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Oasis Exposed
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Date Posted: 18:10:59 08/23/15 Sun
Author Host/IP: Webserver10.123systems.net/

Oasis was a secret, invitation only pageant message board started in 2008 by x/oz/oz-usb and B/Bpageants. Participants used the board's secrecy to ruthlessly bash, gossip and spread rumors about current and former pageant contestants (innocent girls who never knew they were being gossiped about by people they thought were their friends), state directors, other boards they continued to participate in, and other posters. Many hurtful and untrue rumors were spread on this board, and the reputations of many pageant girls were ruined by those who participated and responded to every rumor as if it were true.

Eventually one participant, who objected to the unrestrained gossip and hurtful things being said, sent the password to several unsuspecting people whose names had been the subject of gossip. After Oasis was exposed, not one person who participated offered an apology to any of the people whose names were dragged through the mud. In fact, many participants attempted to justify or even deny their participation. That is the reason this board was created, to forever serve as a public reminder of the hurtful things these so called respected people said, and to restore some of the dignity to the people whose reputations were ruined by this nasty gossip.

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Subject: Oz-USB (aka x, Oz, Carly Palmer)

Oasis Exposed
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Date Posted: 18:05:40 08/23/15 Sun
Author Host/IP: Webserver10.123systems.net/

"For years (at least a decade!) there have been a few things I've done when I'm in a bad way mentally/emotionally... pick my nails, withdraw, eat bad food.... and the worst one... hide the wrappers/containers/rubbish from the junk food & fast food in my room. I've been caught doing this too many times to count when things start going south with me." -x/oz/oz-usb Carly Palmer

I'm doing what I promised not to do ... posting a facebook pic without permission. So please don't post this elsewhere! I just think its hilarious...(NT) -- x, 04:10:23 12/01/08 Mon

re: Melissa Weber Miss ID USA 2009: When the pics from Miss Idaho USA 2008 were put up last year, I was kinda bummed that Melissa Weber's pics were password protected and wondered why... now that she's won, I REALLY wanted to see those pics from last year, so good copyright-abiding citizen that I am (uh hmmmm lol) I managed to get the password out of the photographer (thanks to a fake email and a good story ;) ). (NT) -- x, 21:39:18 10/27/08 Mon

Subject: A sneaky request
Author: x
Date Posted: 20:01:55 10/24/08 Fri
I'm not really supposed to do this... but here's a request...

If you're looking at anything on my site... care to click an ad or two at the bottom? Yes, the ads are in now... they've apparantly got super awesome computer programmes that make sure you're not cheating the system... but I'm sure the odd click or two from you guys wouldn't hurt ;)

Subject: Arrrrrrgh!
Author: x
Date Posted: 23:50:12 10/26/08 Sun
I'm sooo good at getting myself into scrapes. I had some questions about my google ads when I had it set up so I went to the help forum and asked my question... the whole thing got a bit long winded.... THEN SOMEONE BROUGHT UP THE COPYRIGHT. I'm not sure how it happened exactly but the thing just kinda spiralled... to the point that someone has said they actually rang a photography company whos pics I had on my site... and that they have contacted photobucket and Freewebs. Ohhhhhh shit. So right now I'm just crossing my fingers, toes and every other possible extremity and hoping and praying that I don't get shut down. And that if I do get shut down that I don't get hunted down by lawyers.

Subject: Woah! Alaska's beast can email!
Author: x
Date Posted: 16:16:47 11/25/08 Tue
I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would actually get a reply from Alaska's director... she's proved me wrong!

Subject: Rachel Philippona & Keisha Walding
Author: x
Date Posted: 01:05:51 11/13/08 Thu
I think its pretty safe to say that Alabama is having an off year!

re: Gabrielle Carlson Miss MD USA 09: Can someone tell me how on earth this girl won Maryland...? (NT) --x, 16:03:40 11/12/08 Wed

re: Amanda Kozak Miss GA USA 08: I find her extremely unattractive and couldn't believe all the people fawning over her. The rest of last years GA top five were majorly robbed! (NT) -- x, 00:19:02 10/29/08 Wed

re: Niambi Powell: In truth... me neither. Her hair this year reminds me of the maniacal Sideshow Bob from the Simpsons (NT) -- x, 23:15:42 11/21/08 Fri

re: Alyssa Campanella: There is something weird about her mouth... its not just the teeth... its the shape of her top lip. Isn't that nasty?! lol (NT) -- x, 15:42:18 10/19/08 Sun

re: Kelly Harrel Miss TX Teen USA 09: Does anyone want to explain how/why TX Teen has gone so totally off the boil the past five years? I've even lost interest in it because they've failed to impress me so many years... and honestly, I can't see this years winner (out-of-the-blue apparantly) doing any better than April, Raevan, Sommer or Lauren (NT) -- x, 16:08:16 11/30/08 Sun

re: AL USA director Rhonda Garrett-Gilliam: There's just something "off" with her. She's one of the very few directors who NEVER return emails, the numbers are always pretty small considering they're southern states, there's very little promotion, we're lucky just to get these pics as usually we're lucky to see anything other than crowning pics -- and I've still never seen crowning pics from MS 06. It just all seems kinda secretive! (NT) -- x, 20:10:14 11/13/08 Thu

re: Hooked: She likes to play mind games, she's manipulative and a confidence artist... this woman is scary, most of all because she's so d**n sweet as pie most of the time. I am actually frightened, yes frightened of what she is capable of.-- x, 11:02:56 11/07/08 Fri

re: Hooked: I don't particularly like having to talk about people so negatively on here, but I honestly believe that the more people who are warned about this woman's behaviour the better. As I said, she makes an art of appearing sweet and non threatening which means a lot of people don't necessarily believe at first hand that she is capable of this sort of stuff. Unfortunately, B & I have been on the receiving end of it (and another poster here has been on the receiving end of Fred's issues) and I tell you its not fun, either of them. I just can't believe I got sucked in.-- x, 16:52:44 11/07/08 Fri

re: Hooked: She's a nutcase and there's nothing anyone can do about it... (NT) -- x, 17:16:28 11/07/08 Fri

re: Hooked: Its really hard to figure out who is who I think there are two or three people with numerous identities between them all set on causing mayhem. We are pretty sure that Hooked is the same person who used to post as Mrs Budgie, and I am 99% sure that Fred & Meemaw are the same person, but its just really, really hard to figure it all out. And it sounds completely off the wall and loony, I know, because its not when they actually start leeching the joy out of you that you realise just how screwy they are. I know there is at least one person on this board, other than B & I, who can attest to that... (NT) -- x, 18:07:36 11/07/08 Fri

re: M Back: ITS MEEMAW. It has to be. The more she's been posting, the more her writing style just SCREAMS Meemaw, just as Hooked's writing style in certain emails screams Mrs Budgie -- x 22:04:20 12/04/08 Thu

re: M Back: I agree but the thing is that what they are posting just sounds so much like Meemaw!!! Then again, I've had my suspicions in the past that Fred & Meemaw are the same person... -- x 23:20:19 12/08/08 Mon

re: Meemaw: The person is sick and the more people who know it the better (NT) -- x, 01:47:11 11/07/08 Fri

re: Meemaw: Its worse than that... what she does is stab people behind their backs when they're vulnerable. She always uses other handles so noone suspects its her doing it. You just had to look at what happened to me in 2005&6... anyway, I'm not going to keep pushing this conversation, and you're free to make up your own minds, but I'm just saying be careful with her... (NT) -- x, 14:34:15 11/08/08 Sat

Author: x
Date Posted: 23:38:49 11/16/08 Sun
On a completely different note.... does anyone find that the vitriolic crap heaped on some of the girls on USB - particularly Kristen Dalton - makes you want to stick your fingers in your ears and say wah wah wah ??? lol Seriously... if I was a mod on USB I'd enforce their rules and boot the backside of any of these negative nancies continuing to spew rotten nonsense about the new titleholders.

Author: x
Date Posted: 05:19:23 11/13/08 Thu
I'll admit that I am posting there now and then... not everyone on the pink board or on USB are monsters, and sometimes its nice to put up some of the things I'm putting on my site in a place that more people can see them - and I don't particularly desire to post on USB again for obvious reasons.

Fortunately the troll (who as you might know is extremely likely to be either Hooked or Fred, I'm banking on the latter) has taken a sabbatical... until today. What do I see?......

# HEY CARLY, how is law school going for you? (NT) -- keeperupper, Wednesday, November 12, 06:52:26pm

Oh, brother. More than anything else, I seriously wish this harassment would stop. Its stalking plain and simple, it doesn't happen to anyone else on the boards and I don't know whether he/she/it has fixated on me because they sense I am emotionally vulnerable (I know they've done that with someone else on here too but via email rather than publicly on the boards) but I really do wish I knew for sure why I seem to be the one continually picked on.

There's a good likelihood that this is a coincidece, but it did make me think of that very raw post I made this morning before I went and fluked my exam. I will admit that I can't control 100% every one who views/gets info from this board, because a) someone on here could easily filch (and we know that Hooked somehow got the password when she wasn't supposed to) and b) its hard to keep a track of AOL posters but if I block AOL ips we'll be blocking out a whole raft of posters B, SanFranGuy TNBoy, NCGal, SC Bandit, lil birdie. I know Fred uses an AOL email address, but every communication I've had with him the past few months has come from an IP in Germany, so I actually don't think he's getting in.

I honestly am at my wits end and I hope that Voy takes the email I sent them last week seriously and actually investigates this.

Subject: Fred is now stalking me on the North Carolina board
Author: x
Date Posted: 03:10:20 11/20/08 Thu
This guy is seriously creepy.

... it was actually Fred who sent me the Contestant Contract. He sent an email off the to AK director posing as a prospective contestant and got the contestant contract and application from her... then sent them to me.

Now, who on the NC board other than Fred is going to start talking about me being a law student?.....

# And X, whoever shared that document with you I am positive did not think it would show up on a message board. (NT) -- Being a law student, you should know what confidentiality means., 22:26:04 11/19/08 Wed

Subject: Hooked's trying to scare me again :)
Author: x
Date Posted: 03:01:22 11/07/08 Fri
My email address is slathered all over my site... and Hooked knows it well. So why haven't I been contacted?.....

* I agree, Haki! Matter of fact, just a few days ago, I received an email from an attorney asking me who gave me permission to post a photo that x had posted on her website. (I had copied it from there, credited her site, and posted it on another board.) The attorney informed me that I had "stolen" photos that the professional photographer had never released the copyright on, and that I, along with the original thief were under investigation and would be prosecuted. I rarely post photos and I have always assuned that if photos were out there, then the people approved them. NOT true...and I hope I don't learn the hard way. Unless you know someone personally and have WRITTEN PERMISSION to post their photo, you better not! If you say you are someone's friend, than you BETTER act like it and RESPECT their privacy...and the photographer's rights! (NT) -- Hooked, 00:42:16 11/07/08 Fri

I've just gone through the entire 10 pages of the USB archives and Hooked has posted NOTHING from my site in the past two weeks... and I checked and she hasn't posted on Pageant Central or the pink board either (using "hooked" at least, I know she uses other handles). I also know that she somehow had access into here around the time I posted that message that someone on a Google forum was going after me (nothing happened, phew!)... I'm sure she picked up that little tidbit and added it to her arsenal. So, so sad & pathetic.

More "fun" >>> * Hey, x, I see you're posting photos all over the pink board. Don't have enough traffic at the Oasis? www.voy.com/217444/, your little haven? Have people finally smelled your for the rat's ass you are? (NT) -- Spinster Sister, 16:56:19 11/07/08 Fri-- x, 16:58:28 11/07/08 Fri

AND NOW THEY'RE PULLING B INTO IT >> * All I can say is that this board has become some much nicer and much more fun to visit now that the Kiwi chick ain't here much anymore. I really go sick and tired or all her egomanic actions. (NT) -- Relieved, 18:02:15 11/07/08 Fri

.................. and "Relieved"'s email? B'S. Sheesh, these people stop at nothing...-- x, 18:09:39 11/07/08 Fri

I said I wasn't going to keep commenting on this... but I just broke my promise :P THEY'VE BANNED ME FROM USB FROM MY HOME IP AGAIN :p :p :p Ah dear... not that I went there much but it is always a good source of pageant results :P-- x, 18:21:24 11/08/08 Sat

re: banned from USB: Oh, and I can actually get in because I've found a site that extracts the source from a website so I can just read the source... (NT) -- x, 05:25:39 11/11/08 Tue

Subject: :* (
Author: x
Date Posted: 18:24:23 11/12/08 Wed
I don't know what I'm achieving by posting this, but I just wanted to. You guys are like a second famil to me, and I'm just so conflicted right now.

