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The Gaming RPG

Subject: ...I'm just going to say that there's a shower room, aight? And there're obviously two separate parts (men, women). Okay? Kick me.

Gabriel Logan, Lian Xing, and Teresa Lipan
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Date Posted: 10:07:00 12/29/01 Sat

Lian isn't satisfied with Vincent's answer. And she's learned to push past Gabe's clipped tones before. But then, there's a reason for that. "Wait a minute; you WATCHED him leave?"
Gabe raises an eyebrow, obviously confused as well, but still too tired to say anything.
"Why the hell didn't you stop him?" Lian continues, "What the hell is wrong up with you two?"
"Um, Lian," Gabe says, sitting up, "you might want to stop now before we get in trouble-"
"No. We don't know half the things about these people and I for one want some answers!"
"It's Teresa's job to flip out. Not yours. Calm down and be rational like you usually are. I don't need TWO Teresas."
Lian blinks, then laughs. "Right, right... But seriously," she says, turning back to Vincent, "there has to be more to it than just that you aren't his boss anymore." Whatever that means.

Teresa tilts her head as she finds the showers. "Um." She gives Irvine a push in the right direction. "That's your shower." She's about to head into the women's section, but thinks better of it and dashes back out to the main room, picking up her change of clothes and a towel (from somewhere). Flashing an apologetic grin, she dashes back into the showers.

OOC: Modes all over. Just keep the darn showers, I'm too tired to change anything now. WILL! POST! NOW!
Subject: **crawls online**

Cloud Strife, Vincent Valentine, and Sev Visagery
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Date Posted: 15:32:03 12/16/01 Sun

OOC: Why is everyone posting the one weekend that I'm busy as hell?! Raaarrr!

And I figured that greens have to grow in the wild, too. After all, what would chocobos eat otherwise?


"He left, apparently," Cloud replies, scratching his head. "Hey Vin, how do you know he left?"

"Because I watched him."

"You watched him leave? Why didn't you stop him?"

Vincent somehow manages to give the impression of shrugging, though he's lying down. "You heard him. I'm not his boss anymore."

The clipped tone gets through to even the thick-headed Cloud; this is not a subject to pursue further. He wisely changes the subject. "Well, since we're all awake, how about we change, grab something to eat, and then go see Red XIII about whatever it is he wants us to see him about?"


Sev has already changed into his clothes; he looks patently ridiculous in them, he believes, but it's more comfortable than traipsing around in a suit and tie. He had no fondness for what was once his working uniform; imposing as it was, it wasn't comfortable, and it didn't allow you as much freedom of movement (the Turks were regularly bursting seams, tearing sleeves, and basically ruining their suits beyond repair). The deerskin jacket and pants, along with the rough-spun wool shirt are much more comfortable, though the wool is a little itchy. He can get some real clothes when he gets to Costa Del Sol or Junon.

Now he is prowling about on the fringe of a forest. Peculiar three-toed tracks (two forward, one back) dot the matted grass here; apparently, a well-used chocobo track. Here he squats with what seems to be a giant turnip in his hands, with dirt still clinging to it. "Heeeere chocobo chocobo chocobo," he mutters. He isn't carrying any materia, much less a chocobo lure, so he'll just have to trust to blind luck.
Subject: O.O Heehee. I loved writing this.

Gabriel Logan, Lian Xing, and Teresa Lipan
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Date Posted: 01:32:25 12/15/01 Sat

Lian is in the middle of a yawn when she catches sight of Irvine. Despite herself, she blinks and stares for a moment, then shakes it off and politely looks away, blushing furiously.
Teresa has decided that Irvine looks rather funny. "Lian," she sniggers, "should we tell him?"
"What? Oh- Teresa!"
"No, I mean it. He's kind of amusing like that."
"Will you shush? Honestly, someone will hear you!"
Gabe looks up, already exasperated. "Someone did. Now how about one of you-" He glances at Irvine, and if there would be any time when he might smile, it'd be now. "-Er. One of you go show him where the shower is. You go, Teresa, since you need one anyway."
Teresa blinks, then grins. "Cruel and unusual punishment." She gets off of the bed anyway and follows after Irvine, searching for the showers, or the equivalent here.
Lian stretches again, then asks the question that's been bothering her since waking. "Where's Sev?"
Subject: No Subject

Irvine Kinneas
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Date Posted: 15:21:41 12/14/01 Fri

Irvine wakes up just a few minutes later, stretching out and, in the manner of cowboys and hobos alike, checks underneath his bed before doing anything else.

