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Date Posted: 12:51:49 06/14/08 Sat
Author: jenny wren
Subject: God talks of life with abraham

God talking to Abraham of olde'
GOD Talks With Abraham
Paul has written;

"If I only have faith in this life that I now live, I would be a person most miserable and should be pitied."

This life is our testing days for true life, to come,

so many people fail miserably, at taking these tests for their own life.


(This fictional Story could Be Happening, even as we speak. Of this story, that: a Jenny Wren, has been telling to me)


..I can just see.........God as he is looking down from the Heavens upon his now creation,

Talking with Abraham of old testament days,

Abraham is standing there beside of God, who is now pondering over the view,

listening to God as he stood expounding upon the situation of His once great Creation Earth,

The Creation which (had once) in the beginning, had thrilled Gods own heart to look upon it.

And now to see before him, hanging there in space, the earth and what is has now become.

God is declaring;

"Take money Abe,, why Abraham, mankinds money is still only a part of my creation, it is only paper and ore, think about that!!!!"

God paused in his reverence of thought, then He continues, (as if trying to straighten the world out, in his mind.) The How's and whys of his great creation mankind that he had esteemed above any other.

God finishes in his thought to Abraham. "yet, My created people now kill, lie, cheat, steal, swindle, and misuse, this paper and ore, why it seems; they have forgotten the real value of it's 'true worth',"

He pauses with a surprised

"Hum, Abraham, the only real and truly valuable things of earth is their Soul and Spirit, and what is done for their Savior,

(and of course their neighbor.)

But old greedy Self, sits right there on each of most mans heart throne,

(of near 90% of earth's people)


...... they do not even realize, that they are dying each and every day.,

that each life living this day,

is simply just one day nearer to their eternal home,

Heaven or Hell.

God now, shifts about in his stance,

resting mostly upon his left side, as he turns and then leans,

against the big Gate, of the entrance to Heaven.

then he ponders on,

"It seems that the majority of the people know of their choice, but do not accept my good plans for each of them,

It seems they each want to make a type of heaven, for themselves on the earth,

different than that the plans I now have for each of them.

yes they are forever putting off until tomorrow, making their own choice, of serving me,

living a good life while on earth, it seems:

the most of them put all things off until tomorrow, then,

before you know it,

the wait is over.

The time for each one of them has come to die, God smiles with a frown,

It is then, they act as if death here on this earth, is a completely total surprise, that they are also mortal?. "

(that they will actually die, after their allotted time is finally over,

each one of them seems to want to feel cheated,

in some way?)

they have watched it happen all around them, but it seems that each of them,

think them selves to be better than the other one that just died,


when it is their time to lay on their death-bed, It suddenly dawns on them, just how they have wasted this true and best treasure,

That I have given to each of them,------

called life,

Abraham now shakes His head and said,

as he stood remembering how the people would not listen in His day either,

finally spoke

Not even remembering what you God, have promised to your people,

Why, they would not even listen, let along hear Noah,

As he made the ark of Safety as you Lord,

as you had given him instruction--. He was just about to mention others, Elijah and Elisha, this..

when the Master spoke again after a pause,

then God continues,

"Take land; My son' Who really owns the land?',

all of it?"

(Abraham knew who owns it, but looks with questioning eyes.)

God shakes his head

saying as if to reaffirm his seniority..

" WHY God himself!

It is MINE,I created it,

it is God's, not a governments land,,

not one piece of it, All of it,

IT belongs to ME, God!"

(There was some disgust in his powerful voice now.)

" why Abraham, think of this,

the bodies of any man or beast;

they are made from simple molecule, from what they eat, from MY created earth,

why, If I decide to simply pull away the gravity for a moment's time,

What do you think would happen then,?

only minute particles of earthen matter,

would explode into space and man would be no more,

Man who God createdonly, for His own pleasure

with His own hands."

God shakes his (weary of it all) head, saying

"They are dead to their world,

How can I make them realize that?

The only true wealth is the spirit

that is encased inside of man's decaying tomb,

That. man calls 'his body' why even that body of his is not even his, to begin with,

it is a piece of MY creation."



Suddenly a smile of remembrance crosses God's weary face.,

God said to Abraham,

(with a smile caressing his lips,)

"I even heard one of MY LITTLE ONES , talking,

she was trying to explain to another child,
she said it like this

(God is now quoting one of His little children)

" why mary,
We depend every day upon our Lord,------- to ....to even live,

every any of us
without realizing it.

If God would right now, decide to say,

"I am tired of playing with big old creation!"
(then If he just said to the airhe makes for us to breathe,)

"come away, come away air,.... do not flow over the earth,any more, ...............
come away Sun,..........

do not put any more heat to the earth.any more,....

Do not send any more of your light there,

I am tired of playing, with this old thing i created,"

(he is up-set, God is upset at us,) he is crying

"look what 'man' has done to my beautiful Earth."