And to anyone who's ever said that there's no such thing as internet addiction... the've never met me. I had A+ & A- grades before the fateful day I found my way to USB

...you know how I was giving up pagenats and stuff for the sake of my study? Noticed I never actuall went away for more than a week? Well, my final "exam" is in two hours and I am totally stuffed. I have a brain but this internet stuff has totally paralysed it and I never actually studied. So I'm going to fail all my papers again. All while having a smile for everone and saying my study was going fine. So now I'm sitting here with two hours to go and tears streaming down my cheeks, because I'm about to go into an exam I have not prepared for and that I know I cannot fudge. I don't know if they're going to let me continue with law once I've failed two of my papers twice, and one once.

And I should note that this isn't just a recent thing. It started this time in 2005. I've basically chucked away three and a half years of my life and potentially the promise of a law career. I am addicted. Its not just to ou guys but to aimlessly wandering the net for hours. I just can't stop myself. I had two days where I could probably have done somthing to catch up a bit for this exam. I could have done some work from 8 this morning. But I just can't. And I don't even know the point of sitting down for the exam in this state. (NT) -- x, 18:27:13 11/12/08 Wed

Subject: Another update
Author: x
Date Posted: 18:05:54 12/02/08 Tue
It looks like I will be kicked out of uni for three semesters. And there's a very real possibility that I won't be able to continue with law at my university.
I am feeling totally numb and half comatose right now. I'm lying on my couch half asleep trying to will these thoughts away.

At least finally there's a breakthrough... I just simply cannot stomach doing anything major today on my website today. But I'm still fiddling around because I don't have much else to do.

My parents still don't have an inkling that ANYTHING is wrong. My next session with my pyschologist is figuring out how and what to tell them.

Subject: More Issues with my folks
Author: x
Date Posted: 05:04:25 12/06/08 Sat
For years (at least a decade!) there have been a few things I've done when I'm in a bad way mentally/emotionally... pick my nails, withdraw, eat bad food.... and the worst one... hide the wrappers/containers/rubbish from the junk food & fast food in my room. Why I don't just chuck the stuff out is beyond me but this seems to be hard wired into me, I've been caught doing this too many times to count when things start going south with me.

I'll admit it hasn't happened for a while... but with all the stress that's been happening I started falling this way a few months back. I started hiding stuff in my wardrobe again. Its nothing that was going to cause issues with wildlife (!) or anything, its just stuff I was waiting for an opportunity to chuck it out before my parents saw it. They think I'm still going to the gym & to the dietician etc... but there's just been too much *stuff* going on. You know what I mean ;)

Anyway, I live upstairs in our house, and I pretty much have my own floor - bedroom, bathroom, study/lounge (spoilt, basically). To my relief, my parents have pretty much kept out of my hair this year.

But yesterday I was looking for something in dads drawer that mum (on the phone) wanted me to find... and I find in the drawer my letter from uni earlier this year restricting my papers because of my marks from last year. Now, they pretty much knew the marks situation but they didn't know about the letter. I appealed it successfully and decided they didn't need to know about it. I'd never had that letter downstairs. It had always been in my study. So how did it end up in the drawer in my parents bedroom?

Related to the stuff about the rubbish... I got home from a miserable day Christmas shopping today.... to find some of the crap from my wardrobe laid out on the floor in my room with the door open!!!!!!!!

I know we have some mums here and obviously some daughters... what would your take on this lack of respect for my privacy be?

I was talking to my one real life friend about it tonight and she says she feels funny the odd time her mother goes into her room to make her bed, even though it was a kind thing to do!

The issue with me is that as soon as I try to tell them to keep the #*$*&$# out of my stuff (more politely put ;) ) I get a lecture that I shouldn't have the crap in the first place... they actually just don't get that at 22 they need to keep out of my space.

The other thing is that I can't explain the stuff without going in to some of the *other gaping issues* and I can't to that until I speak to my psychologist... what a mess.

The sooner I move out of home the better... it is all frankly ridiculous.

Subject: A fond farewell... I'll miss you guys!
Author: x
Date Posted: 02:00:50 12/10/08 Wed
Perhaps you might have seen this coming.... I'm signing off once and for all.

The only way I am going to kick this thing is to completely cut myself off from everything pageant-related on the internet, which will involve me deleting my website, facebook, pageant email and blocking myself out of the Voy boards.

I'm going to be deleting my email tonight after I send out one final email, and my website will be going down in two days, to give you the chance to save anything if you wish to. If you use Firefox and want to save whole pages of images you might like to try the "Down them all" add-on which I have found quite useful

Best wishes and have a very Merry Christmas & holiday season!

Subject: Ugh, couldn't keep away, could I ?! lol
Author: x
Date Posted: 22:12:55 12/10/08 Wed
I'm just BRIEFLY popping in here to say thanks for the support and love everyone has shown. (Phew, can't keep away for a day, can I? lol)

I just had to let you know this... I have had a lot of people asking for me to keep my site open, and you might just get your wish! I've had a couple of extremely kind offers from people willing to take over my site and hopefully we'll work something out. Honestly, I sat dead silent for MINUTES at my pyschologists trying to figure out what to do... it wasn't an easy decision.

The final thing is that I've decided to put the albums of historical pics I have up on Picasa... its all automated so it doesn't eat up my time... and it really would be a waste for them not to be available to people... they'll be up on http://picasaweb.google.com/pageantupdatehistoricalpics when its all done.

I feel like saying "farewell, and thanks for all the fish". I have no idea what its from, but its been in my head :P

Adieu adieu to yieu & yieu and yieu ;)

... oh and btw I hear Hooked is beating me up again on USB, something like she's claiming I've been run off because of copyright???? care to beat her up for me?]

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Subject: I know it's been a while since the Oasis debacle...

Reading again
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Date Posted: 21:40:00 10/27/10 Wed
Author Host/IP: mobile-166-137-138-100.mycingular.net/

It's been two years since this whole fiasco came to light. In a day when cyber bullying grabs the headlines here we see grown adults acting horribly because they think they can. I guess it goes to show you what is really in peoples hearts and minds.

I knew some of these people, some on the Internet and some in person. I was amazed at what they had to say. Particularly one or two who held themselves up to be pillars of the pageant community when in fact they were pitied in the state in which they competed and lived. One of them led on that she was a national level competitor and yet never had a title she didn't pay for.

How sad that I see some of these names again. They're back on Vot or Facebook and while none of them apologized to those they offended or downright insulted with their lies, they think we've forgotten.

We haven't.

I'm forever reminded if how one of these posters seems to have just gone down a list of names and bashed every single one of them. Some she admits she doesn't even know.

You shall forever remain, pitied, unliked and disdained.

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Subject: Bashing Peoples Reputations

Oasis Exposed
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Date Posted: 18:36:10 01/05/12 Thu
Author Host/IP: hosted-by.ecatel.net/

"I really try NOT to say bad things about these girls..." -coffee hound Stephanie McLain

Author: Max
Date Posted: 02:04:16 09/24/08 Wed
CA State staff insisted that Carolee Munger was really a lesbian. The last time she ran the Miss CA USA the singer, an out lesbian, sand a love song that was supposedly dedicated to Carolee. MUO is awars of her sexuality.

Author: MoNkayMaN
Date Posted: 15:03:18 08/10/08 Sun
I had a series of bizarre and hurtful experiences with Jason Greco. I know that a lot of people loved him, and I will always respect the passion he obviously had for pageants and the girls who participated in them. But he was extremely rude to me, and threatened to tell outright lies about me to make me stop volunteering to help the Future Productions girls with mock interviews. The sad part is that I think we could have been really good friends (we certainly had a lot in common), but it just never happened. I'm over it all now, but at the time some of the things he said and did really hurt my feelings and almost caused me to give up pageants altogether... In fact, I stopped going to state pageants for a few years because I was afraid of running into him...

Subject: Misti Vogt Miss MT USA 09
Author: coffee hound
Date Posted: 00:13:18 11/09/08 Sun
I am soooo upset. You should see the damn photos I was just sent of our current Miss. It's a Halloween costume, but non-the less, a very insinuating and trashy photo. Hell, there's 3 of them. I am embarrassed. I knew she was kind of trailer trash, but for crying out loud, can't you at least pretend for a year you hold a title that you are a lady? Oh well, the current director deserves it. ha. Now I'm just being a bitch.

re: Misti Vogt Miss MT USA 09: OMG, now I've been sent more, adn it's a friigin bachelor party she was at. I mean pink undies, a black boostier, thigh high nylons. I'm not kidding, I think she was the entertainment. These are on her friends myspace and sent to me. There's more from Sturgis. Good gawd, what's wrong with people? I hope it doesn't get on the USB board, they will crucify her and her condom flinging friend. (NT) -- coffee hound, 00:23:36 11/09/08 Sun

re: Tamiko Nash Miss CA USA 06. In 2006, she arrived, and at most of the rehearsals, she had her coaches, pag. director, someone hemming and fussing with her gown, etc. The other girls were astounded and rather pissed about it all, as they had a minimal amt. of time with their pag. directors during rehearsals, and no one else had someone hemming nad measuring her dress on the side of the stage as it WASNT ALLOWED. It was bizarre. It was like she was told she was going to win, and was adamant about it. I was as confused at rehearsals as a mom, as was my daughter. I asked her, why this girl had an -- coffee hound, 23:51:52 12/02/08 Tue

P.S. Her coaches were there coaching her, while she was on ON THE STAGE. When it was her time to be off, they'd be down on the floor working with her. incredible. (NT) -- coffee hound, 23:56:12 12/02/08 Tue

That's obnoxious that they would allow that. One thing I detest is pageant systems playing favorites. That coach's name you're reffering to is Rita. She is the sister of Nick Verraros of Project Runway (a former contestant) and she herself was on Survivor. She was also a Miss Venezuela 1986 CONTESTANT but introduced herself to me (and everyone she meets) as "former Miss Venezuela..." you would think ....nevermind. (NT) -- B, 22:27:12 12/03/08 Wed

Wow, I thought I was the only one. She introduced herself to everyone (when I met her) as a former Miss Venezuela, then chewed us out for not listening to her. Major 'inflated self-importance/insecurity' issues. Such a shame. (NT) -- bpin, 13:06:32 12/04/08 Thu

re: Tamiko Nash, Miss CA USA 06: I really try NOT to say bad things about these girls, but Tamiko was a SNOT the entire time to my daughter. She wouldn't answer a question that was directed at her, she ignored my daughter when she was with Jackie M. (who was her sister queen, run by Carol at the time). It was embarrassing, as Jill needed to talk to Jackie at times, and Tamiko was with her and would discount and overlook things that were said. My daughter is tough and dismissed it, but it was very obvious Tamiko was told over and over how important she was and that she would win, almost like the crown was promised to her, blah blah blah... Then I saw the documentary, and I realized I was seeing the real her. Unbelievable. Sour grapes?? You bet. (NT) -- coffee hound, 18:38:35 10/29/08 Wed

re: KY USA: Connie Clark Harrison rigs the pageants. when i competed she was the nicest person and i didn't see her doing anything shady. Michelle Banzer competed so many times and every time i would ask her what the scoop was and she said one year she felt there was something going on but then the next she was really nice and then she won. word was that someone in KY, possibly the Correll Family, wrote Tricia Langa and complained, and then they were promptly blackballed, and then BOOM, 2 minorities win back to back. Krista was robbed last year for sure and every one knows it! -- Pageant Mistress, 15:42:06 08/10/08 Sun

re: Miss USA 2007: PA was always "sick" and therefore bothered that she had to show up anyway. She never dressed up and literally rolled out of bed just in time for breakfast every day. I think it was her that was very rude to her mother on the phone every day/night according to her roommate. I didn't interact with Michigan at all. I tried to interact with NC who I heard was cool but I made an effort to sit by her at rehearsals one day. She separated us with a bag, only to remove it when LA walked up. I tried a second time just to make sure it wasn't an accident and it happened a second time. TX and LA were known for giving glares at their "competition" and when you'd catch them, they'd giggle, finger wave, and whisper while staring. (NT) -- Cookie Monster, 18:31:13 10/29/08 Wed

re: Miss USA 2007: TX and LA abused laxatives along with WV, so I was angry about TX and LA making it so far, thereby rewarding their poor choices. (NT) -- Cookie Monster, 10:12:32 10/29/08 Wed

re: Tara Conner: I was in Baltimore for 9 days during the pageant and talked to "everyone" . She was a mess. Drinking, missing practice, her mother had to be called to the ninth floor to talk to her about her behavior after which, she screamed B-I-T-C-H and told the chaperone to F---Off. All of the girls that year were standing around asking WTF just happened when the top five was called. Honestly, everyone thought Louisiana, Florida, California,One of the Carolinas and Alabama would be the last five standing. (NT) -- dixie, 18:56:15 08/10/08 Sun

re: Tori Hall Miss VA USA 2008: Tori Hall was promised Va. She really didn't want to compete, but Grammie wanted her too and she definately didn't want USA. Virginia is becomming too predictable because the director picks her winners and it's obvious. (NT) -- dixie, 18:56:15 08/10/08 Sun

re: Sarah Medley Miss SC USA 05: She shouldn't have won either of those state crowns, and I don't believe she really did. Yes, she took a beautiful photo...but in person, I promise you that nobody was home. NOBODY. Her family was also rude, disrespectful, and flat out hateful to anyone who didn't lay down at her feet. It's rare that I post something so strong, but this titleholder really chapped my rear. And just for the record, as her family so quickly publicized...they didn't leave ALL the pretty girls backstage at USA. USA just didn't have to give her anything to make her go away. (NT) -- Hooked, willing to do whatever it takes to get in here!, 13:53:07 08/10/08 Sun

re: Sarah Medley Miss SC USA 05: A business acquaintance stopped by my office one day, soliciting donations for Sarah Medley, to help her with expences at MUSA. I wasn't following pageants at the time so I didn't know anything about her, but I in the past had always been a fan of the USA system and I wanted to help the girl. I had my company cut her a check for $ 500.00. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't hand out donations expecting anything and I don'texpect thank you notes--though I almost always get them, but in this case, I was very surprized to not get any type of acknowlegement of the gift whatsoever. Not even a pre-printed post card. Nothing. I just thought it was very odd to give a complete stranger a very generous cash donation, especially a "beauty queen" and not receive acknowledgement. I always thought that title holders were supposed to be the epitome of graciousness and class. I just seemed a little odd. I guess it got lost in the mail. -- SC Bandit, 10:28:13 08/11/08 Mon