Boots? Check.
Gun? Check.

His gaze drifts languidly up to the peg hanging on the far wall, noting that his coat was still hanging from it, and his hat on that.

Coat and hat? Check.

He mumbles quite incoherently to himself as he climbs out of bed in what is evidently his pajamas.

A pair of smiley-faced boxers, most likely picked up during his stay in Washington. He doesn't seem to notice the fact that he's not actually clothed as he rubs his eyes and looks around for a door labeled shower.

Hell, I can't even remember if they have showers here.
Subject: Beware of language.

Sev Visagery
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Date Posted: 09:55:05 12/09/01 Sun

OOC: I swear, Sev was just screaming to get out of my head. Forgive me for any language this contains. >_< **scrubs Sev's mouth with soap**


Sev takes the bottom of Cosmo Canyon at a brisk trot. The ceremonial guard at the entrance (a brightly painted sign, Sev had noted, decorated with a myriad of fallen stars and Cosmo Canyon painted in green) had watched him go and said nothing; he had been different from the one before.

Vincent had watched him go and said nothing, too. Sev had known it, when he retrieved his clothing from the neatly-folded pile and left; unless the ex-Turk slept with his eyes open, he had noted every move his one-time comrade had made. And he had done nothing.

So I'm not even worth the effort of getting up and stopping, huh? Sev sneered. Well, good riddance to him. Never liked him anyway, old man Channon promoting him over my head like that. Fuck him, and fuck Valentine and the stick rammed up his ass. You'd think after so many years he'd lighten up.

He draws his gun and puts a bullet through the forehead of one of the curious little spiky-feathered boxing penguins that inhabit the nooks and crannies of the canyon floor. It had been watching him, wondering if he was worth attacking for trespassing on its territory. Apparently not. The spent cartridge rattles in a half-circle before coming to a stop as Sev replaces the gun in his shoulder holster, not even glancing back.

It's a long way back to Midgar, especially on foot. Too bad there hadn't been any chocobos in the pen.
Subject: Nah, it's good. I assume Teresa went to bed. ^_^

Gabriel Logan, Lian Xing, and Teresa Lipan
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Date Posted: 15:19:31 12/07/01 Fri

OOC: I love showing Lian and Teresa's friendship.

Lian stretches slightly as light drifts into the room, slowly opening her eyes. And for a minute, she's incredibly freaked out. Where am I...how did I- oh. So thinking, she presses both hands over her eyes and smoothes her hair away from her face. "Christ Jesus," she murmurs. "Ayee yah." She sits up slowly, looking around, noting that Gabe is sleeping like a baby - okay, a homicidal sniper baby - Cloud and Vincent are up, Irvine is asleep...and Sev is most assuredly gone. And oh, yes, new clothes have been brought up.
Teresa yawns softly and immediately reaches for her hat, which is on the floor. She promptly falls off the bed, landing on and therefore smothering her new moogle. Stunned and disoriented, she sits up and shakes her head. "Uh, damn..." A blink. "I'm okay!" Grinning that early morning dopey grin, she gets back up onto the bed and sits down crosslegged. "Would it be too much to get a shower and brush?"
"No," murmurs Lian, "at least I hope not, because my hair's a mess..."
"Your hair? Hell, you always look great. But me..." She holds up a tangled strand. "Nah. I need a shower."
"Yes, you do."
Teresa throws the moogle at Lian, who promptly hits her with a pillow. Grinning, Lian tosses another pillow flies across the room, and Teresa ducks it, while Gabe is smacked unpleasantly awake.
"What the HELL are you two doing?"
And the author is sure that no one is asleep anymore.
Subject: **snuggles Irvine**

Cloud Strife, Vincent Valentine, and Sev Visagery
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Date Posted: 16:00:54 12/06/01 Thu

OOC: Someone tell me if it was horribly out of line for me to fast-forward a bit. If anyone had something in mind, just smack me and ignore my post.


