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Subject: Re: Our vacation — spankcation

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Date Posted: 22:48:42 07/25/23 Tue
In reply to: Cherie 's message, "Our vacation — spankcation" on 16:59:13 07/25/23 Tue

>We left last Sunday the 16th and drove back late on
>the 23rd from our week long family vacation at our
>timeshare on Lake Michigan. The weather was on and off
>some wonderful days and a couple rainy days, the rainy
>days were nice relaxing family time. We had a good
>time being there and yes a spanking good time as well
>and that is of course what I will post about.
>There were also a couple spankings while there at the
>beach house. I did need to spank my sister Jules 13
>year old son on Monday night the 17th. Jules and her
>husband were having some alone time down on the beach
>and my nephew decided to be a brat and not having been
>able to spank in a while I had a serious case of
>'spanking itch' lol. Now even though it is summer
>vacation the children still have a bedtime, the 4 boys
>all share a room, and the 3 girls have a room, when
>the younger teens were told it was bedtime my sister
>Jules son and my sister-in-law's daughter also 13
>started to ‘pitch a fit’ about having to go to bed
>even though they knew their bedtimes, it continued all
>the way to their bedrooms even though we gave them a
>spanking warning.
>I got up telling Shelly we need to spank and I
>wasn’t going to wait for Jules to get back, we
>grabbed our brushes and headed up to the bedrooms. The
>kids were up in their respective bedrooms still
>yelling to us about how unfair we are still being
>brats, when my nephew saw me he looked at me as if he
>saw a ghost, Shelly’s 14 year old son exited quickly
>heading to the bathroom, I think he wanted to get out
>and not be associated with his cousin, lol.
>Shelly went to the girls bedroom. I was in no hurry
>baring my nephew at a steady pace. After removing his
>shorts I took him over my lap, got him in position,
>then my methodical baring of the boy's backside as I
>lowered his tight red underpants his cheeks seem to
>pop out as I did revealing to me his white round
>bottom cheeks framed by tan lines. I have never
>deviated from pants and underpants being taken down
>just far enough to leave my boy bare from his waist to
>his knees.
>For me, the visual prominence lent to his upturned
>bare bottom over my lap by clothing above and below
>was invigorating, stimulating and only intensified my
>determination to spank - and to spank soundly! His
>glowing white rounded bottom was an absolute joy to
>see bare as I have not seen it bare for some time and
>to spank it with my hand then brush. Right from the
>start he was crying loudly, between my loud spanks and
>my nephew being so loud I could not hear Shelly
>spanking my niece at all. He was soon calling me mommy
>as he pleaded for me to stop and I hadn’t yet got to
>the brush portion.
>Shelly’s older daughter (19) was in the doorway
>watching me spank her cousin. She later told me I had
>a nice little smile as I spanked.
>My nephew just got louder during the hairbrush portion
>as my brush took it’s unfriendly tour of his
>helpless already red and very sore bottom, spanking
>each cheek back and forth I went, down through his sit
>spots, and right across the center of both cheeks over
>and over and picking a spot delivering 5 consecutive
>spanks then going back to making the tour. When I
>finally finished I was very satisfied knowing I had
>administered another successful spanking. He did quite
>the dance rubbing and squeezing his bright tomato red
>bottom, we then cuddled and he went to bed.
>I will end this with, I dare you to show me the
>teenage boy or girl who wouldn't benefit from being
>taken over their mother's or aunt’s lap with his
>underpants pulled down for a good, sound bare bottom
>Those were the only spankings needed this vacation, it
>was the lowest spanking count while there for two
>reasons the older three are 18, 19 and 20, and
>Shelly’s 14 year old son was spanked the night
>before we left and was well behaved while there.

Under what circumstances was Shelly’s 14 year old son spanked? A 14 year old boy thinks he is no longer a little kid and is now a real teenager. I can just imagine how he felt when he rejoined the rest of the family and realized that they must have heard his loud spanking and his reaction to it. Plus the smirks on their faces. Humiliating.

I speak from experience. Back in the …, well, a long time ago, I was a pencil thin 15 year old staying at my aunt and uncle’s Cape Cod cottage along with my older sister and my cousins. I was the youngest of high school and college age kids.

One evening I stayed out swimming with some other boys until after sunset. My aunt was livid. She told me I needed a good spanking. I was mortified. I told her I had not been spanked since I was 12. She said that in this house if you act up, age does not matter. She was a big woman and stronger than me. She grabbed my arm and dragged me into her bedroom. She picked me up like a sack of potatoes and put me across her lap. I tried to get up, but I couldn’t. When she pulled down my bathing suit, I yelled in protest. She then administered a long, painful spanking with her big hand. I thought it would never end. I had kicked off my bathing suit, and when it was over, I was crying like a baby. After I stopped crying and regained my composure, I realized that everybody in the house heard the whole thing. That was almost as bad as the spanking. When I went back into the room where my cousins were watching TV, I got no sympathy. Nobody said anything, but they all had that smirk on their faces telling me that deserved what I got. The next day everybody acted as if it never happened. That’s the way it was in those days. No hard feelings.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Our vacation — spankcationCherie07:36:39 07/27/23 Thu

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