Author: x
Date Posted: 23:38:49 11/16/08 Sun
Oh, and I'm sure the person hyping Leticia Castro is her brother. I remember her brother going on USB before she first competed in Teen to ask people to choose their favourite gown.... I'd bet he's checking the boards and that he's the one putting Georgina down while relentlessly hyping Leticia.

re: Katie Blair: There's a post exchange between me and another over at USB, and I call her an a$$hole. It's about Katie and Tara kissing. WHat's so funny, it's a private jioke between me and my daughter. lol. The responses are pretty funny. FYI, Jill did see some racy pictures, I mean kissing Tara, as well as her crown tattoo on the inside of her lip, Katie didn't show RG because RG's mom was her chaperone. The whole pageant system was very nieve about Katie, especially in Montana. Carol had absolutely no idea until it was too late. (NT) -- coffeehound, 18:56:15 08/10/08 Sun

re: Patricia Gentry: Since this is Oasis I feel like I can mention this here. The woman who posts on USB as "Patricia Gentry" is this lady who runs a pageant training school called "Pageant University" is Mass, I've never really had a drawn out conversation with her, but several of my friends have had very very bad experiences with her, let's just say she's a little too over the top in pageants and its well past obsession. Some of the stories and things I've seen are just, well out there. Anyway, she started designing her own line of gowns and swimsuits and they include Michaela Gagne's gown which was nice but not for a pageant stage, it was way over the top, backless, halter cut down to her navel, and was a really loud print. Well someone on USB just called her out for hyping her gown and "her girls" in this pageant, and she responded. A little part of me had to laugh because she's a bit delusional. (NT) -- NE Gal, 21:07:38 11/23/08 Sun

re: Patricia Gentry: Some of her stuff isn't completely awful. I think its the fact that I know her identity and know how weird she is. You have no idea. There are a lot of coaches out there who know how to prepare girls and can support there girls as well as know some have a really good shot and some just don't but they don't really hype them over the top. She tends to coach contestants and hypes them all and absolutely rips anyone else she views as a threat, and that has been my experience with her, that and just some plain crazy stories I've heard or things I've personally witnessed that just made me go "this lady is not normal". I would never say this anywhere but Oasis, and I always try to be congenial towards her, but she's just a weird lady. (NT) -- NE Gal, 21:34:50 11/23/08 Sun

Author: B
Date Posted: 17:56:24 08/10/08 Sun
Susie Castillo. I've made no secret about my distaste for her, and run in with her. I know way to many people who have had isolated similar run-ins with her during her reign, as well as right after she gave up her crown. I've been told she's "changed" now and has become more humble, but unlike the weather, it's my understand that people don't change. In a nutshell, I politely approached her to congratulate her on her reign (during the Miss USA festivities in L.A) and also on her representing our nation at Miss Universe, which I do every Miss USA I meet as I think it is the utmost honor. Without skipping a beat, she rolls her eyes, grinds her teeth and says>>>
Susie: "Thanks. I didn't have any help there. If I didn't get screwed over by the organization and them not helping me, I would have made Top 5( at Universe) and should have. I didn't want to win, that's for sure (I'm thinking- you didn't have a snow balls chance in hell!) but I did think I should have gone further. Whatever. Now I get to focus on my career here where I can be successful."
Awkward moment of silence (how do you respond to that?)
Me: "Well, that's cool. Uhm. How neat Massachusetts had a win with you and Shawnae having been sister titleholder!"
Susie: "Oh, I guess. we didn't know each other that well. The pageants were separate back then so I didn't really know her." (No they weren't asshat!)
Me: "Okay well, good luck giving up your crown."
Susie: Mmmhmmm. (Goes over to talking in Spanish with a circle of friends who could best be described as the most hormonal, limp wristed, nelly pageant dudes around. Baby gap t-shirts 5 sizes too small and all).

At the coronation ball later, my friends and I saw her again but I did not bother having that negativity ruin my flow. She was all kinds of pissed off over something, throwing a fit by the bathroom door, cursing and saying "Can you f*cking believer her? Nasty bitch"
It turned out she was approached by a pageant fan from Massachusetts who was so proud that she was his states double crown winner and wanted a picture. When he walked away, Susie called him a "faggot!" in Spanish and attempted to poke fun at him with her agents saying "They (gay pageant fans) are all the same, all want to do me for Halloween" not thinking anyone would hear. Well, they did. Another young lady (Latina) who was standing near them heard it all and approached Susie to tell her how bigoted, rude and disrespectful that was. Susie was appalled and shocked, she walked away huffing and puffing in a storm ...and well, that's when I saw her by the bathroom throwing a hissy fit. One of my best (and most trusted) pageant friends witnessed the whole thing and confirmed the story. -- B

re: Ashley Coleman: I've never ever met someone who had a pleasent encounter with Ashley Coleman (myself included) and I still can't believe she went as far as 3rd R.U in our state pageant. -- B, 20:31:33 08/10/08 Sun

re: Susie Castillo: Picture it.. USA 04. The Kodak. Susie C making one of her final meet and greet scenes. In her smug self absorbed way she proceeded to insult one of the most adorable pageant boys I've ever met using a very negative slur that some ignorant fools use to refer to gay men. Starts with and F but I'm not even finishing that one.

She thought she got away with it by saying her garbage in spanish to her posse. A friend with me caught it all. She was having none of that and told Susie off. I mean cussed her out. I guess she rattled the poor outgoing queen a little hahaha. -- Lady Chatterly, 22:54:18 08/10/08 Sun

Subject: Caroline Medley Miss GA USA 04
Author: B
Date Posted: 18:32:58 08/12/08 Tue
I spoke to Kristi Glakas soon after she won her state title. She was invited to attend the Miss Georgia USA 2004 pageant as a guest. During the coronation pictures, she was asked to get on stage and pose for a pic with Caroline. Kristi being the spunky gal she is didn't skip a beat and said to Caroline "How excited are you?! MISS USA HERE WE COME!" Caroline just looks her up and down from head to toe, glares and goes "Mmmhhmm" True story.

re: Caroline Medley Miss GA USA 04 and Ashley Puleo Miss NC USA 04: Poor Ashley, if she wasn't feeling like the wicked stepsister of her sister queen, she was getting hell from her former home state rep. I personally would have never had Ashley in the top 5 & yes, she might have been the biggest witch in the world, but from what I know...there were plenty of those to go around in that social circle & Miss Medley tops the list! (NT) -- Hooked, 20:15:48 08/12/08 Tue

re: Caroline Medley Miss GA USA 04: After she was crowned we saw her and her family at the Huddle House so we went over and I was saying how excited she must be be and what a great year she would have, and Erin was saying if there's anything she could do to just let her know, blah, blah, and I swear to you, they just sort of stared at us and gave us these pained smiles and said, "yeah, thanks." Needless to say, we never heard from them. Maybe she was still mad cause Erin beat her the year before!! (Just kidding). (NT) -- Queenmum, 15:38:07 08/14/08 Thu

re: Crystle Stewart: As much as I love her, Crystle did the same thing to her roommate Shannon Lersch, Miss Illinois USA 2008. Someone I know very well sat next to Shannon's mom and family at Miss USA. Her mom said Crystle would not look at her or speak to her the entire 2 weeks there. She would look at her and glare and turn away, but would never start or contribute to any attempts she made at a conversation. From what I gathered, it really deppresed Shannon and brought her down but it was Crystle's way of focusing on the competition. Crystle made it clear from Day 1 that she had absolutely no intentions of socializing at all during Miss USA. (NT) -- B, 18:10:04 12/14/08 Sun

re: AL USA director Rhonda Garrett-Gilliam: Its the director. There's just something "off" with her. She's one of the very directors who NEVER return emails, the numbers are always pretty small considering they're southern states, there's very little promotion, we're lucky just to get these pics as usually we're lucky to see anything other than crowning pics -- and I've still never seen crowning pics from MS 06. It just all seems kinda secretive! One other thing... it could easily be someone impersonating her but she's been posting all sorts of negative stuff about other states & titleholders on the boards! A flag went up in my mind because she was saying "alternates" instead of runners-up (she's the ONLY one who uses that terminology) and she signs her posts RGG... duh! (NT) -- x, 20:10:14 11/13/08 Thu

re: Tiffany McCollum contestant at Miss CA USA: When she missed the semifinals, you could hear her screams from my second row seat-stage left! Apparently screaming isn't all she did. Hair spray was literally flying every which way, and a few mirrors were broken too. They literally had to restrain her to calm her nerves down. (NT) -- B, 17:56:24 08/10/08 Sun

re: Tiffany McCollum contestant at Miss CA USA: HA HA -- you should have seen backstage. (Of course that was before she sat out in the audience during the duration of the pageant and pouted next to audience members).

Of course, right before the Top 15 was announced that year, I was backstage and had accidentally ripped the front slit on my dress -- was afraid I would show the judges my "hooha" it was that high, and I was BOBBYPINNING the DURN THING... So I was in the backstage dressing room (you know, the one where they move the Top 15's stuff after you've been called) just because I needed to make sure it was OK before I put my opening number dress on for Finals.

Anyhoo, she was in there and proceeded to tell me how after the Top 15 was called, she fully expected to take "this seat and this mirror" to get ready for the rest of the night. Then she went on to put me down to my face -- just her and I backstage -- no one else around. And they were the first words she spoke to me EVER! When she was done, I said -- Well, hope it all works out for you tonight. Smiled and walked-away. I wasn't mad at all. I just felt sad for her.

Then, after they called 10 to 5 that year, a different blonde was on her cell phone saying VERBATIM, "MOM! They got rid of ALL the blondes! Yah, they just kept the ethnics! This is bullshit!"

I didn't know whether to laugh or go over to her and shake her! Didn't think too much of it, thought, guess we've all said stuff in fits of anger, sadness, frustration, disappointment. So yah, when I see certain Anonymous posts about the "blonde" issue -- I always wonder if that's her.

