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Subject: One Family, One Spirit: Alumni Annual Dinner 2008 (31 May, Sat)

Ka Po
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Date Posted: 16:59:27 05/13/08 Tue

Dear old boys,

The Marist Schools Alumni Association (MSAA), officially restructured last September from the former SFX Alumni Association, is pleased to organise the Annual Dinner this year, with details below:

Date: 31 May 2008 (Saturday)
Time: Reception at 6pm, Dinner at 8pm
Venue: Yi Yat Hin, The Police Sports and Recreation Club, 430 Sai Yeung Choi Street North, Mongkok, Kowloon
Ticket: $400, ($300 for F.5 graduates of 2003 or later)
Web site: http://xaverians.net
Mahjong entertainment is available starting 4:30pm

Registration: Please use this form, or download it here:

For enquiries:
Tsuen Wan Alumni contact: Daniel Lai (96558738), Chong Man Ho (91517143)
Kowloon Alumni contact: Alvin Wong (93417717), Chow Ka Po (92198105)

As a fine heritage and tradition to foster the bonding among the old boys from the two SFX schools in Hong Kong, annual dinner is the event of the year where the most of us can enjoy a reunion with our beloved Brothers, teachers and buddies. While MSAA encompasses old boys of different decades, at varying stages of life, having received the education and intellectual guidance from numerous Marist Brothers, our spirit remains one, permeated with the dedicated mission and love by all Brothers. Do make use of this occasion to share your gratitude with the Brothers, and exchange your blessings in life with all peers in our big family gathering!

We look forward to seeing you!

With best regards,
St Francis Xavier's College Alumni Association

The Annual Dinner 2008 is jointly organised by MSAA(HK), SFXC (Kowloon) Alumni, and SFXS (Tsuen Wan) Alumni

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