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Date Posted: 23:07:12 05/15/18 Tue
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Subject: a

Congratulatory Message to “Save The Children West Visayas”Recipient of Rafael M. Salas Population and Development AwardFrom H.E. Carmelita R. Salas, Philippine Ambassador to the Czech Republic and widow of Rafael M. SalasCommission on Population Awards Evening14 March 2008Century Park Hotel, Manila, PhilippinesIt is an honour for me, thousand of miles away, to have been invited by Executive Director Tomas Osias to be part of an evening when the Commission On Population recognizes “Save the Children West Visayas” for the Rafael M. Salas Population and Development Award.On an occasion like this, I find no better place to go for what to say than to Rafael Salas himself. As he moved from being a student leader organizing the country’s student organizations into one potent force in Philippine politics, to the halls of Malacanang and finally into the international scene ofthe United Nations in New York, in all the years I knew him, I never saw him waver in his commitment to public service. From the very first time I met him in 1965 to the last day we spoke twenty one years later, he was focused on a path towards his vision for a better world. Paeng left the Philippines in 1969. He had resigned as Executive Secretary to the President, an office then of such relevance, that it was referred to as the “little presidency”. He had accepted a United Nations offer to head a small Trust Fund of the Secretary General meant to deal with the issue of World Population. He deeply believed, at the United Nations he could makea difference in a major issue confronting the world – the link between population and development. And he did. Paeng travelled a vast world for causes he believed in and at his death, the UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar spoke of “the footsteps of a man of enduring achievement”.This evening, he would have applauded the outstanding achievement of SaveThe Children West Visayas. A West Visayan himself, he would have felt special warmth for the organization.. An international civil who said of himself “… that whatever I may be and whatever I may become, I
proudly wear the cloak of my Filipino heritage. Whatever I may do ultimately has its roots in the soil of our homeland” , the Filipino Rafael Salas would have been deeply proud of its noteworthy accomplishments.Allow me this evening, on behalf of my sons and myself, personally, to congratulate the men and women who have brought “Save the Children West Visayas” to where it stands today, recognized for its impressive record in working for the world’s most precious assets – the children. May this award inspire you to look to the future confident in your capacity to face andsurmount the challenges ahead and even stronger in your determination that our children are protected from harms’ way and nurtured to be the best that they can be. The future lies in their hands.It seems but fitting to bring to you on this singular occasion a haiku Rafael Salas wrote one clear night in Negros.The Southern Cross clearin the sky, A child alone sees future in stars End of Message. Nothing FollowsCheck against deliver

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