When Cloud wakes up, he finds that Vincent entered the room sometime between his falling asleep and, well, waking up. Whether Vincent had been sleeping is another matter; he lies on his back, arms pillowed behind his head, staring at the ceiling with an unreadable expression on his face. Something about the scene makes the young man uneasy; it's not like Vincent is easy to read in any case, but he usually didn't look so. . . so. . . Cloud couldn't put his finger on it.

He sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the couch. "What's up, Vin?" he said, quietly, not knowing who else was up.

Vincent waved an arm in the direction of a chair near the door. "They brought us some clothing."

Now that Cloud was glad to see. While it may have been second nature for Vincent to go traipsing around the wilderness in fine clothing, it wasn't for Cloud. He got up and sifted through the neatly-folded pile a bit, noting that they had even somehow managed to approximate their sizes. "That was nice of 'em." He suddenly realized that they were one outfit short. "Hey, they--"

"Sev is gone," Vincent said abruptly.

Cloud's head jerked up. Sure enough, Sev's bed was empty. In fact, it didn't even look disturbed except for the indent where his body had been.

". . ." he said, most eloquently.
Subject: No Subject

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Date Posted: 10:20:39 12/06/01 Thu

Irvine realizes that most everyone's inside already, and is about to follow when he realizes that Teresa is still outside at the booth. He catches the tail end of the exchange between her and the woman inside, then pushes off the wall and walks over.

"Here, let me get that."

He gives a warm smile to both Teresa and to the saleswoman, then removes a small pouch from a pocket in his trench coat. He gives it to the woman and trusts her to count out the correct amount of Gil, Irvine not even hesistating to ask what the monetary unit was or to volunteer why he doesn't need to ask.

The woman hands him a slightly smaller pouch and he nods in thanks, dropping it back in his coat and heading inside. He's waved through at the desk and steps into the room, laying the wrapped bundle down on one of the free beds, then his hat on top of that. Irvine sits down at the end of the bed and takes his boots off, then puts elbows on his knees and rests his head on his hands.

He was begining to get a headache.
Subject: Ack, I'm behind for once!

Cloud Strife, Sev Visagery, and Vincent Valentine
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Date Posted: 22:55:44 11/22/01 Thu

The woman running the souvenir stand does not seem alarmed or put off by questions that are sheer ridiculousness for someone born on this planet. The first toy often given to an infant is a stuffed moogle to cling to, and chocobos are more than common--they're practically a part of every day life.

"This is a moogle," she says, indicating the stuffed white creature in Teresa's left hand. Its face bears a very slight resemblence to a koala, with a large, flat red nose. That's about the only thing that resembles a koala, actually, for the face is longer and broader than a koala's (perhaps indicative of more intelligence?), and it has small, pointed ears at the top of its head. The body is more like a normal teddy bear's than anything else, save for the tiny, sewn-on bat wings flopping off its back, and a large red pom-pom dangling off its head. "It's a faery, of sorts," the woman goes on, sensing that Teresa wants more than just its name. "It shows up and heals you, or sometimes fights for you."

"That is a chocobo." She indicates the yellow bird in Teresa's other hand. It looks like something of a turkey or an ostrich in build, with a long neck and a large beak, and huge clawed feet. "We ride them. Much faster than walking. There is a pen downstairs for visitors' chocobos, but there aren't any there now."

Cloud, meanwhile, pushes open the worn door and steps in. Directly in front of them is another stand, this one with a ferocious array of gleaming weapons. Up a flight of wooden stairs is another booth. It's this one he approaches.

"Welcome to the Shildra Inn," the woman says warmly. "It's 100 gil a night. Will you be staying?"

"Yeah," Cloud says, accompanied by a nod. The woman waves him through the door, and waiting for them inside are several warm beds and a couch. Cloud flops down on the couch with a relieved sigh. "You guys can take the beds."

The spiky-haired mercenary is getting more and more on Sev's nerves with every moment. He can't put his finger on it. Maybe it's his gallantry. Maybe it's his little country boy air. Maybe it's his refreshing honesty. At any rate, he sits on one of the beds and begins pulling his shoes off, the immediate atmosphere around him going down by a few degrees. Why the hell is he still here? He should have booked it, like Seifer.