Oh! And the hairdressers and make-up artists backstage that year are my friends, and they saw and heard it, too. Sometimes to this day we'll be silly in the salon and talk about "those ethnics in the pageants..." ;) -- bpin, 00:22:16 09/23/08 Tue

re: Hooked: She likes to play mind games, she's manipulative and a confidence artist... this woman is scary, most of all because she's so d**n sweet as pie most of the time. I am actually frightened, yes frightened of what she is capable of.-- x, 11:02:56 11/07/08 Fri

re: Hooked: I don't particularly like having to talk about people so negatively on here, but I honestly believe that the more people who are warned about this woman's behaviour the better. As I said, she makes an art of appearing sweet and non threatening which means a lot of people don't necessarily believe at first hand that she is capable of this sort of stuff. Unfortunately, B & I have been on the receiving end of it (and another poster here has been on the receiving end of Fred's issues) and I tell you its not fun, either of them. I just can't believe I got sucked in.-- x, 16:52:44 11/07/08 Fri

re: Hooked: She's a nutcase and there's nothing anyone can do about it... (NT) -- x, 17:16:28 11/07/08 Fri

Its really hard to figure out who is who I think there are two or three people with numerous identities between them all set on causing mayhem. We are pretty sure that Hooked is the same person who used to post as Mrs Budgie, and I am 99% sure that Fred & Meemaw are the same person, but its just really, really hard to figure it all out. And it sounds completely off the wall and loony, I know, because its not when they actually start leeching the joy out of you that you realise just how screwy they are. I know there is at least one person on this board, other than B & I, who can attest to that... (NT) -- x, 18:07:36 11/07/08 Fri

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Subject: Bashing Contestants

Oasis Exposed
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Date Posted: 17:39:39 01/05/12 Thu
Author Host/IP: hosted-by.ecatel.net/

"I don't want to stoop to the level of the anonymous bashers.... " -x

re: Alyssa Campanella: I never got her, never will, never have...just never on this one. I met her in person in Pasadena (briefly)and was frightened by her veneers which resembled my childhood friends nana's dentures, which use to be sitting in a regular cup out on display in her kictehn, for every guest who walked in to see (and scared the bejezuz out of us)...seriously, Alyssa's teeth are massive. That and, her personality seemed very, haughty and stuck up just by observing her and my brief impression....is enough for me to cast her as my biggest "WTF" in Teen USA history. She's just a pretty girl, who happens to be way too skinny for her own good. A beauty queen...that does not make. (NT) -- B, 17:48:25 10/18/08 Sat

re: Alyssa Campanella: There is something weird about her mouth... its not just the teeth... its the shape of her top lip. Isn't that nasty?! lol (NT) -- x, 15:42:18 10/19/08 Sun

re: Jessi Pierson Miss WV USA 09: ...I think she looks like a chipmunk (NT) -- x (laughin... but this is Oasis, isn't it :P), 06:15:40 10/27/08 Mon

Subject: Stephanie Smith Miss SC USA 09
some people ARE delusional and can't see past their own favorites to see any flaws. i do not see the appeal that is Stephanie Smith at all! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 23:04:43 11/23/08 Sun

re: Stephanie Smith Miss SC USA 09: i am not impressed by her at all and certainly not with the short hair. she comes off as sort of sleezy to me. she reminds me of Lisa D from ANTM and judging CA USA this weekend! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 01:05:48 11/23/08 Sun

South Carolina blew it, as did many other states. (NT) -- coffee hound, 09:11:46 11/23/08 Sun

Subject: New pic of Aureana Tseu
I think this girl is really pretty, for a 40 year old. How old is she anyway? (NT) -- Blonde Ambition, 16:30:54 12/04/08 Thu

re: Aureana Tseu Miss HI USA 09: I bet she's getting hyped...something tells me she's getting hyped on USB/every board (but mainly USB). It seems the only guideline to make pageant lists for most visitors of that board was an "exotic" look...regardless if the person has a fit body, is pretty, youthful looking, even attractive..so long as they have an "exotic" look (even harsh)...they are on virtually every list. And that's just me calling it as I observed it. Andddd I have far more an exotic look myself than blonde hair blue eyes, so it's not bitterness talking just honesty. (NT) -- B, 01:32:04 12/05/08 Fri

Subject: NJ Results
Oh, my. (NT) -- coffee hound, 20:23:54 10/19/08 Sun

Subject: NJ top five
All I can say still, is "Oh my." (NT) -- coffee hound, 20:17:48 10/21/08 Tue

I truly do not like to talk about someone's gown, as I know they MUST really feel beautiful in it, but where was her (Kents) mom to say, "ummm, no". It doesn't even make sense. (NT) -- coffee hound, 11:29:33 11/28/08 Fri

re: Misti Vogt Miss MT USA 09: I have always always supported Montana. This year I am soured by her bad photos and the other business that went on. I'm going to choose another state, go to their pageant, and totally support them, I'm thinking Ark.,Kansas (hopefully Ashley will take the crown) or Oklahoma. I have no desire to even attend MT's pageant. (NT) -- coffee hound, 08:16:02 11/25/08 Tue

Subject: The new Idaho titleholders with the new Miss Washington USA
Is it just me, or is there something a little Kathy Griffin about the MISS? (NT) -- MoNkayMaN - Mr. USB 2008-2009, 22:02:47 10/27/08 Mon

Subject: Subject: NEGal had you heard this?
Yes I knew she was competing at Miss Mass USA. Michaela is a very sweet girl but she really has no real "USA" appeal. I think she shares the same fate as Erika Ebbel in 2007 (not making the cut). I just can't see it. I never understood her MAO win. I find her to be pretty but a little plain. I would never say that anywhere but her on Oasis, but I'm sorry I simply cannot even imagine her winning. (NT) -- NE Gal, 17:55:49 11/06/08 Thu

I'm doing what I promised not to do ... posting a facebook pic without permission. So please don't post this elsewhere! I just think its hilarious...(NT) -- x, 04:10:23 12/01/08 Mon

When the pics from Miss Idaho USA 2008 were put up last year, I was kinda bummed that Melissa Weber's pics were password protected and wondered why... now that she's won, I REALLY wanted to see those pics from last year, so good copyright-abiding citizen that I am (uh hmmmm lol) I managed to get the password out of the photographer (thanks to a fake email and a good story ;) ). (NT) -- x, 21:39:18 10/27/08 Mon

Subject: A sneaky request
Author: x
Date Posted: 20:01:55 10/24/08 Fri
I'm not really supposed to do this... but here's a request...

If you're looking at anything on my site... care to click an ad or two at the bottom? Yes, the ads are in now... they've apparantly got super awesome computer programmes that make sure you're not cheating the system... but I'm sure the odd click or two from you guys wouldn't hurt ;)

Subject: Arrrrrrgh!
Author: x
Date Posted: 23:50:12 10/26/08 Sun
I wrote this in an email to B.... then I realised I really, really, really needed some moral support and I need it RIGHT NOW. I literally half petrified! The story...

I'm sooo good at getting myself into scrapes. I had some questions about my google ads when I had it set up so I went to the help forum and asked my question... the whole thing got a bit long winded.... THEN SOMEONE BROUGHT UP THE COPYRIGHT. I'm not sure how it happened exactly but the thing just kinda spiralled... to the point that someone has said they actually rang a photography company whos pics I had on my site... and that they have contacted photobucket and Freewebs. Ohhhhhh shit. So right now I'm just crossing my fingers, toes and every other possible extremity and hoping and praying that I don't get shut down. And that if I do get shut down that I don't get hunted down by lawyers.

Subject: I totally stole these from Amy Diaz's Facebook page, please please please don't post them anywhere else.
Author: NE Gal

Replies: OMG every photo I try to post of "THE DRESS" doesn't work. I'm being punished for stealing these I think. I'll try one more time as a click in... -- NE Gal, 22:14:52 11/23/08 Sun

Subject: I finally found a decent picture of the infamous dress!!!
Author: NE Gal
Date Posted: 19:49:10 12/02/08 Tue
I stole this off facebook, so please don't post it anywhere else, the original poster is not anyone I know, but I was able to view it anyway because she tagged Michaela. This is the infamous dress that I think caused Michaela Gagne from advancing at Miss Mass. It was designed by "Patricia Gentry" one of the regular USB posters. Michaela is on the left, Kate Barnes (SF) is in the center and Tara Fitzgerald (2nd RU) is on the right.

Subject: OK Top Five
good LORD! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 19:58:33 11/19/08 Wed

whats on your mind? lol! (NT) -- x, 20:08:36 11/19/08 Wed

just a bog ole NO on this entire Top 5! the headshots, the gowns, and the overall package! is this all there was? i guess the economy really is bad! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 21:22:26 11/19/08 Wed

re: Lauren Lunday Miss OK USA 09: Miss OK USA. I liked her in headshots... but here? .... ummmm. NO. Sorry, I don't want to stoop to the level of the anonymous bashers.... but I just don't see it. Perhaps with less makeup? I dunno, its just that chin? (NT)-- x, 00:53:08 11/17/08 Mon

re: Lauren Lunday Miss OK USA 09: and they say LA is old looking? i'll leave it at that! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 01:22:26 11/17/08 Mon

re: Gabrielle Carlson Miss MD USA 09: Can someone tell me how on earth this girl won Maryland...? (NT) --x, 16:03:40 11/12/08 Wed

Subject: Woah! Alaska's beast can email!
Author: x
Date Posted: 16:16:47 11/25/08 Tue
I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would actually get a reply from Alaska's director... she's proved me wrong!

re: Elizabeth McNulty Miss LA USA 07: i SWEAR that the prelim judges got confused and marked LA instead of KY that year! HAD to. there is no way in this world that makes me believe that they could choose Kansas and Louisiana over Michelle Banzer! Liz's face alone was frightening and had the sex appeal of a rock! and don't even get me started on Cara! just no. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 23:58:26 10/29/08 Wed

My source who was there for prelims said that Michelle Banzer was WAY over the top, and came across kinda slutty. Sorry!! (NT) -- [><], 03:28:14 10/30/08 Thu

Subject: Rachel Philippona & Keisha Walding
Author: x
Date Posted: 01:05:51 11/13/08 Thu
I think its pretty safe to say that Alabama is having an off year!

Subject: AL & MS
Um...now I'm not one to ever really talk bad about a contestant :o) but...these two were seriously the best in their respective states?! (NT) -- HakiSak, 23:25:52 11/18/08 Tue

re: Rachel Philippona Miss AL USA 09: everytime i see Alabama i am instantly drawn to her nose! i can tell she has potential to be beautiful but all i can say is no to her. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 00:21:22 11/19/08 Wed

re: Lisa Wilson Miss GA USA 06: I think Lisa looked like the total cliche of a pageant patty-bad implants, not alot of substance regarding a personality and I hated her gown. I dont know her personally, but I did not like her look (NT) -- Max, 13:50:30 10/27/08 Mon

re: Amanda Kozak Miss GA USA 08: I find her extremely unattractive and couldn't believe all the people fawning over her. The rest of last years GA top five were majorly robbed! (NT) -- x, 00:19:02 10/29/08 Wed

re: Susie Castillo: A plain jane who got lucky with NBC's Telemundo contract/ holding the pageant in San Anotnio/ holding MU in Dominican Republic. the script was written out for her, but she did not win that pageant by merit, in my eyes. -- B, 17:56:24 08/10/08 Sun

re: Susie Castillo: Oh my bitch colors are showing. Truth be told I have to break this into categories. 1. least impressive win Shauntay. 2. Most annoying Teen that Coleman girl 3. Least liked? Refer to my pageant gossip and switch the word WITCH with her name. They are definitely interchangeable. -- Lady Chatterly, 22:54:18 08/10/08 Sun

re: Tamiko Nash: was a fan up until that E! News Special showed what a diva she was. can't stand her and that is the ONLY reason i wanted Tara to keep her crown b/c i didn't like her or anyone else in the Top 5 that year. Tara deserved to lose her crown but out of spite i didn't want her to! lol. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 15:42:06 08/10/08 Sun

re: Shauntay Hinton: I just never got her, never met her and might have understood her better if I had. She always had a cocky vibe that turned me off. I wanted to feed her a big ole slice of humble pie!! I am in the business and have a daughter who is still competiting and I am a complete and total "positive" pageant sap!! I hate all the nastiness that goes on during any national pageant, I am on a mission to make the world of pageantry a kinder and gentler place!! (NT) -- little birdie, 16:34:35 08/10/08 Sun

Author: TX Pageant Fans
Date Posted: 16:35:51 08/10/08 Sun
We're the TX Pageant Fans....I'm Alvin and he is Rich (he has no money, LOL, his name is Rich). We live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metro. To this date, Chelsea was a ho-hum Miss Universe, along with Lynnette Cole and Shauntay Hinton as Miss USAs.

re: Leah Laviano Miss MS USA 08: Leah Laviano.....and her "Lactating Lavianos"!! The way she acted at Miss USA turned me off, she seemed so full of herself. She was more comedic than sexy, IMO. True sexiness comes naturally not by putting on a show like that, she was trying way too hard to be the sex kitten! In photographs she is quite pretty but seeing her in action......not so much. (NT) -- little birdie, 06:54:41 10/27/08 Mon

re: Leah Laviano Miss MS USA 08: I agree 1000%. What a hilarious "sexy" act with the camera. We were watching it at home and were howling. (NT) -- coffee hound, 18:03:18 10/27/08 Mon

re: Marina Harrison and Brenda Brabham: Didn't like Marina Harrison at Miss America, REALLY didn't like her at Miss USA. i thought she and Pennsylvania took up too very important spots for someone else that year. who? well i have no idea but seriously! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 00:40:07 10/29/08 Wed

