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Date Posted: 16:35:32 05/01/19 Wed
Author: Nicky
Subject: Re: Foundation garments, girdles, relationships
In reply to: Tom Sleifer 's message, "Re: Foundation garments, girdles, relationships" on 05:53:10 05/01/19 Wed

Yes it is a pity that those foundation wear websites are no longer around. They were I think very well and tastefully presented. As a teenager and indeed for many years I was always careful to hide my fetish for a woman in a girdle especially as I thought, for some reason, at the time that I was the only one. I certainly never discussed it with anyone. Did you at that age? It was only when a girlfriend of mine in those early years thought she was putting on weight and asked me if I thought she should wear a girdle that I gave myself away. She soon discovered my secret but was very understandng and wore a girdle like the Smoothie in this link:


I have to admit that I never realized just how strong a girdle fetish could be till then.
It was refreshing and came as a great relief to find out that so many men had a girdle fetish on the sites you mention and that it was a lot more common than I had realized.
From what you said it doesn`t surprise me at all that you developed a strong girdle fetish especially growing up in a household where girdles were worn regularly and possibly discussed so blatantly.

I don`t think women were always that subtle or dicreet when it came to their underwear especially towards young teenage boys, who as you know are very susceptiple to anything feminine in their early teens, do you? I can well believe that many of those school girls did want to immitate their Mums in order to feel grown up. Perhaps one shouldn`t forget that morality was very different in those days, so the mother`s fear of their daughters becoming pregnant was a serious problem and taken very seriously - especially before the pill was freely available. I`ve also heard that many mother`s insisted that their daugters wear a girdle when they went out on a date. Very interesting article, so fit is the real key to comfort!