Why didn't he leave when he had the chance?
Subject: Hehehe...

Gabriel Logan, Lian Xing, and Teresa Lipan
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Date Posted: 01:13:24 11/23/01 Fri

Teresa eyes both of the plushies. "I think I'd rather take the moogle," she says, and puts down the chocobo to search for her wallet, not at all sure what sort of monetary unit is used here. She glances up and takes note of where the rest of the group has gone.
Lian is only too glad of the beds - if only there was a change of clothes to go with it. But beds are a definite start. She sits down lightly on the far bed, sliding off her high heels and depositing them on the floor with little care. She's very much aware of the group around her, and maybe that's the cause of her hesitant actions.
Gabe isn't picky. A bed is a bed and when you're tired, it is a very very nice bed. Jacket, shoes off and he's down for the count. Or he would be, but he's preoccupied. "Where's Teresa?"
Lian yawns. "Outside, buying something - Um. Cloud, do they...take our money?"
Gabe covers his eyes with a hand. "Oh. No."
Subject: Sorry. Don't kill me, but he needs to go.

Seifer Almasy
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Date Posted: 22:12:49 11/20/01 Tue

On the way to the canyon, Seifer had dropped to the rear. When they got there... he was gone.

He moves, through the canyons, and towards another town.

Subject: ...

Gabriel Logan, Lian Xing, and Teresa Lipan
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Date Posted: 01:28:04 11/18/01 Sun

Gabe follows Cloud, more tired than anything else. If there's an inn nearby, then lead on, because the day has just been too long.
Lian, meanwhile, though tired, would really like to get out of her dress and into something warm. She's absolutely freezing, and her legs are really starting to hurt. A hot bath sounds just about perfect right now.
Teresa is ogling the souvenirs, and she picks up a chocobo plushie in one hand, a moogle in the other. "What the heck ARE these?"
Subject: No Subject

Irvine Kinneas
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Date Posted: 04:24:53 11/17/01 Sat

The easy-going cowboy follows Cloud and lets those who know what they're doing take care of things for the time being. The object wrapped in burlap - a gun, as Vincent had so accurately recognized - had remained wrapped up throughout their walk to their present location. He hadn't needed to take it out, thanks to Cloud's exhuberance in dealing with the creatures they met along the way.

And what creatures they were! Irvine couldn't recall ever seeing creatures like that, and he'd been traveling for a long time.

But none of that's on his mind at the moment. He's simply leaning against the wall next to the wooden door with his eyes closed, appreciating how much better the air smells and tastes here, than in D.C.
Subject: **dies** Ohhh, that was just too rich!

Vincent Valentine, Cloud Strife, and Sev Visagery
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Date Posted: 22:50:21 11/15/01 Thu

OOC: Watch as I attempt to describe Cosmo Canyon after not having played the game in a year! Hit me if I make any horrible mistakes!


Legend has it that many years ago, when the world was still young, many stars fell from the sky because they wanted to see the green of the planet below. But they fell too far, and they scorched the earth deep into canyons, and turned the stones red. You can still see the shattered pieces of the star, embedded in the sides of the canyon so that it flashes and sparkles when the sun smiles down. Quartz embedded in the stone, the scientists say. It is up to you to decide.

Monsters live in the canyon; the little boxing land penguins, and insect-like creatures that spit magic and venom. But there are people that dare to live here, and they will welcome you, if you climb up two hundred and fifty five steps hewn into the side of the gorge.

The village is built quite literally into the wall of the canyon itself. Several ledges have been carved out of the sunset-colored stone, and rooms have been dug out still deeper in, making up homes, storage rooms, and the inn. Those that prefer more open air instead of the stifling interior (for rooms carved deep in rock will be a little stuffy, no matter what you do) live in huts on the ledges or set into the stone, some of them with ladders reaching quite high up. A staircase, also carved out of the rock, leads up to some of the higher ledges. An observatory on one of the higher ledges is constructed half from man-made cave, half from steel and wood and concrete. Windmills scattered here and there are turned gently by the chill desert winds, powering the village that is so close to nature, daring to sleep and live inside the Planet's bosom. In the wide-open plaza on the lowest and widest ledge, where our company stands now, is a small, low platform, covered with hide. There burns the Cosmo Candle, an enormous bonfire, radiating heat and comfort; the very symbol of Cosmo Canyon.