Jessica Rafolabcdkumbayamylord,kumbayalowski (however you spell that name) Miss Florida USA 2008...and I hope this choice doesn't get me into trouble with Jenna. I'll say this much, I would get her more if 99.9999% of the board didn't make comments like "Everyone might as well stay home. That's our 8th Miss Universe right there"...I was like...Where?! is she cropped out of the photo? (NT) -- B, 23:03:05 10/27/08 Mon

Ha! don't worry about that one. She was a shock to me, too, although I was thrilled that Johanna didn't win. (NT) -- Cookie Monster, 10:05:49 10/29/08 Wed

B...are we related? I agree completely about Jessica R*&^&*(^(&*^jkowski...I never understood her, never got her, nor did I find her to be that facially attractive. I found her face to be extremy manish. (NT) -- HakiSak, 23:05:49 10/27/08 Mon

yup, add me to this boat too. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 23:27:35 10/27/08 Mon

Yep, sign me up on that one to. (NT) -- [><], 05:13:46 10/28/08 Tue

re: Kelly Harrel Miss TX Teen USA 09: Does anyone want to explain how/why TX Teen has gone so totally off the boil the past five years? I've even lost interest in it because they've failed to impress me so many years... and honestly, I can't see this years winner (out-of-the-blue apparantly) doing any better than April, Raevan, Sommer or Lauren (NT) -- x, 16:08:16 11/30/08 Sun

re: Kelly Harrel Miss TX Teen USA 09: oh my word. just NO on all accounts! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 01:04:42 12/01/08 Mon

re: CA USA: i don't see the appeal either. i always imagined California would have THE best competitiors but i'm always disappointed! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 01:01:53 11/25/08 Tue

re: CA USA: It doesn't even look like her...If you compare an appearance picture of her with that big, open-mouthed smile she has to this one, it STILL doesn't look like her! (NT) -- CC-P (is completely thrown off!!!), 13:22:41 11/24/08 Mon

I swear this years Miss USA delegates make the crop of 'beauties' who competed during Miss America's "redefining (it's a scholarship! NOT a pageant!) years" look like off the runway, Victoria's Secret models. If EVER there were to be a year to win your state title, THIS is the year I'd beg God to let me win. (NT) -- B, 20:33:52 10/19/08 Sun

UGH! Here they come,the folks who always have to hate on a winner. Now we have posters on various boards claiming Carries win at CA USA was fixed. Sigh.....can these people ever get a life? You should hear some fo them!" -- Max, 22:23:48 11/26/08 Wed

Subject: :*(
Author: x
Date Posted: 19:17:51 11/21/08 Fri
MD pics are finally available... Three questions...

(1) Can someone please explain Courtney Hejl's absence from the top five...

(2) Can someone please explain this top five. Period. ??? and

(3) Can someone please explain THE WINNER??? I mean, wtf???!!!

i do NOT understand the hype for Niambi Powell! at ALL! (NT) --Pageant Mistress, 23:11:21 11/21/08 Fri

In truth... me neither. Her hair this year reminds me of the maniacal Sideshow Bob from the Simpsons (NT) -- x, 23:15:42 11/21/08 Fri

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... you just know that if this was posted anywhere else the R word would pop up! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 23:56:10 11/21/08 Fri

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Subject: Pageant Mistress Heather Buford

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Date Posted: 17:11:09 01/05/12 Thu
Author Host/IP: hosted-by.ecatel.net/

"well let me just say that if i was the person onstage that i am in real life, i would never win and wouldn't have any fans!" -Pageant Mistress Heather Buford

Subject: OK Top 5
just a bog ole NO on this entire Top 5! the headshots, the gowns, and the overall package! is this all there was? i guess the economy really is bad! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 21:22:26 11/19/08 Wed

re: Miss OK USA: and they say LA is old looking? i'll leave it at that! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 01:22:26 11/17/08 Mon

Subject: Stephanie Smith
some people ARE delusional and can't see past their own favorites to see any flaws. i do not see the appeal that is Stephanie Smith at all! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 23:04:43 11/23/08 Sun

re: Stephanie Smith: i am not impressed by her at all and certainly not with the short hair. she comes off as sort of sleezy to me. she reminds me of Lisa D from ANTM and judging CA USA this weekend! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 01:05:48 11/23/08 Sun

so someone over at USB has posted about being from KY and aging out, have no idea who this may be but it seems that that particular board is gonna help them out! hehe, little do THEY know, i can use the help too! i swear, this is getting good now! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 11:21:53 10/15/08 Wed

Should I sneak over and give bogus advice????????? (NT) -- Cindy, 23:15:19 10/15/08 Wed

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! on Cindy! you so bad! they haven't seem to reply anymore today with any more information so i don't know who it is. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 23:22:26 10/15/08 Wed

re: Niambi Powell: i do NOT understand the hype for Niambi Powell! at ALL! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 23:11:21 11/21/08 Fri

re: Niambi Powell: In truth... me neither. Her hair this year reminds me of the maniacal Sideshow Bob from the Simpsons (NT) -- x, 23:15:42 11/21/08 Fri

re: Niambi Powell: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... you just know that if this was posted anywhere else the R word would pop up! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 23:56:10 11/21/08 Fri

re: Marina Harrison and Brenda Brabham: Didn't like Marina Harrison at Miss America, REALLY didn't like her at Miss USA. i thought she and Pennsylvania took up too very important spots for someone else that year. who? well i have no idea but seriously! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 00:40:07 10/29/08 Wed

re: Brenda Brabham: That montrosity of that thing called an evening gown was HORRID!!! not to mention her hair! she just wasn't pretty to me and her overall appearance just wasn't impressive. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 23:55:36 10/29/08 Wed

re: Precious O'Grady: totally unimpressed! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 01:43:24 11/22/08 Sat

re: Tamiko Nash: was a fan up until that E! News Special showed what a diva she was. can't stand her and that is the ONLY reason i wanted Tara to keep her crown b/c i didn't like her or anyone else in the Top 5 that year. Tara deserved to lose her crown but out of spite i didn't want her to! lol. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 15:42:06 08/10/08 Sun

re: Tamiko Nash: i've never been impressed with her but then again, i'm usually always underwhelmed by most board favorites! lol. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress,
11:19:10 10/18/08 Sat

re: CA USA: OMG!!!!!!! thank you for this! i laughed and as unbelievable as it may sound, it doesn't suprise me at all that this is a lackluster group! i hope someone is taping this! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 11:20:55 11/22/08 Sat

re: Cancer survivor Kayla Collier Miss FL Teen USA 09: a story is fine, as long as everything else is there with the girl to back it up! i just do not see "it" with Florida Teen this year! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 11:20:57 10/18/08 Sat

re: Kelly Harrel Miss TX Teen USA 09: oh my word. just NO on all accounts! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 01:04:42 12/01/08 Mon

re: Jessica Nowlin Miss DC Teen USA 09: she isn't very cute. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 00:43:43 12/09/08

re: Michaela Gagne: i must say that i am not understanding "the dress" at all! from what i can tell, it is making her looks like a beached well! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 22:11:03 11/28/08 Fri

re: Elizabeth McNulty: i SWEAR that the prelim judges got confused and marked LA instead of KY that year! HAD to. there is no way in this world that makes me believe that they could choose Kansas and Louisiana over Michelle Banzer! Liz's face alone was frightening and had the sex appeal of a rock! and don't even get me started on Cara! just no. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 23:58:26 10/29/08 Wed

re: Rachel Philippona Miss AL USA 09: everytime i see Alabama i am instantly drawn to her nose! i can tell she has potential to be beautiful but all i can say is no to her. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 00:21:22 11/19/08 Wed

re: Shandi Finnessey: Shandi was the OBVIOUS choice i am just not "into" her. her mousy face and baby voice got old really fast. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 22:48:01 10/26/08 Sun

re: CA USA: i don't see the appeal either. i always imagined California would have THE best competitiors but i'm always disappointed! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 01:01:53 11/25/08 Tue

re: Pageant Central: i've come to realize that the Pageant Central crew are just different. she designed MLOP's gown and we saw how that turned out. it is very interesting to be in the chat with them and see how much different they are than the USB group. they are certainly more rude. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 21:22:13 11/23/08 Sun

re: MLOP: after seeing who Fannie Pack really is, it was a HUGE letdown to see who MLOP really was and then to see her not really care about the whole thing. -- Pageant Mistress 01:02:24 12/06/08 Sat

re: KY USA: Connie Clark Harrison rigs the pageants. when i competed she was the nicest person and i didn't see her doing anything shady. Michelle Banzer competed so many times and every time i would ask her what the scoop was and she said one year she felt there was something going on but then the next she was really nice and then she won. word was that someone in KY, possibly the Correll Family, wrote Tricia Langa and complained, and then they were promptly blackballed, and then BOOM, 2 minorities win back to back. -- Pageant Mistress, 15:42:06 08/10/08 Sun

re: KY USA: lol x. click in for some KY USA scoop -- Pageant Mistress, 00:54:50 10/20/08 Mon
everyone knows that people think KY USA is rigged. every year someone on our Blue board about what she has heard to be frontrunners. today the poster returned and here is what she had to say, Margaret Ellen Correll and Courtney Collins are said not to be winning. apparently, Connie has had her fill of minorities and a minority will not be winning, which leaves me out of contention. there are also 4 names in the running and from what i can figure, 2 of them would be Kailynne Postel who was Miss Kentucky 2007 and Maria Montgomery, the current Miss Kentucky County Fair. also, a former teen is said to be competing which would be either Tiffany, Katrina, or Katherine. that is paraphrasing. whether it is true or not obviously is yet to be determined. its not going to discourage me though. the person was pretty accurate the year Michelle won with the talk about minorities winning. and the odds of 3 minorities winning in a row is a stretch but you never know. in a fair contest, i feel i have a pretty good shot. i think i can make atleast Top 15.

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Subject: Cookie Monster Jenna Edwards

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Date Posted: 15:00:57 01/05/12 Thu
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

"My history of what I have posted should speak for the insinuation that I have maliciously bashed others on a private message board." -Cookie Monster Jenna Edwards

re: Miss USA 2007: PA was always "sick" and therefore bothered that she had to show up anyway. She never dressed up and literally rolled out of bed just in time for breakfast every day. I think it was her that was very rude to her mother on the phone every day/night according to her roommate. I didn't interact with Michigan at all. I tried to interact with NC who I heard was cool but I made an effort to sit by her at rehearsals one day. She separated us with a bag, only to remove it when LA walked up. I tried a second time just to make sure it wasn't an accident and it happened a second time. TX and LA were known for giving glares at their "competition" and when you'd catch them, they'd giggle, finger wave, and whisper while staring. (NT) -- Cookie Monster, 18:31:13 10/29/08 Wed

re: Miss USA 2007: HI roomed with WV and was so scared of her destructive tactics that she hid her coompetition wardrobe in someone else's room. RI...the only interaction I had with her was standing next to her in rehearsals one day and she "had to piss like a race horse." It's been difficult for me to be disappointed with her 1st runner up position since that. (NT) -- Cookie Monster, 18:39:59 10/29/08 Wed

re: Miss USA 2007: I also didn't get LA, NC, SOUTH Carolina (yes, I said it!), MI, CA, NV...I was down right offended that some of those girls made top 15 over others. TX and LA abused laxatives along with WV, so I was angry about TX and LA making it so far, thereby rewarding their poor choices. (NT) -- Cookie Monster, 10:12:32 10/29/08 Wed

re: Heather Anderson, Miss UT USA 07: I was perplexed by her at USA. I heard other stories about her from Eagle U from the other girls. But other than being tall and thin, I don't see the same level of beauty others have proclaimed. (NT) -- Cookie Monster, 20:42:57 10/27/08 Mon

re: Lauren Barnette, Miss VA USA 07: Lauren Barnette...ah, vacant...yes, I would describe it as "no sparkly in her eye." (NT) -- Cookie Monster, 14:06:34 10/30/08 Thu

re: Miss USA 2007: I never directly received any anymosity from contestants until after the QFAD visit on Friday before prelims...apparently no one thought I was a threat....and I must have been the only one who didn't see Rachel as the "chosen one." I actually thought I had a chance. I envisioned me and her as the final 2 and me winning. Alas, she didn't speak much to anyone the first week...after I was booted from my "group" after DC decided I was a "chosen favorite" b/c of QFAD, Rachel took my place and I was a loner for the rest of the pageant. Rachel was friendly for that last week, although I only watched from afar. (NT) -- Cookie Monster, 19:26:19 10/29/08 Wed