God smiles at the truths spoken
by this wise child of His.


God now reminds himself,

"that is a brave
child, one that will,
one day out in the future,
be commended for this telling"

Yes I will remember this;,

then he returned in
back to His old friend Abraham,, who

is still standing by the gate with him.

"You know what Abe.," said God, "I thought
I could scare them into waking-up,

if I began all over again, with just
your Noah's family, when He wa s living there

living, on the earth."

He is reminiscing again of His earth,

people of the past,
present and the future,

God sighs,

" you KNow what?.... I even went to earth myself Noah,
I lived there as a man and died for them, as a
sacrifice.(He remembers them killing his body he lived in,and winced,)

I became that 'human-lamb' to be slaughtered
for sins.,

dying on an old wooden cross
(made from
a tree that I myself had created,
for that very

yes, I died a human death and arose again,
I became a living example for them,

of how to live,


and live again.

(God heaving his massive chest in disgust.)

"They now break 'all' of my commandments,

they take no heed to breaking marriage vows,

they kill each other,

Killing tiny Babies inside of the Mother's wombs

he spit the words out,
("then pitch as plain garbage"),

They do not feel any remorse, it seems.


They have even taken My United States,

(I once was pleased with it as my own second Country,)

It was great!,

I really blessed them Abraham,

for doing such great deeds,

helping each other as neighbors should,

but look at them now.

Just look at them now,

they seem to be the worst of the lot.

They talk of loving God,

freely with their mouth,

but hearts are far from me,

why, if I (GOD) came to their door,
they would never even know me,

Would probably shoo me away.

' His eyes grow misty at this thought,

"How?, How on earth?,

can someone made
in the image of God


become so wrong
and so uncaring,

never appreciate anything
that I have ever done for them?

It seems;

like Satan and his angels
have driven them to the vilest acts,

that He alone could think of to do,
My Children are killing other,children.


My story suddenly stopped here,
then two months later comes 911
(written on the 12 or 13 of Sept.)

Suddenly: it continued:

Such as; "Oh look,!.......... Look!,
look over there, inside the U.S. see, look Abraham,!

....area of New York.-----He gasps.

"Oh look Abraham,

what the 'in-human, human beings'

are capable of doing to each other and to themselves... "

The scene is watched from Heavens portals:

"The men in those planes Abe,!

Oh My,

those poor men have been convinced

that they are actually doing something good....

oh no,!!!

look at man's own creation

the big tall buildings,

that stood so grand, Look Abe,
both are falling down,
as if they are mere anthills,

Oh My, such death and destruction,

oh, when will my Creation learn?.

that the things of Earth are perishable?

They live as if their lives

are going last forever

in this living in sin..

well hear that?



to that!?

I can hear this already, they are saying,

"why on Earth, did 'God' let this happen?"


God pauses to send reinforcing angels.
'Oh=== Look', shouts Abraham, pointing a long accusing finger,

In another direction.

(They God and Abraham, are astounded,
as He finished talking)

just as God turns to look;

"Over by the capitol of the U.S. 'look'!" shouts Abe

a big part of one of the main buildings has been blown to bits with an airplane,

of all things,

there stood the partial heap of rubble and dead bodies,

God stops talking suddenly

(holding a shushing, finger to his lips,

Hear that?

He whispered loudly to abelistening intently,

He suddenly grew excited, "Abraham,, hear that,? I hear 'prayers' coming from people, many prayers,
coming to me,"

a pause as God listened
with tears in His eyes.

"HA, Satan,

YOU surely was not counting on this,!?.

Man is finally calling out God
for help once more,
Their angels are there,
His Saints are busy praying,

they know that 'I AM 'Help' in any need, they may have,"

another pause

"America finally knows they need me,
once more!,

They even pray for their Government,
asking Me 'what to do',?

Even their President is calling on me,

well, I-AM ready,

should they want MY advice,

most of them, already now,

feel shame because they expelled me from schools,

Little children, cannot pray to me, any more,

they are trying to take away everything,that is good ,
that I taught their forefathers,

there is such a few

to stand up against the many,
holding the light for all to see..

God shakes his white head in amazement,

as he looks back at Earth,

"look how

the most of them,
my poor created man, still act now ....,oh Abraham,
it is
so sad,...

they love Money, paper and ore?

Abraham, can you beat that?,

they love money more than me!


Why is money their god,..?

People love the supply instead of "I-AM" who is their real Supplier, of All things...

if I were not the patient God.

I would have already stopped this world of mine from turning..

"But You see Abraham,?,

I know what is to be--------
and it is Good,

My Son, their Savior,

He is the only way back to me,

and soon;

He is prepares to return to Earth.

This time as King of Kings,

Lord of Lords,

God is thinking aloud now

as he arises to go about His rule as Lord.


just maybe...
,Abraham , Maybe, they will listen......now....."

Man has His own choices to make,

as you Abraham well know................

...by; a .Jenny wren

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