The people living in this city so close to the stars seem no different from their homes. Their clothing is rough, but comfortable; buckskin, leather, wool, sometimes cotton. Some of them have feathers in their hair; others wear brightly-colored beads or shells strung around their necks, wrists, or ankles. Many of them are tattooed in some way or another, patterns and designs winding around their upper arms and ankles. Most of them are dark-haired and dark-eyed, though a few among them are fair of hair and light of eye (and they act and speak no different from the others, and indeed, you would not think that they were not born here, or perhaps they were). But most of all, they seem utterly content, as if they are happy to merely be alive. Nobody is openly armed except the man at the entrance, who bears a dagger at his waist.

He does not seem to be put off by the guests' obvious stares. "Souvenirs can be bought at the stand over there," he says, indicating a booth near the exit, displaying stuffed chocobos and moogles (and a few dolls of a red-furred, one-eyed beast that might be fearsome if the toys weren't so cuddly), play weapons, children's toys, and books on nature and the Planet, or the nature of the Planet.

Cloud takes the few steps necessary to be in the town proper, then turns to his companions. "Follow me; I know where the inn is." He pauses momentarily to address the guard again. "Could you make sure some clothing's sent to the inn? We're not exactly dressed for hard travel, as you can tell."

The man nods readily enough, though he looks a little inquiring, too. "Nanaki will see you there as well," he says, gravely. "He has news of import for you."

"Thanks," Cloud tells him, though he looks a little worried now. But their host doesn't seem any more disposed to speak further, so he turns his steps toward a wooden door in the wall.

Vincent remains to speak to the guard. Sev regards him with narrowed eyes, but says nothing more and enters the inn with the rest of them.
Subject: Booonkers. *growls at Teresa* Stop being giddy. NOW.

Gabriel Logan, Lian Xing, and Teresa Lipan
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Date Posted: 15:49:53 11/15/01 Thu

Gabe is absolutely petrified. Or, if he was capable of petrification, he would be. Slack jawed, he STARES unchecked at the weirded out world around him. Why can't I be dragged off somewhere normal?
Lian's reaction is a bit more civilized, considering the fact that she's still wearing a sleeveless black dress, carrying a weighty purse, and freezing her arse off. She looks around, goes slightly pale, then sighs. Why do I never get dragged off to some carribean island?
Teresa, meanwhile, is going positively nuts. "Holy...! I mean, wow... Hey, where's a souvenir stand?" She looks completely out of place in her blouse and skirt, and yet, somehow she doesn't care. She's absolutely giddy, and looks all over, unsure where to begin. Coolcoolcoolcoolcool!!!!!!! This'll be one for the boys back home- what boys? Ehh, shut up, Lipan! Coolcoolcoolcoolcool!
Subject: Someone DO something already!

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Date Posted: 20:47:49 11/13/01 Tue

I'll post again, if necessary. But I'm seriously going stir-crazy here. ^^
Subject: That last remark makes me think Teresa and Sev should become a couple.

Cloud Strife, Vincent Valentine, and Sev Visagery
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Date Posted: 17:30:39 10/30/01 Tue

OOC: Think of the comedy! **gets things thrown at her** Ow! Ack! Stoppit!

And by the way, just assume that Vincent and Cloud left the restaurant with the rest of them.


Cloud can't seem to get enough of their surroundings. The sky deepens and purples in the distance as the sun sets, and the wind blowing off and around the cliffs is noticeably chillier now that the sun is gone and the night-cold of the desert seeps in. The Cosmo Candle in the distance is a welcome promise of heat and warm beds to sleep in.

