Wed September 01, 2021 15:24:532
Sad when 13 US soldiers died in the bombing in Kabul, and also SAD that at least 600,000 Americans DIED before Biden took office because Trump pretended COVID19 wasn't that bad and would 'disappear'. (NT)Even Moscow Mitch said that Biden will not be ImpeachedThu September 02, 2021 19:47:051
Biden spent the first few weeks of his term reversing and overturning Trump policies. Yet he left the Afghanistan policy untouched. (NT)How can he thus blame Trump for a policy he didn't change?Sat August 28, 2021 19:29:4213
Does DeSantis want to kill his voters in Florida? Glad a judge said he's not allowed to make mandates against wearing masks in schools. He's scared of his loudmouth base who are from the Dark Ages. (NT)Trump CONS, now losing over 900 unvaccinated every daySun August 29, 2021 20:11:423
Joe Biden's incompetence has now cost American lives (NT)What a doddering old fool!Thu August 26, 2021 14:36:5513
Did you hear that Biden fell THREE times while boarding Air Force one recently?Of course you didn't.Tue August 24, 2021 16:26:4110
I read that Steve Bannon and his reichtwingers are planning a march and protest for the 'freedom patriots' that have been arrested for January 6th Insurrection. He expects 'millions' to descend on DC (NT)On September 18th. But CAN they get a permit?Fri August 20, 2021 16:40:338
Joe Biden needs to have a stroke. (NT)A stroke of genius and resign.Wed August 25, 2021 11:56:543
Pillowman now says Trump will be reinstated before New Year's Eve. Why is Trump still having rallies? Hasn't he made enough money off his cult members? He acts like he's still in office. Dementia? (NT)Just forget it, Pillowman. Go cry on one of your pillows.Tue August 24, 2021 20:35:071
International TV Academy rescinds the Emmy it gave to Cuomo for his Covid briefingsI don't get itTue August 24, 2021 16:12:111
The FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine, but the Wingnuts will just move the goalposts and keep being stupid (NT)"Ah don' trust the gubmint unless Trump's in charge ..."Mon August 23, 2021 10:47:163
Now the reichtwing CONS are demanding President Biden be Impeached for leaving Afghanistan. It ain't gonna happen, not with this Congress and NOT with most of us Americans. :). (NT)Evacuations are ongoing, but CONS say it's Benghazi2Fri August 20, 2021 16:45:064
Well, they ruined a great TV show. "Brooklyn 99" got all "woke" last night (NT)Guess it's good that this is the last season.Fri August 13, 2021 15:11:095
It's absurd that Biden is taking blame for the COVID situation (NT)When the problem is anti-vax WingnutsMon August 23, 2021 10:35:451
Inflation, rising gas prices, chaos at the border, Taliban retaking Afghanistan...By any measure, Biden's presidency has been a disasterFri August 13, 2021 14:57:415
In 2001, the US Congress voted 400- 1 to authorize military force in Afghanistab (NT)The sole no vote was by Rep. Barbara Lee of CaliforniaTue August 17, 2021 13:53:504
Before CONS whine about Afghanistan I KNEW this would happen. Afghanistan is made up of a series of tribes, and 300,000 Afghan troops went back to their tribes instead of fighting the Taliban.. (NT)We now need to evacuate our people AND the helpful AfghansSun August 15, 2021 15:44:201
Interesting census numbers.Sat August 14, 2021 15:39:073
Happy Reinstatement Day to Everyone!!! (NT)ROFL!Fri August 13, 2021 09:32:532
I saw a photo of Day 2 of Pillowman's 'symposium'. Pretty much empty chairs. The talk is now Trump will be reinaugurated on September 18 in DC according to a 'new campaign manager'. (NT)DC needs to be ready when the MAGAts attack againThu August 12, 2021 15:58:472
NY Atty. Gen. Issues scathing report on Gov. Andrew Cuomo, says he sexually harassed multiple women (NT)Top Dems, including Pres. Biden, say he must resignTue August 03, 2021 17:04:152
Pillowman has changed the date for 'proof' that Trump won. Now he says the 'evidence' won't be ready to take to the Supreme Court until the end of August or beginning of September. He has NO PROOF. (NT)Meanwhile, the Qanon and Oaf Keepers are getting antsyWed August 04, 2021 17:03:362