I also have an interesting view on pageant competitors who apply to QFAD. Some of them have shown their true colors and I always keep up with their competitions just to keep an eye out. (NT) -- Cookie Monster, 18:36:51 08/12/08 Tue

Trump doesn't have NEAR as much to do with it as most people think he does. I met him 6 weeks after the pageant and he thought I was competing in the next year's Miss USA until I corrected him and he reacted the same way..."And you didn't win?" I said, "No sir, I wasn't even in your Top 15." Then he started talking about the Top 5. Had his attention span not been so short, I was prepared to spill everything I knew about those contestants! (NT) -- Cookie Monster, 15:39:54 10/30/08 Thu

re: Melissa Witek: I like Melissa Witek and we're friends now, but I didn't understand how she made it that far, either. (NT) -- Cookie Monster, 19:29:39 10/29/08 Wed

re: Beth Hood Miss TN USA 03: I had a photo shoot with Todd Killen before he went crazy and he told me thta Beth didn't want to win USA when she found out how restricted the lifestyle is (mainly that he couldn't be in the NYC apartment with her). So, she purposely acted like a model rather than a beauty queen on final night. (NT) -- Cookie Monster, 10:15:00 10/29/08 Wed

re: Miss America 2005: For my Miss America year, I didn't get most of the top 5 including Deidre Downs (AL), AR, NC...well, all but maybe one or two of the top 10 that year I was completely shocked by. But mainly Deidre winning. I remember walking off the stage and feeling like it was unreal...I asked another contestant when the real pageant would start. (NT) -- Cookie Monster, 10:19:04 10/29/08 Wed

re: Jessica Rafalowski, Miss FL USA 08: Ha! don't worry about that one. She was a shock to me, too, although I was thrilled that Johanna didn't win. (NT) -- Cookie Monster, 10:05:49 10/29/08 Wed

Okay... I'm in the dark. Cookie Queen, who are you?!?! ;-) (NT) -- The MoNkayMaN MUST Know!!!, 14:16:29 08/12/08 Tue

Jenna Edwards, Miss Teen All American 1999, Miss Oktoberfest 2000, Miss Florida 2004 (MAO), Miss Florida USA 2007! (NT) -- Cookie Monster, 15:26:37 08/12/08 Tue

Author: Meemaw
Date Posted: 03:11:16 12/15/08 Mon
Jenna - what is wrong with you, you're a former titleholder for God's sake! What are you doing talking trash about other girls like this? We've posted news about your charity on our board and on our website, we let you have free reign on our board to advertise it all you want, and as far as I know we've never had a cross word come between us or anyone on our board.

Author: Cookie Monster,
Date Posted: 23:14:44 12/16/08 Tue
We all know I don't post that often on message boards. However, my history of what I have posted should speak for the insinuation that I have maliciously bashed others on a private message board. In fact, the opposite is true--most of my posts (on any board) are to defend someone and are positive in their nature.

I've always believed that how a person reacts to conflict and controversy says a lot about them. My reactions are disappointment and hurt. I feel like I've been dragged into this as a wrongfully accused party and I'm really clueless as to why I'm here.

I have worked very hard to gain people's respect, knowing I can't ever get everyone to like me. I feel I have not done anything wrong, yet I am forced to defend my reputation. All I can ask is that you take my character and posting history into account to make an unbiased opinion about my participation (or lack thereof) in this situation.

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Subject: Bashing USB

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Date Posted: 14:36:58 01/05/12 Thu
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

"Should I sneak over and give bogus advice?????????" -Cindy

Author: Former Trump Gal
Date Posted: 21:36:34 10/16/08 Thu
I knew in the past why to avoid USB but know more so now. The trash-talk is just unreal. People are now saying that I am the reason she didn't win...that Rocky purposely marked her down because she doesn't like "me". I am also supposedly the "this person" and the "that person"...Honestly, come on. Why do they always look for someone to blame? Maybe because I am a stronger person and I can take it...lol. I just hope that I don't lose a friend because she might think that it's my fault after reading all of this crap.

I know that I do not need to defend myself here, but I will never visit that board again. My name has been thrown out in the mud for over 10 years now and I am just tired of it. Now they are being mean about my friend and I do not appreciate it. For shits and giggles, I did post one last comment to all of the nonsense, so feel free to look!

Sayonara USB, you officially suck in my book

Hear hear! Christina looked fantastic and there's no way either of you deserve the crap that's being spouted over there. You're more than welcome to join me in the not-going-back-to-USB group (NT) -- x, 21:45:46 10/16/08 Thu

Me three! (NT) -- B, 22:38:13 10/16/08 Thu

Author: Mr. AL USA
Date Posted: 15:03:45 08/10/08 Sun
Frankly, I have maybe posted once on USB since Miss Universe. I got burnt out. I am hoping this board will bring me back into sanity! Ahhhhh, The Oasis! I love it!

Author: x
Date Posted: 23:38:49 11/16/08 Sun
On a completely different note.... does anyone find that the vitriolic crap heaped on some of the girls on USB - particularly Kristen Dalton - makes you want to stick your fingers in your ears and say wah wah wah ??? lol Seriously... if I was a mod on USB I'd enforce their rules and boot the backside of any of these negative nancies continuing to spew rotten nonsense about the new titleholders.

Author: x
Date Posted: 05:24:23 11/11/08 Tue
I'VE BEEN BANNED FROM VIEWING USB AGAIN!!! I wonder what is going on?

This happened last week but only for a couple of hours... strange.

Whilst I don't post there much any more I do use it for snippets of info about the state titleholders... but who'd a thunk that they'd ban me again when I haven't even had a real presence there for almost two months!

Oh, and I can actually get in because I've found a site that extracts the source from a website so I can just read the source... makes it easier to avoid reading the bashing, anyway :P I've been using it because I STILL can't view most of the state websites from home :( (NT) -- x, 05:25:39 11/11/08 Tue

...and all my posts get deleted. Every single time I post, usually in response to a poster named "Sunshine Girl", it gets deleted from the Coffee Clutch. I don't think what I reply is any less heated than the abortion and politics-related issues discussed in the past, but now for some reason any time I post, it usually gets washed. (NT) -- (an aggrivated) CC-P, 09:19:39 11/12/08 Wed

USB (some participants) just trash one another -- it stinks. Here I can give a *wootwoot* on my day or on Miss USA. I LOVE IT!! :) (NT) -- bpin, 15:33:00 11/10/08 Mon

I didn't think it would happen, but I come here way more than I go to USB anymore. (NT) -- [><], 15:36:25 11/10/08 Mon

I can speak freely and not be "attacked" by some anonymous poster.........I hate that! (NT) -- TNBoy, 21:05:13 11/10/08 Mon

I still post on USB but some people there are so nasty, on purpose! (NT) -- Husker fan, 22:34:55 11/10/08 Mon

Because of the atmosphere here, I feel more inclined to post, which I almost never do on the other boards. (NT) -- Queenmum, 08:29:46 11/11/08 Tue

I love that I can say exactly what I think without worrying about hurting someone's feelings, I feel so free!!! (NT) -- NC GAL (loving OASIS), 08:35:00 11/11/08 Tue

I love the "secrecy" of this place - invite only. I also enjoy the candidness of everyone...oh, and you can't forget about all the inside gossip...(NT) -- CC-P, 09:06:45 11/11/08 Tue

so someone over at USB has posted about being from KY and aging out, have no idea who this may be but it seems that that particular board is gonna help them out! hehe, little do THEY know, i can use the help too! i swear, this is getting good now! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 11:21:53 10/15/08 Wed

Should I sneak over and give bogus advice????????? (NT) -- Cindy, 23:15:19 10/15/08 Wed

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! on Cindy! you so bad! they haven't seem to reply anymore today with any more information so i don't know who it is. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 23:22:26 10/15/08 Wed

I'm so tempted to screw with that thread....I'm gonna go take a look now...he he he.... (NT) -- Cookie Monster, 09:56:02 10/22/08 We

I posted a roll call on USB and asked for people to give us a little story about how they chose their pageant board handle. So far, M Back has not posted to that thread. It's about the only thread they haven't posted too. I know you don't have to tell the truth (though I think the majority of posters are honest). I think it's kind of strange for such a new poster to all of a sudden be all over that board. Most newbies are a little shy about posting. Who ever it is seems to know quite a bit about pageants as well. -- Blonde Ambition 15:24:38 12/08/08 Mon

I've been trying my best to get M Back to answer the roll call on USB. I've even called them out (along with a few others so it didn't look quite so bad). So far they just keep ignoring it. Oh well, I don't expect them to tell us the truth anyway!! -- Blonde Ambition 15:23:32 12/11/08 Thu

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Subject: Bashing Pageant Central

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Date Posted: 14:29:29 01/05/12 Thu
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

"Its really hard to figure out who is who I think there are two or three people with numerous identities between them all set on causing mayhem. We are pretty sure that Hooked is the same person who used to post as Mrs Budgie, and I am 99% sure that Fred & Meemaw are the same person, but its just really, really hard to figure it all out. And it sounds completely off the wall and loony, I know, because its not when they actually start leeching the joy out of you that you realise just how screwy they are. I know there is at least one person on this board, other than B & I, who can attest to that..." -x

Author: x
Date Posted: 22:43:10 11/06/08 Thu

For those who know what I'm talking about (PM, your last comment got me posting this, lol :P)... who thinks the MLOP beatup on USB is a Pageant Central inspired game???

well i thought it was a PC inspired game. am i wrong? i only ever saw it on there. either way i find it to be rather rude of that particular poster to post that knowing what would happen! (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 22:58:06 11/06/08 Thu

I just want to add though, that I thought it was kinda rude how she shouted down that persons suggestions... the person who did the photoshopping was right on! From what I can gather MLOP is all about doing it the unconventional way... but the changes the photoshopper suggested made a real improvement! (NT) -- x, 23:05:25 11/06/08 Thu

i agree and since we are here on Oasis, lol, i was pretty suprised by her lax prep. Pageant Central posters put a lot into having her compete and it didn't seem like she took it seriously. she made a post asking us if she had let us down. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 23:19:01 11/06/08 Thu

More pics (NT) -- x, 23:25:00 11/06/08 Thu

oh wow. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 23:27:10 11/06/08 Thu

Exactamundo (NT) -- x, 23:31:12 11/06/08 Thu

this is the kind of thing i was speaking of with my POTM question. granted she didn't anything but she had OTHERS spending money on her venture and didn't take it seriously. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 23:34:59 11/06/08 Thu

Can I just say that she is very, very lucky the swimsuit pics haven't turned up on the boards, yet? hmmm (NT) -- x, 23:59:08 11/06/08 Thu

Since we're on Oasis, I couldn't believe it either. In fact, I was downright shocked at how unprepared she looked in pictures, to the point that I was'nt sure they were real at first. Having read some of her blogs, I have to say tho, that I felt like she was making a mockery of it along time ago. (NT) -- [><], 10:52:48 11/07/08 Fri

Gee, I wonder WHO that poster...who feeds off people's vulnerabilities, posts under (atleast) three (very prominent) handles...with (atleast) three various caricatures...has a black soul...and is apparently loved by the masses in the virtual pageant community (minus those who know first hand how truly spiteful AND calculating they are)...could be to toy with this young ladies emotions all to get her kicks off. I really do wonder who this mystery character is, "honey". (NT) -- B, 01:25:45 11/07/08 Fri

Yep, i was thinking the exact same thing... and it was even more obvious when the mods said they wouldn't delete it... The person is sick and the more people who know it the better (NT) -- x, 01:47:11 11/07/08 Fri

B, what handles does the person use? I'd like to know so that I can stear clear of them (NT) -- Max, 11:49:06 11/07/08 Fri

Try Meemaw, Hooked, Fred... its one or all of the above. I know its hard to believe, but believe you me, once you've been burned by them you'll get it.... just be glad you haven't! (NT) -- x, 14:18:12 11/07/08 Fri

Meemaw Hooked and Fred are the same people?? (NT) -- Max, 17:50:27 11/07/08 Fri

Its really hard to figure out who is who I think there are two or three people with numerous identities between them all set on causing mayhem. We are pretty sure that Hooked is the same person who used to post as Mrs Budgie, and I am 99% sure that Fred & Meemaw are the same person, but its just really, really hard to figure it all out. And it sounds completely off the wall and loony, I know, because its not when they actually start leeching the joy out of you that you realise just how screwy they are. I know there is at least one person on this board, other than B & I, who can attest to that... (NT) -- x, 18:07:36 11/07/08 Fri

i've come to realize that the Pageant Central crew are just different. she designed MLOP's gown and we saw how that turned out. it is very interesting to be in the chat with them and see how much different they are than the USB group. they are certainly more rude. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 21:22:13 11/23/08 Sun