They got into a few scrapes along the clifftops, but nothing that a few well-aimed bullets couldn't take care of. Not that they got any chance to, because Cloud was often among the monsters before any of them could draw a gun. And the young mercenary seemed to be having so much fun, cleaving his way through small, boxing penguin-like creatures and the occasional tiny golem left over from some bygone archaelogical expedition or, if you ask the more romantic sorts, an ancient civilization. After a few battles, the monsters learned to leave them alone and they reach Cosmo Canyon without incident, where they are greeted familiarly by the guard at the entrance.

"Ah, Nanaki's friends and saviors of the Planet!" the man says enthusiastically. He is dressed in what people from Earth would call "Indian garb," buckskin pants and an open shirt. A few feathers trail from his long, dark hair, and his skin is copper-colored from the desert sun. "Welcome, our gates are always open to you. Ah, who are your friends?"

"It's a long story," Cloud says. "But they're no danger to any of your people."

The man nods, trusting Cloud on his word. Cosmo Canyon is comprised of peace-loving people, but while they are friendly towards stranger, they have reason to also be wary of them. But if Cloud says that these strangers who dressed like Turks or ShinRa are friends, then they are friends. Not to mention that Cloud and Vincent are dressed in suits themselves, so there must be a reason for it. He steps aside with a grand gesture. "Welcome, then, to the Valley of the Fallen Stars!"
Subject: Lalalala...

Seifer Almasy
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Date Posted: 15:44:24 10/28/01 Sun

Seifer grabbed his weapon, meticulously checked the blade, peered inside of it...

It was okay. Phew.

The blond man was about to sheath Hyperion, before finding that there was no place to do so in this goddamn suit. It looked like he would be carrying his weapon all the way to Cosmo Canyon. It wouldn't bother him if he wasn't also in a place stranger than Washington D.C., with a bunch of people he didn't really care for, and that goddamn flirt of a cowboy.

He cursed his luck, but set off towards the Cosmo Candle with the rest of them.
  • You know... -- Harlen, 11:09:46 10/30/01 Tue
    • Uh... -- Kaie, 16:36:41 11/02/01 Fri
Subject: Not required....mind...hurts....

Gabriel Logan, Lian Xing, Teresa Lipan
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Date Posted: 10:09:20 10/30/01 Tue

Gabe glances at the rest of the group, then shrugs, defeated, and heads outside, followed by Teresa, who's still grinning like mad. Lian, meanwhile, lingers just slightly and also looks over the cliff. "...." she says, and goes a bit pale.
Teresa notices. "Hey Xing, don't go getting yourself sick again!"
Gabe turns back. "Christ, is she-"
"She shouldn't look over cliff edges, Gabe. Uh uh. Not healthy."
"I'm fine," Lian says hoarsely, then a bit louder, "I'm fine!"
"...Well, then let's go. Mr. Visagery seems to have left us behind."
"And good riddance, too-"
A completely shocked expression is on the younger woman's face. "What'd I say?"
Subject: No Subject

Irvine Kinneas
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Date Posted: 14:52:30 10/29/01 Mon

Irvine decides that if nobody moves soon, they won't end up moving at all. This in mind, he turns and gives the restaurant that had been his second home for the past few months a fond farewell, then steps out the door and walks briskly over to one of the cliffs where he kneels, and looks over.

"Quite the drop."
Subject: Tired. . .

Cloud Strife, Vincent Valentine, and Sev Visagery
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Date Posted: 19:08:02 10/24/01 Wed

Cloud grins widely, accepting the sword with all the grace and dignity of a court noble. He doesn't even take insult at the nickname, for once. "Couldn't be anyone else's. Thanks; I owe ya one." The mercenary slings the enormous weapon over his shoulder as easily as if it were made of cardboard. "And if I'm right, Cosmo Canyon isn't too far from here, and you'll be able to get a change of clothes there. They just won't be what you're used to."

The Death Penalty is most likely gone; Vincent hadn't brought it with him, a large rifle being too long and heavy to carry comfortably. But for some reason, he isn't worried. It will find its way back into his hands, he knows.

Sev lights a cigarette, inhaling deeply. Screw the no-smoking rules; he doubts they apply anymore. "Then if we're all done reuniting with our weapons, shall we get going?" He turns and pushes the doors open. A blast of cold air whips in, and Sev exits casually, pivoting to the left and heading for the brightly-burning Cosmo Candle in the near distance.
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