>I wish The Girdle Zone and Girdle and More websites
>were not shutdown, these were great websites where we
>could all get to know each other men and women who
>love vintage girdles. I did what I could to set this
>up so we could connect as best as possible.
>In my case besides living in a house with 3 corseted
>or girdled women who really loved being corseted and
>girdled everyday - I also lived near a Catholic Girls
>school. All of the girls at the school were always in
>a girdle daily, and the ones I knew like my mom,
>grandmother, and aunt loved being in vintage girdles
>everday. What I also knew and this I definitly
>overheard is when growing up they would look to their
>girdled moms, and they absolutly couldn't wait to be
>girdled everday day. Wearing everday a vintage girdle
>was a sign of being grown up and becoming a lady. The
>other reason young girls that I knew were encoraged to
>wear girdles is to protect them from having sex and
>getting preganant.
>Yes I know there were some girls that did not like
>being girdled, but they were very rare. I believe the
>reason why is I know for a fact my mom, grandmother
>and aunt and the girls I knew from the school and
>other girls in my neighborhood were all fitted and
>trained by professional corsetiers.
>Proper training and fitting by professional
>corsetieres that really knew their trade is absolutly
>essential to help get to the point where you really do
>experience daily the wonderful benefits a vintage
>girdle will give you without questions. Otherwise
>what can happen if you do not go to a professional
>corsetiere for proper fitting and training there is a
>good possiblity you will experience being somewhat
>uncomfortable in a girdle.
>In my case since I do have a very strong girdle fetish
>I was very curious about what it would be like and to
>experience what young girls and women back in the
>Golden Age of Girdles did when the went through being
>properly fitted and when Girdle Training by a
>professional corsetiere. I wondered can you really
>get to point where are always very comfortable in a
>girdle and you love being girdled everday. Countary
>to some of negative propaganda you hear that wearing a
>girdle is uncomfortable.
>I located a male friendly professionally trained
>corsetiere who both fit me and put me through Girdle
>Training very much like what the girls and women did
>back during the Golden Age of Girdles. After going
>through the training and fitting I was totally amazed
>of the overall benefits of being daily in a girdle
>really is, and I decided to document and I created a
>web page that basically explains the fitting and
>girdle training by a corsetiere.
>I have chatted with some women who have gone through
>the training I posted, and they absolutly confirmed to
>me how much now they now love being daily in a vintage
>girdle. Actually they told me you do get to the point
>if you are not in a girdle you feel quite
>uncomfortable, something feels missing and you just do
>not feel dressed. They told me with out a vintage
>girdle (very firm boned girdle - not spanx) their
>posture falls apart, their clothes do not fit, and
>they found they have very low energy. They found
>after the training they hated being in Spanx, and
>really loved being in a vintage girdle.
>Let me know your thoughts on this.
>>Interesting. Like you The Girdle Zone is where I was
>>surprised to learn just how many other men also had a
>>girdle fetish. Now that I come to think about it my
>>fetish for a woman in a girdle goes back to my early
>>teenage school days. I was at an all boys school and
>>the only young woman we found ourselves attracted to
>>was the young assistant matron.
>>It didn`t take me long to discover that she like so
>>many others wore a white firm control satin paneled
>>girdle with stockings, which was typical of the 1960s.
>>I`m almost certain that that was the point when I
>>developed a lasting fascination for the garment. I
>>don`t think there was any question that she and women
>>in general hated wearing a girdle. They usually spent
>>all day and every day in their girdles so I don`t know
>>how that would be possible if they felt uncomfortable
>>in them do you? Anyway, I think that they had the
>>girdles properly fitted in those days and according to
>>Ivyleaf that was the important thing. Growing up in a
>>household with women who wore girdles would I think be
>>very likely to cause a girdle fetish.
>>>I do understand - I was the same way until the
>>>internet became popular. It started with Zona The
>>>Girdle Zone and Girdles and More, I found out to my
>>>surprise I was not the only man with a Girdle
>>>I both loved being around girdled girls and found
>>>very very attractive, I also would from time to time
>>>even put on a girdle, but I was at that time never
>>>girdle dependent.
>>>Some of my research I did I find out which I had
>>>always wondered about contary to what I had heard
>>>women hated being in a girdle, I know in my house I
>>>grew up with my mom, grandmother and aunt who all
>>>lived with us and who were daily always in either a
>>>girdle or a corset and I remember over hearing them
>>>they really did love the benefits that a decent
>>>vintage girdle did without question give them. They
>>>use to talk about being Girdle Dependent and I
>>>remember they would never ever leave the house
>>>being always well girdled or in a corset.
>>>I believe growing up in a house like that had a major
>>>influence on me as far as developing my Girdle
>>>I even got to the point where once I learned via the
>>>web about my Girdle Fetish, I wanted to explore to
>>>if I could as a male become like my mom, grandmother
>>>and aunt and be girdle dependent, and get to the
>>>where I need to be daily always in a girdle.
>>>I located a male friendly corsetiere who told me it
>>>didn't make any difference male or female once she
>>>me in the right kind of girdle for my life style and
>>>my body and put me through girdle training like her
>>>and my mom, grandmother, and aunt I would become
>>>girdle dependent, and I could not go without being in
>>>Once I went through Girdle Training I was totally
>>>amazed how benefical being daily girdled like my mom,
>>>grandmother, and aunt really is. Once you experience
>>>being well encased and your stomach and back is well
>>>supported you really love how you look and feel, and
>>>it doesn't matter if you are a male or a female the
>>>benefits a girdle does give you are real.
>>>What I found out to my surprise after a few weeks of
>>>being daily always girdled you do get to the point
>>>can not go without a girdle, and you really love
>>>After experiencint the effects a girdle had on me I
>>>came to the conclusion that I can not understand in
>>>the present day why women just refuse to wear vintage
>>>girdles like they use to, the benefits are real.
>>>>>We wore girdles to tease and make us look sexy. We
>>>>>also wanted to make out with young men and not go
>>>>>the way.
>>>>>We never knew that some men would wear girdles and
>>>>>knew nothing about girdle fetishism.
>>>>We guys knew we liked girdles, but we didn't know it
>>>>was a "thing".
>>>>We just thought we were weird.

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