I still want to know who facts is. I got an email from one of hte people mentioned in this thread, saying that I shouldnt' take facts's attacks so personally, because it might turn out to be an alias. (NT) -- [><], 08:27:34 11/08/08 Sat

ugh, i can't stand facts! whomever it is is so condecending in the tone of their posts and seems to have the mindset that if you don't agree with them, then you are wrong. (NT) -- Pageant Mistress, 11:13:50 11/08/08 Sat

Me either!!! I'm glad someone else doesn't like facts. (NT) -- [><], 12:31:52 11/08/08 Sat

You know that I love everybody here, but I guess I just haven't had the trouble with Meemaw that others have. She (I guess it's a she) defended me during Miss USA 2007 when I was attacked on her board and I happen to love reading her reviews of different pageants. She does have a wicked sense of humor and I imagine that if you were on her sh*t list she could be pretty mean. I never thought about Meemaw, Hooked and Fred being the same person though, just from some of the things they have posted. Maybe that's just to throw people off, I don't know. I do go to Monday Night Chat and really enjoy it. Everyone there has been good to me. I guess I do look for the good in everybody though. (NT) -- Husker fan, 13:11:38 11/08/08 Sat

what can she do? I guess just ban you from her message board, right? (NT) -- Max, 14:27:19 11/08/08 Sat

Its worse than that... what she does is stab people behind their backs when they're vulnerable. She always uses other handles so noone suspects its her doing it. You just had to look at what happened to me in 2005&6... anyway, I'm not going to keep pushing this conversation, and you're free to make up your own minds, but I'm just saying be careful with her... (NT) -- x, 14:34:15 11/08/08 Sat

I've been to Monday night chat, and I happen to love Meemaw, but I've also been rip to shreds by her. A couple years ago, I made some kind of comment about recent pictures of some Miss USA winners or something, and she totally took it and ran with it, even though I relaly didn't mean it like she took it. So, I've been on both ends of Meemaw's fury. I still love her and think she's hilarious though, and those Glak journal entries of hers are some of hte funniest things I've ever read. (NT) -- [><], 17:16:19 11/08/08 Sat

Subject: I am curious and am trying to figure out who MBack is on USB. It can't be X, as the person is offering to coach. My guess is X cannot coach from another continent. Is it Meemaw?
Author: Coffee Hound

whoever they are they just started posting once Carrie won and go on and on about her. Are they a coach in California? -- Max 19:56:20 11/30/08 Sun

I think it is either Meemaw or Fred. Hooked seems to know who MBack is from her comments! -- little birdie 20:37:43 11/30/08 Sun

Well if Hooked knows then its certainly one of them. MBack? Does that have any significance? -- x 20:39:18 11/30/08 Sun

I dont know , but I think they are a bit obnoxious! -- NC GAL 11/30/08 Sun

I have to say this Mback person has become very very active suddenly, and I don't appreciate the personal shot she/he just took at Monique. -- NE Gal 23:15:54 11/30/08 Sun

Yes, its kinda weird how they suddenly shot out of the woodwork -- x 23:31:01 11/30/08 Sun

And gosh, now I think of it I remember someone last year or the year before who annoyed everyone by posting messages only partway across the page like that, not the full way across. There was something else going on with them too... strange. I can't even remember who it was though -- x 23:33:23 11/30/08 Sun

Well, you know Maude who pissed a lot of people off and started arguments just to start arguments ended up being Fredand his defense for that was him just having fun with the board, so.... -- B 00:40:21 12/01/08 Mon

I try and check that board at least once a day, but I haven't even noticed them. I'll have to go and look. Oasis seems to know who everyone is. -- [><] 23:18:54 11/30/08 Sun

I have noticed that this person is posting CONSTANTLY all of a sudden. -- SC Bandit 12:36:02 12/01/08 Mon

I went and looked over the board and saw what everyone is talking about. I agree with PM, such a knowitall!! Still not as bad as facts. Ewwwww! Ugh! Ewww! -- [><] 15:04:07 12/01/08 Mon

I got into it with Hooked one time,totally ignore her posts now. -- Max: 21:59:02 12/05/08 Fri

I've never had any problems with Hooked. Really, the only person I've ever wanted to hunt down was facts. All facts used to want to do was throw around accusations of racism. It used to make me so mad!! -- [><] 22:06:37 12/05/08 Fri

Neither did B or I, until she went nuts on us... -- x 02:56:17 12/08/08 Mon

THANK YOU! i wanted to mention this person on here but didn't know how to approach it. i do not like this person and i don't like their posting style. such a knowitall. i'm sure they'll give themselves away after a while. they did state they're trying to take over a state usa pageant so... -- Pageant Mistress 01:00:41 12/01/08 Mon

Meemaw. -- B 00:35:13 12/01/08 Mon

This is funny. I'm glad I am not the only one who is annoyed by this person. (Just ask x !) -- SC Bandit 12:26:41 12/01/08 Mon

Me too, SC Bandit! After the first couple of times I thought they were rude, I started seeing a pattern- rude and know it all-ish!! LOL! I am so glad , I thought I was being silly! -- NC GAL 18:50:50 12/01/08 Mon

ITS MEEMAW. It has to be. The more she's been posting, the more her writing style just SCREAMS Meemaw, just as Hooked's writing style in certain emails screams Mrs Budgie -- x 22:04:20 12/04/08 Thu

I agree. I am absolutely certain its Meemaw, plus think about it doesn't the handle just give it away "M Back" Meemaw Back considering he/she left the board a few years ago, now that a lot of the Oasis crew is posting less on the board and more of her PC people are posting on it it just makes sense to me. -- NE Gal 22:16:02 12/04/08 Thu

Ugh, and all the banter between her and Dreamboat Annie at the moment is so clearly reminiscent of her. -- x 01:08:40 12/05/08 Fri

I find it rather "interesting" how as soon as x and I stopped posting on USB and word got out that we're running Oasis, Meemaw & crew took over USB. No, this isn't my ego talking....literally, within days of it being official that x and I would exclusively be found here, Indyjeff, and a few others who strictly posted on Pageant Central (including Meemaw) were now all over USB. I think it's an alpha dog, "little man" syndrome. Some big personalities NEED to remain the only big personality on the board or else they become kinda lost. -- B 01:20:10 12/05/08 Fri

if i were to actually meet some of these posters, i think i would be scared to! like Fred, which hasn't posted in a few weeks, and Meemaw. i think in the end, we would be VERY surprised as to who is behind some of these handles! and i would not be surpised if some of them weren't former titleholders. anyone figured out who Roseanna Roseadanna, or however it is spelled, is? i was told she's a former MAO queen, possible Miss America. -- Pageant Mistress 02:15:51 12/05/08 Fri

I've never heard that about Roseanna? I've never had any problems with her that I can remember, but Meemaw let me have it once over saying something about formers ages. Of course, one of them was Kim Tomes so I always wondered if maybe she was trying to build on that rumor that that's who she is. Does anyone know where that rumor came from even? IDK, other than that, Meemaw's always been good to me. -- [><] 20:03:53 12/05/08 Fri

B you'd be interested... Latronda & Dreamboat Annie have come out of the woodwork, too ;) -- x 04:02:21 12/05/08 Fri

DA's totally legit. I know who she is, as do many people I think. -- [><] 20:05:35 12/05/08 Fri

I know that DA is legit... its the way MBack is conversing with her that reminds me so much of Meemaw's style -- x 23:21:10 12/08/08 Mon

B, once DIT and I left the Texas Board as moderators, I have noticed that Meemaw has been posting a lot there, too. -- CC-P 15:51:20 12/10/08 Wed

Look at what I noticed this morning!!! It is a post by MBack - Dreamboat Annie is responding to MBack and refers to her as KIM???? Hmmmm, very interseting!! (Click in to see the post)....... -- little birdie 07:35:47 12/05/08 Fri

OK, NEVERMIND!!! The original poster / author of the post was KIM!!! I am such a dork!!! Sorry for the false report, I jumped the gun :) -- little birdie 07:44:40 12/05/08 Fri

Boy, you aren't akidding when you say it has been taken over. I did notice in a post the MBack didn't know how to post with her name hi-lighted. He was thanking others for the info. Now, don't you think Meemaw would know how to do that? Or maybe it's to throw us off. -- coffee hound 08:53:52 12/05/08 Fri

totally to throw us off! the demeanor is the same as Meemaw if maybe a little over the top but who knows! -- Pageant Mistress 12:24:44 12/05/08 Fri

If you search for her handle, you'll see she's made over 150 posts in December alone, and over 150 in the last week of November. I don't know ANY poster who posts as frequently as that ;) -- x 14:56:24 12/05/08 Fri

I know that I've said it before, but I've never had anything but good experiences on Pageant Central. Everyone there, including Meemaw and Indy Jeff have been nothing but good to me. And Monday Night Pageant Chat is always interesting as well as funny most nights. I have to admit that whoever Meemaw is, they know more about pageants than I'd ever dream of knowing, but then again so do x and B. (funny, how did you guys come up with those single letters as a handle?) I guess if M Back is Meemaw, she (he) wouldn't be the first person to come back with a different handle. I just enjoy reading posts from everyone, some of them are really out there and others are very smart. I just consider myself lucky to have met so many people within the pageant community that have taught me so much. I can't believe that I knew nothing about these boards only 3 years ago! -- Husker fan 21:20:11 12/05/08 Fri

I've never had a bad experience on PC either, but I really don't post there as often as I do here and USB. There definitely is a wealth of knowledge on the boards. -- [><] 22:09:07 12/05/08 Fri

i haven't had a bad experience over there either but the tone of the board is so different. there is a pet peeve post and MLOP posted that she hated it when contestants used their full names or walked out in a fully beaded gown! i want to write something but since i'm not that much of a regular over there i don't want to step on their toes but someone did call her out on the fashion part! -- Pageant Mistress 00:23:25 12/06/08 Sat

I know I posted Mexicans on that thread, and I didn't mean it against every Mexican, I just meant that I don't like the crazy Mexicans who are usually in the audience at MU. Of course, someone took issue with my saying Mexicans, but truth is, I didn't really explain myself when I posted, and I'll know the next time that I should. Is it me or has MLOP changed since she did Indiana USA? Maybe I just didn't pay attention to her until then. -- [><] 00:33:10 12/06/08 Sat

i just think its b/c we didn't know who she was. i mean, after seeing who Fannie Pack really is, it was a HUGE letdown to see who MLOP really was and then to see her not really care about the whole thing. -- Pageant Mistress 01:02:24 12/06/08 Sat

Well, I still post on USB some as well as once in a while on PC, but the Oasis is my all time favorite. I will admit that sometimes I'm leery of using my handle on USB for fear of being ripped apart. I don't have that fear here. I like the fact that we don't have to agree on everything, but we can still be friends at the end of the day. I love all of the pictures, reviews, etc that everyone contributes. Until I found these boards, I didn't even know who the state titleholders were until I saw them on TV. And now I know their names, hometowns and I must admit that sometimes I end up knowing more than I wanted to!! I just find it so funny when someone on USB posts picture after picture of the same girl. You gotta know that it's a family member. New York is the over hyped contestant there right now. Pretty girl, but I wish they'd back off a little. -- Husker fan 23:37:33 12/05/08 Fri

Is anyone willing to call Meemaw out if that is her? Maybe anonymously??? M Back has really taken over the board and pretty obnoxious. -- Qban 00:36:07 12/08/08 Mon

I'd like to... but there's no way I'd have the guts! -- x 02:33:07 12/08/08 Mon

well i did go over to Pageant Central and posted under their Pageant Pet Peeve thread stating that i hated it when posters from other board post on other boards under different handles. of course no one has responded to it! -- Pageant Mistress 10:54:06 12/08/08 Mon

Why not? I will. And I think Meemaw is a woman,everyone refers to her as a her or Miss or ma'am -- Max 14:40:11 12/08/08 Mon

Let us know so we can step back and watch the fireworks! This M Back is just too much. I think she responds to EVERY thread just about. -- Qban 15:19:28 12/08/08 Mon

I posted a roll call on USB and asked for people to give us a little story about how they chose their pageant board handle. So far, M Back has not posted to that thread. It's about the only thread they haven't posted too. I know you don't have to tell the truth (though I think the majority of posters are honest). I think it's kind of strange for such a new poster to all of a sudden be all over that board. Most newbies are a little shy about posting. Who ever it is seems to know quite a bit about pageants as well. -- Blonde Ambition 15:24:38 12/08/08 Mon