Pillowman says his symposium will be held in S Dakota (Aug10,11,12) and that he will bring 'proof' so the Supreme Court will believe that Trump 'won' and demand that Biden and Harris resign on Aug 13. (NT)I think he's on cocaine again or has gone insaneTue July 27, 2021 19:59:341
After watching the House hearing on January 6th, I have a feeling that the CONS are going to regret not being a part of the committee, because they won't be able to object to ANYONE called to tesitfy. (NT)The Insurrection will NEVER go away. It is our history.Tue July 27, 2021 15:29:041
The whole state of Arizona was found to have less than 200 'questionable' votes. Four voters (2 Dems, 2 Reps) were charged with voter fraud. Maricopa County found only ONE case of voter fraud! (NT)How can Trump keep claiming 'massive voter fraud'???Sun July 18, 2021 17:31:413
A Trumper just got 8 months prison sentence for invading the US Capitol on January 6th. The first of many. How come Trump didn't issue a blanket pardon to all his MAGAts before he left office? (NT)Want to bet that Trump is out playing golf and doesn't care?Mon July 19, 2021 17:45:032
McCarthy showed his fake 'outrage' that Speaker Pelosi decided not to have 2 of his partisan hacks in the investigation about the Insurrection on January 6th, so he whined and withdrew everyone else. (NT)McCarthy wants it all to 'go away' BUT he can't stop itWed July 21, 2021 15:57:271
Trump admits he lied to his base and said that it's because many political enablers disappointed him by their disloyalty to him, so he used 'disinformation' because his base loves to hear him say it. (NT)The more disinformation, the more donations to TrumpTue July 20, 2021 18:39:181
Cuba's been Communist for 62 years, and NOW they're protesting? (NT)What took so long?Sat July 17, 2021 02:09:021
Mike Lindell now says trump will be back in office Aug 13.TellerTue July 06, 2021 19:32:576
Red states are starting to dismiss nonpartisan election officials in charge of counting and certifying elections. They want state legislators to decide who counts the votes. Guess which party 'wins'? (NT)Red states are trying to turn into mini banana republicsThu July 15, 2021 17:02:351
I'm not able to transfer a copy of the 7 steps to put Trump back in the White House that are being handed out to the audience in Dallas. But here are the basic actions:Those are the main points, which are beyond credibilitySun July 11, 2021 20:52:063
I saw a reporter interviewing a female soldier in Afghanistan. (NT)She said "I wasn't even born when the war started!"Tue July 06, 2021 19:37:411
Last night, Tucker Carlson called a decorated soldoer "a stupid pig" & later on, had on Marjorie Taylor Greene & acted like she was a rational, sane personCarlson is truly vileFri June 25, 2021 14:49:233
Another Trump rally tomorrow---July 3rd in Sarasota, Florida. It will be the same old drivel: I won, voter fraud, Democrats are evil, the border is a disaster, the US is being destroyed, etc... (NT)Just another boring rally so Trump can make moneyFri July 02, 2021 16:44:533
Melania Trump was snubbed by Vogue magazine for 4 years. Now they have Jill Biden on the cover with the headline "A First Lady For All Of Us" (NT)That's gotta hurtTue June 29, 2021 19:17:232
Anyone going to Trump's 'pity party' in Ohio today? I don't know if it will be on TV (maybe on FOX) because it's only going to be more of the same old whining and insults, along with the BIG LIE.. (NT)Trump 'won' is getting so boringSat June 26, 2021 16:39:351
Remember when the news was about telling you the day's events, not about getting you riled up? (NT)?Mon June 21, 2021 14:29:492
Rudy Giuliani's law license suspended in NYFor lying about the electionThu June 24, 2021 14:25:233
Blacks already had MLK Day. Now they have Juneteenth as well (NT)Will the pandering ever stop?Fri June 18, 2021 15:21:353
It really doesn't matter what actually happens nat the Biden Putin summit (NT)Since Fox and Wingut Nation already have their narrativeTue June 15, 2021 18:38:214
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