I am officially convinced its Meemaw, after this exchange with Doodle on the DC USA thread on USB "Thanks, Doodle. No. I created an email that I do not use because I got very hateful mail in my previous incarnation on here, but I always appreciate your thoughtfulness."Umm could it be more obvious! -- NE Gal 19:47:16 12/08/08 Mon

Meemaw has always vowed shew would never return to USB no matter what, not even the read the posts. That is what she said and usually if she says it, she means it. So it is hard to say for sure. -- SanFranGuy 19:50:14 12/08/08 Mon

I can tell you for a FACT that Meemaw did indeed visit USB during the time she was/is on Pageant Central. Without revealing too much, or my source, I can tell you with 100% certainty that Meemaw did visit USB...alot! -- B 23:29:14 12/08/08 Mon

Could also be Fred. I haven't seen any posts from him lately and after the things he posted before the elections I could see where some people might have sent nasty emails. But so far M Back has not posted on the roll call thread, though they have posted on several others. And the M Back could just be to make people think it's Meemaw. Just playing with our minds!! -- Husker fan 19:57:43 12/08/08 Mon

I am starting to think that as well. Meemaw, like SanFranGuy says, vowed to never come back and he/she stands by their word. Im starting to think it might be Bamaman or Fred or someone who likes to stir things up by their posts and is acting like (even picks a handle) that would suggest it's someone else. Playing us like a fiddle!! -- Qban 23:15:36 12/08/08 Mon

I agree but the thing is that what they are posting just sounds so much like Meemaw!!! Then again, I've had my suspicions in the past that Fred & Meemaw are the same person... -- x 23:20:19 12/08/08 Mon

Hmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!! -- B 23:31:08 12/08/08 Mon

B - maybe your source could check some IP addresses and solve the mystery! LOL...JK but it would solve the mystery just like CSI or Cold Case! -- Qban 00:13:28 12/09/08 Tue

See the I.P's don't mean didly squat because there's a website you can go to and change your I.P addie. What you can do in detecting who is posting what is determing a pattern in times, writing styles, and you can also see who is visiting your board with the same software we set up for Oasis. It's tricky but there's too many identifying facts that lead me to believe Meemaw did not stay away from USB. She/he may not have been posting as Meemaw...but they were not far from USB longer than a day. -- B 01:05:41 12/09/08 Tue

You have to remember to, that when Meemaw left USB she said itw as because her internet couldn't handle all the photos etc, right? But she's said on PC that she's updated her internet, so it could be that if it's her, she came back because of that. -- [><] 04:19:50 12/09/08 Tue

I'm just amazed at the internet lives people create,if tey are the same person.I mean,who does that? I'm me.,thats it,period.Biut to have one handle where you live in Alaska,another where you live in California,another one where you live in Arkansas,thats just a little bizarre for me. -- Max 11:45:50 12/09/08 Tue

I find it strange that M Back has not answered the roll call on USB. Who ever it is could make up anything, but to just not answer at all is odd. -- Blonde Ambition 15:05:30 12/09/08 Tue

Someone asked MBack a while ago what credentials he/she had because he/she said he/she (ok, that's gotten old now - we'll go with "she"!) said she did some coaching and she gave a little resume of her pageant creds but said she didn't want to give too much away because she could be recognized. But if she has that much experience, why is she just now coming out of the woodwork at USB? -- Queenmum 16:05:55 12/09/08 Tue

She's definitely a "former" USB regular... because she knows the personalities behind the handles. That's what I was saying about her fawning over Dreamboat Annie, there's no way a newbie would know DAs personality... ditto the way she deals with Bamaman and all the other characters on the board. -- x 16:13:27 12/09/08 Tue

It could be DIT! -- SanFranGuy 20:30:09 12/10/08 Wed

i hadn't even thought about him!!! very true. -- Pageant Mistress 20:33:15 12/10/08 Wed

MBack as in I'm back! -- SFG 20:42:46 12/10/08 Wed

Gasp! I never thought of him either! It's possible. -- sc bandit 16:15:26 12/11/08 Thu

I thought about that too! hmmm..... -- CC-P 17:07:41 12/11/08 Thu

I've been trying my best to get M Back to answer the roll call on USB. I've even called them out (along with a few others so it didn't look quite so bad). So far they just keep ignoring it. Oh well, I don't expect them to tell us the truth anyway!! -- Blonde Ambition 15:23:32 12/11/08 Thu

MBack is saying she was on the board 3 years ago,left after being attacked, and has now come back. It's a she as she has said she and her mother used to wear nightgowns together. She has also said she's not Meemaw. I personally dont care. -- Max 21:25:03 12/11/08 Thu

Hey coffee hound - Fred responded to your question of where he had been on blonde ambitions post!! He said he had emergency herniated disk suregery on Nov 22 and was in the hospital for 10 days and is now in a Rehab center for 4 weeks. Hmmm,,,,he could have lots of time on his hands sitting in bed recovering, enough time to post every hour on the hour for the last few weeks??? Ya think? -- Very interesting....little birdie 19:35:13 12/13/08 Sat

Hmmmm. Interesting. But, is Fred really that knowledgable about the pageant world? This M Back person is more than just a fan. -- Sc Bandit 13:25:03 12/14/08 Sun

I see that, I hope it's not true he's been hospitalized. Hopefully it will explain the MBack matter. I guess it's wearing off, we don't care that much anymore. Interesting. -- coffee hound 17:22:31 12/14/08 Sun

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Subject: NE Gal Shana Orczyk

Oasis Exposed
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Date Posted: 14:00:18 01/05/12 Thu
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

"Most people know not to mess with me because I can make people look like fools." -NE Gal Shana Orczyk

Author: NE Gal
Date Posted: 17:26:40 09/19/08 Fri
I competed in Mass the year Susie won and can concur with everyone else that she was not very nice to me. I also had a nasty little run in with Erika Ewald, who didn't feel I was "worthy" of her time.

re: Susie Castillo and Jackie Bruno: Susie and Jackie are still friendly though not nearly as close as they used to be. The reason Susie is nice to Jackie is because she views her as someone "on her level" and not someone who is "beneath her" like us little people. -- NE Gal, 20:22:49 09/19/08 Fri

re: Michaela Gagne: Yes I knew she was competing at Miss Mass USA. Michaela is a very sweet girl but she really has no real "USA" appeal. I think she shares the same fate as Erika Ebbel in 2007 (not making the cut). I just can't see it. I never understood her MAO win. I find her to be pretty but a little plain. I would never say that anywhere but her on Oasis, but I'm sorry I simply cannot even imagine her winning. (NT) -- NE Gal, 17:55:49 11/06/08 Thu

Can I just say I've never gotten Christy Dunn. How did the 3rd and 4th runner up score that low because those are the only two in this photo that have any real USA potential! (NT) -- NE Gal, 16:29:20 11/07/08 Fri

re: Monique Jones: That is definitely true B. She definitely becomes super patty on stage. But I think her poor performance in IL was due to the fact that she had put on some weight and did not look fit. I agree though that "pattiness" could totally kill her. She is aware of it, but she's been competing for so long (I mean I've known her since she was 10) I don't know if she even knows how to overcome it. (NT) -- NE Gal, 16:32:10 11/07/08 Fri

Subject: Miss Massachusetts USA/Teen USA Results
Author: NE Gal
Here's my two cents. Both the teen and the miss top 5 included 2 complete head scratchers. For Miss I would have put Tatianna S. and Sasha Almeida Beers instead of Tara Fitzgerald (pretty girl, absolutely vacant on stage and when she opened her mouth, well let's just say the elevator does go to the top floor) and Sola Okenla (cute, nothing particularly special dress was a hot mess leopard print side cut-out disaster, and she needed work in swimsuit). For teen how Jessica Tocci and Chelsea C. got left out of the top 5 I will never understand. Those two were the two standouts in the competition, as far as I'm concerned one of those two should have won! Arielle was just a head scratcher for me, she was not well put together and really not what I would consider cute or pretty, she just was soso for me. Quanisha Smith was a disaster, her turquoise tie dye with a big ass bow on her butt was just atrocious. Ugh. (NT) -- NE Gal, 18:42:11 11/23/08 Sun

re: Patricia Gentry: Since this is Oasis I feel like I can mention this here. The woman who posts on USB as "Patricia Gentry" is this lady who runs a pageant training school called "Pageant University" is Mass, I've never really had a drawn out conversation with her, but several of my friends have had very very bad experiences with her, let's just say she's a little too over the top in pageants and its well past obsession. Some of the stories and things I've seen are just, well out there. Anyway, she started designing her own line of gowns and swimsuits and they include Michaela Gagne's gown which was nice but not for a pageant stage, it was way over the top, backless, halter cut down to her navel, and was a really loud print. Well someone on USB just called her out for hyping her gown and "her girls" in this pageant, and she responded. A little part of me had to laugh because she's a bit delusional. (NT) -- NE Gal, 21:07:38 11/23/08 Sun

re: Patricia Gentry: Some of her stuff isn't completely awful. I think its the fact that I know her identity and know how weird she is. You have no idea. There are a lot of coaches out there who know how to prepare girls and can support there girls as well as know some have a really good shot and some just don't but they don't really hype them over the top. She tends to coach contestants and hypes them all and absolutely rips anyone else she views as a threat, and that has been my experience with her, that and just some plain crazy stories I've heard or things I've personally witnessed that just made me go "this lady is not normal". I would never say this anywhere but Oasis, and I always try to be congenial towards her, but she's just a weird lady. (NT) -- NE Gal, 21:34:50 11/23/08 Sun

Subject: Miss Massachusetts USA Review!
Author: NE Gal
Date Posted: 22:34:22 11/24/08 Mon

Michelle Lee: I love Michelle she is a good friend of mine, but quite frankly she has a funny body. She is short waisted, very short waisted and as a result she never looks right in swimsuit, I know she was in great shape, but she's not proportionate and in the end swimsuit is her downfall. I actually liked her dress, it was black velvet sweetheart neckline with a ruffle mermaid bottom, it suited her, but unfortunately her swimsuit body will always hold her back and there is nothing she can do about it.

re: Patricia Gentry: As it turns out one of the more "two-faced" USB posters was the one that pointed out my post, as if I wasn't already aware the poster was crazy now I am absolutely certain. Thank god for Oasis. (NT) -- NE Gal, 10:59:07 11/29/08 Sat

I apologise for asking, but who the heck is the crazy poster? I need to know who to stay away from. (NT) -- coffee hound, 11:10:54 11/29/08 Sat

She post under 2 names, click in -- NE Gal, 11:51:40 11/29/08 Sat
Patricia Gentry
Massachusetts USA Judge

Subject: I totally stole these from Amy Diaz's Facebook page, please please please don't post them anywhere else.
Author: NE Gal

re: Patricia Gentry: OMG every photo I try to post of "THE DRESS" doesn't work. I'm being punished for stealing these I think. I'll try one more time as a click in... -- NE Gal, 22:14:52 11/23/08 Sun

Author: NE Gal
Date Posted: 19:49:10 12/02/08 Tue
I stole this off facebook, so please don't post it anywhere else, the original poster is not anyone I know, but I was able to view it anyway because she tagged Michaela. This is the infamous dress that I think caused Michaela Gagne from advancing at Miss Mass. It was designed by "Patricia Gentry" one of the regular USB posters. Michaela is on the left, Kate Barnes (SF) is in the center and Tara Fitzgerald (2nd RU) is on the right.

re: Patricia Gentry: Lol. You just described the woman who designed the dress! Did I just say that? I'll admit I'm being a little catty, but when I read that description of the dress, I thought, if you only met the designer. (NT) -- NE Gal, 22:24:35 12/02/08 Tue

re: M Back: I agree. I am absolutely certain its Meemaw, plus think about it doesn't the handle just give it away "M Back" Meemaw Back considering he/she left the board a few years ago, now that a lot of the Oasis crew is posting less on the board and more of her PC people are posting on it it just makes sense to me. -- NE Gal 22:16:02 12/04/08 Thu

I am officially convinced its Meemaw, after this exchange with Doodle on the DC USA thread on USB "Thanks, Doodle. No. I created an email that I do not use because I got very hateful mail in my previous incarnation on here, but I always appreciate your thoughtfulness."Umm could it be more obvious! -- NE Gal 19:47:16 12/08/08 Mon

re: Hooked: Several people have, including me, but I will admit, I did it sans handle because I just don't want to start a big personal thing with her. (NT) -- NE Gal, 22:19:15 12/10/08 Wed

FYI I know who CT Queenie is and am not a fan. So I'm glad you said something Cookie Monster. Unfortunately all of the posts that stood up for x against Hooked have mysteriously been deleted. (NT) -- NE Gal, 19:49:41 12/11/08 Thu

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